Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    DouMc - have you made sure that your wrists are exactly in the right position for front squats???!? I find that front-squatting is sooooooooooo very particular for placement of hands, placement of bar on body-front, elbows WAY held high, etc. So particular. Make sure you have good form....seriously - make sure someone is watching you do it (that knows what they are doing) and can help you with form. My guess is this is a "form" issue.

    Be VERY careful with wrists!!!! If it was just forearm pain, I'd think you were just needing to strengthen forearms....but wrist pain?!?!? Totally different story!

    Thanks Beeps. I reread the description in the book and I think the problem is that I am not pushing my elbows out enough so the bar is resting entirely on my fingers and my shoulders aren't taking any of the weight. I will practice just holding the bar correctly and see if i can get the form right.

    I recomend "Starting Strength" an awesome resource when it comes to form issues.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps was there a white dress picture and I just missed it?

    I'm feeling chubby right now, some bad eating going on.....

    been busy staying cool, celebrating DD 11th birthday, family wedding, hosting family dinner (for 11yo birthday this next weekend), making modeling chocolate cats and mice for the cake....,

    Also interviewing for a couple of jobs..Whew!

    and working out here and there but now enough overall.

    I want to get better at posting picture here.....

    I am shopping for a HR, GPS watch that I can up load my activity to this sight here. I checked out Garmin but they won't let you post to the site here. I can't tell with fitbit if you can use a HR strap....


    I want to track distance as I am conditioning now for a backpacking trip in a couple of summers.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Yes, rocky503, you missed the picture of the white dress....it's somewhere in here....


    Can't help you with HR stuff (what is that???) or GPS stuff (I think I know what that is...)....but can say "HI!"

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Rocky, it seems most people here are fitbit. The app does seem to work with fitbit. It's a shame the site doesn't do Garmin. My hubby has one and it's awesome. We are apple to Google converts. All hail the Google overlords. Sounds like you are one busy lady.

    Beeps, inconsistent people are why I don't have a workout buddy. I also find it too distracting when I trying to get stuff done.I'm just a loner that way.

    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    I really needed some rest today. Yesterday was a Six FLags day and we had a blast! the weather was beyond perfect and my cousin was with us. Walked like crazy. Today I had summer school field day. Weather was no perfect. Real feel was 93 degrees and we were assigned to the city athletic fields where there is ZERO shade. We left an hour early when we ran out of water and most of the kids were just sitting from lack of energy to run. I think I may have had a little heat exhaustion. My t-shirt was absolutely soaked through, I drank five water bottles without needing a bathroom and slept for two hours when I got home.Bonus prize husband is getting home late and I will miss the gym. Darn, rest day for me.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky I have a polar f7- but I can't tell you much about it- I haven't done much exercise for a few weeks

    Sue glad you are getting your lift on.

    Must sleep
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey all, I'm sitting here EXHAUSTED by this mornings workout!

    Squats....new PB at 65kg (143lbs). Got 6 reps. My lower back was not 100% though so didn't go for more. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my back.... my core is on strong, but doesn't seem to support it enough. It's almost like I'm bending forward too much, as it's the getting up from the bottom of the lift where it becomes an issue. But I thought we were supposed to stick our butts backwards and keep our backs straight? I feel like I could stop it hurting if I was more upright but then I'd be off balance and go over backwards, lol.

    Anyway, so big squats followed by big pulldowns (still not up for pull ups at the gym lol). Then 2 rounds of 15 reps of single leg DLs, shoulder press, goblet lunges and cable rows. My butt was toast! Shoulders weren't far behind! Was all good though as managed to either increase weights or reps on all but my shoulder press.

    Now I have just been hungry ever since, LOL. Nothing is filling me up!!
  • mroe2
    mroe2 Posts: 9 Member
    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    Hey samantha14! Maybe I'm doing the workouts incorrectly? It takes me a good hour and 45 minutes to complete each workout. I try to rest 60 seconds between each set as well, though often I feel like I have to rush to get out the gym on time.

    I do the two sets of 15, two sets of 12, and then three sets of 10 and 8 reps for squats.
    Then I'll do the alternating 15 presses / pull downs twice, 12 alternating twice, and then 10 and 8 reps three times each.
    That takes me 45 min to an hour.

    Then the next day I perform two sets of 15, two sets of 12, three sets of 10, three sets of 8, lunges/crunches alternating exercises, resting about 60 seconds inbetween. That takes me another 45 min.

    If you consider that each 'exercise' is a total of 10 sets, and that you must rest 1 min between each set, and there are three 'exercise' sets, that is 30 minutes of resting time alone for the entire workout. How do you manage to do it in 45 min?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Today, I lift!

    Instead of walking (alone) last night, I decided to hop on my bike and just ride!!


    I don't think I have been on a bike, alone, and without kids, in, ohhhhhh, fourteen YEARS??!?!


    yes, my butt FROZE after only 40 minutes, but that is okay....it really was super-fun and the numbness cannot be helped (don't even try and advise....I have tried every single bike seat out there and right now, the cushioning on this seat is literally 4 inches....it's just some body response I have).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    Hey samantha14! Maybe I'm doing the workouts incorrectly? It takes me a good hour and 45 minutes to complete each workout. I try to rest 60 seconds between each set as well, though often I feel like I have to rush to get out the gym on time.

