Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Sucks on the car but yeah, could have been worse. Hope things get better soon with that.

    @GreenNetha1 - Yay. Great job! :smile:

    I pretty much follow the schedule that I've set out and I make sure to bring my gym bag with me since I go after work. Even though it's late, I like doing it so make sure I drive to the gym instead of just heading home. And I get to listen to music, so that's fun.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm like Dawn. I have a set schedule and I stick to it. I get annoyed if something comes up that prevents me from going really.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I've finally gone back to lifting! I wasn't really planning on it I just got home and saw that the boys had already eaten so I worked out. I missed squats ( who said that?) I kept the weights relatively low but it felt good to gt back in there. I've been doing circuit training throughout the week too and eating better so I feel like I'm finally back on track.

    Julie, sorry about the car.Thats sucks, hope it doesn't cost too much.
    Great job GreenNetha! You'll get through the awkwardness and feel more confident in no time.
    Dna, you always crack me up.
  • Kelly2300
    Kelly2300 Posts: 43 Member
    Julie - congrats on the new low
    Green - way to get started, remember everyone in the gym had a day one

    Got my lifting workout in today. Stage 1 workout B. Went up on all weights so that is good.
    Lat pull downs at 75 lbs are kicking my butt
    My deadlift at 30 lbs isn't too heavy but I am having a lot of trouble with the form
    shoulder presses at 15

    I'm getting there
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Did my maxstrength class, today. Am waiting on voting results tonight....have to swing my kidlet to baseball right away, too.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm taking 5-10 minutes to sit down on my backside and have a coffee, so of course, I came in to say hello :smile:

    Insomnia central here at the moment. Due to stress, which is so totally awesome. Not :wink:
    Husband is having difficulty sleeping due to large uni assignment and work stuff, which flows on to me. Miss almost-12yo is a pain in the proverbial. I am not looking forward to teenage years. So, this week is pretty screwed. I will get my lifting done, but I'm not planning anything other than that. My work is all jumbled up in my head too, thank goodness for understanding and awesome clients :smile:

    I usually lift M/W/F... this week looks like it will be T/T/S.

    Bonus points, I am almost squatting body weight :smiley:

    Annnd... the husband is home, so there endeth my 5-10 minutes of computer time.
    Shall be back! :kissing_heart:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited May 2015
    Not a bad night considering how tired I was today. It was boss man's birthday, so last night I stayed up late baking cupcakes and then brought them in to work in the morning since I wasn't scheduled until 2pm. After bringing them in, I took a nap for over an hour cause lying on the heating pad sounded like a good idea. Had 2 energy drinks today cause just felt tired. But got lifting done and felt fine during that. Maybe eating cupcakes helped, hehe. Almost done with stage 3 as I have 2 more days left but I'm veering from the program a little, I must admit.

    Stage 3 - B3

    warmup with squats 3x5 @ 100 and it was easier just doing 3 sets so might keep that when using it as warmup

    romanian deadlift/bent over row 3x6 @ 70 - not bad though row is still tough last rep and it's awkward finding a spot to do this near the fixed barbells

    goblet squat 3x6 @ 30 - yep, like these more than the one leg thing and my knees don't ache this way
    wide grip lat pull down 3x6 @ 70 - easy enough, maybe try 80 again next time

    bench press 3x5 @ 85 - the spot for back extension was taken and it was arm accessory day so did these

    back extension 3x6 @ 10 - tried it with a plate, easy and help cause shirt tonight was a little more cleavage showy than usual
    YTWL 3x6 @ 7.5 - okay though the T is tough at times

    And I decided I'd rather work on my deadlifts than do crunches as I want to get to 225 in early summer, so here is where I'm really veering from program. And I just didn't feel like doing the prone cobra tonight. I will do it next time though.

    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x5 @ 165 - okay but 165 feels heavy though got the reps fine

    bicep curl 3x8 @ 30 - eh, it's arm day so figured I'd end with those

    Got out late from work so it seemed short but long at the same time in the gym. It was also busy for the first half or so but then it died down. I have the next two days off from work, so plenty of computer time, cleaning, jogging and some packing to do. But first, sleep!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning, all!

    Kelly, it's really important that you get the deadlift form down. Have you watched any videos? I know there are a couple on the Girls Gone Strong site (it's blocked at work or I'd link you).

    I am beat this morning. I didn't go to bed until midnight and then I was up at 4:30 to get ready for the gym. At least it didn't make my workout suffer this AM.

    Squat - 5x5 @ 150.
    OHP - 5x5 @ 45 (I had to deload from 65 and then took weeks off so back down to 45. Ugh).
    Deadlift - 5x5 @ 165 (again, deloaded). I think I finally found my sweet spot with the mixed grip. My left hand feels much more comfortable overhanded so I will just lift the heavier weights like that.

    DOMS hit me yesterday but not too bad, thankfully. I'm happy I listened to the app and deloaded on Monday or I probably still wouldn't be able to sit today.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Kelly, definitely watch many videos about form for the DLs. It's worth it.
    Beeps, i just stick to my routine. I don't think about going or have to talk myself into it anymore. Gym is as much of my life as anything else right now.
    Love, those are great numbers.
    Ali, way to jump back in.
    Jo, sometimes we are our own worst enemies.
    Julie, glad the scale is reflecting your hard work! I will never do another sit-up again. After reading some things, I realized they're not something I need to be doing.

