Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I think 0.11 is my favourite number today. Great run, Ceci!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    WTG Ceci!

    I put in a 7 mile run today. Heading to beautiful Dubuque Iowa for the eagle watch tomorrow and figured there was no way I could get it in then. It was 27 F here this morning. We are starting to warm up. So much so that I had to stop and pull my yaktrax off halfway through the run. The roads were nice and clear.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Didn't get out last night. Snow showers and freezing wind this morning. Have to do 8km run this weekend. Haven't run that far for 4 months, most of my runs have been 3-4kms. Weather was clear and cold after lunch today so I decided to go out for a run and try to do 8km, husband was on standby to pick me up if the snow came on. Turned out to be the best run I have had in ages! Bitterly cold, but I had on my ear warmer, hat, buff, gloves and windproof jacket! It was one of those runs where everything felt right, breathing felt good, floated up the hills, even managed negative splits and a sprint up the last 500m hill which normally kills me. 8km in 54:45. Even had some snow in the last km.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Wow - nice runs everyone!

    I'm having a bit of a war between want and need today. I really WANT to go out for a run, but what I NEED to do is suck it up take a rest day from running and the gym. I had to ice after my workout yesterday and my ankle still doesn't feel quite right. Planning do do some stretching and revisit my physio exercises tonight. It looks like a few people from the local running group might be heading out for a 5k in the morning, I may tag along if all is well with the weather and ankle. Have a great day - happy running!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job upsaluki and romy!

    Weather here was perfect today, so I went for a bike ride at my national park. Only did 10 miles, not wanting to push too hard today, since I'm running at least 7 miles tomorrow! Now just have to decide where to run!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    upsaluki, nice work on stretching the distance, I hope you have a good weekend eagle watching, is it a euphemism?

    Romy, nice going, isn't it nice when you do something for the first time in ages and you get some real unexpected pleasure/ benefit from it. Well done, I hope it gives you the confidence to continue.

    Ceci, nice ride, hopefully your run will be as good.

    Skye, from someone who hates sitting out, sometimes it is the best remedy. Hope you get the right balance.

    Had a great run today 9.5 miles, a mix of easy pace and race pace work, it was slated as a moderate workout. I was dreading the run, it was the longest run I have done since 28 December and it turned out to be the best long distance run since 21 December. Mentally I was on the money, and although the legs and lungs complained at different parts of the run, I resolved not to give in. Felt really good, will do very easy runs tomorrow and Monday. A huge part of this was overcoming the negative feelings I had about the New Year Day run which due to a viral infection left me more than a little deflated.. Hope you guys enjoy your training, have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Very Easy run done this morning, back in the dark, running on top of a ground frost. I do love the sound of tiny ice particles crunching underfoot. Positives, kept at the faster end of the pace range and my average HR is dropping to where it was before the viral infection. Only negative from yesterday is that I was carrying some calf stiffness from pushing the session. Hopefully that will calm down during today and tomorrow. Good luck with your training/ runs.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So I'm using a Marathon plan from Endomondo to prepare for a half at the end of May, then maintain for two marathons later in the year; August and October. They're all trail so I have a feeling that a straightforward marathon plan will leave me underprepared, hence the approach.

    Yesterday was the second 15Km run and I went out on the trails for it, so about 6 minutes slower than Tuesday. I don't normally listen to music but tried an audiobook yesterday, which seemed to help a little when it was getting painful. Eat and Run by Scott Jurek.

    The weather was glorious, around 0/1C and clear. Felt good to get out on the trail after several road sessions.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Good runs, Robbie, upsaluki and MM, and nice ride Ceci, hope your run goes well today. Robbie, I can't recommend Runners World recovery yoga enough. I used to get all kinds of aches and pains after a long run, but now I do this after all my long runs and I rarely have any problems now. It takes 20 minutes, which seems like a long time when you just want to get into the shower and on with your day, but it feels a lot shorter when you are doing it.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good runs everyone!
    Skye I hope you did the smart thing and rested!
    MM, the plan would be suitable assuming you do all the training runs on similar terrain to the races, otherwise I totally agree that a road marathon plan could you leave you underdone for trail. (Unless they are relatively flat trails)

    I managed 8k on Friday before my social night. It was a painful and very slow at times run. Mostly due to the heat I think, considering the average temp picked up by my garmin was 35! Other than that it was a decent run and one that finally registered a speed on the Strava to MFP link/transfer thingy WHOOO!!
    Woke up on Saturday morning with a sugar over. Ate way too much sugar at the movies in the form of skittles and M&M's. Same feeling as a hangover, but without the headache. Breakfasted and ran down to parkrun to help make up the miles for my weekly target. Started off easily at parkrun and slowly picked up speed pretty much the entire run, it was a nice medium effort run. Surprisingly as this was my biggest week this year my legs felt nice and fresh, tuned over easily on the up and downhills and even managed a decent sprint finish.