    I do the two sets of 15, two sets of 12, and then three sets of 10 and 8 reps for squats.
    Then I'll do the alternating 15 presses / pull downs twice, 12 alternating twice, and then 10 and 8 reps three times each.
    That takes me 45 min to an hour.

    Then the next day I perform two sets of 15, two sets of 12, three sets of 10, three sets of 8, lunges/crunches alternating exercises, resting about 60 seconds inbetween. That takes me another 45 min.

    If you consider that each 'exercise' is a total of 10 sets, and that you must rest 1 min between each set, and there are three 'exercise' sets, that is 30 minutes of resting time alone for the entire workout. How do you manage to do it in 45 min?

    I don't have my book in front of me, but you should only be doing 2-3 sets of EACH exercise. No wonder it's taking you so long! I know many ladies get confused on how the workouts should progress.
    So for your first A workout you do:
    2 sets of 15 squats with 60 secs of rest between
    1 set of 15 presses
    1 set of 15 pull downs
    Rest 60 secs
    1 set of 15 presses
    1 set of 15 pull downs
    Rest 60 secs

    The different rep ranges (8 & 12) are for different workouts. Since I don't have my book in front of me, I can't remember when you switch to different reps, but Stage 1 only has 2-3 sets per exercise. It should only take 30-40 mins.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    Hey samantha14! Maybe I'm doing the workouts incorrectly? It takes me a good hour and 45 minutes to complete each workout. I try to rest 60 seconds between each set as well, though often I feel like I have to rush to get out the gym on time.

    I do the two sets of 15, two sets of 12, and then three sets of 10 and 8 reps for squats.
    Then I'll do the alternating 15 presses / pull downs twice, 12 alternating twice, and then 10 and 8 reps three times each.
    That takes me 45 min to an hour.

    Then the next day I perform two sets of 15, two sets of 12, three sets of 10, three sets of 8, lunges/crunches alternating exercises, resting about 60 seconds inbetween. That takes me another 45 min.

    If you consider that each 'exercise' is a total of 10 sets, and that you must rest 1 min between each set, and there are three 'exercise' sets, that is 30 minutes of resting time alone for the entire workout. How do you manage to do it in 45 min?

    Hi Mroe, yep you're doing it wrong, thats why its taking so long.
    Your workout shoul look something like this:
    A: Squats : 2 sets at 15 reps 60 sec rest inbetween sets.
    Next your alternating sets:

    B1: Pushups at whatever angle you've choosen one set (15) the 60 sec rest
    B2: Then a set of the seated row ( 15) 60 sec rest then repeat.

    C1: Steps up do a set of 15 rest 60 sec
    C2: Prone jackknife do 8 the rest 60 then repeat

    You decrease your reps as you increase your weight. Don't do this in the same workout, it shou take a while. You do 2 workouts at each level for example.
    Monday: Stage 1 workout A workout#1 would be what I listed above
    Then rest Tuesday
    Wednesday Stage 1 workout B Workout # 2
    rest Thursday
    Friday Stage 1 workout A workout #3 (Same workout as Monday)
    the book says take weekends off so I don't lift but your schedule is up to you.
    Monday is workout B # 4
    So you wouldn't decrease your reps & increase your weight until the following Wednesay. Does that make sense? I hope I didn't make that too confusing.
  • mroe2
    mroe2 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all so much for clarifying it for me! I will have to reread the book when I get home.

    This will make the workout so much more manageable! I'm even more excited because I know that I can do those reps after having done super long workouts hahah.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    cowgirl, good going with your goals. I don't know how the heck you eat so much protein. I mean I know, I looked at your diary. But 10 oz of chicken? No way. I can barely eat 3 oz at a time.

    Hmmm. Are you meticulously weighing it raw? 3 oz is only one small tenderloin. Most breasts are at least 8 -10 oz. 10 oz of raw chicken is only about 5-6oz grilled.
    That being said, maybe I'm a glutton, lol.

    Sue, I am happy to see you back at it. It's so hard to stick to healthy habits during stressful busy times.

    Beeps that sounds very fun. I love the rare times that I can exercise without kids.

    I've had so many derailments this week already. I fully intend to get my exercise in even if my diet isn't perfect. .
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    This is one of the articles emailed to me by the nutritionist Alwyn recommends about the Paleo diet. I'm not Paleo, but I know some of you are and thought it was worth posting. I actually TLDR'd it myself.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    Hey samantha14! Maybe I'm doing the workouts incorrectly? It takes me a good hour and 45 minutes to complete each workout. I try to rest 60 seconds between each set as well, though often I feel like I have to rush to get out the gym on time.

    I do the two sets of 15, two sets of 12, and then three sets of 10 and 8 reps for squats.
    Then I'll do the alternating 15 presses / pull downs twice, 12 alternating twice, and then 10 and 8 reps three times each.
    That takes me 45 min to an hour.

