Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    So glad you have gotten good results with chiropractic care. It was a nightmare the few times I went to one and it always made me hurt worse for up to a week. Just wasn't for my injuries. Have known many people who have had great results too. Also glad you are protecting yourself by filing a claim. Wishing you the best outcomes!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    OK Ladies, it's official. I have won the workplace "Biggest Loser" challenge after all ! I lost 8.23 % of my body weight in 3 months. I have won $140 CAN. I am pumped for the next challenge, especially by the images conguered up in my mind ( and Granny May's) over the bikini / speedo challenge. However our OT who is so far the only male intending to join the challenge, is not so pumped about wearing a speedo....rats ! I intend to win the next challenge as well anyway, which will be over early July, just in time to actually be able to swim in our lakes over here. We're hoping to be able to attract more participants at work, from the general workforce too. I want to participate not only to be able to keep me motivated on my own weight loss journey, but also to help others with their health struggles. I have brought my books and DVD's to work and lend things like " Wheat Belly" and "Fed Up" to my co-workers. I really loved the book " Grain Brain" which calls Alzheimer's "type 3 diabetes". I work with an elderly population, and some of my co-workers are elderly themselves and could take better care of themselves. I am convinced that LC HF is the way to go, for not only weight loss, but for improved brain function and protection from disease. So here I go on my mission...........I'll keep you posted.

    I had my app't at the insurance place and my car needs $1,100 worth of work, so I guess it was worth it to start a claim for my car as well as me :)

    Had a bit of a hard time today trying to get off work to go for my appointment. I am in the predicament of being the only one at my workplace who does the job I do, and I do a damn good job too......but quite often end up doing too much and taxing myself, especially if injured. My boss had many things she wanted me to do today. But after going in yesterday, in pain, instead of calling in sick, and staying late as well, I needed to get away early, see about my car and have some rest. I'll see my chiropractor tomorrow and I'll be on the way to recovery.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Kitnthecat Congratulations! That's a fabulous win--especially the 8.23% loss! I'm so glad you placed the claim so your car and physical care will be covered. Amazing that you thought your car was ok and it needs $$ work. Good thing you had it checked! Most of all, I'm glad you have good physical help that will lead you to recovery. Speedy healing!
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats @Kitnthecat !
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kitnthecat WOO HOO! Good for you!!!
  • odirish
    odirish Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I am new here. My name is Mary Ann and I am 63. I sent out friend request so I hope you will add me. I'm not too good with low carb. I know it works, but for me, the very minute I get lazy with it I gain all the weight back. Maybe I can learn something here.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi all! I just started low carb on Monday. Struggling to keep Fat up and calories down. Have set my goals as: 25% C, 55% protein, & 65% fat to stay in 1200 calorie range. So far no weight or measurement changes, but am exhausted. Cut back to 1 diet coke/day from 4/5 and am drinking 5/6 big mugs green tea/day. Also cut coffee to 2 cups/day. I'm turning 51 in a couple of weeks with Hashimoto's, just had ovaries removed couple mos ago (hysterectomy 1995), and was just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Let me tell you 50 was not a great year. Would like to drop weight & decrease my belly for my son's wedding in July. Can anyone tell me if these % seem good or how to increase fat without blowing calories. Tend to go over on protein but keeping low on carbs hasn't been to bad. Am not starting exercise til next week cause I didn't want to be too overwhelmed.
    (Excuses, excuses I know).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Wow, huge congrats @Kitn I'm so pleased you have this happy win to think about and not just the event of the accident and the things that entails. I'm saying 'Tuff!' to your boss's requests. You can NOT work normally when you're in pain and she is going to have to accept that for a while. Goodness knows you put in enough extra hours for free the rest of the time. Ask for help! Could she get a relief staff member just for a time to help you?

    I owe everyone else responses but have a son and 3 grandchildren here so it'll be Monday night at least before I have much chat time <3

    @odirish Welcome Mary Ann. Yeah, low carb is similar to any diet in that you need to keep it up. Once your reach goal you can raise your carbs somewhat, but obviously it needs to be held in check too. Did you read the Launchpad at the top of this LCDaily forum? Ask if you can't find it, but I gotta run now. You will definitely learn here - ask any questions you have. And all the best!
  • tracyjprez
    tracyjprez Posts: 7 Member
    Hi GrannyMayOz and Ladies! I just wanted to pop in to say how happy I am to have found this group! I'm 53 and am finding it so difficult to lose the weight now that I've gone through menopause! I found Atkins in my early 20's and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. It was amazing. I've tried it several times over the years since and it just hasn't gotten me the same results.