    Looking like I won't get my group run in on Tuesday due to stuff, so I'm contemplating running to work, not sure of the exact route on foot but the few times I've mapped it out it's been around 21-22km so that would cover the target distance for the day.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy, thanks for the advice, I looked at Rebecca Pacheco's routine. I did not know the body could distort that much. :s I should do more stretching but the thought of getting up another 30 mins earlier just does not appeal enough at the moment. I currently have a 5 min cooldown routine which also helps at the end of each run, clearly not enough yesterday. I also do the T25 stretch routine every so often which does help. Will see if I can weave it in next weekend and see how it goes.

    taeliesyn, well done on the run and good luck with the run into work.

    Have fun
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited January 2015
    taeliesyn I work in London during the week so have two runs there, both generally flat along the Thames or gentle climb up through St James, Green and Hyde Parks so not trail training. I try to work at home on Fridays and subject to sunset times can get out on the trail for that session, then my weekend long run is trail as often as possible.

    What I found when I was preparing for a half in October was that it wasn't quite enough for a good performance. I managed 2:07 and got ITB Syndrome, so I'm wary of injuring myself again.

    That gives me the Ox Half in May, Dorset Invader Half in July, Salisbury 54321 Marathon in August and the Clarendon Marathon in October. I did the Clarendon Half last year. All of them are pretty tough races. but I'm hoping that'll position me for the Ox Marathon and Invader Marathons next year, and potentially the Salisbury 54321 50K.

    Anyway, cross training today. I took my new road bike out for a recovery session; 23K in 53 minutes with a couple of decent hill climbs in there as well.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Nice workouts everyone!!

    Skye, welcome! Hang in there; things will sort themselves out.
    When my legs start getting heavy in runs, I check my shoes. How many miles do you have on your current ones? All shoes are different but they do give less support long before they start looking bad to the eye (or so I found out).
    Romy is right in that the first kilometer or so is the hardest and your body will try anything to make you stop. Slow down your pace a bit and don't give in (unless its an injury). I believe Varda calls the "critter" who wants to stop you in the first kilometer The Blerch. I like starting with a downhill run, too. Starting with an uphill run (even a very slight uphill) for that first K is tougher.

    I finished my 3 Jantastic runs for this week. Today's run was awesome! I got to run outdoors, my leg felt good and the weather was fantastic for this time of year (no rain).

    It turns out that my leg issues are due to deep-down varicose veins (ugh!). The leg feels much more worked than the other leg and it tires much more quickly. If I keep running, I start to drag my foot just the teensiest bit and tend to stub my toe and trip. Running slower helps a lot and I don't drag my foot. So, until I can see a vascular doc, I'm running slower. Bummer! But maybe this has been an issue for some time now and that's why my speed wasn't improving? I can't really say.
    Darn genetics!!!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    My partner gave me that book for Yule :)
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Haha. I also follow the oatmeal on Instagram. Every so often he gives me a big chuckle. The book is funny, but I had read a lot of it on the website first.

    Great job everyone. I went out for a 4 mile run today. It was 40 F, so I was unzipping a lot and dodging puddles.

    Ftrobbie no euphemism. The bald Eagles congregate near a lock and dam where the water is open. We also took the boys to an aquarium. It was fun. Now if my American Football team hadn't just soiled the linens all would be well. They choked away a win in the very end of the game.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My run yesterday was good. I went into town and ran on the Greenway, an out and back that gradually slopes up on the out and down on the back. Ended up with 7.31 miles in 1:15:08. I felt pretty good throughout and am happy with the pace.

    Today, I was scheduled to run 2 - 3 miles. I was meeting friends for an afternoon ride on the Greenway, so decided to run before the ride. I did 5k in 30:59. Struggled at the start, but that's normal, especially the day after a longer run. Had fun on the ride though! Almost 14 miles at a nice leisurely 10mph pace.

    Perfect weather for the entire weekend which should continue for about another week!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Now if my American Football team hadn't just soiled the linens all would be well. They choked away a win in the very end of the game.

    That was hard to watch!

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I just completed my first week back to running after exactly 8 weeks off. So far no issues. I was doing 1-min run / 4-min walk intervals for 40 minutes on Tue/Thu then for 60 minutes on Sunday. All on trails. This week I'll switch to a 2/3 interval and each week add another minute of running. After 4 weeks I should be ready for some continuous runs. I've planned out an 8-week recovery plan which should get me ready to begin more traditional training. This year will be pretty much all slow trail running. No track workouts - I am focusing more on hills.

    Right now I am hoping to begin a 24-week ultramarathon training plan in late April. The plan has me running a 50K at the end of August which coincides exactly with a local race (should be fun in Georgia that time of year!). Then the plan finishes with a 50-miler in early October but I haven't found any close races around that time. I'll probably just extend the plan and prepare for a very difficult 50K on 11/7. That one has 14,000 ft of total elevation gain up & down one of GA's highest mountains twice! Then I'll need to prepare for a 24-hour run the first weekend of December.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Some big plans there Tim! All the best with your recovery. It sounds like you've got it in hand though.

    MM, yeah that's not the ideal for trail races, but not many of us can train the ideal for our races.

    Hope everything works out for you Paytra!

    Ceci, Robbie & Sal, sounds like things are moving along nicely for you all.

    Did 15k tonight, felt nice and strong the entire way through although the focus was on keeping it easy.

    Now to get some sleep before running into work tomorrow.