Oh how I LOVE Combat!!!!!



  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Day 49 was a rest day. Day 50: Power HIIT, and Day 51: Combat 45 down! 9 days to gooo! I was actually able to do some of the jumping knee kicks today! I remember when I first started and couldn't make it completely through the normal knees without having to take a short break between them. :D Progress!! kt42f6s4ig45.jpg
  • mugglewump701
    mugglewump701 Posts: 116 Member
    Awesome progress! I just did the Combat 60 Live workout today and OMG I loved it! It made me feel really strong and like I got an amazing workout! That's all :)
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Awesome progress! I just did the Combat 60 Live workout today and OMG I loved it! It made me feel really strong and like I got an amazing workout! That's all :)

    Combat 60 live made me feel like I was starting from the beginning the first time I did it, in a good way. I think it was because it was all so new, and my muscles were feeling the change!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I'm so excited...I get to do the 60 live for the first time tomorrow and I'm super stoked!!! Did regular Combat 60 and Shock Plyo today since the hotel I stayed at Friday night didn't have a remote for the DVD player to change the workout from HIIT1 to HIIT2 (and the disc didn't work in my computer either) and did the Polar Plunge 5k race and plunge yesterday. So doubling up today made me fee GOOD...and did a 3.75 mile walk with a friend, too. Haha...I'm on FIRE :-)
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    I'm so excited...I get to do the 60 live for the first time tomorrow and I'm super stoked!!! Did regular Combat 60 and Shock Plyo today since the hotel I stayed at Friday night didn't have a remote for the DVD player to change the workout from HIIT1 to HIIT2 (and the disc didn't work in my computer either) and did the Polar Plunge 5k race and plunge yesterday. So doubling up today made me fee GOOD...and did a 3.75 mile walk with a friend, too. Haha...I'm on FIRE :-)

    Wow!! Get it girl!! 60 live is awesome, doing it tonight once I get finished with this homework. Been a major procrastinator today, but I'll get it done, even if it's late! lol One week to go! :smiley:
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    What is the Polar Plunge? I meant to ask and apparently I thought it but didn't type it? lol
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Day 53: Ultimate Warrior Down! 7 Days to go, the final day is actually a rest day, because of the shifting around workouts I did some weeks. So 6 workout days left, 7 days of the program left! Sooo excited! :)

  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    It's an annual plunge in Virginia Beach to support Special Olympics! There's a 5k race that morning, too. I've done the race twice before, but never the plunge itself (running into the freezing Atlantic Ocean haha). My friend has twins and one of them has Down Syndrome, so she will be in Special Olympics one day...so we started doing this after they were born!
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    It's an annual plunge in Virginia Beach to support Special Olympics! There's a 5k race that morning, too. I've done the race twice before, but never the plunge itself (running into the freezing Atlantic Ocean haha). My friend has twins and one of them has Down Syndrome, so she will be in Special Olympics one day...so we started doing this after they were born!

    Aww that is awesome :) I work in a special needs school, I'm a paraprofessional for a group of 11 babies, 18 months old to 3 years old all with different needs. I absolutely love it. Sweetest babies in the world :)
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Day 54: Rest day. :( I'm having back pain today, I think I may have agitated it when I was lifting one of the kids at work today. Gonna to let my back recoup and jump back in tomorrow to be safe. 4oalwtiptwea.jpg
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Yeah, I took a rest day yesterday since I did double workout plus a 4 mile walk on Sunday. I was utterly exhausted! But yeah...didn't know what to do with myself!! Hope your back feels better!!
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Day57: Combat 60 Live. Finally back at it! Toward the end with all the upper cuts I had to slow down, because the twisting my hips was starting to make that pinched nerve flair up, but ultimately I felt like I put in 100 percent :)ndz71j1kndj7.jpg
  • My_Fitness_Journey2020
    Checking in guys!! Been out of the game for the last few days. Finally got a workout in last night, and got most of one in this morning. I have a pinched nerve in my back that decided to flair up on my last week of Combat. I am determined to finish strong and get started with Pump though! I skipped over the last 5 mins of the dreaded burpees of Power HIIT, because I could already feel my back screaming at me. 3 more days till Pump! So excited :)0cxp9zh9xhsm.jpg
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    does everyone still do the dvds at home? i bloody love it!!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Hey, sorry, I just checked back in here! I'm doing Body Beast now and training for another half marathon, but I really want to go back to Combat soon! I miss it!!!