Today I Will ______________



  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ok. Day #1 back at it. The Dr. Oz diet thing is basically the way I eat now (minus coffee & wine). I don't think that it is going to give me to rapid weight loss that it did after I came back from conference in February. Oh well, worth a shot sticking to it anyway.

    I have a couple of things to do, then I am heading to Costco to stock up for the next 2 weeks at least. I hate going there, but there are some things that I can't get anywhere else. I like the pre cut celery & broccoli & the big pack of chicken thighs. Also the single serving hummus. Might as well get things that I enjoy & that make my life easier. Especially since I am going to have to listen to my family complain about no junk in the house.

    Have a great Monday!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa, what is the nutrients on the single serve hummus? Sounds good as it keeps you to 1 serving. I'm the same with going to Costco, spend close to $200 but don't feel like I have 'food'. Good luck with the fam and no more junk. Btw, I was picturing you throwing away all the candy at the store; thinking DH wouldn't like :)

    Today I did 90% good…maybe even 95%. I ate perfectly all day, Had 60 oz of water, worked out. Then I came home……….. Ate chicken soup and tea. But was still hungry so dug into the Pita Chips. Wishing I didn't have those as they are carb and at almost 7, but I'm still under my calorie, carb and fat ratio and I did so much better than the last entire week. So I'll look at that as a positive and know I did 95% great today.

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hi Cindy. I wonder where everyone else is?

    The single serve hummus is 100 calories. I eat it with celery so just a perfect snack.

    I ran this morning, even though I did not sleep well. I think it is going to be the last nice sunny day for a while. The forecast is showing snow & yuck, so I took advantage of getting some sun shine, without a winter coat.

    Yesterday I did ok. I did have a couple mini chocolate bars in the evening, but only a couple. I stopped myself from going crazy, and got back under control. I need to drink more water, so that will be my concentration today.

    I had a major headache yesterday, so I decided to drink coffee, as I don't really get the point of giving up coffee for a diet. I won't stick to it forever, so I am not going to do it. So there Dr. Oz :) Actually I am very loosely following the "diet" I ran out of time for breakfast this morning, so no smoothie. oh well. Doing my best.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! I've gotten back into the exercise groove but my eating is awful! For some reason, everything I've eaten lately is high in sodium. Need to get back to veggies for snacks and decent meals. Haven't planned my meals for the couple weeks and I can tell!

    At gotta run. Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hi girls, just reading your positive posts and getting back into it attitude is very motivating! Glad that its going well....and I might have to look up the Dr Oz stuff myself. lol I have had a good week so far, we're Wednesday so i'm hoping for a loss on the scale this week.
    Fog and rain later on today so hope to get my run in this morning before it hits. Might be getting the snow tires on the car today as well, plus I really could use a trip to town for some groceries.
  • summerluno2
    Quick hello - Brenda/Maureen nice to see you back!

    I'm in NY (up to room for 30 mins til we meet again for drinks). But I've been really good so far this week and worked out Monday/Tuesday so I'm happy with the week.

    Keep it up everyone!

    Lisa, how is the Dr Oz version working? I gave up and went back to just eating right and exercising - but exercising harder.

    Nite all!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    We saw snow flakes this morning!!!! YUCK! I went to the gym. Gym rats were in our squat & dead lift area so we just ran for 30 minutes. I thought about going to a Zumba class tonight, but I am pretty tired. Winter blahs (& an irritating DD & DH blahs) have me down this week & low on energy, so I think don't think I have the energy for it.

    Well, I am not really following the Dr. Oz thing. Except for only 1/2 cup rice & no other carbs, I am probably close with eating only 6oz of meat. I had a smoothie this morning, but I am drinking coffee. Not following hardly any of the rules, no hot water & lemon in the morning, no vitamins, or probiotics, no veggie broth. Oh well, weight is coming off, I feel less bloated, so I am doing what works for me :)

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa, you make me laugh, not following hardly any of the rules. Even the small changes you are making seem to be working so awesome for that! I truly believe changing things up every 2 weeks is good for your body so it gets pushed differently.

    Brenda, eating any better? Keep saying hi to us as much as you can -- keeps me in a better state of mind.

    Maureen, snow tires yuck! Lisa you seeing snow too. NO! My son is going in for a shoulder operation on the 25th; just hit me the other day he won't be able to do any shoveling or snowblowing this year so it will be on me :(:(:( I really hope it's a light winter - my driveway is the length of 5 cars and width of 2 …. not fun

    Have a great night and a great Friday. Check in with you all over the weakend!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good evening all! Well, hasn't been a great week for exercise or eating. I'm going to strength train tomorrow and run Saturday and Sunday. There, I've said it, now I HAVE to do it! Will have to repeat week 4 of JMBR next week. Not happy about that, but that's what I get for slacking off. Am going to plan meals for the week on Sunday also.

    Yep, we had snow this week too - major yuck! Just flurries so far so guess I can't complain, but it's been really cold and windy.

