2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA! Lots going on right now!!! I had to back log a bit for the Star challenge, I didn't have service (or a phone charger) camping this weekend! I believe I got a gold though!! Maybe a silver? I forget... Let's say silver to be safe!

    Everyone should watch tv tonight... my sister's episode of Wheel of Fortune will be on tonight!!! Woohoo!!! For those of you who end up watching it, her name is Kristen and she stands all the way to the right (furthest from Pat Sayjack)

    I wish I could catch up with everyone now, but I have to run! I will say, welcome to all the new people!! And I miss you all! Have a great Monday!!
  • Good Morning Ladies... Just doing a quick check in to say hello and offer any help/advice to anyone in need... Sticking well to my 2 week goals so far (fingers crossed). The weight is melting off and I'm proud to say I'm making forward progress by monitoring my food intake more carefully and significantly cutting out alcohol.. How was everyone's weekend?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Hey all. I am going pretty good. We had a nice relaxing yet busy weekend. I ended up leaving early Friday as my daughter had a fever, so we didn't get that nice long walk in. We did do a shorter walk. Saturday we also did the usual walking: coffee shop and farmers market, and also walked to and around a festival. Sunday was more walking to jazz in the park and I did 30 minutes of yoga. So I was active for sure! My eating was okay. Not enough protein or vegetables, but what else is new?

    Quick check in with those responses I see:

    Shander, I will totally look for you sister! We usually have WOF on in the background. Fun! Oh, and spekaing of TV....who has time for 8 hours?! I feel guilty for watching an average of maybe 1.5-2 hours most weeknights. I feel a little better now. :blushing:

    Fluffy, "eat like a normal person".....love it!

    Shanber, so glad you got your running mojo back and are feeling good and pain free.

    Beeps, glad you had a nice trip. Sounds like you stayed nice and active which is a good balance for extra food.

    That's all I see on this page. But a little I remember reading about workouts. First off, I am not a fan of videos. I know a lot of people love them, but I seem to dread them for some reason. I think they're a great way to work out, I just don't like them. I have not done that many recently. I did 30 day shred for 30 days straight, only missing one day. I came to dread it. I did 6 week 6 pack about 3x a week for 6 weeks. I got great results and may consider doing it again, but still didn't ever look forward to it. I have yoga DVDs I don't mind, but don't have any I LOVE. I guess I prefer to do my own thing. :smile:

    Kelly, for a quick effective workout, I would recomend some interval training. I think I have shared a sample workout a trainer friend in real life of mine gave me to do. It is killer and you can get it done quickly. I have a HIIT app (free) on my phone that you can program for rest and work cycles. I haven't done it in a long time, but I think I would do 30 seconds work and 30 second rest. You can do however many rounds you want, but I would shoot for 5 rounds for a 25 minute workout:
    1. Jump squats
    2. Push ups
    3. Alternating power lunges
    4. Burpees
    5. Mountain climbers
    Go all out for 30 seconds because then you get to rest. Your hear rate will rise and fall (hence the interval training), but will consistently rise throughout the sets. You will be sore. I would burn around 220-250 calories in 25 minutes, so a good burn too. Good luck!

    I have a gym bag packed for a lunch workout. Not sure if I'm running outsdie (no stroller yay!) or lifting. Weather is supposed to top out in high 70s low 80s this week. Love it! Have a great day!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got a platinum star! I sure didn't expect and wonder if I am forgetting to log something but I guess the Monday and Tuesday which were low and no-drinking, plus the run I got in Sat and Sun helped.

    Monday: Check in- I am doing pretty good, weekend was fun. I went to Happy Hour Friday and then to a comedy show, left my car downtown and jogged back to it Saturday, it was just over 3 miles. Sunday I went for a run and had a smoothie and then we went to the bro-in-laws for Broncos and he smoked some chicken.
    I overdid it a little bit this weekend but not too awful.
    Last night I started a new show, The Killing, it's pretty intriguing and I might have to binge watch to see how it ends because the suspense is killing me:blushing:

    Shander7, I will look for your sister,were you in the studio audience? Maybe we will see you too?

