Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Bb it was the video with the risers. And I looked at it again in the gym. I am not sure if I am doing it right.
    Maybe you or beeps can help. I think I lose the posterior pelvic tilt at the top and I extend my back. That's wrong but it is hard to start it posterior tilt because my hips are an inch below the bar at the start. I might try a little higher bench and I am definitely getting better padding. I think I will like it once I have it figured out.

    I had a good workout overall. I will probably stick with this BTiv for another 2 weeks

    Sam the surf is pretty tiring
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    A 500 cal cupcake? Heck, what was on/ in that? Sounds awesome, lol.

    I did combat today - not scheduled but decided tomorrow would be a better 'rest' day as have so much else to do. Got my implanon out today too - managed to open the wound at combat, lol.

    I also managed to DL my PB of 65kg (143 lbs) earlier this week. Felt good.

    Feeling stressed with uni/ job applications..... hitting the wine tonight. It's ok, I have worked it into my daily cals. Need to chill. Have another stressful week ahead with assessments, my eldest son's bday, decorating and applications. Roll on November!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, the amount of butter and cream and chocolate in them was deadly. Way to go on the DLs. That's awesome! Hopefully the wine helped your stress!

    Pmag, I don't go into posterior tilt until the top. He says you hit your glutes one of two ways- simply keep your back straight and go all the way up to full ROM or go into posterior tilt at the top of the motion. I find it hits my glutes better to do the tilt. I tend to over arch my back if I try to go all the way up.

    He also has a great video on squatting and why people must do it different because of hip anatomy. It put my mind at ease about my depth problems.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    Samntha - maybe all that fresh air is good for your soul??!?!?!? I am about to head out on vacation and I want MORE rest than what I read about what you are up to, lol.

    Pmagnan - my deadlift form got WAY better when I STOPPed focusing on "back" and STARTed focusing on HIPS. So, when I bend OVER to pick up the BB, make sure you are pushing those hips WAY back - THAT is what flattens out your back. Make sure you are SERIOUSLY stabilizing your "core"....you KNOW what that feels like?!??! It is not "suck your tummy in", it is "brace your core". That 'brace your core' must remain, THROUGHOUT the lift up. At the top, I SQUEEZE my glutes until they nearly CRAMP. And then, I go back down to the "start" position.

    I only do American deadlifts, now - meaning, the barbell "down" position is about halfway between my knee and the fattest part of my calf.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    BBCowgirl, I am OVER the "depth" issue, too.....I have crappy body proportions for certain lifts. The end. Bret C. has totally changed my world because what works MY glutes, isn't what works SOMEONE ELSE's glutes. It just is.

    i want GLUTE development more than anything else....except, likely a STRONG BACK. Those 2 things matter MOST, to me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    Today is my oldest son's birthday....so, it's going to be a BUSY weekend!

    My brother and his family (wife + kids age 4.5 and 2.5) arrive tonight....they will help dismantle the fort and then they will haul all the wood away, in their trailer, to build something fabulous at their cabin. We get them for one night.

    Tomorrow, we are celebrating sonshine's birthday....we are doing steak and crab, so I'm off to buy crab sometime today. Sorry that my brother + family couldn't stay, but my s-i-l has to be at HER father's bday tomorrow. I get it.

    Then, Sunday, we pack up and leave for a one-week mountain vacation.


    But, for today, I lift! Oh, and I have MADE it through my 3 days of ultra-low cals....and I will weigh in today. I don't think I will do scheduled cardio tomorrow because I only have the one day to visit with my brother + family.

    Doesn't matter....I'll get lots of cardio when I am walking in the mountains next week!

  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Everyone,I don't know where I've been this week. It was supposed to be my week off, but I was doing Jillian Michaels killer buns & thighs. I did 3 workouts when it occured to me that this not taking a week off to let my body heal. There is also a part in the workout where she has us do deadlifts, a few months ago I couldn't figure out why I had such a hard time with these. I felt nothing & felt stupid doing them even asked BF to help to make sure I had the right form. Now I realize after doing New rules I had a hard time because who does DL with 3lb pink hand weights, they are pointless, as soon as I started this workout & had some weight on the bar I could feel what the exercise does & that I'm doing it right.
    I've also felt off this week, not sure if I have a virus or what but I feel sick after I eat or drink & my joints started aching yesterday, my knees are so sore today I actually took the elevator to go up 1 floor at work which I just don't do if I'm not pushing a cart. I'm taking today slow and hoping I feel better real soon, I'm suppose to have date night tomorrow :love:

