March Chat



  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    edited March 2015
    I won't be checking in for a week - heading out to Vegas for the nascar race and other fun things. for this week I have lost a lb, but I dont' know if it will stay off. We usually do ALOT of walking when we are out there, not unusual to get 14 - 15,000 steps. I just have to be careful not to eat my way through Vegas. Ya'll have a good week!

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    edited March 2015

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    March has brought me a new great niece, born yesterday and named Heather Lucy King ... Heather was my daughter's name, she died aged lovely that my niece has chosen Heather as her third daughters name <3

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Retirehappy--Forgot that you were in the Denver area or I would have let you know. It's nice to know that I was missed, too. Hope you had a wonderful time in FL; I love it there in the winter, too, but when kids move, you just have to go where there are, right? Oh yeah, and make a big, wonderful road trip out of it. :)
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Jeanrob--congratulations on the birth of Heather Lucy King. It is wonderful that your niece chose that name.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Jean - how nice, that is so thoughtful of her.
    - congratulations
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    What was even more thoughtful was that she called a few weeks ago and asked us both - and our son if we were ok with her choosing Heather as a name ... we were! <3

  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I am so moved by these posts. Jean, how nice for niece to honor your daughter. Wow 900 and 1,000 calories a day! Good luck, I have a hard time staying at 1,200. Another snow storm coming tomorrow. I've packed a bag and will be staying in a hotel tomorrow night so I can get to work on Thursday, then off Fri and Sat. Had to get my temporary handicapped parking permit renewed today for three months. I probably will not be able to post till I get back home. Everyone, keep up the great work and be careful. Joni
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Sitting in the couch after dancing for 30 minutes waiting for my inhaler to kick in and thought I'd get caught up and add my own two cents. Today I started a stretching routine that I will try to do every day--it doesn't take much time or burn many calories, but hopefully, it will help with the minor aches and pains. Also, started working with my little dumb bells again to try to build some strength in my arms. Hopefully, these routines added to my regular treadmill or hula hoop will get my body in shape and burn calories. I didn't eat too badly while I was gone, and we walked/hiked in hilly/steep areas a couple of times a week, but my body still got flabby and feels unused.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Disaster!!!!! I seem to have lost my pedometer........and I really loved it! Must try to keep moving until I decide what to get to replace it! I am thinking Fitbit!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Jean, sorry you lost the old one but now is a perfect time to upgrade. They are all great. I got the one with HR monitor because I kept forgetting to take mine. It also serves as my watch/calendar and tracks my activity. I love the darned thing. But any fitbit will keep track of your steps for you.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Well I don't know what to say....I have found my pedometer....I got ready for bed and found it in the pocket of my dressing gown......which means I forgot to attach it to my jeans this morning....this could be the first sign of me becoming a forgetful old girl! :o

    And I am not even sure I am pleased as I have been checking Fitbits out all evening! lol

    Oh well! Never mind! :|

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    jeanmrob wrote: »


    And I am not even sure I am pleased as I have been checking Fitbits out all evening! lol

    Oh well! Never mind! :|


    Best go ahead and order the Fitbit as it's always a good idea to have a back-up!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @jeanmrob congratulations on your new great niece and what a lovely gesture on your niece's part. I love my Fitbit Charge. I don't have the one with the HR monitor. It hadn't come out yet when I got mine.

    @Gramanana: I think the stretching commitment is so important! I use a stretch trainer at the gym and it has really taken away my aches and pains. But, I haven't been to the gym all week and was just thinking how I ache all over today. I need that stretching!

    I have been really working on balance. Started in December standing on one-foot whenever I think of it and am just standing like at the kitchen counter or brushing teeth. It is really helping and I can do the slow-hold kicks of Tai Chi better than even my instructors!

    Finally feeling better. I think I will wait until tomorrow or Sunday before heading back to the gym though. Still have a cough and is worse when I get overheated.

    Oh, I booked my "reward" finally from last month for hitting a goal. Booked one-night in a B&B in Northern KY (one of's top 10 B&Bs), with reservations at a local fine-dining tavern and tickets to a "Mummy" exhibition in Cincinnati the next day! Maybe a stop at IKEA on the way back to Columbus!
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I forget which Fitbit I have, but I wear it on my bra. I never drop or lose it. It counts steps, calories, workouts, flights of steps, sleep and has a clock on it, but you have to push a button to see the time. We find a lot of the wrist Fitbits at work, they fall off your wrist. A friend has one and has started wearing it on her leg under her sock. Even the new Charge, which I really thought about getting, a lady told me the other day, hers' fell off her wrist. I love my Fitbit. This is my second one.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member

    Oh, I booked my "reward" finally from last month for hitting a goal. Booked one-night in a B&B in Northern KY (one of's top 10 B&Bs), with reservations at a local fine-dining tavern and tickets to a "Mummy" exhibition in Cincinnati the next day! Maybe a stop at IKEA on the way back to Columbus!

    Hope you get to see the redbuds and dogwoods blooming in Cinncy, I was in Vista there and it is where I met my husband, I lived there for a couple of years. It can be very beautiful in the spring or just flat out rainy. Hope you get the beautiful part. B)

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    My best friend used to live in Northern KY right along the Ohio and I used to go visit at least every 6 weeks. It is such a beautiful area. (Let's face it, N. KY is really just a Cincy suburb.) I love all of KY and vacation there a lot. Traveling the Bourbon trail is a nice trip! Lexington. Mammoth Cave. Lake Cumberland. Love KY.

    I often go to the Cincy Museum Center. Great special exhibits. Tall Stacks when it takes place. Montgomery Inn (although we now have one here, but not the same). And IKEA, although we are finally getting IKEA in Columbus in 2016!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Jean, I'm sure you'll keep moving because it is habit now. Good luck finding a replacement. Most people love their Fitbits, but personally, I don't have one and pedometers don't really work for me anyway. When I'm out walking, I use RunKeeper on my phone and that does the trick for me.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Oh Charlie, that sounds just wonderful. I admire you for giving yourself rewards like that. I should reward myself as I hit a new "decade" today. I enjoyed the Cincinnati area when our DD & her family lived there.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Jeanrob congrats on the new niece! I have two grandnephews born last year and I made a contract with both mothers that they are REQUIRED to send me a pic at least once a week!! I have a love/hate relationship with technology but texting and phone pics have really helped keep me closer with my far away family. Love facebook for the same reason

    I have gone back and forth about saying this and decided I am going to go out on a limb and just do it. After all, I am at the age where I can say what I please right? Here it goes, holding my breath ...........I do not agree with your doctor on the 900 calories. There, said it. After 30 years as a nurse I can honestly say, not that many doctors know all that much about nutrition. If s/he is a barriartic MD, that is one thing. But pcps , well, I will say only this - please look up the dangers of eating too few calories and trying to lose weight. Its so easy for your body to click into starvation mode and then losing becomes almost impossible. Does mfp say you should be eating that little? Personally, I would limit starches, increase fiber, and increase exercise. I PROMISE I will only say it once and am not bringing it up to debate it. I finally decided to bring it up ONLY for this reason. Try it, since your MD told you to, BUT if you find that its impossible for you to stick to, OR you find that you stick to it and your body stops losing (I did this one time and after about 3 months I counted every calorie, every fat gram, exercised like crazy and lost only 3 lbs a month because my body had just snapped into starvation mode and was holding fat! and I only lost 3 lbs a month for a year!) then do NOT feel guilty!!! My only suggestion of to educate, educate, educate yourself about nutrition. There is so much wonderful advice on the internet about health and fitness. Sorry, I know I do tend to run on and please feel free to backlash me. I simply had to let it out!!!