Every day chats!



  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello my lovely L.O.S.T. friends!!!
    Liz~ It’s actually turning out to be a great way to work out but….wow enough is enough! I’d rather go to the gym lol! I am a New Englander heart and soul though…snow and all!

    Barlovo~ Yea we get snow every winter but this year is crazy!!! I’m so glad you are progressing daily with this lifestyle change! I also did weight watchers but they change so much all the time. My fruits and veggies were never freebies…fruit was supposed to be very minimal ;certain fruits were very high point values and 3 years later those same fruits were very low point values? It was hard to get used to again. Then they started pushing a lot of processed meals like smart ones etc which had such high sodium content…I liked WW when I did it but it became very confusing for me when one time something that was good became bad when they revised things.

    Aaliceinw~ Your home is lovely!!! I like your gardens. I won’t be seeing my yard for quite some time and I think most of my flowering bushes will need to be taken down in the spring. This snow has been quite rough on them.

    Karen~ Even though I’m getting clobbered with snow and honestly quite frustrated some days…I LOVE New England. I moved out to Indianapolis, In when I was younger…I actually taught there for 8 yrs…but I hated it! I am not a city girl at all…give me a small town where everyone knows everyone any day! Here I have the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire within a 40 min drive and the ocean about 45 minutes away! I LOVE it!! LOVE the chameleon comment! I always look the same…it gets very boring lol!

    MdwstQT~ (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) to you! I am so sorry for your feeling down. Losing someone is the WORST!!!! And there is nothing we can do to make it any better…I think that is the worst part! I truly wish there were something I could say or do but my prayers are all I have for you and the virtual hug! Please know we are here if you need to chat!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS evening my friends!!! <3
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Aaliceinw - what a beautiful home!

    MdwstQT - big big internet hugs and a shoulder to lean on too. It's a tribute to your coworker that you are feeling this loss so deeply. It's clear he touched many lives and that legacy will live on in all of you. Hang in there, we never really get over a loss like this but we do learn how to live with it.

    Cindy - yes part of why I left weight watchers was because of the food pushing - all the junk food being marketed as "diet" food, the posters of pancakes and cakes at the meetings - it seemed like they were just trying to get us hungry so we'd buy more junk! And it's been good for me to track EVERYTHING - I had no idea how much I was grazing and nibbling on fruit and veggies through the day, until I started MFP.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    So I've been sick all week and finally went to the dr. Strep throat - ugh! At least it's something that can be cured.... I just got my penicillin and started taking it this afternoon. I had been feeling sad I hadn't joined in the exercise challenge but now I know why I didn't have any energy at the end of the day.

    Just to keep it honest- when I am sick I crave simple carbs. Knowing myself I'll be eating more white bread and pasta over the next few days, but I'm committing here to keep tracking whatever I ate, whether or not I go over my daily goal.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks ladies! I really appreciate it, you guys are so awesome. I'm hanging in there and I'm not going to give up. It's like flood gates have opened but I'm shutting them down! I'm sad and that's okay, food isn't going to change anything in a positive way. I'm mustering up the courage to dust myself off to try try again.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    edited February 2015
    QT you are awesome too! Just keep hanging there.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    QT take the time you need to grieve. Life always moves on regardless and too often, we think we have to get back to "normal" to please everyone else. Don't try to shut the floodgates while the waters are bursting through. If need be (and if you haven't already done it), get help from the psychologist because your colleagues passing may have triggered other painful emotions unconsciously that you might also be grieving. We are all here to support you but don't forget to get support closer by too. Big hugs to you in the mean time.

    Karen, you look gorgeous and no it is not creepy at all - lol for the chameleon comment :smiley:

    Barlovo - strep throat sucks! And it really does kill the immune system so look after yourself and don't be too hard on yourself. Try and get some chicken soup - I don't l know why it works but it does help a lot.

    Thanks everyone for liking my home. I was actually sharing the sunshine and beautiful African skies with Cindy and all of you stuck in the throes of winter.

    It's a bad MFP week for me so far but it is what it is. I'm battling to get my three meals in and my calories. And no exercise at all yesterday. :(:\
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Barlovo~ So sorry to hear about your strep throat! That is terrible. Make sure you get plenty of rest so it doesn't turn into anything worse!! I left weight watchers for the same reason. All the processed pre packaged foods. I had to giggle at your comments...our meeting leader, Hal, used to say if you bite it...WRITE IT! Because you don't realize how many BLTs you are having throughout the day! (BLTs= Bites, Licks & Tastes) LOL

    MdwstQT~ We think you are AWESOME as well!! I'm happy that you have not given up on us or yourself and keep checking in! That is a HUGE VICTORY! <3

    aaliceinw~ Thank you for thinking of me and sharing your beautiful blue skies and sunshine!

    Sorry it's short for tonight...I'm pretty exhausted today! Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Thank you guys :) Alice, I'm not shutting down the grieving gates, just the emotional eating gates. I know it will take time for me to grieve and I'm ok with that. I'm not ok with stepping back into my old comfort zone.