    Happy birthday to all the birthday kiddos

    Runz, I know exactly what you mean with the photoshopping & the skinny models & the complete frustration of that whole part of my body. I feel like I'm always telling myself to accept me the way I am and at least I have nice boobs :laugh: :laugh:

    It also kills me that I have my little sister living with me and she is skinny, like ED skinny and she does NOTHING, she doesn't even leave the house for a job. (She watches my 3 yr for me & I let her & her son live with my family) All she ever eats is frozen processed food & junk food. She spends all her time on the couch or in her bed watching tv & on her lap top. We have the same genes how she can live like that & be naturally skinny & I've got the fat *kitten* is beyond me & hse loves to do the little sister side comments.:sad: :explode: But she has the figure of a 12 yr old boy & I will continue to be happy I have boobs :laugh:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend, keep lifting ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    I am FUMING mad at my gym right now!


    I mean, i have been a YMCA member, in this city and previouscity, for 25+ years, now. I practice AWESOME gym etiquette 100% of the time. And, I am in the weightlifting area M/W/F, for 3 years now, like clockwork....

    Today, I am in my favourite spot, and it is kinda crowded for a Friday. 2 older ladies come and plunk down on one side of me....they squish me in, and they don't even say anything. Not "do you mind moving over 1.5 feet so we can have this space here?" They just start working out with their barbiedoll weights. Fine....I think I have seen them once before? twice? I don't care and I carry on.

    Then, some meathead plunks his DB's SQUARELY on the other side of me, where there is NO room. And he is an angry young man. And he WANTS me to know that he does NOT like where my stuff is set up. NEVER seen this dude before....

    I carry on.

    And then, some pony-tailed chick, with a YMCA shirt on, also joins the area. I presume she is "training" the 2 older women. But, I'm wrong. She wants MY attention?!?!? I take off my headphones....

    Her: "This area is for weights".
    (She says this as I am about to get under the 155 lb barbell set up to do my 4th set of weighted hip thrusts....)
    Me: "Yes?"
    Her: "And it's supposed to be a 30-minute limit."
    Me: (I say nothing, roll my eyes and ignore that INSANE comment....)
    Her: "And, some people want to work out here."
    Me: "Well, I am working out here. I am doing weights, as you can see by the barbell at my feet. And, other people ARE working out here, as you can see by the 2 ladies on that side of me and that guy right there."

    So, guy starts mouthing off, in a VERY LOUD voice, that "circuit training isn't done here....it's done over there....go over there...."

    I put my ear phones back on and ignore LOUD guy and YMCA-staff and just get under the barbell and keep working out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    So, that dude and that YMCA-staffer have brought the gym-room to a stand-still....eyes are on me and people are dissipating.


    I mean, REALLY?!?!?! Some DUDE who NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN goes and TELLS ON ME that I am in this "free space" for more than 30 minutes?? Doing "circuits"????


    I don't see the dude again....and the older women move to the other side of the gym.

    Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!! I have my "free" area all to myself, again. I spread out a little bit more. I carry on.

    10 minutes later, ANOTHER YMCA-staff member....again, a dude I don't think I've seen before....comes over and is headed straight for me. I pull off my headphones.

    He introduces himself (so, already a better start than ponytail YMCA-staffer) and I say, "you better be coming here to ask me what happened???"

    He say, "well, no, I am just here to ask you to share this spot."
    (there is NOBODY around....)
    Me: "I do 'share' this spot. Not 10 minutes ago those 2 ladies were right here beside me and there was a dude on the other side of me." I point out the 2 ladies at the other side of the gym - "go ask them, they were right beside me 10 minutes ago!"
    Him: "Well, are you moving around the gym?"
    Me: "No."
    Him: "What equipment are you using?"
    I point out the barbell (loaded up) and 1 pair of 20-lb DB's.
    Him: "Is that all the equipment you are using?"
    Me: "No, I am using this weight bench right here - I lean against it to do my weighted hip thrusts."
    Him: "Oh.....and that's it??? You aren't using any other equipment???"

    I AM CLEARLY ANNOYED by this conversation....really?!??! I mean REALLY"!"!" I have one f*cking hour to work-out and I have to explain what I am doing when any OTHER person in the YMCA, who has been there longer than 5 seconds, has WATCHED me, for 3 solid years, do the SAME f*cking weights day after day.

    Me: "Well, sure I am. If I don't need the 20 DB',s I walk them back to the other side of the gym and I might pick up a 60 DB...."
    Him: "Oh. Okay. "

    And he turns and walks away.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    ....5 minutes pass and original MEATHEAD DUDE shows up.