    Tomorrow is Friday - yeah!!! Have a great rest of the day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Thursday night I had a friend post on FB that her father was giving away his York 2001 weight gym as he wanted the room and just wanted it gone as quick as possible. is now in my basement next to my treadmill! So excited.
    I know its probably not as good as using free weights, but I am hoping to maybe do some of the heavier weights now. You can do quite a lot of different things with it. I need to find a program now, a beginner program for myself. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Down 1 lb since last Friday. Happy, but wish it were more.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Got my run in this morning. Hope to get at least 5000 steps in today cleaning as well.

    Maureen, congrats on the weight loss! Every bit makes a difference. Great snag on the weight gym. I would love to have one, but it would never fit in my exercise room.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend!
  • summerluno2
    Maureen, AWESOME! I bet if you did some 'googling' you can find some circuit training to do. Enjoy it!

    Brenda, glad you got back into the exercise.

    I've been sick since Friday, just feeling like myself now. No exercise, but barely any food, so it's probably all evened out.

    Went shopping today and got lots of fruit and protein so hoping to set myself up for a good week. Gym clothes packed for tomorrow and got a yoga mat so I can do planks at work.

    Hope you all had a great weekend…. let's EACH ONE OF US do awesome this week. If we all do awesome, on Friday, we celebrate "together" with a glass of wine!! :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Had a good-food weekend, feeling good to start out a Monday with no food regrets. I am usually up a bit on the scale Monday morning, even if its just water weight. so this week I should have a good week....since I wasn't up.

    Went to see a movie on Saturday night, Interstellar, it was good. Said no to the popcorn, snuck in my own personal size pop-chips. lol

    Its raining today, so my plan is to make up a workout to do with my weights, might look online I've heard a lot about the jefit site.

    Cindy - I'm in for the challenge! lol I feel like I can have a really good week....and I'll gladly had a glass of wine with you to celebrate :) Hope you're feeling better today.
  • summerluno2
    Maureen, sounds like you are set for a great week. Lisa/Brenda, you need to be in as while and we can toast each other.

    Happy Monday … think thin and healthy!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I am up for a good week. I did fine last week, but not as well as I had hoped. I certainly didn't exercise as planned.

    Last week I felt like a grey cloud surrounded my body. I don't know if it is depression, or hormones, lack of sunlight.. it was horrible. I was angry with my husband & daughter for basically treating me like crap & not listening to me, but that is nothing new or really even that bad. I felt paralyzed. When I tried to do things I felt out of breath & the simplest tasks were very difficult. Maybe bad PMS, but holey smokes!

    I feel somewhat better today. I feel good enough to push through. Maybe the start of Pre-menopause? I know people go through a lot of crap, and depression & hormonal stuff with menopause. I had hoped that with exercise & healthy food I could avoid the craziness that some people experience.
  • summerluno2
    Hi Lisa … sorry for your bad week. Maybe see a doctor? If it's pre menopause they can give you something. Don't look forward to that!!!! In the meantime, if you get a strong Vitamin B that could help as well. Will send you good vibes.

    Had my yearly check up today. Still have 15 to lose but was good to see that I had lost 15 since last year's visit. Everything else went normal.

    Next week is our Thanksgiving and surgery for my son. So it'll be a crazy hectic week. I hope to stay good during it all! Got back to exercising and eating right yesterday and need to keep the course. My size down jeans fit, but 1 lb more and they won't so I have to focus :)

    Have a great Tuesday … and stay warm! Get outside for a little sun light!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! Missed exercising yesterday, but since I ran Sunday figured it can't be all bad to skip one day. Got my workout in today - JMBR Week 5. Still going well, but it is getting tougher.

    Cindy, glad your feeling better. I am all in with celebrating with a glass of wine (actually Michelob for me - never really liked the taste of wine!). I was only planning to exercise three days this week because of work, but now you given me a challenge and I'm going to get five days in this week!

    Lisa, sending good vibes as well and agree with Cindy on taking Vitamin B.

    Maureen, hope your good week continues!!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    edited November 2014
    Happy Wednesday …. 1/2 way through. I love writing in to you all because it restarts my day and gives me a reminder of why I'm trying to do. Otherwise, I'd have 8 days of fail for 1 day of good. I'm bad like that :)

    Let's hope for a weight loss for all and a glass of wine (or Michelob) on
    Friday night!!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ok, almost feeling back to normal. I took vitamin d & a b12 spray that I have. I guess I must have just needed a break. It is hard when my husband is not out of the store. Working with him all day, in a cramped office, causes me stress. I will have to figure that out. I do have work to do.

    I went to the gym this morning. Weight lifted & then ran for 30 minutes. I will do some cleaning & get some things done today. I may even go in to work lol

    Cindy, I also love posting on here. Keeps me accountable.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    good morning …. one more day til Friday weigh in and hopefully a glass of wine. be extra good today ;-) ha!

    Lisa, glad you are feeling a bit better - keep the vitamin D going. That's a long day with the husband when you go home together too. ;-)

    Hope you are all well!!!