Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Now if my American Football team hadn't just soiled the linens all would be well. They choked away a win in the very end of the game.

    That was hard to watch!
    I will admit to having a sleepless night over it!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    NIce runs and rides guys and girls, sounds like you have better weather in the states than we do in blighty at the moment. Temps struggle around freezing during the day and dip below during the night. Expecting snow tomorrow (Tuesday) night through to Thursday. Rugby matches were cancelled yesterday due to the ground being like concrete. Too dangerous for the kids.

    Tim good luck on the recovery, restarting almost from scratch must be hard on the soul, especially after the marathon last year. I hope it goes well, it sounds as though you have your recovery well thought out and planned.

    taeliesyn, good luck on the run into work.

    upsaluki, you have my empathy, I support the mighty quins, who play a flamboyant style which is fantastic to watch when it works and can be very painful when it does not. The big issue is that you can only watch as it unravels before you.

    Another very easy run this morning, I seem to be getting my mojo back. Looking forward to my first tempo run for a while tomorrow, which should indicate how good the recovery is going.

    Have fun everyone.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Nice to see you back running Tim, hope your training goes to plan.
    Petra, I remember Beth having her varicose veins done last year and I don't think she had to miss too much running, hopefully it will be as straightforward for you.

    Today was weight lifting, started a new program as I was losing motivation with Strong Lifts. Felt good so decided to go out for a 30 minute run for Jantastic. Then I remembered I had to run 6 km for my training plan. Was going to split the difference and do 5km but was still feeling good and carried on till 6k, could have went further but running up the last few hundred metres I passed my daughter walking home from school and had to get home.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    edited January 2015
    Robbie & taeliesyn, I did rest up over the weekend. Unfortunately, I had to learn the importance of rest days the hard way. Pushed too hard last spring and, between over doing the legs work and a wrist sprain that wouldn't heal, I was basically banned from the gym for a couple months. Safe to say that was a lesson that I won't soon forget.

    MM, I'm curious, what kind of trails and trail races do you run?

    PaytraB, thank you for the welcome. You make an excellent point about my shoes. How many miles do you get out of your shoes? I've tracked about 300 km in mine and I think it's about time to demote them. Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with varicose veins.

    It's great to find more Oatmeal fans. Varda got me hooked on The Blerch comic & my brother bought me the t-shirt for Christmas. I do believe that little critter has been following me around lately! I haven't read the book yet, is it worth the purchase or a rehash of the website?

    Today I hit the Free Motion treadmill for my run. Picked a 3 mile trail, turned on the fan, 10 minute warm up walk, 30 minutes of running, finished up with another 10 minute walk & stretching. Overall, it wasn't bad for a day of running inside... One of the newbies grabbed my TM as I was writing on the sign-in sheet :/ Luckily there was another one free so it wasn't a big deal to switch. Haha - I did catch myself rolling my eyes about 'not having to deal with this kind of thing outside'.

    Congrats on everyone's runs and rides today. Tomorrow is a cross training day for me so I'll either be hitting the gym or the pool, depends on how quickly Little Man and I get out the door in the AM.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well the run into work didn't happen. Broken sleep until 1am'ish or later into the night and getting up around 3, to leave by 3:30 to make it to work and shower etc... nah took the extra few hours sleep. I'll make my miles elsewhere.

    Glad your mojo is returning Robbie, personally I've found as long as there seems to be improvements of some sort it's pretty good.

    Glad your run went well Romy :)

    Another Oatmeal fan here Skye :) I'm the last person to talk to about shoe life. I've got over 1400km on my main set. The guide I think that works best for shoe replacement is when you start getting niggles you can't explain, or that don't respond to cutting back miles etc. Then look at your shoes. I've got a friend who gets shin splints when her shoes are dying.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited January 2015
    Skye_NS wrote: »
    MM, I'm curious, what kind of trails and trail races do you run?

    This is my plan for the year, with a local 10K just before the first HM

    May - Ox Half - http://whitestarrunning.co.uk/eventBase.php?eid=2
    July - Dorset Invader Half - http://whitestarrunning.co.uk/eventBase.php?eid=5
    August - Salisbury 54321 Marathon - http://www.salisbury54321.com/
    October - Clarendon Marathon - http://www.clarendon-marathon.co.uk/

    I did Clarendon HM last year, with that supposed to be the tougher half of the marathon. The Ox is the same day as a marathon and 50K, and they're proposing introducing the Dark Ox, 10K night run on the Saturday, which looks entertaining :)

    I had hoped to do Hampton Court (palacehalf.co.uk) but didn't get a place. As a flat HM I figured I could more realistically assess my time there as trail times are a bit unpredictable. I think Clarendon took me 15 minutes longer than I could have done HM in, given the terrain and limping after the 12Km point.