    I've been all over the map (I know, I know!) with my diet, trying to find something that works. Most recently I was doing LFHC/The Starch Solution. But that didn't help me lose any weight...and I found that I was easily exhausted with low energy and out of breath much more than I would like, so I (once again) researched the Ketogenic (LCHF) diet and am re-convinced of the health benefits of it. I've been on this WOE since April 6th...and have GAINED about 6 pounds. Ugh! I was down to 191 following a 10 day cleanse (a couple of months ago I was hovering around 203...which really freaked me out!) but as of this morning I'm back up to 197 and I'm really discouraged...but FAR from defeated! I absolutely believe in the science behind this WOE. But I'm not at all happy about the weight gain. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, since I am being pretty careful to not eat more carbs than I should. I AM eating dairy...limited nuts...and intentionally high fat (good fats...Kerrygold butter, MCT oil, coconut oil) but I'm still not losing. I HATE the idea that I might have to calorie restrict and/or cut out dairy.

    I would sure welcome any thoughts from some of you who might have similar experience with this, have figured it out, and are now having success! I'm trying to keep my macros at about 75% fat, 20% Protein, 5% carbohydrate.

    This hormonal change sure is a pain in the butt!!!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    @Sk8Kate Oh gosh I'm sorry, you must have been typing at the same time as me and I didn't see your message until now. Welcome to you. You are most definitely doing the right thing to delay exercise actually. I went from a SAD diet straight to keto with no adjustment and was exercising hard the whole time - talk about wiped out! I've always exercised hard (well, since age 50 anyway!) and should have given it a rest entirely for a couple of weeks. Instead of that it took me about a month to recover. Low carb is a major adjustment for the body, that's enough for it to cope with, without adding exercise to the mix as well. I record my macros in grams so don't know what my % are but I aim for 0-20g carbs, 110-130g fat, 60-80g protein with around 1450 calories per day. I'm 58, 5' 5", and have around 23 lbs to lose. Have you chosen your macros from an online calculator?

    @tracyjprez Welcome Tracy. We're glad that you found us too! I've suffered a bit with breathlessness too in my earlier days of this lifestyle, but it seems to have passed now thank goodness. It's been mid-summer and very hot since I started and heat and breathlessness don't go that well together. Some people do gain to start with, please don't freak out. What dairy are you having? Is your diary open for people to look at? I have grandchildren asking me to play with them so I can't look right now. My diary is open if you want a look. I'm doing the April Challenge at the moment and have hidden my calories so I'm eating to hunger, not mathematics. So don't mention to me how many calories I'm consuming per day if you do look.

    We'll work this out together and lose weight, even if it is slowly.
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @Kitnthecat - well done, tremendous news!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all, I was just about to start typing and had a fit of the giggles! I was going to write....I'm Jane and I am a LCHF'er....like AA or something! Addicted to this way of life/eating. :)

    @kitnthekat...well done not only for winning the challenge but for getting the assistance you deserve from the Insurance company. We all pay so much in premiums and yet are reluctant to claim! I applaud your intention to help the people you work with and in educating them but.....lending them books might backfire for the next challenge,lol, they could get into it and beat you!

    @ Mary Ann, sk8kate and Tracy...welcome...I have only been on the group about a week and I just love the help and support we get here! These ladies are all very special!

    WOW sk8kate your body has taken a bashing recently! So many things changing in it. Dont be too hard on yourself! Just give it time and things will move hopefully. We all seem to struggle with slow loss...except for wheatfreegirl66 and kitnthekat who wasting away it seems,lol.

    If you havent done this WOE (way of eating)before and dont know what all these abreviations mean....theres a good list on the launch pad or main group discussions list. Helps reduce the frown lines getting any deeper trying to work it out!

    @GrannyMayOz enjoy the time with your grandchildren! I'm told its the best...being a granny. It may be on the cards for me too....my eldest son told me they have just had another round of ivf and it has taken but its a waiting game now to see if the pregnancy progresses....it hasnt in the past. I'm far too young to be a granny anyway!LOL. I may be 58 in body but my mind is only 24!!! Shame my body doesnt still act like that too!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    We all seem to struggle with slow loss...except for wheatfreegirl66 and kitnthekat who wasting away it seems,lol.

    I wish! I lost more quickly initially, but have ssslooooooowwed down almost to a stop this month. I'm longing for it to pick up again. I feel ready to increase exercise and get to firming things up as much as possible. Gotta do something about this jiggling that continues for 5 min after I stop moving..... ;)

    Welcome, Mary Ann, sk8kate and Tracy! You've come to the right forum for doing keto/LCHF! There's lots of information to be had by reading the intros and thorough the pages of threads. There are really helpful and knowledgeable folks who are happy to answer questions.

    @Tracy --your macros are good, but you might need to ditch the dairy for a while, except whole cream and butter. It often interferes with loss.

    @sK8Kate --I suggest you increase your calories and adjust your macros. This keto-calculator.ankerl.com will help you get them to a range your body needs. 1200 calories just isn't enough, isn't that good news!

