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2 week challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ran my half today and was only 1 minute off my time from last year! Had an awesome time visiting friends in Morro Bay and wine tasting on Saturday. The weather was absolutely perfect for being outside as well as for the run. I did get a bit sun burned after the race despite the sunscreen. I did not log Friday and Saturday so no star for me this week but I feel like this was a really successful week for me! B)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Congrats Shan!

    My weekend was busy as always, but fun. Friday night was low key; stayed in and watched a movie and ate leftover Chinese. Saturday we ran around all morning and went to the pumpkin patch.

    Oh! This is a great place to ask the question I've been thinking about. So in KY we drive out to the country to the pumpkin patch this time of year. We take a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch, pick out the pumpkins, buy the pumpkins, maybe buy some apples, go to the petting zoo, there are corn mazes, etc. Is this a regional thing? Just curious. Everyone in my Facebook newsfeed is going to the pumpkin patch, but the majority of my friends live around here.....

    Yeah, so after the pumpkin patch we can home and walked up to our fourth consecutive weekend festival with some friends and their kids. Went to bed pretty early. Spent yesterday mostly relaxing. We met a friend for brunch (found our new fave brunch place!), I did a quick grocery trip, and then walked up to Cyclouvia, which is where they close a major road (that happens to be at the end of our street) to vehicular traffic from 2-6pm Sunday and there's all kinds of stuff going on. We met some family and got pizza. I also ate a bunch of potato nachos with cheese and bacon. So I had a rather terrible dinner.

    I did manage to get about 20 minutes of yoga yesterday and a good amount of walking in over the weekend. I thought about lifting, but just didn't feel like it. Again, I seem to be appreciating my downtime more and more and would rather do a puzzle or read or watch TV during my 2ish hours of free time during nap time on Saturdays and Sundays.

    My plan for the week is class Tuesday, lift during lunch Wednesday and try to get some walking in while we're out of town. Mom and I will probably walk around the complex Saturday while the guys golf. There's a gym at the clubhouse too, so I could go down and lift if I wanted to, which I may. Or I may choose to be lazy. We'll see. Only a 3 day work week for me then we head to the mountains! Woo hoo! Have a great week all.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Better, you are totally describing my fall here in NH. It is pumpkin time of year as well, lovin it! I did a corn maze with my daughter's class field trip a couple weeks ago & Saturday we went to an annual pumpkin festival - smashing pumpkins, pumpkin catapult, cookie decorating, hay ride, make your own scarecrow, pumpkin painting, pumpkin carving, pumpkin bowling, etc. There was also live entertainment, dancers, a martial arts demo, etc. It was so much fun! My husband was away at a martial arts training camp in PA so it was just me & the girls for the weekend, however I ate way too much junk (no star for me) & I now feel awful.

    Shanaber - congrats & great job with your time!

    chel - I too am really struggling lately, it is not a good pattern, I don't feel good & my clothes don't fit

    Amy - enjoy the holiday weekend

    My 2 week challenge is mostly food focused, I am in detox mode. No sugar, avoid wheat & other bad carbs with two exceptions or "cheat meals" I have a party next Sunday at a neighbor's house. She has an old fashioned cider press & invites a bunch of people over & it's pot luck so everyone brings food & drink. People take turns making the cider all afternoon & everyone gets to bring some home. There is a also a pie making contest so that is what's for dessert. The winner usually gets flowers as she is really into gardening. It is so much fun! Then the following Sunday is a big family dinner at my parents' house, but other than that I am keeping it healthy. Also, lots & lots of water!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Better - they do pumpkin patches and mazes here too but it isn't quite the same. On our drive up the coast this weekend I did see huge pumpkin patches where you can go into the field and pick a pumpkin along with the hay rides and mazes - much more like I was used to in Idaho and have seen in other parts of the country.

    Abigail - your pumpkin festival sounds like so much fun as does the cider press party!