    My week is quiet, I have no evening plans at all... Riot Fest this weekend. Any strategies for these all-day concert/festivals? Eating/drinking?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
    Congrats, Amy, on the platinum star!

    Better - i am not a dvd-workout person, either....somewhere i think i have a yoga dvd....

    shander - i didn't watch, so fill me in on how your sister did, please!

    Hi everybody else.

    My weight popped back up....thanks a lot san diego....so, for sure i will be at LEAST five pounds too many for the wedding event this weekend.


    Anyway, still have 2014 work to do. Blech.

    I will lift everyday mon-thurs this week. Maybe a short walk on friday before we hop on a plane to get to nephew's wedding.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Riot Fest this weekend. Any strategies for these all-day concert/festivals? Eating/drinking?

    Hmmm.....I wish I could help. It seems every year at Bonnaroo, I get more debaucherous..... :blushing: I'd say stick to low alcohol beer. We snuck vodka in last year and I made some very stiff vodka lemonades too early in the day. And hydrate. I always do okay with this. Not that it curbs the booze much. Most festivals I've been to lately have hydration stations where you can fill up your own bottles. And dance to burn some cals! Have fun!! :drinker:
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 923 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    It is Monday and I am not feeling the office job LOL. I learned last night I can never be an alcoholic! I had 3 glasses of wine and I feel horrible. I had a sour stomach all night and woke up this morning feeling toxic and my kidneys hurt. The weekend was a semi bust. Saturday was my long run and so I ate a bit more than usual on that day and Sunday was going OK until we got busy in the evening and ended up ordering Chinese and drinking wine as we worked LOL. I need to find a new water belt too for my runs I think...after the run I was spotting b/c it sits right over my IUD and I think the bouncing irritated it.

    For the star challenge:
    Goal 12,000...actual 12,976....exercise 2,220

    Not too bad I guess...at least it is in the right direction, just slow.

    This week It will be the standard goals I think. I am flying out Sat night again for VA...I really hate those long flights (16 hrs). I will at least get all my runs in including Saturday....just will have to be careful while traveling. I have the red-eye so hopefully that will make me cranky enough not to eat..

    I am going for epic on smoothies this week b/c I have to clean out the fridge!

    Smoothies 5x (gasp!)
    Salad 2X
    Long run 3X
    Sprints 2X
    Pushups 3X
    Strength 1X

    Calories 12,000
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Thanks, Ashley. I will try that.

    I haven't logged since Friday, oops! I did fine this weekend, but I am to lazy to log. I saw a tiny loss this week, which I'll take because I did not put in a lot of effort last week.

    Chel- I use to drink...daily...but stopped after baby 2 for no reason. Now 1-2 drink 1-2 nights is all I can handle. Every once in awhile my Hubby and I will go out and I am USELESS the next day.

    Amy- Great job on your platinum.

    Here's to a NEW week!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi All - very busy Monday!
    Monday: Check in - I had a great weekend! Success was getting the long run in on Sunday and feeling great (but exhausted yesterday). I made it to the gym on Saturday too and got in 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of lifting but not really what I wanted to do as I was time constrained.
    My only real challenge was my macros were way off on Friday and Saturday but much better on Sunday.

    Amy - congrats on the Platinum! Looks like you did really well over the weekend :smile: The last festival I went to we ate nothing and only drank water (you could bring an empty water bottle and fill it for free). The lines were so lung for the food trucks it wasn't worth it and you would miss the bands and they weren't close where you could hear them. We ended up leaving and getting something to eat instead.
    Shander - I will watch for your sister tonight!
    Beeps - I am pretty sure that bit of extra weight will come off quickly this week with normal eating and workouts!
    Ashley - that workout looks to be killer but I may just have to try it to see if I can get through it once :laugh:
    Chel - I have never drank much but I do like to have a glass or two of wine... I have been cutting back though and limiting it to the weekends now as it was becoming too much of a habit and it can be expensive! Also I have a pack I like from iFitness(Fitletic). I like that it doesn't bounce much at all and they have lots of different configurations. I use it primarily for long runs and races.

