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  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Coach, it is amazing and honorable that you would take on this challenge, thank you for making a difference!

    Husbands Birthday today, how did we end up in our 40s?? Time flies!
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Alright it is official, I am a stress eater! I guess I always kinda knew but this week has shown the evidence. I am being very pressured by my principal,in my opinion in an very unproffesional way, and I just could not stop eating cookies the last two days. I need to get things under control.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    BeLight the 22nd is my husband's birthday as well!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    snowdancer, first of all congratulations. teachers can't get enough recognition. however, when you get recognized as one of the best, well that's huge. Enjoy that moment. Share it with your friends and family and also your students. If you let them know they're a big part of it they will respond even more for you. Remember, they are the ones you're working for.

    I'm sorry I don't have any advice on how to deal with your principal. I always like to say, "We can't worry about the things we can't control". Many administrators are under pressure for test scores, behavior and discipline, paperwork, bad teachers, parents, etc. Don't be afraid to schedule a conference and speak with him/her. I always find it best to get to the underlying problem, and see if there is a solution.

    As an educator it's easier to be productive when we're happy and love our jobs. I've been teaching for 28 years and have worked for several admins and superintendents. Bottom line is the kids. I am really good at riding out the storms, new programs, new tests, common core, whatever it might be.

    Have a great weekend!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Alright it is official, I am a stress eater! I guess I always kinda knew but this week has shown the evidence. I am being very pressured by my principal,in my opinion in an very unproffesional way, and I just could not stop eating cookies the last two days. I need to get things under control.

    I am a stress eater too. For me, I love to eat sweets and fast food. I pick a couple of foods to keep around when I want to stress eat like popcorn and mini marshmallows.
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Awilliamslee784 that is a great suggestion with the popcorn and marshmallows.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    Snowdancer don't let your principal get you down. Just imagine you are kicking and punching them when you are doing turbo. I am so thankful for supportive admin. at my school site. Hopefully your principal comes around and sees all the hard work you are doing for the students. As coach reyes said, it's about the students.
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support!! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new semester and I'm going to focus on the kids and try to just outlast my administration :smiley:
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I love this group. The support and accountability is outstanding. I think I really need more on the weekends.

    I don't know if i'm a stress eater, but I am terrible on the weekends. I love the tips on how to eat at restaurants but I'll never use them. We found a little spot on the way home and I ate the best spicy chicken sandwich. My wife and daughter enjoyed a pimento cheeseburger. At least we shared fries, although it was a large basket. lol

    I have this in my classroom and it's one of the lesson's I cover with my students. We also made it into bookmarks with our school logo on it. You have probably read it but I thought I would share the last two sentences with you.

    "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you....we are in charge of our Attitudes." Charles Swindoll

    Now let's go get them.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I am not a stress eater, but I really do not do well on the weekends either. Beer and wine really add up in calories >:)
    coachreyes wrote: »
    "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you....we are in charge of our Attitudes." Charles Swindoll


    My eating has not been good the last few days, sitting on the couch with my foot up doesn't burn many calories to counter it either. Ah well, onward.

    I put next month's schedule up. I am going to complete this! And I will see the number on the scale go down.

    Back to work tomorrow, see you in the morning for Amy's Coffee Table Turbo Fire workout :p
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Well, this is random, but I have to vent a little. My Dr is trying out a new preventative med for my chronic headaches & migraines. This particular med has a well known side effect of weight gain. Most people claim to have gained 20-40+ pounds on this med. Its due to an increase in appetite and in carb/ sugar cravings. I'm on my 3rd day of this med and I gotta tell you, I've been thinking about pizza and chips all day long. :s This is going to be tough....
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    jms14letgo - you can do this! Not sure if this helps but when I get the insane craving for chips I bake a bunch of Kale with olive oil sprayed on it and sea salt. Just like chips, satisfies the crunchy/salt fix and I don't totally mess myself up with calories and carbs. Just don't try to dip them - doesn't work out to well. ;)

    Amy, you and Coach are a constant inspiration to me. I am really trying to do earlier workouts and get to the place where I can do them before my day officially starts. After seeing (well you know what I mean) you doing turbo fire on the coffee table, there is really no excuse of why I can't get my behind out of the bed...

    Today was a rough day. It started off good. Did Core 20 and then Fire 30. Then my Aunt came to visit from PA and brought with her Twinkies and HoHos!! I know this sounds funny, but my kids have never had that stuff. They don't eat a lot of junk food and had no idea what they were. Growing up in school, once a week in my lunch would either be a Twinkie or HoHo. I was bad. I ate one of each. :s I guess it could be worse, I could have eaten more...

    My kids were soooo funny. Why do they call them HoHos? Two of them replied, EWWWW this is gross! However, everyone liked the Twinkies. Oy - good thing they aren't sold here where we live. :)

    Tomorrow will be better. As soon as my Aunt left, I threw out the boxes of Twinkies and HoHos and immediately took the trash bag to the trash can which will be picked up tonight after midnight! I threatened the kids with iPod confiscation if anyone tells that we threw out the boxes.... o:)

    Have a great night - chat with you all tomorrow.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited January 2015
    jms14letgo - you can have pizza! Just make your own and make it healthy :) You can do this! Have you talked to your doctor about your concern?