    As far a shoes as concerned, I have about 520km on one pair of road shoes, and 300 on the other. I'm about to introduce a third pair to the cycle to allow me to retire the first pair in about another 100km. I overpronate and have suffered shin splints in the past so find that approah helps the transitions. My trail shoes have about 100km and 60km respectivelly, but on some trails I just stick with road shoes, given the mix of sufaces. Tarmac will kill the grip and gets quite uncomfortable without any cushioning.

    Robbie, good to see you getting over the virus, it's affecting lots of people badly this year.

    So last night was 8km along the Thames down through Battersea Park. Any Pink Floyd fans should recognise the name :) Several bootcamp classes in the park as well as lots of runners. I managed reasonable pace but legs are a bit leaden this morning. Jumping on my Brompton for the work ride wasn't all that welcome. Supposed to be a cooper test this evening, so I'll see how I feel. Tuesdays tend to be difficult days for feeding adequately so it's not the best day for something like that.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I can tell it's time for new shoes when my knees start hurting.

    Mother Nature has blessed us with perfect weather lately! I left work early yesterday to take advantage of that, getting in a nice 20 mile bike ride on the Greenway. Being a holiday, the trails were busy, but it's always good to see people getting out and moving.

    Will probably have to run at the gym today because it gets dark too early and I have a late meeting. vztmb5ss5j2k.gif
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Ran a little over three miles today. It snowed last night about an inch or two. I chose not to take the yaktrax out and it was a bad decision. Very bad footing out there, and one of my knees is a little sore. Good to get in the work though. The workout was supposed to be interval training but it was pretty hard to ramp up the pace with the poor footing.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    edited January 2015
    Great to see everyone getting in good runs. Today was leg day for me so no running. Talking of shoes mine are over a year old so must have well over 500km on them. I've noticed that they have been slipping on wet roads so the tread is obviously worn down. I was looking to see how much a new pair of Cumulus would be, the cheapest was £69. Later the same day someone posted in the c25k group on Facebook that Amazon had really cheap Skechers Go Run Ultras, so I ordered myself a pair for £29! If I don't like them I will just have to save up for a new pair of Asics.

    Just wondered if anyone has tried Kinetic Revolution 30 day challenge? It is a program of stretches and strengthening exercises that make you a better runner. I signed up for the emails at the end of last year but I wasn't running much then and only kept it up for a few days. Keep meaning to restart it. Some of the people in the c25k Facebook group have found it beneficial.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Skye - well done on the dreadmill, I started on dreadmills in June last year and progressed outside when the gyms aircon failed. Never gone back to a dreadmill since.

    taeliesyn, I still love the attitude, it wasn't to be, I'll do something else. It is refreshing to see someone just go with the flow.

    MM, nice going, it must be hard running through London but wanting to run trails. At least you are getting "easy" miles on the legs.

    Ceci, great work on the rides.

    upsaluki, I have some yaktrax for winter walking but never really thought about running in them, may need to consider it tomorrow. Nice run though even if you had problems

    Romy, well done on the gym session, no KR done here.

    Re running shoes, I have some Reebok subduo lites (5 pairs), 2 in boxes unused, 1 I am breaking in for the HM, (one 4ml run per week plus the 2 long runs in the last training weeks before the taper), one pair with 209miles on them, the last pair with 311miles. I rotate them round to ensure they dry out, but it probably means I will get slightly more life out of them. Each has their own colour bow on the front so I can match the pairs and know which is which, although a quick look on the treads gives it away. Before you think wow, I got 4 pairs through an end of line discounter (30GBP per pair)

    Tempo run this morning, I couldn't hold the pace for the full time, so a little disappointed (40 secs per mile faster than the planned HM pace). Thighs felt as though they were working hard. I felt a little stiff later in the day, so got a 3 mile walk in to loosen up. Very easy run tomorrow. I love the 80/20 programme a bit of running every day but not too much at any one time.

    Have fun peeps.

  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tim, glad to see you back running. Your runs are always an incentive.

    Nice runs this week! It's fun to read about our good runs.

    Skye, I get about 400-500 Kilometers on a pair on the road. Then they become treadmill shoes until the next road pair is replaced. Some shoes are much better than others.

    Thanks all! I'm doing great and continuing to run. I've got tai-chi class tonight and will get a good run in tomorrow.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Patra - good luck with your run.