    I can grieve without the pint of ice cream each night :# My coworker fought til the end and I will too. I'm not comfortable with staying here so today I'll begin again. B)
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    You go QT! You got this! B)

    Barlovo, I hope you start feeling better <3

    Cindy and Alice, Hang in there at work and remember to take care of yourselves and be good to yourselves <3

    Noodle, Karen, and Ms. S I hope you are all doing well :)

    I am sending happy thoughts to all of you! :D
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks Liz!

    I hope everyone is doing well today. One more day until the weekend B)
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    I'm doing well Liz, thank you :) we spent 3 hrs at Costco today and another 3 hrs putting it away. I had to blanch and shock about 4 lbs of brussel sprouts and same with the Asparagus, then I boiled a dozen eggs and peeled them then made dinner and did all the dishes. I like having boiled eggs around that I can just grab as part of a meal or snack. It's been a long day and I'm very tired but I feel accomplished that I have that out of the way and now can go to my fridge and just grab some healthy foods. It was 500 bucks, ouch!! But some of the things like toiletries and such will last us for a couple months.

    To everyone who I was speaking with about Bison meat and such; I found some organic at my Costco food warehouse store but for 2 lbs it was like 20 bucks. That's out of my budget so won't be getting that right now but now I know where I can find it if I ever want it.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely evening. I'm going to go sit on the couch with my fur babies and my sweetie and watch American Idol and just chill. Good night everyone.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Karen, I did the monthly shopping on the 10th. Like you I prepare all my vegies when I get home. Though most of mine I will put in Tupperware vegies containers.
    Mine are the older models. I can keep romaine hearts and cilantro fresh for a month in these containers. I'm glad you had a nice day, enjoy American Idol :)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hey there MD :D

    I'm in workshops and working this weekend, then have a very hectic work week. I might be putting in an offer for my new house this weekend as well.

    Diving is beckoning so loudly! Peace and quiet in bottom of the ocean. No telephone, no internet, no voices... just bubbles and fish :D I will book my refresher course at the end of the month.

    Have an awesome weekend ladies
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Well I WAS looking forward to this week wend! I was supposed to have Sun, Mon & Tues off FINALLY, to chaperon that field trip to the Westminster Dog Show, but they are predicting yet another major storm to hit us Sunday into Monday and right now the prediction is another 18-24”! If we get the storm I will have to work Monday & Tuesday after all!

    Liz~ I am sure trying to hang in there. I am supposed to have Sunday, Monday & Tuesday off this week for my daughter’s field trip but with the snow they are predicting I’m afraid they may have to cancel our trip to the Westminster dog show.  I’m hoping for the kids’ sake it isn't as bad as they are expecting! By the way I LOVE those containers!!! I wonder if they are only sold by Tupperware or if they have an off brand?

    MdwstQT~ I see you are looking forward to the weekend already  Me too!!! Although they are calling for another storm to hit us Sunday into Monday and right now the prediction is another 18-24” ! THAT I am NOT looking forward to!

    Karen~ Great job on the shopping and prepping your food! I need to get better with that again! When I was working days…I did that very regularly…this night shift has truly turned me up side down! Hopefully at least when I go back to 6 days a week instead of 7 , I will get into a better groove again!

    Aaliceinw~ I am so happy for you that you will be starting your diving again!!!! Try not to work too hard! Enjoy some of your week end!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS night my friends!!!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes!! I am starting to feel better.

    Cindy I think our ww leaders went to the same training. I got a lot out of those meetings and one of my favorites was a mtg when we practiced saying no to offered food.

    MidwestQT you're in my thoughts. It's brave to grieve and a beautiful tribute to your co worker. You'll walk thru it day by day.

    Thx everyone! Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Mark is home so we are having our Fat Tuesday Supper tonight. We will be making spring rolls, California rolls, dim sum (pot stickers), crab ragoons, egg rolls, shrimp zucchini stir fry and fried rice. I will stay away from the fried foods and try to be moderate with the other foods, but it will be a challenge. I have promised myself that I will log everything either way!
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Cindy; I guess back in the day before I got ill (chronic pain) I could have done that on weekends after working but now I have in home support who does all my cleaning and I walk my dog in a wheel chair and don't work so I have the luxury of time to chop and prep but I do a lot of chopping of food sitting down. I feel blessed to have the help that I do and blessed on days that I have a more tolerable pain day so that I can do things I like to do like cook and bake and read a book or go to Costco. Okay maybe not Costco, lol, not on my 'Like' list so much but hey it was getting out.
  • grooszeczka
    grooszeczka Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Beautiful ladies!

    I've uploaded two pictures of myself, one is from today one is from last month, Can You spot the difference?
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    You are dressed for work in one ;) You look slimmer through the waist :) Way to go!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone, here's some good news from my day, for Friday the 13th:

    1) President Obama visited my campus today (no, I did not see him, but I saw lots of security!)

    2) I got an acceptance notice from a publisher for an article.

    3) [most important] I had my five-year oncology check-up this afternoon, and all tests came back clear. Five years!!! Major milestone!!!!

    Not bad for an "unlucky" day :smiley: