Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - that is too bad. Good luck and I hope you find something even better.

    Bbc - Take care of yourself. I still need to work on the whole stretch and foam roll parts as I don't always do them.

    Cardio day today. Day 2 of Week 7 in Couch to 5k. Was cooler outside though after the jog I took off the sweater cause I still sweat a decent amount when jogging even in cool air. Was nice overall though I struggled to keep jogging for part of it. One more day, then next week is 28 minute jogs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Thanks, ladies. I am sure a silver lining will appear at some point. :)
  • Kelly2300
    Kelly2300 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey everyone, let me introduct myself. I am a 35 year old mom of 2, with a desk job and about 140lbs to lose. I started the program 3 weeks ago. Am currently figuring out where to put my calories. I did workout A yesterday current weights below
    Squats - bar + 20
    pushups - 60 degree angle (10 each time) - This is huge for me...I started at 5
    seated row - 70 lbs
    Step ups - 3 risers on a step and 20 lbs
    jackknife (ouch) - bw
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Kelly, that looks like great progress. Keep it up!

    Dawn, I wasn't too concerned about it until probably a year ago. I started realizing that my lack of flexibility was leading to decreased range of motion and ineffectiveness in certain exercises. Tight muscles cannot be effective muscles. I am currently so stiff in my back and hips it is difficult to sit cross legged. This is a recent development with the injury.

    I'm hoping the chiro (apt in the morning) can help guide me on how to let this heal and regain some mobility.
    I spent another 45 mins stretching and rolling today. Ouch.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Another long gym session and my fitbit is dead (battery) so no step tracking until after pay day, which is just under a week away. Some reason I was pretty slow tonight and with the add ons it made the session around 2 hours. My legs are going to feel it tomorrow during the last 25 minute jog, I'm betting.

    Stage 3 - B2 (halfway done)

    barbell squats for warm up then 55 @ 95 just for fun

    bar romanian deadlift/bent over row 3x6 @ 70 - kept the weight as easy for deadlift but still heavy on row

    goblet squat 1x6 @ 25 and 2x6 @ 27.5 - I switched out the partial one leg squats cause my knees didn't like them
    wide grip lat pulldown 2x6 @ 80 and 2x6 @ 70 - 80 still feels heavy so went lighter on last set

    back extension 3x6 body weight, i don't know if i had it set right as it pushed in my hips more, the equipment

    YTWL 3x6 @ 7.5 - so glad this gym has dumbbells in the different incremental weights

    sb cruch 2x12 @ 25 - meh
    other crunch 2x10 body weight
    glute bridge 2x10 @ 25 - yeah I am falling from the program at this point *shrugs*

    prone cobra 1x60 and 1x90, didn't do it a third time

    deadlift just for fun, 1x5 @ 135 and 1x3 @ 185 - could barely do the three
    good morning 3x10 @ 50 as usual
    hip thrust 3x10 with 30 barbell, struggled with these and it's hard to keep the bar from rolling around

    Long night. Now I need to relax and eventually go to bed cause I have to jog tomorrow and go in to work at 2 instead of 4:30. Fun times.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio day.

    Made it through day 3 of week 7 in C25k. Now two days not jogging before I attempt at 28 minute jog for week 8. Well, I still lift tomorrow night but that's different. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Welcome, Kelly. Great lifting, Dawn! Do you stretch after lifting, Barbell??

    I did lift heavy today. And I went for an hour walk. Tomorrow is a 2-hour walk with a gf.

    My weight popped back up 1 lb this week....not surprising since last week was such a HUGE WHOOSH! And, I ate at 2 x restaurants this week....so, salt likely the culprit.

    still, I only have 3 more weeks to move off 3 more lbs....so, vigilance is KEY right now.

