


  • lauramegan28
    lauramegan28 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am new to MFP don't know exactly how everything works quite yet but getting there. I have a 3 yr old and 7 yrd old. I recently 2 weeks ago quit smoking (using chantix still on it) cut all soda out of my life (all beverages actually) only drink water I go through about 6 16 oz bottles of water a day. I have also cut back on calories around 1200 per day. I walk with friends at work for 30 min at lunch and try and squeeze in a workout at home at least twice a week. I am getting discouraged because I don't feel any different just extremely tired Any suggestions? Maybe my body is just in shock and in a couple more weeks I will see some kind of result even if its tiny I would see it as a success. I want to lose at least 30lbs. I am 28 5'7 and weigh 190 lbs I am hoping to lose more than the 30 lbs but that is my goal for now.
  • domoangelas
    domoangelas Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 26 and I have been married for 7 1/2 years. We have 3 children 5, 4, &1. I had just lost a ton of weight when i got pregnant with my 3rd child so of course as soon as i knew i was pregnant i had an excuse to eat more so i did. i regret it but im fixing it now. i was 158 when i got pregnant which was wonderful because i had gotten there from 240. but once i got pregnant i gained a lot of it back. I was 220 when my baby was born and now i am 190. I want so desperately to get back to the 158 days so that is why i am back on the site once again. I need daily motivation so this should help me exponentially.
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 24 years old and have a 2 year old daughter. I'm living with and dating her amazing father, Jamie. I'm a stay at home mom that babysits to make extra money. Before I got pregnant with my daughter I had lost 70lbs. Fairly "easily." I had great self control and did everything right lol now it's a completely different story. I'm currently at 149.8lbs and my goal is 130lbs (to be reevaluated once I get closer.)
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Hi. I'm 36 and a SAHM to two children, a 7 yr old son . My husband works in Angola 75% of the year .
    I have around 30lb to lose, and then I'll be at pre baby weight.
    Feel free to add me, and with mutual support we can do this!
  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello. I am a married mother of 4 kids all 5 or younger. I am done with the baby making now and ready to get my body back.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi! I am married with two kids and work fulltime. I have a 15 year old and a 9 month old (yes I started over)! I have 25lbs to lose to be back at pre-preggers weight. Since the new baby I have been struggling with getting back on the horse.... Besides being pregnant I haven't been this big in a long time and it really is the one area in my life that makes me sad. :( Feel free to add me.. I am in MFP world everyday!
  • snoricakes
    We'd like to start trying to get pregnant in the near future, and I don't want to start that journey the heaviest and least healthy I've ever been. I was a bike commuter averaging 70-80 miles/week for 4 years, but my current responsibilities make it difficult to get on my bike at all.
  • devinkate
    Hi all - I'm married and currently staying home with our 9 month old. I have 15 pounds to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight, but really I'd like to drop 25. I eat mostly clean and starting this month stopped eating dairy to try to get my digestive track/stomach feeling better. Feel free to add me - I'm looking for some MFP community to make the process more enjoyable. :)
  • crazyclayton32
    crazyclayton32 Posts: 3 Member
    Im 33 year old mum of two boys aged 7 years & 19 months. I have tried many times over the years to lose weight and always lose motivation. I love walking and try to walk for at least a hour a day. I would love to be a size 14 again and able to see my feet when I stand up and not my tummy lol
  • jeannefelicur
    jeannefelicur Posts: 3 Member

    I used to be a long distance runner, then a knee injury took me down for awhile, I was pregnant during that down time. My newborn and reawakened asthma prolonged my return to running. I just gave birth to my second child and I hadn't lost all the weight from my first child.
    I miss running soooo much and I'm ready to lose the extra 60 lbs I've put on so I can get back in controlof my asthma and comfortably run 5 miles every day.
  • shellssz
    shellssz Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! Looking for some mommy friends to help motivate each other and stay on track! I stay home with my 10 month old boy! I gained 62lbs while pregnant!! (WOOPS) Just checked the scale last week and realized I lost it all FINALLY!! Now im ready to get back to working out/eating right!! I had fell off through the holidays (like most of us, hehe). I need to lose 15-20lb! Let's do this!!! :D
  • catchyb
    catchyb Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2015

    I'm a 40 year old stay at home mom of 3 (5, 3, 6months).