    RIGHT BESIDE ME (where the 2 ladies used to be).

    He noisily and angrily moves a seated upright bench into THAT (small) spot.

    I think "*kitten* you, you f*cking immature *kitten* who has to run to a manager...."

    But, I walk over to him, take off my headphones, and look him in the eye and say, "buddy, what is your problem with me?? Really, I have one more set...."

    And he SHEEPISHLY looks at me and says, "man, oh man, it's okay...sometimes I am so aggressive and I can be such an *kitten*...."

    And I interrupt and say, "well, you were certainly an *kitten* today...."

    And then I follow that up with: "you could have just talked to me. I am not in kindergarten. I am here to stay, you are obviously here to stay, so it's okay to just talk to me."

    And he smiles and holds out his hand and introduces himself and I introduce myself and that was that.

    I am 100% sure I will never see meathead DOOFUS ever again in that gym....but, WHY THE *kitten* did some YMCA staffer, when doofus went over and TOLD staffer some line of b.s.....WHY didn't the YMCA staffer just say to meathead: "did you ask her to move over?" or whatever.

    WHO THE *kitten* comes over and starts saying, "ummmmm, this section is only for weights."
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    Anyway, I went and got changed and there is a comment card box in my membership-plus section and I filled it out!!

    I asked for a call from the YMCA....and, I hope I remember all of this when it comes. (I can see YMCA calling in 2 weeks and saying, "you wanted to talk about an incident on August 8?" and me saying, "was there an incident?!?!?" because I don't hold grudges and I have a terrible memory!)

    I am actually writing this down HERE so that I can flip back and remember what the "gym incident" was.

    Now, I would REALLY like to give the YMCA a piece of my mind....especially about "you might want your YMCA staffers to take Management 101 training because their communication skills SUCK *kitten*."...but, instead, I think I am just going to say this:

    "As a VERY long-time contributor to the YMCA, in the thousands of dollars, who practices PERFECT gym etiquette 100% of the time, how do you think it MADE ME FEEL to have a YMCA staffer call-me-out, during a busy lunch-hour, with cray-cray information that she got from some one-time-attendee meathead?!??!?!?!?"

    I am also VERY tempted to make sure, everytime I see ponytail YMCA-staffer, from now on, to do the V-fingers at my eyes and then at her eyes....I mean, REALLY?!??! She might be 19. I am sure she will be employed at the YMCA for exactly 18 weeks...and then she will move onto something else.

    So, I will outlast her at the Y. I will outlast the manager-dude who had to THEN FOLLOW-UP to see if I was "really and truly" weightlifting in the free space....



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,954 Member
    Also, as my husband alerted me, when asked to "move elsewhere to do circuits", I shall answer, "I am doing super-sets".

    Super-sets, for those that don't know (like me - D-O-H), is GUYspeak for "circuits".

    If you say 'circuits', some weinerhead thinks you should be at the machines....if you say "super-sets", then, TA-DAAAAA, you can stay on the free-weight side of the gym.

    f*cking unreal.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh beeps! What a horrid experience! Talk about ruining the workout :frown:

    Circuits?! What crap. Super sets is a much cooler term lol

    Good on you for sticking to your guns. 30 min limit? What kind of establishment is this? Who can achieve a good lifting session in 30 mins?! Bizarre.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh beeps! What a horrid experience! Talk about ruining the workout :frown:

    Circuits?! What crap. Super sets is a much cooler term lol

    Good on you for sticking to your guns. 30 min limit? What kind of establishment is this? Who can achieve a good lifting session in 30 mins?! Bizarre.
    ^what Jo said!! That was totally uncalled for. She was probably trying to impress meathead with her "authoritay".
    There was a photo floating around the interweb that showed Planet "no weight-lifting allowed" fitness doesn't allow super sets. I actually had an older gentleman stop me one day and "I see you super-setting. You must be serious. Go you!" And what is with the time limit? The only thing that has a time limit in my gym are the cardio machines? Weights are every man for him/herself. My kingdom for a pair of 20s sometimes.

    On another note: I started my day at the chiropractor hoping he could help me knock out the last of the congestion followed by some mini-golf with the kiddos. Still so freaking tired. I think may follow-up with my GP when I finish my meds.

    BB a 500 cal cupcake is insane. I make crappy Betty Crocker ones for like 150 icing free. (can't eat just one though) I bet yours tasted far better, but geeze.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam you sound tired- maybe take a rest day?? Your activity with your kiddos is great but it is almost another workout.

