


  • pga02
    pga02 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi :) It is time to do this and lose the baby weight for good! I have two wonderful children (5,7) and the body to show for it. lol. I want to be healthy and a good role model to my family. Since I am a stay at home mom I have a hard time controlling my eating, I want to eat chocolate all day long. Are there any other SAHM out there that want to up buddy? I am 5'1 and my starting weight was 171, I am down to 167 today.
  • i'm 26 a mom of 3 i have a 11 yr old boy and 2 girls ages 7 and 8 , my husband had knee surgery and gained 30 pounds i gained 10 with him, he has jumped back into the gym full swing of things its been 3 months since i have been and i have fallen back into old habits very fast im trying to dig my way back out i'm looking for like minded people to help me help myself and to help tham along the way as well
  • I'm a mom of two girls. Two years old, and three months old. When I went into the hospital to give birth to my youngest I weighed 195, and now I am down to 157. My first goal is 138, which is what I weighed when I got pregnant with my first child. If I make it that far, my dream weight would be 130. At the rate I am going now, I hope to make my first goal in 2-3 months. It would be so awesome to be at my dream weight by the New Year! I go hiking 5 days a week and watch what I eat, and MFP really is helping me with this. :)
  • vconsiglio
    vconsiglio Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 9 year old and a 4 month old. I didn't do anything to loose the baby weight after my first, but now, I'm older and I swear I am gaining more weight since having my daughter. I don't even want to step on a scale to see how big I am. I just had to by a whole new wardrobe so I can go back to work next week in something other than maternity cloths. My family has many health issues due to weight and I refuse to follow that path. I need to commit so my daughter sees healthy eating. My wish was to be 130, the weight I was after having my son. Tomorrow I will weigh myself to determine a short term goal.
  • Betty has lost over 120 pounds and now she is really gorgeous. What has happened to her? The secret is she has followed the fat loss recipes
  • donnybird17
    donnybird17 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 6 year old daughter and an 18 month old daughter! I live in Dubai but am from the UK originally. It took me 4 years to loose all my 'babyweight' the first time round...not going to take that long this time! I'm already in my pre-pregnancy clothes after loosing 43lbs but want to loose at least another 11lbs and be the size I was when I left high school (which at the time I thought was fat!!)
  • stiglich2002
    stiglich2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I am working mom of 2 boys with a hubby who travels all the time who lives in Phoenix. I want to lose weight to set a good example of self control for my boys as well as being able to look great in clothes! I have about 30 to 40 lbs to lose by year end. Hoping to get some moral support while I juggle my busy schedule. :-)
  • I am married and have 2 wonderful children, a son that is 11 & a daughter that’s 9. I had always been thin and in shape for most of my adult life (prior to having children). I was diagnosed with gestations diabetes during my second pregnancy and gained over 50lbs. Needless to say I still haven’t been able to shed all of that extra weight. I want/need to do this not only for myself but to be that positive example for children.
  • pelswick74
    pelswick74 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there! My name is Pier and I'm a proud mommy of 6 year old twin boys! Being obese, I do not have the energy to keep up with my boys or to participate in the activities that they love to do (i.e., climbing, jumping, running, sports, etc.). My mom has Type 2 diabetes and my dad is pre-diabetic. I just learned that I was pre-diabetic...so I need to take control of my health and lose the weight and make healthy changes in my life for good!

    I joined Medifast in January and have lost 20 pounds so far! I've got a long way to go to meet my goal weight, but I'm motivated to make better lifestyle changes for myself and to be a good role model for my boys! I'm currently healing from ankle surgery in December, so I'm not moving as fast as I'd like...but everyday is a new day and my ankle is getting stronger with physical therapy.

    I'm enjoying my experience with My Fitness Pal. It's wonderful meeting others on the same journey of health as me! I'd love to meet other positive, strong, women on this path of discovery and health! Here's to a healthy 2014!

    Pier :)
  • NinaSue6
    NinaSue6 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Nina. I have 3 awesome kiddos 9,6,4, (boy,girl,boy) and I have an awesome hubby who loves me no matter what but that's not always going to fix everything. Just stated this mfp computer thing. It has been nice to see I'm not alone in the mommy weight struggles. I've always struggled with weight whether to big or to small. I just want to be healthy for my family.
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Hi! I'm a mommy of two little ones (4 year old girl, 2 year old boy). I love my kids but hated my weight gain! I've got about 10 more pounds to go until I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight -- but that by no means is the end of my weight loss journey!