    I really want to loose at least the 7kgs I gained since my first pregnancy, and then another 4 to bring me back to a size where I'll feel good. I can't really diet cause I'm still breastfeeding, and struggle to find time to exercise as I have no childcare/family where I live. We recently moved to a new village and it's hard to make friends - everyone seems to work!

    I'm trying the 2:5 lifestyle. Started Friday. Instead of the 500 C the diet advises, I'm aiming to keep under 800 - for the breastfeeding thing.
    Friday was really hard but I managed it! My biggest problem is that I got about 8 boxes of chocolate for Christmas, and I looooooove chocolate and can't let them go to waste, specially the ones with the fresh cream fillings. I've been averaging between 8 and 10 of those per day, at over 100C each... And that's me making an effort! Otherwise I would easily have one every 30 minutes and 2 or 3 every 2 hours with a cup of coffee! I'm planning to do my next day tomorrow. I think Mondays and Fridays should be easiest, they're far enough apart to recover, and close enough together to feel guilty when I eat an entire daily ration in chocolates before lunchtime (today).

    Anyone done / doing this? Wanna be my friend?
  • BleuLotus16
    BleuLotus16 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a homeschool mom/college student with 2 girls (both 10). I have a supportive husband who is making this journey easier.

    I've always struggled with my body image even when I was at a healthier weight. I suffer from depression & this has been a source of my lacking motivation. The pounds just keep adding up. I also have fibromyalgia & I am currently focusing on clean eating & portion control. I want to decrease my pain (& depression) & increase my good days so I can start a more regular exercise program. The 21 Day Fix meal plan is what I have been using.

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for motivational buddies :)

  • kj_pisces21
    Im 25 and my daughter is one. Im tired of hiding my flub of love ( my stomach and side rolls) under a jacket. Sometimes its to hot but id rather be hidden than comfortable. I definitely want and need to change that. I currently weigh 225 amd i would like to get to 180. Im am excited and pumped for this journey and i cant wait to put those jackets on the closet!!!!!!!! Lets do this ladies!! I have plenty of excuses but those went in the trash yesterday
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm 38 years old and have 4 kids: daughters who are 14, almost 3, and 1-1/2 years old, and a son who is 5 months old. My teenager lives with her father in NY (I lost her in the divorce due to my own naivete and lack of resources/support/knowledge), but the three little ones live with me and my hubby in TX. All 5 of us live in a 1,000 square foot apartment that only has two bedrooms--it is CROWDED! I say that because it's relevant in that I can't find a place to exercise at home. Having the last three babies so close to one another means I did not lose the pregnancy weight between pregnancies. I also have struggled with breastfeeding all of them (it was easy with the oldest!) and have been hesitant to cut calories or quit eating donuts (hey, they say it helps!) for fear my milk supply would suffer. The baby is still breastfeeding, but I NEED to start this journey NOW. I'm tired of being uncomfortable, in pain, out of breath. I'm sick of cracking jokes when my husband tries to lift me off the floor instead of just grabbing on for the ride! I'm sick of my ergo baby carrier BARELY fitting around my hips. I'm sick of being afraid to get down on the floor to play with my little ones because I know it will be hard to get back up. Even though I have no major medical issues (no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no mention of diabetes or other health problems), I am unhealthy. I know I'm unhealthy because of how I FEEL. I don't care what the doctor says, I know there's something wrong with me, and that something is the extra hundred pounds I'm carrying on my 5'1" frame. I don't have a scale at home, but I weighed myself at my father-in-law's the other day, for the first time since November (at the doctor's office), and I weighed 236. No wonder my feet hurt and my knees hurt and my back hurts ALL.THE.TIME. No wonder my clothes don't fit--even the new ones I bought just after Christmas. I'm starting a low carb diet and trying to focus on REAL food. I'm also interested in doing the C25K plan, if I can find the time between my full-time job, one-hour commute, and three little ones! Thanks for being here!
  • Tiffany1804
    My name is Tiffany. I'm 24 years old. I am the mother of a 3,6, and 7 year old. I gained most of my weight after my second child. I've been trying to lose weight for the last 2 years. I'm started out at 315 and now weigh in at 283. My goal is to get down to 180 but of course that's a long term goal. Right now I'm just focusing on staying consistent in the gym and eating right...that's the hardest part for me. With 3 kids and a husband it's hard to not eat what they all love to eat lol but its a work in progress right? I'm trying to take one day at a time!
  • mhesler2014
    mhesler2014 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Monica. I am a 25 year old mother of two daughters, a 5 year old and a 10 month old. I want to get down to about 115 and just generally feel better. I've been working really hard and have managed to lose 17 of the 30 or so pounds I want to lose so far. But recently have started falling off the bandwagon not exercising as much and not counting calories as diligently as I had been. I figured joining a group with people who have similar goals would help get me back on track.
  • SkinnyShannSoon
    SkinnyShannSoon Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2015
    :)Hello from Nashville, Tennessee. :)