    Will post Star results this evening!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Star Challenge results - Great job everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
    Thanks for the star chart, shanaber....i can improve my performance, for sure.

    For the next weeks, I am challenging myself (again!) to cease all ingestion of food after supper. That, alone, likely cuts 300-500 cals, per day, and I want to exercise my willpower to just DO that!

    I am at the gym!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies - quick check-in to say hi! I have a ton of work to catch up on and a Dr. Appt in an hour, but I'll be back later to check-in with everyone. Shanaber, California was too damn hot! :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    This week It will be the standard goals I think. I am flying out Sat night again for VA...I really hate those long flights (16 hrs). I will at least get all my runs in including Saturday....just will have to be careful while traveling. I have the red-eye so hopefully that will make me cranky enough not to eat..

    That is a long flight! We are going to New Zealand in February and it is almost 18 hours from LAX. I am trying to plan out how to spend that time and hoping I can sleep for a good part of it but I am not hopeful after reading some reviews of the airline we're flying-Air Tahiti Nui...

    Last night I made a vietnamese beef with green beans and some brown rice, it was pretty low-cal, had some popcorn while watching The Killing.

    Thanks for the tips, Ashley, I think I will avoid any hard alcohol-I might even mix my light beer with lemonade. And Shanaber, I hadn't considered their might be long lines for food. The venue is at the football stadium that is just one mile from my house, but not really close to any food except Denny's and KFC:sick: Friday I will work and eat dinner before going to the show. Saturday I can probably wait til after lunch, but Sunday is the day where they have all the bands I want to see-noon-midnight or something crazy. And I have jury duty Monday!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 923 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I am off the next two days from work and so that is awesome...just need to make it through today :)

    Amy: That is a long flight, I do have 1 layover so I get some break. I can't sleep on planes...or in cars...or anything that moves so I am always a zombie. Add in a red-eye and a 6 hr time change and yup...I hate it. I always have to pee too so I get the aisle seat which while I am free to move, not very comfy.

    Shanaber: We don't drink a lot of wine but hubby likes red and I like white so it is up to us to make sure it doesn't go to waste when we open a bottle.

    So yesterday was an ok day. Calories were WAY too low...around the 800 Net area. I was busy at work all day and still felt ick from the wine but made it out running anyway (4x .5 mile hill repeats/ 40 min tempo) and felt great. I got home and all of a sudden I was hit with a case of nausea that was brutal...I could do was lie on the floor and sip a coke hoping the carbonation would feel better. No dice. I had to alternate between lying on the floor and trying to shower and get ready for bed. I found some nausea pills from awhile back (bad I know) and took one. Hubby served me half a quesadilla in bed to see if that would settle things. The queasiness went away but my stomach felt very tender. I am wondering if that wine I drank was bad....it had been in the fridge about 10 days. I slept ok. No bites this morning from whatever bloodsucker is lurking in my house...I think I am at 3 days which seems to be its feeding cycle...hopefully no bites tonight!

    I woke up starving this morning and feeling better. I am having quinoa hot cereal and breakfast is a bit over calories but I will balance it out over the rest of the day. Not sure what is for lunch...either steak plate (I love those after a run day) or a smoothie/salad :) Dinner is on me as I will be the first home tonight. I also have body sculpt...must do push-ups!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok! Back again.

    Boy oh boy am I glad to be home. Southern CA is going through a major heatwave which made the majority of the trip semi miserable. I did manage to get some good beach time in on Friday... there are so many cute adorable pregnant ladies down there rocking two pieces, it made me a little jealous and also wishing I had brought mine! Saturday through Sunday were just too hot. We were in San Diego both days... and actually stayed inside a majority of Saturday watching football with AC. Sunday we went to the Seahawks/Chargers game and I literally almost melted. The announcers said it was almost 115 on the field. Their stadium is so awful and barely any of it had shade. We ended up leaving at half time... I felt bad, but just couldn't handle it. I'm so glad to be back in Seattle where it's back to the mid-70's today. PHEW. Shanaber, hope you are staying cool down there today! I hope you ladies all had a good weekend!