    Light dusting of snow last night, melting as I ran this morning, making it slippy underneath and cold, especially with the wind. Ended up warm enough but could have done with layering slightly differently. Very easy paced session, they are getting easier but I was more aware about my posture. I was definitely more upright than recently. A definite sign that fitness is returning. Intention next week is to change the direction of the very easy runs. The last few weeks it has been uphill, long downhill and then uphill to finish. Next week will do downhill, long uphill with downhill to finish and see what that does to my perception of the run.

    Have fun everyone.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Nice runs everyone! :)
    Robbie, don't stress about struggling to hold the tempo pace, you are still recovering and it can be hard.
    Skye, glad you did the wise thing and rested.

    My 10k tonight.. HOT, humid and did I mention hot?? Despite the heat I actually started out reasonably strongly, however my left calf wasn't happy with that and I had to stop and stretch it.... I will never stop to stretch on a run like today again, unless I am at the top of a hill. Today I was at the bottom and I just couldn't find it in me to get running again, so I walked it. While walking up the hill I was scoping out peoples yards to see who had an easily accessible tap.
    Spotted one for when I came back past. Made it to the top of the hill, ran on the flat and then up the next little rise. Enjoyed having a headwind even if it was hot, as I was sweating enough it still cooled me down. Pushed on and made it back to the tap, where I had a drink and then splashed water over myself. Ran the next mile hit my next big uphill and just ground down into a walk. Got up the hill, got running again and managed to keep going until the next uphill... hills we definitely my nemesis today.
    Spotted another easy access tap and repeated the drink and douse process. Burst into a jog feeling refreshed, which lasted maybe 200m. Walked up the hill to get home. I really need to remember to bring hydration if I'm running in 35c+ degree heat
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got off work yesterday too late to run outside, so headed to the gym to get my 4 miles in. 4 miles on the indoor track in 38:32. Would have been better if I didn't have to dodge people who insist on walking in the passing lane! Not really complaining because at least I have the option of running indoors when it's too cold or too dark.

    @taeliesyn‌ I'm almost at the point on my longer runs that I need to be thinking about mid run hydration. Saturday I will run 8 miles. With the temps as low as they are now, hydration shouldn't be a issue yet. But in the coming weeks as the distance increases and the temps rise, I'll have to come up with a plan. The route I usually run has no options for hydration, so I'll have to carry my own.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn, not stressing mate, it will come eventually. It felt good while out but the TomTom does not give enough direct feedback so ended up 53 secs away from plan over 46 mins. In two weeks time we'll see whether the training is working or not when there is a similar session. And while we are all sitting with the weather around freezing, you are in a heatwave. Interesting just using peoples taps, you would get some grief over here for doing that, although to be fair outside taps always seem to be in the backyard here. Good to see you taking on your nemesis. Have success pummeling into extinction.

    Ceci, well done on the hamster session. re hydration there are so many different opinions I get confused, good luck on finding a solution that works for you.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I have problems with hydration, I am okay up to about 8-10km but after that I do need to drink. Unfortunately drinking when running makes me feel sick. I can manage tiny little sips but anything more than that and I want to throw up. I usually plan my long runs early in the morning to minimise dehydration. I guess I will just have to persevere and hope it gets better or I will have no chance of a running a HM.

    Out with Jog Scotland tonight, cold and icy. For the 3rd week it has just been me and my son. Hopefully we will have some more runners next week.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I did today's run at lunch because I know I won't have time later. Ran around the Community College that is near my office. Flat route mostly concrete with a small section that is gravel path.

    5 mi - 50:59
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    My knee felt sore last night, but was good today so I slipped out for an afternoon run. 4 miles -38:48. Roads were clear and I was feeling good. Hope everyone but Taeliesyn experiences a warming trend!. 8) If you think I snivel about running in the cold wait until it gets 90 plus degrees here!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy, do you think it is a lack of commitment or people not realising that it will carry on regardless? How does it get advertised? Hopefully you will get more fellow runners shortly.

    Ceci, congrats on keeping up with your plan whenever you can.

    Upsaluki, that was a nice run you put in, with some good paces. Hope the knee stays healthy. Just make sure that you are not pushing your weekly mileage too high too soon, especially with poor conditions underfoot.

    Easy run for me this morning, almost exactly met the paces, average HR down on the same session last week. Feeling good, a long day tomorrow with and it starts with hard interval session. Mixed views about it. Have fun with whatever you are doing.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    ftrobbie- I felt good again today on my five mile run. I think my times have improved with clear footing. Today was 28 F but the roads were clear and I was feeling good again. I'll probably take it easier on my longer run on Saturday. Tomorrow is a rest day.