    I am a 36 year old, happily married, Christian mommy of a 10 month old baby boy.

    When my husband and I met I weighed 130 pounds.

    My starting pregnancy weight was 150 pounds.

    When I delivered my son, I weighed 234 pounds.

    I am now down to 179 pounds !!

    My first goal is to be 150 pounds by his 1st birthday in April.

    My final goal is to be 120 pounds.

    MFP has helped me tremendously! I am addicted to this site! I log in every morning, first thing, and track my weight from my home computer. Then, throughout the day I log on through the app on my phone. I make sure to journal my food daily. I really enjoy reading the success stories. I make sure to do that numerous times throughout the week. It helps keep me motivated!

    I am interested in organic, clean eating. I am interested in checking out Whole Foods Grocery store, going to organic farms, and to the local farmer's market. This is a new interest of mine. A coworker who has done a lot of research on GMO's and clean eating has given me many articles, books, and DVD's, and it really has me motivated to learn more about it, and to start eating cleaner. I know I won't be able to do it 100% and won't be perfect at it, but at least some of the time (when I can) I would like to eventually try.

    I am also interested in getting a Fitbit. I need something that will give me a more accurate number for the amount of calories I am burning. I know that I am not burning the amount of calories that MFP says that I am when I do Zumba classes, mainly because I really have to modify.

    If anyone has interest in the monitors that you wear for tracking calories burned, and/or if you have interest in "clean eating" or if you're already doing it, or have any knowledge of either of the two, please, let me know and tell me about it. :)

    I would love to find friends on here who sign on daily, who can help motivate and encourage me, and let me do the same!

    I am so glad that I found this group and look forward in meeting you! Best wishes on your weight loss journey.

  • Soupy84
    Soupy84 Posts: 3
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies!

    I am excited to be here

    I gave birth to my wonderful son May 2014. He will be turning 1 years old in a few short months and I have not gotten back into shape.

    I have struggled with my weight all my life. 5 years ago I underwent surgery and had a Lapband installed. I lost 100 lbs within 2 years. Between getting married, getting lazy, a miscarriage, and the birth of my son, my weight has started to creep back up (thankfully not to my heaviest pre-band weight).

    My husband and I invested in a Treadclimber and I have been using this past week. I weighed 282lbs on Feb 25th. I am looking to get to my pre-wedding weight of 205lbs by Christmas 2015. I would like to look at having another baby, but want to be healthier.

    I look forward to meeting you out on the forums!
  • taniathalgi
    I am a new mommy and have a beautiful son who is three months old today. I want to be healthy and watch my son grow....so I am trying to lose my pregnancy weight!