    We don't see as much of the community activities here - I think it is just too urban and everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives. We feel fortunate to have a pretty close neighborhood where everyone knows each other and our neighborhood is not the norm (sad but true but I know too many people here who have never even met their neighbors). We tend to do more in the summer with BBQs and swimming or at Christmas. It is also still really hot here and no one is feeling too much like fall so that could be part of it too.

    I went out for a short recovery walk/run this morning and feel so much better - I was so stiff this morning. I am still pretty sore but plan to spend some time really stretching and rolling out on the foam roller.
    My goals for the next two weeks are:
    1) recover from this half and get ready for the next :D (run 4 days this week and taper next)
    2) drink more water
    3) get more sleep/get to bed earlier - none of this staying up until midnight playing on the computer...
    4) stretch, stretch, stretch

    Have a great week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Comgrats on your run, shanaber.

    My two weeks wills be all food focused. I am going to move i to serious deficit mode, again. I am not happy at my current weight. I just am not. So, i can fix that!
  • Hi guys! My name's Tiffany. I am new to this group and have been trying to lose weight for a long time. I weigh 145 and want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month. Is this possible?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hi, Tiffany, welcome! losing 10 pounds in a month (but the end of the month is 2 weeks away) if you are close to goal is difficult. I think you could lose 10 pounds but it wouldn't be fat (exclusively) and it would probably come back. Why do you need to drop 10 pounds so quickly?
    My weekend was good, a bit indulgent, but I got in some running and resting and feel good.
    We have pumpkin patches with corn maze and such, too, here in Colorado. I didn't go but the rest of my husband's family did Saturday. It cost $12 each to go and is somewhat far away...
    I got the Scream Scram Friday, will run Wednesday but that is all I have planned.
    Great job, shanaber, on the half marathon, that is great. Maybe someday I will get there...

  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Two week goal: 3 cardio per week, 2 hikes per week, good food, drop 3 lbs. have fun!
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I really liked the Galloway method. Used it for a half and a full!
    I need to stop eating Halloween candy! It's killing me!!!!

    I'm doing ripped in 30 right now. The first 2 levels were pretty easy, but I started level 3 yesterday and wow. It's intense. Really good workout, just need to get rid of the candy! And my neighbor keeps bringing over slices of cheesecake and other treats in the evening, and I have no willpower.

    Anyway, my 2 week challenge will be to stop pigging out.

    And to the runners, I'm doing a half in may. What training programs are you using? I think I'm going to do Hal Higdons plan. It's free and seems like a good 12 week progression.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Also....i can't log on to "groups" from my phone....so f$cking annoying!

    I only get a silver star this week....forgive me, thanksgiving had to happen....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Quick check in....sorry this month has been crazy. Mike started his training this week for his new job, plus we decided to do some kitchen renovations, which is exciting, but stressful! Still doing good with eating, not so much with abstaining from wine and also slacking on exercising. I think I'm just giving myself a break until October then I am going to start C25K on the treadmill combined with some yoga and weights. We are going to start trying for baby #2 in December, so I am not super motivated to get in amazing shape, but I would like to be in the practice of doing something everyday to hopefully keep that up during pregnancy.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I had pilates last night which I missed last week and I can tell! My shoulders are super sore today....good stuff. The class was great last night. Some things are getting really hard for me, but others are still making me feel great. I'm still loving the class. I don't think I'll sign up for the next 8 weeks as they would fall between 30-38 weeks of pregnancy, but I may drop in from time to time.

    So sh*tty news....our house was broken into yesterday so I've been kind of consumed with that. Thye kicked in our basement door and took a laptop and 2 tablets, so not a ton of stuff. We suspect it was one of the workers as they seemed to know exactly what they were going for. I was mad and worried about the safety of my house, but I've decided I just have to get over that because living in fear is no way to live. Needless to say, we are setting our alarm everyday now, which we used to do religiously but have not been since we have people in and out of our house to work daily sometimes. Our general contractor will be letting all workers in from here on out. So the alarm system does give me at least some sense of security.