    See you on Monday - have a great weekend!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey ladies, I'm in a post night shift slump at the moment - ugh. Have done my workouts this week but all were rather meh. Was training at the same time as my PT yesterday.... talk about making me feel inadequate. She benches 175 lbs and was doing leg press at 440 lbs :o Meanwhile, my lifts are pathetic and getting worse. My sister came with me to the gym while she was visiting and managed a better OHP than me - and she hasn't even been training it! I am very despondent right now.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Your PT sounds super-strong, jo! Yikes!

    I did a long walk with a gf today. ZOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yeah, I get a little envy when I see others benching the big plates. I can barely get 100 and only did that one time so far. But gotta work on our own numbers. :wink:

    I had an off night this time. Apparently, I need to eat more than 1200 calories before lifting at 11 pm. Just a longish day with not a lot of time before going in to work since I'm back to 8 hour shifts instead of 6. I had plenty of protein today and even a little candy but still, low on the calorie count. You'll see how it suffered in the report. And tomorrow is rest day but I'm working 10+ hours so we'll see how that goes nutrition wise too cause I may get protein and use some calories on a coffee drink to make it through.

    Stage 3 - A3

    I tried warm ups with squat again. Kind of like it but might do 3 sets next time. 5x5 @ 95 tonight

    one arm db snatch 3x6 @ 30 - tougher now but still feels fine

    db one leg romanian deadliest 1x6 @ 30 and 2x6 @ 25 - kept falling and struggling on left side
    barbell bent over row 3x6 @ 70 - still very heavy

    bd one arm overhead squat 3x6 @ 10/20 - not bad but not easy either
    db incline press 3x6 @ 25 - easy enough

    And... I skipped the rest. It was already getting close to midnight and I didn't feel like planks for BWM, so I didn't do them. I did leg press 3x8 @ 140 in part cause it's near the locker room, I hadn't done it in a while and was curious if the equipment had the weight for the set up (minus what you add on). Nothing so I'll just keep listing what weights I add to it.

    Now I'm going to shower and go to bed cause yeah, working a couple extra hours for Sunday. Hope everyone else has a great weekend.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Welcome, Kelly. Great lifting, Dawn! Do you stretch after lifting, Barbell??

    Yep. I foam roll and stretch before and I also stretch after. However, after this debacle, I've been doing some research and I don't do near enough direct glute and piriformis stretching. The combination of a "locked" SI joint and tight glute/back muscles is my issue currently. Who knows which came first. Probably a combination of individual anatomy and working my glutes so much.
    Hope you can make your goals! The real question is, do you FEEL & LOOK like you want to? If you feel fabulous, those 3 pounds are just icing on the cake!

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I'm sorry you're in a slump! You've been such a trooper to handle all that you have in your busy life-work, kids, school, exercise, etc. If you can do all that, I know you will come through this moment of self-doubt with a new strength. Hang in there!
    Dawn, low cals always = poor workouts for me too!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member

    Hope you can make your goals! The real question is, do you FEEL & LOOK like you want to? If you feel fabulous, those 3 pounds are just icing on the cake!

    I am totally going to make my goals....because failure is NOT an option!

    I have NOT tried on the dress, so cannot confirm or deny the "feel + look" sentiment. I will say that I 100% agree that if "feel + look" is on spot, the rest does NOT matter.

    I know that I will NOT try on the dress. Period. I will bring it with me to the event (which is out of town....) and I will slide into it at the very last minute.

    Part of that is psychological....I really do NOT want to, nor WILL I "quit" on this bodyfat purpose....because, even after May event, a June event follows. And, while it may seem like the "3 lbs lost" is the prize, that isn't it....it is the "7 lbs lost" for the June event that REALLY matters to me.


    Today is a lifting day....and, even though I really feel like crap and totally do NOT want to go, I AM GOING TO THE GYM AND I AM GOING TO GO LIFT HEAVY THINGS.


  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hey, everybody!

    Jo, don't feel despondent! The only person you should be competing with is yourself! Go out there and do the best that you can. You are strong and you know it!