    Good job on the star challenge all!

    Go Beeps go! Eating after dinner has been my downfall too.

    Shanaber - Yay for the running! So glad you are able to get back into it.

    Better- Good for you for being so active!

    Chel - that flight sounds like absolute hell. Good luck. Sorry to hear about the upset tum.

    Amy - That dinner sounds amazing!

    That's all I can see/remember for now.

    Tuesday goals: I'm hoping to get in 4-5 workouts this week. I managed to get 40 minutes of swimming yesterday in at the hotel, I am headed to yoga tonight, Wed or Thurs (or both) I'll head to the gym for some cardio/light weights and then I'll try and swim again on Friday. I'm also going to walk with a bunch of other preggo's on Sunday so this week should be pretty good on the activity front. I also want to try and just be better with eating. I feel better when I eat better!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sorry its been so long! This weekend was crazy with the BIL's wedding, I didn't even finish logging the week. I probably would have had a silver or gold bc I really didn't eat too bad. Way to many drinks on Saturday though made for a very lazy Sunday. Yesterday I took off work and we pretty much cleaned all day.

    I did PiYo this morning. I was going to go to spin tonight, but it is so beautiful here today that I think I might go for a run or walk. I'm not sure how many of these days we have left, so I don't want to waste it!

    I went over cals yesterday, we were having a mini celebration for our 3 year anniversary which is tomorrow, but Mike is working late.

    Plan for this week:

    2-3 PiYo workouts
    1-2 treadmill runs
    5K race with the BFF Saturday morning (its her first race ever)

    Make up for my high calorie day yesterday by fasting until noon Tues-Friday. Mike is going to Florida for a wedding Friday-Monday. So I should be able to keep myself in check with eating. Friday will be low key because I have to get up early for the race. Saturday night I am just having some girlfriends over to catch up. I am just going to make some healthy apps and have wine. Sunday the only plan is to take Jackson to the high school for the County Fair baby contest next week :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
    Amy - what brings you to New Z in February?!?!? One of my very good gf's moved there about 1 year ago and LOVES it!

    chelneal - I need a LOW calorie day....however, I am suffering from headaches, right now, when I am not eating - which is ULTRA-weird for me....but, it keeps me ingesting calories - most of which I DON'T WANT.

    ramalem!! omg, I thought San Diego was PERFECT HEAT!! Perfectly AWESOME! No, I wasn't pregnant, but man-oh-man, their climate is just SUBLIME as far as I am concerned!

    Chloe - happy 3 anniversary....fun times!

    Got in a group strength class today - which was ULTRA challenging for me, lol! There I am, all big and blustery with the weights....but, this instructor, whom I ADORE, was MEGA-reps and so...yep, I had to drop the weight for half the class, lol. My muscles are built for POWER, not ENDURANCE, and it REALLY showed today! I think I will keep this nasty class in my repertoire for awhile. M/W/F will be Venus, but the in-between Tu/Th, it feels GOOD to try some other weight-oriented stuff.

    My butt, right now, is SOOOOOOOOOOO SORE, it isn't even funny. BOOM!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps - the heat on the beach was totally fine, it was sitting in a hot *kitten* stadium (98 degrees) in direct sun that made for a trying time :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Morning ladies - quick check-in to say hi! I have a ton of work to catch up on and a Dr. Appt in an hour, but I'll be back later to check-in with everyone. Shanaber, California was too damn hot! :laugh:

