February Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • serrazee
    serrazee Posts: 30 Member
    Sarah: 2
    The Binge: 1

    Days Binge-Free: 1

    Okay, so got myself back into a good mindset yesterday after I felt so awful the day before, and hoping to continue that today! I want that Days Binge Free number to really rack up the points!!! :smiley:
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    15 Feb 2015

    Karla 13
    The Binge 2
    Days Binge Free 2

    Half way through the month! Lets continue the good runs people!
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Lauren: 11
    The Binge: 3
    Days binge free: So I made it to a week before I binged heavily...I'm so ashamed of myself :/. I had an unexpected stressful event occur and I literally tried to binge my pain away. I felt so disgusted with myself during and especially afterwards...I hate it. Huh. However, I have been binge free for 4 days since.

    Stay strong everyone!
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    ryanhorn wrote: »

    Another close call last night. I feel like I'm going to end up caving one of these times :/

    You got this! You're almost at 2 weeks!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 15

    Me: 7
    Binge: 8*

    Been a bad few days with bingeing. Hubby is on board to eat better, so, hopefully that will motivate me. Plus my tummy feels icky.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 12
    Binge: 3
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    February 15, 2015

    Ryan: 14
    The Binge: 1
    Days Binge Free: 1

    After having the worst binge I've ever had two nights ago, I've decided to do something more active to finally stop this. I often have found myself after binges immediately going into a restriction cycle to "undo" binges creating a constant binge/restrict/binge/restrict wheel that never seems to end. I've decided instead of battling the binge to battle my want to restrict this time around, so I've stopped tracking calories (yesterday was my first day not tracking in two years) and "dieting," and instead, I'm going to experiment with intuitive eating where whenever I crave something, I'm going to eat it. Hopefully I'll see some progress! Wish me luck!
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    ryanhorn wrote: »
    February 15, 2015

    Ryan: 14
    The Binge: 1
    Days Binge Free: 1

    After having the worst binge I've ever had two nights ago, I've decided to do something more active to finally stop this. I often have found myself after binges immediately going into a restriction cycle to "undo" binges creating a constant binge/restrict/binge/restrict wheel that never seems to end. I've decided instead of battling the binge to battle my want to restrict this time around, so I've stopped tracking calories (yesterday was my first day not tracking in two years) and "dieting," and instead, I'm going to experiment with intuitive eating where whenever I crave something, I'm going to eat it. Hopefully I'll see some progress! Wish me luck!

    Good luck Ryan! I do the same thing after bingeing - I wake up the next morning and think something like - well I ate x amount of calories so if I create a HUGE deficit for the next three days it'll be like it never happened! Which inevitably leads to me bingeing again two days later... Often the hardest part is starting fresh the next day and not punishing myself. Such a vicious cycle!
  • serrazee
    serrazee Posts: 30 Member
    Sarah: 2
    The Binge: 2

    Days Binge Free: 0
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Lauren: 12
    The Binge: 3
    Days binge free: 5

    Ryan--let us know how that works for you!
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    16 Feb 2015

    Karla 14
    The Binge 2
    Days Binge Free 3
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    February 2015:

    Mollie - 10

    The Binge - 5

    Days I did NOT log it all - 5


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Nancy: 9
    The binge: 3

    Binge-free for 9 days in a row.

    This is a milestone for me! I checked my food journal all the way back to 2012, and couldn't find a binge-free stretch of more than 8 days. 9 days ago I was in despair because I was struggling, and had pretty much been on a constant binge for the last 6 months. Now I'm feeling strong and confident. I know how quickly all this can change, so I remain vigilant.

    Awesome! Keep up the good work Nancy!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    serrazee wrote: »
    Hey guys! I've been in this group for a while, but haven't really spoken up much. I wanted February to be the Binge-Free month, but I've already slipped up several times, not insanely severe binges (because I've managed to remove most trigger foods from the house), but not under control either.

    I seem to be struggling doing it on my own, so I'm reaching out to you guys for help to keep me accountable.

    I fought with The Binge again last night, and lost. So I am joining this challenge with all of you today, because I want to start fresh, once and for all! I haven't been accurately logging The Binge, but I am proclaiming as of right now that I will log it all! I will get this under control! :)

    February 12
    Me: 0
    The Binge: 0
    Many mistaken this group for trying to be binge free. That is not the objective of the challenge. This group and challenge is for helping us to be mindful NOT perfect. If you feel you have to be perfect to conquer binging then you are setting yourself for failure and disappointment. Consistency not perfection.

  • smeenach
    smeenach Posts: 5 Member
    Cool idea! I'm game. I've never tried tracking this before but it seems like it could be very empowering!

    Samantha: 1
    The Binge: 0
    Binge Free Days: 1
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 13
    Binge: 3
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me - 3
    - binge - 0
    - days binge free - 6
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    February 16th
    Kourtney: 11
    The Binge: 5
    Days binge free: 1

    Definitely upset with myself. My exam Friday went poorly and I gave in to the binge. Was able to bring myself back for Saturday, only to binge again on Sunday. I just feel helpless sometimes, like I fight month after month, only to keep making the same mistakes again. Well, I keep trying, because I have to, the alternative is way worse.

    Also nervous about a doctors appointment in 2 weeks. 2 years ago I had high cholesterol, and when I came back a year later I had lost a lot of weight and got my cholesterol under control (and was applauded by my doctor). It's going to be embarrassing to go back around 10 pounds heavier than this time last year, and if my cholesterol has gone back up, that will make it even worse. Ugh.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Feb 16

    Me: 8*
    Binge: 8

    Finally no binge today!
  • smeenach
    smeenach Posts: 5 Member
    February 17

    Samantha: 2
    The Binge: 0
    Binge-Free Days: 2

    Keep going everyone! You can do this!!