    Barbell, I am so sorry to hear about your tightness. I have the exact same issues (I can't sit cross-legged/Indian style at all; SI joint is no good at all) and I roll and do yoga 2x a week. Still tight! I went years without doing any real stretching or yoga and I just started rolling at the beginning of last year. I've been working desk jobs for a long, long time so I'm sure that contributes. Now that I have my Jawbone, I find myself getting up more frequently to get steps in and to get my joints moving.

    So, after 2 weeks out of the gym, I returned today. The app told me to deload and instead of trying to be a bad-*kitten* (and possibly sore for days), I agreed.

    Squat: 135
    Bench: 75
    Row: 90
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day

    Jogged 28 minutes for Day 1 of Week 8 in C25k. My legs ached during but not too bad considering I worked just over 10 hours yesterday with just a 30 minute lunch break during it. I had to tell my legs on occasion to keep going and my path is too short so I had to loop around part of it but overall, not bad. Just over a month until the 5k so I should be able to jog the whole thing by then.

    Just wish it was nicer out cause I haven't done much jogging in shorts but middle of June will be short weather even though the event is at 9pm.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I did LIFT today, but today was a "talk myself into it", day.

    Here is how I talk myself into it:

    1. I still bring all my work-out clothes to the office. I can stare at them all day long, if I want.
    2. I have to go to the gym. I tell myself I need only spend "20 minutes" there....but it is non-negotiable that I have to go.
    3. When I get to the gym, I tell myself "you only need to do 2 sets of each exercise"....this isn't true, as I am supposed to do 3, but I give myself PERMISSION to only do 2 sets.
    4. When I get onto the first exercise, I talk myself into doing 3 sets of it. And I do that for each subsequent exercise.
    5. By the end, I have spent 50-60 minutes in the gym, and I give myself PERMISSION to stay 10 more minutes for a nice stretch.

    BOOM! Lifting done and I have talked myself through it. The "talking through it" expends energy....the "after glow" is ALWAYS worth that extra effort to get it done.

    How do YOU make sure YOU get your lifting work-outs in?!?!?!?!?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    How do YOU make sure YOU get your lifting work-outs in?!?!?!?!?

    I have been a bit like this lately as feeling meh. Hence why I'm more annoyed really as lovetowrite points out I should only be competing with myself and yet I know I am not doing my best right now!

    But anyway, my way of ensuring I go is to schedule all my workouts in my diary. I put a little tick box next to them which I like to tick, lol. I am a bit of an organisational freak. So this motivates me to ensure I go as crossing the box is not an option!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    How do I make sure I get my workouts in?

    Currently, I open the garage door and the cat annoys me until I go in there and get it done. It's nice doing some floor work with her lying purring next to me lol even if she does stick her butt in my face when I do handstand practice :wink:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Jo-sorry you're discouraged, but keep lifting! I get in a bit of a slump from time to time too. :)
    Love-you're eight back at it! Good job!
    Dawn-you're really rocking it!
    Bbc-man, we've got too much in common! I think my back is similar. I'm back to lifting after a week or so of kind of resting, but not DLs. I think working the glutes harder has contributed to mine, tight hips too. I foam rolled for the first time this week! Hurt, but made progress, definitely loose after. I'm needing to take the time to stretch more often too. Bummer, but back pain stinks. Even sit ups etc hurt it sometimes :(. Stretching it shall be!

    Doing well, hit a new low last week, finally the scale is moving a bit. 157.6 :). Not sure what is working, maybe just patience finally. I'm happy though!

    Did some cardio this morning, and will lift this evening. My car died today, so it was towed to the dealer and I'm home waiting for an update,. Could have been much worse, at least I was in a parking lot, have AAA, and a friend was able to give us a ride home :). Hope it's not too expensive!
  • GreenNetha1
    GreenNetha1 Posts: 20 Member
    I just completed day 1 and although i fought through my ackwardness and gym-timidation (or gym-inferiority complex), I had a really good work out. I feel great!