    Then the next day I perform two sets of 15, two sets of 12, three sets of 10, three sets of 8, lunges/crunches alternating exercises, resting about 60 seconds inbetween. That takes me another 45 min.

    If you consider that each 'exercise' is a total of 10 sets, and that you must rest 1 min between each set, and there are three 'exercise' sets, that is 30 minutes of resting time alone for the entire workout. How do you manage to do it in 45 min?
    Which program are you doing? It sounds like you are doing a cross between hypertrophy and stage one but all in one day. Week one is 2 sets of 15, week 2 is two sets of 12, week 3 is three sets of 10 and Week 4 is 3 sets of 10. Not all in one day. It's a month worth of workouts.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Looks like an enforced rest week, but boy do I need it. Hubby working late thanks to a babysitter with a broken car and the rearrangement of work hours.
    Should have at least gone bowling today, but I feel like I'm still recovering from heat exhaustion from yesterday; cranky headachy tired.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, enjoy your rest. I think I read that article several months ago, but it is a great read and worth re-reading. I think it's very easy to get sucked into viewing certain "diets" as healthier or better. Really there are so many individual factors that determine which diet is best for each person.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey all, I'm sitting here EXHAUSTED by this mornings workout!

    Squats....new PB at 65kg (143lbs). Got 6 reps. My lower back was not 100% though so didn't go for more. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my back.... my core is on strong, but doesn't seem to support it enough. It's almost like I'm bending forward too much, as it's the getting up from the bottom of the lift where it becomes an issue. But I thought we were supposed to stick our butts backwards and keep our backs straight? I feel like I could stop it hurting if I was more upright but then I'd be off balance and go over backwards, lol.

    Anyway, so big squats followed by big pulldowns (still not up for pull ups at the gym lol). Then 2 rounds of 15 reps of single leg DLs, shoulder press, goblet lunges and cable rows. My butt was toast! Shoulders weren't far behind! Was all good though as managed to either increase weights or reps on all but my shoulder press.

    Now I have just been hungry ever since, LOL. Nothing is filling me up!!

    I was watching Mark Ripptoe Starting strength for squat critques: Are you squatting below 90 degrees? Sticking your chest out with with elbows back? He has the lifter hold thier breath pressing up which braces your spine, maybe try that? Try not squatting down too far.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Yes, rocky503, you missed the picture of the white dress....it's somewhere in here....


    Can't help you with HR stuff (what is that???) or GPS stuff (I think I know what that is...)....but can say "HI!"


    Not too chubby, I'm up 2 pounds from my recent low. HR is heart rate as in HR monitor. I have a HR monitor but the case broke so I am looking for a model that has GPS with a HR that will just up load my exercise to my diary. I don't really need a 24/7 thing so much so shopping around for replacement now.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky, it seems most people here are fitbit. The app does seem to work with fitbit. It's a shame the site doesn't do Garmin. My hubby has one and it's awesome. We are apple to Google converts. All hail the Google overlords. Sounds like you are one busy lady.

    Beeps, inconsistent people are why I don't have a workout buddy. I also find it too distracting when I trying to get stuff done.I'm just a loner that way.

    Mroe, may I ask why you are breaking up the workouts? Stage one especially is pretty short,about 40 min.

    I really needed some rest today. Yesterday was a Six FLags day and we had a blast! the weather was beyond perfect and my cousin was with us. Walked like crazy. Today I had summer school field day. Weather was no perfect. Real feel was 93 degrees and we were assigned to the city athletic fields where there is ZERO shade. We left an hour early when we ran out of water and most of the kids were just sitting from lack of energy to run. I think I may have had a little heat exhaustion. My t-shirt was absolutely soaked through, I drank five water bottles without needing a bathroom and slept for two hours when I got home.Bonus prize husband is getting home late and I will miss the gym. Darn, rest day for me.

    That sounds nutty hot. MY DD had sport camp during a hot week recently and instead of hitting a park on 93 degree afternoon as planned they took the kids to see the Lego Movie. Which everyone thought was fabulous.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hello New Rules Ladies!

    I am a newbie to the program. On the 3rd week of Stage 1. Reading the book has given me a new perspective on how I want to change my body and lifestyle! I love the mindset of becoming stronger instead of 'losing weight'. I want to gain muscle and confidence! And I already feel like it's working.

    Question... I find it impractical for me to complete an entire workout in one day, except for when I have time on the weekends. Currently I'm completing the first two set of exercises (e.g. squats, dumbbell shoulder presses, lat pull downs) on Tues, then the rest of the exercises for that workout (e.g. lunges, swiss ball crunches) on Wednesday. Then one day of rest, and the same breakdown for the Workout A for two subsequent days, one day of rest, and then a full Workout B.

    Does anyone break up the workouts like this and still have positive results?

    I don't break up the work outs, I can finish, including RAMP, in about hour. I do my stretching and rolling later in the evening. If time is short maybe do all exercises by less sets? 2 sets of each instead of 3....