    Ramalem - it is still hot!! I got up at 5:30 this morning to run before it got too hot and by 8:30 it was almost 90! It hit 103 this afternoon and is still sitting right there! The only good news is that the pacific hurricane is pushing some moisture our way so we may get some rain which would be awesome. As long as there is no lightening that could set off more fires!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Was under calories yesterday, but am not proud of what I ate. I finished up the Chinese from the weekend. I was just too lazy to cook last night. And I did not go for a walk either, I don't know what my problem was yesterday, I was just so exhausted. I did get in a couple miles on the treadmill this morning though.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I left work early yesterday, just feeling light-headed/dizzy, it's weird. Not like the vertigo last month, I wish I knew if it was allergies, or low blood pressure or inner ear or what. So no work out. I did pick up a brined turkey breast and roasted it with some roots from my garden (beets and carrots) it was pretty good. I made a stuffing too.

    chel, why is old nausea medicine bad? Like it expired? I don't even know what they have for nausea but sometimes I wish I had some, like motion sickness, ew.

    Beeps, we are going for Vacation to NZ (and a couple of days in Tahiti on the way back). It was my husband's choice. I never know where to go next! I feel like we will be cramming in a lot for the NZ trip, it is Feb 13-Mar 1. We fly to Aukland then drive to Roatura, then fly to Blenheim, then drive to Kaikoura, Christchurch, Franz Joseph then Queenstown, then fly to Tahiti. I am very excited about it.

    Before that, Aruba for Thanksgiving! I told my husband if we weren't having kids our lives had to be more fabulous:glasses:
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - those sound like some pretty awesome vacation plans. My husband & I had our kids young so we could travel when they are older, can't wait!

    Chloe - I have been in a cooking slump for quite awhile now, feeling very uninspired in the kitchen lately

    shanaber & ramalem- I think I miss the heat, things have gotten really cool in NH over the last few weeks, fall has definitely arrived early - although it is handy for running

    Beeps - sometimes it is good to change things up

    I think I have a solution for strength training - my fellow mudderella ladies wanted to continue with the circuit training we were doing in prep for the race. The local library in town has a big room upstairs which we are allowed to use for free, so on Sunday afternoons we set up circuits, which is basically stations set up in a circle. My sister went on-line and printed out a bunch of different exercises & we have a bunch of weights, bands, balls, steps, etc for people to use what they need. We change it up every week. Each person picks a station to start at & we play some music in the background and use an interval timer to let us know when to switch and just go for it & rotate around the circle for as many times as we decide. It's a great workout & the time flies. That will get some strength in for at least once a week for now.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I am also new:
    1) drink more water
    2) walk more everyday
    3) start eating my homemade foods again (less processed)
    4) lift 3X/week on break at work (20+minutes)

    my schedule is brutal so it is very hard to be consistant outside work hours. (single mom without any help)
    my daughter has soccer 5X-6X/week (i hope to get in a walk on the track while she is doing her practices). we have Navy Cadets Thursdays and Sundays 4hrs each day/evening plus the occational extra weekend event with the corp.work everyday and school everyday. we rarely see the house for more than 1hr at a time and usually right at 4PM and not home till after 8PM.
    looking for a bit of support and a place to vent on occation.

    Check in:
    1) drinking lots more water
    2) still working on this ut I did bike to work yesterday
    3) have not had much if any "junk" aside from late night snack so far
    4) did 3 lifting days last week
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
    Amy, that trip to NZ and tahiti sounds heavenly, i am jealous!!

    Abigail....great job on the strength-training.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
    I did a Phase 3 Venus workout....those suckers are SO long!

    Then i did an abs class.

    Because....it is "Feastival" tonight....and i wanted some extra food-baby room under my dress.

    Also, got my hair done, today, and cut bangs in. Hope they make me look younger!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,123 Member

    Now, post your star results and your 2-week self-challenges here!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    In for the roll;)
    Abi, your circuit sounds fun. I don't have anyone reliable to work out with! Sad story, I know...

    Enjoy you feastival, Beeps! I actually picked my dress because it allowed me to eat and not worry about how I was going to zip it up, for that wedding a couple of weeks ago. I need to post those pics! it's hard cuz they are not on my phone, just my camera and my sister's...
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