    I'm off to the mountains tomorrow so catch you all next week. Have a great weekend!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- that is so scary! This is exactly what I am nervous about having people in our house for our kitchen. We are having the cabinets refinished, so they will have to be there 4-5 days.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies - quick checkin. I had a long weekend and am playing catch up today. Ashley - so scary about the break-in... try and and enjoy your vacation.

    I'll be back later today!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yikes! Ashley, that is bad news, I would feel violated too. Good for you to refuse to live in fear.
    All this home renovation makes me want a renovation!
    But, probably not going to happen this year:)
    The scale was the same as last week so I guess I can't complain, I wasn't exactly restraining myself.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ashley - It is terrible having your house broken into! Ours was many years ago and that feeling of having your space violated lasted a long time. In our case the kid was in our house for several hours while we were at work and he took so many things, not a lot of value but important to us. He also took and used a credit card and we only discovered it when we got a bill. Definitely keep that alarm on and I would also make sure the general contractor knows what happened.
    Amy - what is the Scream Scram? The name sounds fun whatever it is!
    Beeps - Happy Thanksgiving Canada style!

    I was exhausted yesterday evidenced when I went to train and hit muscle failure on things I have been doing for a long time :\ Got to bed early last night and feel much better today so I am going for a nice recovery run... I have to get ready for my next half a week from this Sunday. Kind of wishing I had never agreed to run it but my nephew is so excited to run it with me :D

    There have only been 3 check ins for the star challenge and one of those was mine... I am not going to post the sheet this week.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thank you all. I'm trying not to let it get me down, but I am having a hard time not thinking about it. I've been trolling Craigslist all day and found a Kindle Fire that could be mine. But what am I going to do? Go meet the guy? Nah.... We may file a claim, may not. Again, less concerned with the stuff, but the whole violation of my home, space, etc. Eric called our GC very shortly after the cops. He's supposed to provide us with names of everyone who has worked on our home. He somehow thinks it's not one of the guys, but it seems awfully coincidental. However it's junk collection week too so our alley is crawling with shady characters looking for metal to scrap for cash. And it is clear we have construction going on so who knows.... I'm just trying to not let it bother me. A friend may be staying at our house while we're gone, so that would be nice. Alright, a couple more hours of work and then I'm technically on vacation!

    I did have a good weigh in today at least. I actually lost a pound from last week. Not that I'm trying to lose and will probably have a larger gain next week, but it was nice to see on a dreary morning anyways.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Scream Scram is 5k that is family and dog-friendly and costumes are encouraged. I love dogs in costumes. Also, the T-shirt they give out glows in the dark, and it's at night-6pm, around Wash Park. This is my 3rd year doing it. My friend Jolie is running with me, we have done some 5ks together.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Geez louise, that is TErRIBLE Better_Balance! Sorry for that! I swear we are just never ever going to renovate, i guess. I can't handle the extra stress, nevermind the threat of theft. Awful.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 920 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    Better: I would put a post on Craig's list saying what was stolen and if anyone was selling them, you had non-proprietary tracking software on it to deter buyers :)

    I have been horrible :( We had a 4 day weekend and I didn't track and other than my long run on Saturday, no exercise...and I ate and ate and ate. Yesterday I went to the store and bought salad mixings and more smoothie stuff...I need a reset. Mom called and let me know that friends were coming to HI an were wanting to meet up...my first thought was OMG, they will see how fat I have gotten. Such a sad state of mind to be in.

    So this morning I had my smoothie, not sure what is for lunch and plan another smoothie for dinner since hubby is going out star-gazing and I have my running club.

    PT test is next Friday and I am mildly panicking about it, I still haven't made it to the track to see how fast I can run. I can run 15 miles no prob, but I don't know if I can run 1.5 in less than 13 min? Does that translate somehow. My push-ups are still weak. I had my second appt at occupational therapy and they are convinced it is tendonitis from an overuse injury and b/c I have full mobility of the joint, it can't be my broken arm. *sniff*

    Ok, back to work. The computer trolls are busy today and everyone is having issues so it is fun times!