    Beeps I haven't done dls for a while but when I do I'll do some planks first to activate my core. Your latest gym experience was terrible.

    Bb thanks - I will try again with the posterior tilt at the top.

    Anyway I am trying to do more hiit instead of liss on my nonlifting days. I have been getting in some yoga and walking but want try something new in my schedule.

    Hope everyone has a goo weekend.
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    So I got my first official lifting injury today. And no it wasn't the usual pull a muscle or drop something on your foot. I was trying to move the pegs to a lower spot for my squats. Somehow i gave myself the worst blood blister ever and cut my finger. I started gushing blood everywhere! Got blood all over the barbell and the peg. Of course somebody that works there saw what happened and rushed over acting like I was dieing or something which caused everybody in the gym to stare at me! Ugh how embarrassing! All I needed was a bandaid and to clean up my mess, not assistance or everybody's eyes on me!

    And then I still had to do my whole lifting routine after that. Difficult to do with a very sore throbbing finger. I did mange tho!

    Also started the 3 sets of 10 today... it kicked my A**!! That is all...
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    :noway: Beeps, I'd be calling them. I am of the belief that we have to advocate for ourselves, especially women in the gym! Good for you for standing your ground. Apparently the dude didn't know what supersets are either, if he called your work "circuits"!!

    My shoulder isn't improving much, but I spoke with the therapist about continuing upper body lifting. She's encouraged me to do so, she said nothing above my shoulders, and lighter weights - strong focus on form, so I'm going for it! Today's session was with a therapist from another location. He process is very different from the other 2 I generally work with. Not bad, more deep tissue massage, more movement to free space in my joints and to give better range of motion.

    I get Brad Pilon's email messages. Interesting article on his blog today - Beeps it talks about the Venus Index "rule of sevens" calculator for lean body mass, then presented his equations and discussed it all. It's interesting, I've never had my BF% done by DEXA, so I don't know how close it is, but according to the equation, my LBM is between 81 and 99 pounds. That doesn't make me very happy really. I should do a DEXA I guess because at this calculation, my BF% is about 45% - if I'm doing the calcuations correctly. Math isn't my strong suit but I divided LB# by current weight which gave me my percent of LB weight. 55% so BF= 45%. Does that sound right? Here's the article http://bradpilon.com/weight-loss/womens-body-ideal-measurements/

    I'm off to finish cleaning and getting the house ready for company. Hope you all have a great weekend and Beeps, enjoy your vacation!!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Beeps, that's just nuts. Supersets, circuits, whatever you want to call them....why aren't they allowed? That's just insane. I can't believe you were treated like that.

    I've made it through the first three workouts in stage 7 and the third was much better than the first two! I was able to increase reps/weights and am not so sore today that I can barely sit down ;)

    Today is an off day, which I am kind of regretting after last night's Greek food extravaganza and this morning's brunch out with hubby but oh well! :) Some cardio tomorrow.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    "Super-sets" is going into my general vocabulary as of right now lol

    4 workouts into Stage 6. Not too bad. 6A kicks my butt, 6B is a bit 'meh', but I need to up the weights, so talk to me after I do that :wink: I had to swap out the crunches for my more tummy friendly physio exercises, but that's fine :smile:

    Last week I was 3/3... and I did 3x weights + 3x cardio sessions. I'm also now this week adding a quick HIIT onto the end of each lifting workout. I'm eating well, and lots, but being careful to get plenty of protein and drink lots of water. Things are slowly starting to shift around. Slow and steady, so its all good.

    I'll be back later, just wanted to check in :smile: Have to get the kids up and ready for school. It's their school musical tonight and tomorrow night followed by a public holiday on Wednesday. Busy busy busy... I'd like life to slow down just a tad.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Checking in with my report on the past week. My plan was:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 2 days of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1600 cals on non-lifting days, 1800 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-17%.
    4. 26% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.
    9. 3 days of no junk food (chips, cake, sweets, ice cream, cookies)
    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. 25% but I'm ok with that.
    5. Check
    6. Check
    7. 6 out of 7
    8. 6 out of 7
    9. Check

    So, great week. Stuck to the plan. Saw a loss of 1.6 lbs! Also, finished Basic Training in Supercharged. On to Hypertrophy! Actually I'm taking a week break from exercise and will start Hyp I next week.

    My plan this week and next is to take a diet break and eat at what I THINK is maintenance. I won't be striving for any particular amount of macronutrients and will probably eat a lot of carbs. (I started already)

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.