Advanced Team Chat Board



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    I would like to tell you all a story, just so you realize how strange I am and how much I love this show.

    I have a "not a boyfriend/roommate" Its what I call him cause I dont like commitment labels. Anyhow - we were friends for a couple months before anything major happened and he was out of town for the 4th of July and my other friend (seriously I only have like 4) just happened to be driving passed where he was (5 hours away) on her way to someplace for that weekend and she convinced me to blow off work the next day and start the weekend early by going with her and having her drop me off at his hotel. He knew i was coming, TOTALLY platonic! But the point is, I had already told him I would NEVER date someone who had NEVER seen The Walking Dead. And he hadn't, not a single episode....inconceivable!!! :noway:

    When I got to the hotel, not only did he have my drink of choice in the mini fridge, he had apparently spent the 5 hrs it took for me to arrive, driving to 3 different walmarts to find and purchase the first two seasons of WD. We spent a 4 day weekend walking around the little tourist area we were by, watching fireworks and MORE IMPORTANTLY, watching 3 SEASONS of the walking dead (we finished the first two and went looking for the 3rd) What a sweet nerd he is to do that. He is now obsessed with the show starting as well...and I have sucked him into geek ville with me on a few others. I have converted several people into WD obsessed geeks. I should get an award. :bigsmile:

    That is such a sweet story.

    I'm like that with Firefly. I have converted many people into Browncoats. It makes me happy and you can't stop the signal after all. Everyone I know is a Walking Dead nerd already, but then again I hang out with zombies and it's nice to see our kind represented on tv.

    OMG this is my place. So many Buffy fans, Browncoats....

    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

    Y'all are my people.

    PS: I am soon to rig a contraption for Buffy while squatting/deadlifting/staking/crossbowing. It may involve a headpiece.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    So what character did everyone choose?

    I'm Carol, I was last year. And my BFF says if there was a zombie apocalypse I would be post-Sophie Carol. Funny part, my daughter's name is Sophie. And I had to give her rules for the zombie apocalypse so she'd be like Carl, not Sophie.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I picked Bob but I haven't seen Season 4 yet, I picked him because I liked the actor when he was in The Wire. :)
  • Ceratopsy
    Ceratopsy Posts: 2,100 Member
    So what character did everyone choose?

    I'm Carol, I was last year. And my BFF says if there was a zombie apocalypse I would be post-Sophie Carol. Funny part, my daughter's name is Sophie. And I had to give her rules for the zombie apocalypse so she'd be like Carl, not Sophie.

    I picked Michonne. Basically because she's a bad *kitten* and there is something about a stoic woman with a katana that I identify with :laugh:. Also, have you seen her arms?! They are super defined, I would LOVE to have arms like that!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    So clearly this group is full of alot of Geeks!!! FINALLY I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE. Although, I still havent seen a Dr Who reference.

    I chose Carol, cause I was carol last seasons challenge and I love that she grew into a strong self sufficient woman. She is bad-*kitten*!!! More women need to know that can be that way, without zombies to make them do it.

    I think we need a mini challenge for this week to get us ready for the start of the show - any takers?
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    PS: I am soon to rig a contraption for Buffy while squatting/deadlifting/staking/crossbowing. It may involve a headpiece.

    I'm so glad to hear it! :drinker:

    I chose Daryl this time around. I was on Carl's team last time. He was intermediate and I loved it, we were a good team. I had planned on joining team Michonne this time around, because she was an advanced team last time and I wanted to practice my sword skills, but now that there aren't character teams anymore, I thought I would follow Daryl because he has angel wings on his jacket.


    ETA: I'm up for a mini-challenge this week
  • jennbeaudry
    My name is Jennifer and I chose Maggie. I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta (just outside Edmonton). I have been part of MFP for just over 2 years and have lost 30 lbs. I lift three days a week. Last year I completed NROLF and have done 5X5 and am now using a workout designed for me by my trainer. I also do ALOT of walking as we have a 8 month old yellow lab and I love getting 15,000 steps a day on my FitBit. Looking forward to what this challenge will bring and to watching Walking Dead!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    You are all fantastic.

    I signed for Daryl. Because if someone had to die on the show, I would be most devastated if it were Daryl. Although Michonne would be a close second.

    Plus, you know, he's hot.

    I would be so in for a mini-challenge.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am Michonne. Because I have a thing for strong kick-*kitten* women. But I also love Daryl and Carol so it was a tough choice.

    I am possibly up for a challenge this week. I'm a little crippled from falling off a horse and I am sick so planning on taking it easy for the next few days. What kind of challenge did you have in mind?

    And also, for the geeks out there, have you seen this?
    I think it might be the best thing ever. My favourite part is when Xander plays with Wash's dinosaur toys!

    Because I was feeling ill this morning I actually just moved from my bed to the couch and watched two episodes of firefly before checking this board. I'm fairly certain that I am on the right team.

    And also, over Halloween i want to do this:
    have you come across it inky? Its a maze that you have to get through and find the safety bunker before the zombies catch you. Looks awesome.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    And also, over Halloween i want to do this:
    have you come across it inky? Its a maze that you have to get through and find the safety bunker before the zombies catch you. Looks awesome.

    OMG! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this! Hadn't seen it, but I have to do it - I have to!!!!!!

    Have you seen Looks kind of fun.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    That look terrifying!! I'm trying to convince my sister to do the zombie one but she has just gotten into the walking dead and is afraid that she might stab the actors in the head.
  • Ceratopsy
    Ceratopsy Posts: 2,100 Member
    I think we need a mini challenge for this week to get us ready for the start of the show - any takers?

    YES!!! Mini Challenge! Ideas?
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm Ashley, I'm from Western PA where the old school zombies crawl. (If you get the reference)
    I picked Michone because...... badassery?
    I cycle, sometimes run (also 8years of competition ruined some of my legs), body weight hiit, skipping, recently barbell complexes.

    And yes I think we need a mini challenge ;)
  • harrybeanbag666
    I'd love to join the team if you'll have me.
    I am totally new to MFP and just stumbled across this fantastic challenge.
    It's exactly what I'm looking for.
    I've lost 41 ponds since Aug. 5. Most of that was from being in the hospital for a couple of stints but I assure you I am not infected with the zombie virus!
    I'm on team Carl cuz he's taking over!

    Please add me as I'll have some questions along the way since I am so new.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I'm totally for a mini challenge! It will help abate the soreness that will follow for the real challenge >:)

  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'm new to this kind of theme-team ---- what are some examples of mini challenges?
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    Ooh, a mini challenge sounds exciting! I'm in! Since I'm new to this, what are some examples from last years?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm going to sit out the mini challenge this week because I am still sick and injured. But some examples might be something along the lines of walk an extra mile per day, or do 15 burpees/push ups/insert exercise per day. or maybe do a certain number of reps of something over the course of the week. So it could be to do 30 squats, 30 push ups and 30 box jumps between now and Sunday. These are just some ideas. I don't want to set a challenge that I have no intention of doing so does someone want to pick something based on those ideas?
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    I am looking forward to being part of this group!! I did the previous challenge and really enjoyed (seriously I did) :p
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I was thinking something simple to start out with - maybe 100 calf raises and 50 mountain climbers? Any other ideas?