

  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Awesome Melissa!

    My biggest issue with a cheat meal is keeping it from turning in to a cheat day or whole weekend! I do think it makes sense to have the "cheat" time to avoid feeling deprived, etc. Weekends are usually the most challenging for me due to less structure and more eating out, but there is usually time for a good workout. Depends on how much travel for soccer is involved.

    This week I do not have my usual schedule. I am studying for a huge recertification exam at the end of the week (no office time). I am studying all day each day with a friend of mine. Half of the time today we walked and did flash cards so that we could study and burn calorie, LOL. Four hours of walking today! She had 23,000 steps on her fitbit, and my legs and feet feel it. :)

    Woohoo! Looking forward to a great week (other than that pesky 8 hour exam coming up...).

    Go Team Blue!!!!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I love it! Studying while burning calories! WTG! 23,000???? YIKES! Good Job!

    Well I figured out that the standing runs are firing up the o' pereformus. UGH! I think I have to go back to level 3 and I'm just not real happy about it,,, but it is better than not being able to walk! I am going to go home and do body weight strength and do the exercises I got from the Physical Therapist and see if that doesn't help work out the pain. If not, then I have to stay away from the Standing Climbs. :(

    I am back to 164... so here's to 163 at the weigh in this week!

    Let's go Blue!!! Go Blue!! Go Blue!! Go Blue!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello ladies...I had my acupuncture last night and will continue for another 4 sessions = 5. I am doing a detox as well for 3 days. I pray that I can do this. I am taking care of myself to improve my stress and anxiety from my husband's lay off (and 120 other people).

    My detox is no carbs and no meat for 3 days. Fresh fruits and vegetables only whole or in shake form. I also have almond milk.

    Please wish me luck and hope I can do all of this.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Good Luck on the detox!!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Day 1 was successful - no refined carbs or bread or rice.
    Day 2 has started. I almost feel I can do this and may do it for 4 or 5 days.
    I will weigh in when I am ready. Thanks
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    You can do this!!!! Detox, Detox, Detox!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Day 1 was successful - no refined carbs or bread or rice.
    Day 2 has started. I almost feel I can do this and may do it for 4 or 5 days.
    I will weigh in when I am ready. Thanks

    Go Christine Go!!! You got this.

  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I am so happy today. I took my exam- and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders- and I am no longer sick. Back to back illnesses on top of a stressful work environment really took me down. No more. I am back!

    Went to spin class today. The first class was already full, so I lifted for an hour, then went to next class. The instructor told us that she would take us to a black tunnel 5 times, where we felt that our lungs were on fire and we wanted to throw up. She delivered!!

    Good luck this weekend!!!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    If anyone has a weekly challenge that they want to do, or think would be good for the group, please, please let me know. I would love to get us all motivated and on board!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello ladies...I am feeling better day by day. Been mindful of my eating. I have 3 more acupuncture sessions. May 19 I start my classes Fitness and Nutrition, this is towards my Fitness Career Studies Certification. Accountant by day and hopefully senior group fitness instructor. I hope and pray I can continue taking care of Me now.
  • librarydogmom
    librarydogmom Posts: 102 Member
    Looks like you gals are getting in amazing workouts. Good for you
  • librarydogmom
    librarydogmom Posts: 102 Member
    Wow, I wrote several sentences more above, but apparently adding emoticons causes the rest to be deleted. Oh well, not worth repeating right now,
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    *****Weekly Challenge***

    Help your teammates by sharing a successful tip you have learned on your weight loss journey.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    OMGawsh! What in the world is a black tunnel? I sometimes get so frustrated with trying to get to a "live" spin class. They always seem to be full and I can never get in! I am still a newbie to the world of spinning and self taught myself with the use of an interactive trainer on the fancy new spin bikes in the gym. They have a screen I log into and a virtual trainer take you through the program.

    You know what really bites? I realized last week, I cannot do a standing run. *sigh* It fires up the pereformus something fierce! My back hurt SO bad last week. Today it is much better so I am going to stick to 2 endurance spins and 1 interval session this week. OH! On saturday, for some strange reason, I just said bag it! I took off walking and was able to go a full 30 minutes before the pere reared its ugly head of pain. I was so very happy because this is tremendous progress for me.!

    I wish I could come up with a challenge idea! My 2 biggest hurdles are 1. tracking every little thing, and I mean everything! and 2. I always force myself to work out on mondays... to me it sets a tone for the week. And I literally have this huge gigantic struggle getting there on Mondays and have every excuse in the book. After I force myself to get there I am always glad I did!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello Ladies - - - another week for us!! Good luck to all. 2 acupuncture sessions for me.
    Watching how I eat. No longer on detox but concentrating on fruits and vegetables.

    Take care to all
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    What are you doing with the acupuncture sessions? A friend of mine suggested I try it for my back. I have always been too afraid but always curious. :-)
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    I have been going to acupuncture for the last 9 years when I need it. It helped me with depression when Mom died. When I am tense and stressed I have a painful neck so when I see him Thursday I will tell him about my painful neck. Basically it calms my nerves down.

    Another change, I decided to take Accounting courses and not the fitness classes from May 18 to August. So I will be very busy with classes. I will work out on the side.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I heard on the news today, the number 3 job in demand is accounting. Top 3: Business, computer science, accounting. Now if I can just get my son to figure something out! B)

    The last time I was at chiro, he told me it wasn't muscular skeletal for my hip pain... but treatment for Pereformus syndrome has suggested a sports chiropractor and deep muscle tissue massage. I have gone to get massages, but they never get to my lower back. Just shoulders basically. don't get me wrong I still love them! lol I just wish I could find a cure or some kind of treatment that would help with this issue. It is literally making me nuts and I have no idea how long the exercises from therapy are going to take. I mean c'mon. I have never had flat abs or a strong core... and I am not confident at 49 it is going to change.

    I do know one chiro that has suggested accupuncture... I think it is time to go back to this guy. He just creeps me out because the man stands over 7' tall! His hands are freaking humongous.... and being 5' tall it gets a little daunting looking at the size of this guy!

    Today I must get to the gym because there is NO time tonight!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I was glad to hear that walking went well for you Melissa!

    The acupuncture sounds interesting. I think I have done about everything else in terms of healing sports injuries (deep tissues massage, cross friction therapy, cortisone injections, PT, ultrasound treatments, eccentric muscle training, plasma rich platelet injections, cold laser...... and that was just for this blasted hamstring). LOL.

    My brother is coming in town tomorrow and he is always cooking, and of course he is a good cook! Trying to be strong.