    I turn 40 this year and want to be THIN once and for all! I've been overweight the better part of my adult years. It went from carrying an extra 20 lbs to 80 lbs! I'm tired of it and refuse to give up! I want to be able to go run around with my kids and not get tired! I want to fit in the seats on rides with the kids! I want to be able to go to the beach or pool with the kids and not feel self-conscious of my weight and how I look in a swimming suit! etc etc etc ...

    I am highly motivated and would love any other mommies to friend me if they are too! :drinker:
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    Hello! I am 29 turning 30 in September. I have 2 kids, 12 and 1. Have been with my amazing fiancé for almost 10 years now and I refuse to even start looking for a wedding dress until I am comfortable in front of a mirror. We don't have a wedding date yet but I would love to be 30lbs lighter by my birthday. I live in Florida so a "beach body" is needed year round! My fiancé has his own fishing charter business so I am always on the boat....fully clothed...No bathing suit for me. Anyway 30lbs less is my goal determined to accomplish it.
  • tignorm
    tignorm Posts: 3
    Hi. I am 30 and a mother of 3. I have a 4 year old boy, 2 year old girl and 9 month old boy. I have always struggled with my weight but was able to maintain at 150 until I left the army and stopped taking birth control. I started packing on the excess weight due to PCOS and after 3 kids pretty much back to back I got up to 215 at my heaviest (235 when pregnant).

    I am tired of being to tired to play with my kids or my husband worried I will not live long because I am overweight.

    I am ready to get healthy and feel good.

    I would like to get down to 150 or 160. I am down to 193 after about 2 months (31 days on myfitnesspal).
  • Hi i am 27 and a mom of 4 young kids 6,4,2,1. I am definitely needing to loose lots of weight. Not sure exactlly what my weight is but know it is over 200 pds. I am wanting to get down to 130pds. Its going to be a long road ahead of me so i'm hoping i can make some friends to support me with this journey. Thanks
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    Just realized I never did this! I'm almost 37, single mom of almost 7 year old boy/girl twins and a little girl that just turned 4. I work full time and run my own Pure Romance business, which I absolutely LOVE!!! I've been on MFP for about a year, but just started really using the community a couple months ago. I love meeting new people, getting to see what other vegetarians/pescatarians eat, and getting and giving motivation and support. Hope to make some more mommy friends!
  • victoria_b482
    victoria_b482 Posts: 35 Member
    My name is Victoria and I am a 27 year old mother of three children. I have two boys who just started back to school and I can't believe they are in kinder and second grade already. My daughter is 10 months old today and is walking everywhere already too! She definitely loves to climb all over me when I am on the floor trying to stretch and do sit ups. I'm sure some of you moms might know what I am talking about. I just started keeping track of what I am eating and exercising 4 days ago. Add me if you want I have been getting on here everyday now instead of facebook. Good luck to all you mommys and your busy schedules.
  • My name is Audrey and I am a recent mother of three. My youngest B is 3 weeks old. I also have a 5 yr old C and a 3 yr old R. I have used My Fitness Pal before and liked it but only lost 3 lbs before I became pregnant with B. I am now back using Fitness Pal and counting my calories while trying to increase my daily activity safely. I want to get into shape and start eating healthier because I not only want to be healthy I want to be a good example for my kids. My two older kids are very active and I want to be able to continue to keep up with them.
  • getitguurl
    getitguurl Posts: 8 Member
    my name is Samantha and I am 27. i have a 6 year old and a 6 month old. I have been on my weight loss journey since march 11th 2014 (the day after i had my son). So far i am down from 230 to 173 and i have lost 33.75 inches off my body. My goal is to be 145 by Christmas morning. i gained a ton of weight with my first pregnancy and never lost it before getting pregnant again. I want to take control of my life and get fit and healthy. I am so excited I found this group! cheers to a happy healthy weight loss!
  • In 2007 I set a goal to lose 60 lbs (195 - 135). I reached my goal Thanksgiving Day 2011 (I had two kids between 08 and 10, so that slowed down results). Then, well, life happened and went bonkers on me. I gained and lost several times over the the last three years. I am so disappointed with myself. I am a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband. I am a mother of two beautiful children, ages 6 and 4. My husband and I both work full-time and I go to school (after 10 years of college I will finally graduate May 2015). I am here to refind my spark and gain a healthier me while trying to balance it all. I struggle with emotional and stress eating and finding time to focus on me. I currently have 78 lbs to lose this time around.
  • I am a stretch mark tigress after having two boys. I am 32 and looking to get down to 13%BF. I am working to be competitive in a NPC bikini bodybuilding competition. I have 24% BF to lose. This is a pre-baby dream that I have picked up and dusted off.