    Sharkmomtn ~ thank you, you keep me coming here too! I so wanted at first to use my ankle as an excuse, but I knew I wouldn't be able to "face" this class if I did! ;)

    I will totally behave if my IPod is threatened o:)

    Even though I have pretty much kept up with the workouts, I am so not eating well. I think I am eating maintenance right now. Working out without my legs means no after burn effect.

    Plus, my husband, Bryan, is trying to help with the cooking. Something he never does. So I am not able to measure anything and I do not want to hurt his feelings. Last night we had lean burgers cooked on the George Foreman grill, started out great, I wanted a little cheese on it. He hands my burger to me proudly with a quarter inch slab of cheese on top. :# So I guesstimated 200 more calories into my food diary.

    Oh well, one month down, we can and will keep doing this! See you in class tomorrow, all of you!
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Alright it is time for me to make some changes. First off I just look at my Turbo sticker chart and I have missed every thursday this last month. I always feel guilty about it and beat myself up but something about that day is soooo hard to fit a workout in. I think I might just in on thursday and say I'm only going to do turbo 5 days a week and make thursday an extra rest day.

    Also, I have not been losing any weight and it is due to eating back all of my calories from exercising. I love food and when I see that I have just burned 500 calories from exercising the first thing I think of is what could I eat that is 500 calories or less. I need to get out of this mind frame!!! I think I am going to change my MFP goal to losing more weight a week so that my calorie intake is lower.

    Congratulations to everyone who completed all 30 days of Turbo Fire!!!!!
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Andrea don't beat yourself up too much. I think 2 rest days a week is just fine, and you have to make this work for you! I was going to check out your food diary then realized I haven't "friended" you yet, so I sent a request. :smile: I used to eat back all my exercise calories plus some.. so I stopped logging my exercise right away.
    Right now my diary is set up to lose 1/2 lb per week. So my calorie goal is set to 1460 and I usually try to get to that mark. Then when the day is all said and done I log my exercise calories. It seems to have worked out well for me.

    Amy- I did end up having a smothered sandwich and dessert sticks from our local pizza place. :p I just am making sure to make up with a deficit throughout the rest of this week. I haven't discussed it with my Dr because I just started this medicine this week and wanted to see how it goes for a couple of weeks before saying anything. Honestly if it gets rid of my headaches I will just fight the cravings. Which I haven't had too bad of cravings since the initial Pizza craze.. so I'm happy.
    -It's nice that your husband is helping out, even if he's not a conscious of calories.. My hubby isn't either so I always figure more calories when he's cooking. :wink:

    Lisa- Thank you for the encouragement and the tip about Kale. I will have to try that sometime, it sounds delicious. I'm amazed at your willpower to throw away the twinkies and hohos. I also think it's funny how your kids reacted to the name of the hohos. Those little debbie snacks are the devil though! >:)

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Random question: Is it worth it to invest in one of those FitBit or Jawbone monitors? My husband had a Nike Fuel band but kept having issues with it. I think he shorted the thing out during his workouts.
  • angelaklem
    angelaklem Posts: 39 Member
    I have a fitbit, but I really don't use it much. When the weather was nice and I could run outside, I used it. But I never use it for my turbo fire workouts. The one I have doesn't have a HRM with it so it basically counts my steps. I does count my calories burned but I don't really trust it to be accurate when I'm doing a workout like turbo fire.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    I've been so bad. I haven't worked out once since last Sunday. So, I start week 3 today. I know I just have to get up early before work and get them done. If anyone has any tips on how to love first thing in the morning workouts, I would love to hear them. As far as eating I have been logging my food everyday and made it to day 30 on mfp. I do know that I need to move the bag of chocolates out of my classroom. They are supposed to be for my students but for some reason I keep rewarding myself for nothing. I coworker has happily offered to house them in her room, so hopefully that will help with me sneaking them. Happy Saturday everyone!
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I use a Polar ft7. It actually monitors my HR and gives me a calorie burn based on my HR and the stats I have entered into it. I love it! I used to have a FitBit but found that it miscalculated with workout videos since it mostly counts steps rather than heart rate.

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    angelaklem wrote: »
    I have a fitbit, but I really don't use it much. When the weather was nice and I could run outside, I used it. But I never use it for my turbo fire workouts. The one I have doesn't have a HRM with it so it basically counts my steps. I does count my calories burned but I don't really trust it to be accurate when I'm doing a workout like turbo fire.

    Thanks Angela! I am a teacher and always running around the building.
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    I use a Polar ft7. It actually monitors my HR and gives me a calorie burn based on my HR and the stats I have entered into it. I love it! I used to have a FitBit but found that it miscalculated with workout videos since it mostly counts steps rather than heart rate.