    @MaryAnn --Dig in and read, read, read. Use the calculator above to set your macros and amount of calories you need each day. Feel free to ask questions!

    @granny --Enjoy those grandchildren! What a blessing to have them! I don't have any, but enjoy my grandnieces and nephews.

    Hope you all have a great day! We can do this! <3
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @ wheatfreegirl66 I know its hard when you get a slow down but you will get going again even if its slowly...we all will!
    I just looked at May's diary etc....what a dark horse! 5kg lost! Brilliant. I guess coming in after a few weeks etc and reading about the slow down makes us miss that you have had so well already!

    As an addition to a previous post about walking videos on you tube etc I asked a friend the name of the Jenny girl and ended up with a whole list,lolol. Here are a few apart from Leslie Sansone.
    Jessica Smith
    Checkout www.totalfitnessdvds.com....all levels
    fitnessblender...has videos to download

    May you find something there to get you moving at home for whatever reason.
    My experience is with Leslie Sansone who is sooo upbeat, chatty and happy that she can be positively irritating but that said...I like her stuff. Just need to get up out of this chair and do it!!! :#:#;);)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    All of your stories inspire me!

    To the newbies, please read as much as you can to properly educate yourselves to this woe. I tried atkins years ago and found it wasn't sustainable for me. I stayed hungry and that's not good for anyone. Now with the addition of high fat I am no longer hungry. That a major accomplishment for me and I now see this will be my woe for life! Hang in there! Once you learn the basics it get much easier and you won't even think about carbs!

    Another MAJOR accomplishment for me is that I weigh 207 lb. which is the least I have weighed in my adult life!! I am stoked!!!

    Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @jumanajane --I have two Leslie Sansone dvds and like them a lot. Guess it would be a good idea to actually DO them!

    @karlottap --Hurrah for you at 207! I'm 10 lbs behind you and cannot wait to get below 200. It's been a long time for me, too. That's wonderful! You're making great progress.

    My husband is cooking breakfast: eggs, BACON, avocado, coffee. Two months ago I wouldn't have eaten it b/c of all the fat and calories!! Hahahahahaha!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    One grandson is in bed and the 2 granddaughters have gone home (they stayed last night).

    @Jane I was 49 when I became a grandma! I hope you get to be one, I really do! One of my cousins had to use IVF for quite a while but now has a pair of beautiful twin girls who are 8. She was 40 when she had them, but started late to even try for children.


    Myself with my mum, grandmother, husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. I loved being both a granddaughter and a grandmother at the same time. This lasted for a year until my grandmother died (I can't get used to this modern use of the word 'passed', it sound like you passed an exam!). The baby, Georgia, is now 9. I'll post a current photo of my grandies another day.
    jumanajane wrote: »
    I just looked at May's diary etc....what a dark horse! 5kg lost! Brilliant. I guess coming in after a few weeks etc and reading about the slow down makes us miss that you have had so well already!

    Tee hee. Well, it's my 86th day today so, trust me, I've had far more slooooowwwww times and gains than I've had losses. Well, actually, that can't be true can it? I did have 2 short stints where I lost steadily for enough time to think 'I got this; I know the magic trick' only to be foiled again o:)

    @Karlottap Congrats on achieving your lightest weight, that's fantastic work!

    @Ellen nom, nom, nom. Our avocados have been really expensive ever since I switched to LC. Can't wait for them to be affordable again.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Beautiful picture May ! Thanks for sharing. I love Grandma's.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    What a great picture of a beautiful family @GrannyMayOz ! What a blessing and treasure!

    I'm the same @wheatlessgirl66 a few months ago I would. Have felt the same about all that fat! Now, bring it on! The difference in how I feel is what matters most!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I just had a shock. I just returned from a shopping expedition, trying to find pants that fit for a party tonight. I have given away many of my clothes that were too big, so have few clothes that fit right now, except for some worn out items from years ago that will get me through cleaning the house or a trip to buy groceries, but nothing new that would be suitable to go out in. The crotches of the pants I am wearing now are also sagging too low...not pretty, and I have to keep pulling them up.

    I am such a chicken to buy clothes anyway, having been self conscious about the way I look... forever. I met my daughter at Sears where she works and asked her to show me where the plus sizes were. But when I looked around, the clothes looked too old and big for me, so she showed me where some of the nicer, more designer clothes were. I could not believe that I was able to fit into some regular sized clothes. I bought a pair of XL pants and 3 L tops from the regular department, not the fat lady department ! Holy smokes !

    The good thing about the pants is that they are stretchy, and have a high waist which will actually hug my small waist, instead of having to buy larger pants that fit my hips. I can't believe what a difference that makes. I have a shape again finally.