    Being lazy today. I lifted Monday and yesterday. Today I will go for a walk.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I had a lazy morning of relaxing as I get 2 days off from work but then it's 6 day work weeks for a couple of weeks. So, I rested all morning and didn't jog until afternoon. Still got it done and now I can work on things around the house since the end of the month will be here soon and I haven't packed anything.

    Cardio Day

    Jogged 28 minutes for C25k Week 7 Day 2 and some walking as well. One more 28 minute jog to go, then it's 30 minute jogs next week. It's tough during as I want to walk at times but I push through and am always glad.
  • dharmawrites
    dharmawrites Posts: 25 Member
    I just completed day 1 and although i fought through my ackwardness and gym-timidation (or gym-inferiority complex), I had a really good work out. I feel great!

    Yeah the awkwardness is a challenge. I am on Stage 1/Week 3, I think. I try not to think about what I used to be able to do at 20-something versus today. I try to avoid noticing what other are lifting, and compete only with myself, because who else is fair competition?

    Keep going, it will get better!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    That's fantastic, Dawn! I knew you'd be able to do it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    The amount of tired I am today is unmeasurable....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    How do YOU make sure YOU get your lifting work-outs in?!?!?!?!?

    I have been a bit like this lately as feeling meh. Hence why I'm more annoyed really as lovetowrite points out I should only be competing with myself and yet I know I am not doing my best right now!

    But anyway, my way of ensuring I go is to schedule all my workouts in my diary. I put a little tick box next to them which I like to tick, lol. I am a bit of an organisational freak. So this motivates me to ensure I go as crossing the box is not an option!

    I just have to force myself to go, and remind myself that I always feel better afterwards.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry for being MIA of late. I've really been feeling meh, and frankly it's been long enough of feeling meh that I think it's time to see the doctor. I'm having a VERY difficult time controlling my blood sugar and my hormones are a mess. Also, I've been missing far too many workouts lately. Too many late nights for me and hubby. So unless I go to the gym at 10pm, I'm not getting there. Got in for zumba last night. Hoping to start strength and power tomorrow. pray for me.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Late night and long session at the gym. Had today off from work so that was nice but also spent a long time at the computer working on things. I ended up doing 15 minutes on the treadmill as a short warm up, just walking since I hadn't done as much moving around beforehand. Made it through last day A for stage 3 and didn't skip things this time though I wanted to a little bit. Too bad some of the things I don't care for are in most of the stages, lol. Still will be nice to do front squat/push press again on Tuesday.

    Stage 3 - A4

    warm up squats 3x5 @ 105 - not bad, I'm slowly increasing but only 3 sets keeps it easy

    one arm db snatch 2x6 @ 30 - same as before, I could have maybe done 32.5 but didn't feel up to trying 35 and the increment ones end at 27.5 then it's just 5 lb increases for the dumbbells

    db one leg romanian deadlift 3x6 @ 30 - still struggle with the left leg
    bar bent over row 3x6 @ 80 - so heavy that I barely manage the last rep

    db one arm overhead squat 3x6 @ 12.5 and 25 - tried a slight increase, not bad though tiny bit awkward still
    db incline bench 3x6 @ 27.5 - not bad, getting tougher but still went up fine

    plank 1@75 and 2@60 - still don't like them
    reverse wood chop 3x6 @ 15 - eh, okay

    body weight matrix 1 round at just under 5 minutes. I suck still but it got better compared to the first attempt.

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - I was too lazy to take off the extra 45 plates so just left it at 4 of them and tried anyways. And I didn't adjust the seat and should have cause could barely move the thing with my toes to move the safeties but still managed.

    good morning 3x8 @ 50 - same as usual

    hip thrust 3x10 @ 30 - still a bit awkward but manage through

    Now it's late and I'm not tired. Good thing I don't have to get up early for work or anything.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Too bad some of the things I don't care for are in most of the stages, lol.

    Step-ups? LOL Those were the bane of my existence really. Good job on your lifting!

    Sam, I hope you can find out what's got you feeling like that and turn it around. :smile:

    I was back at it this morning.
    Squat: 5x5 @ 150.
    Bench 5x5 @ 80.
    Row 5x5 @ 95.

    I will hit my pre-deload weights on Monday and I am so looking forward to it! Well, except the OHP. It's only increasing me by 2 pounds, so I'm supposed to lift 47 pounds on Monday but the gym doesn't have 1# weights so I'll have to go up to 50 or stick to 45. I can lift 50 without a problem. 65 was my fail weight. What would you guys do?

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    I will hit my pre-deload weights on Monday and I am so looking forward to it! Well, except the OHP. It's only increasing me by 2 pounds, so I'm supposed to lift 47 pounds on Monday but the gym doesn't have 1# weights so I'll have to go up to 50 or stick to 45. I can lift 50 without a problem. 65 was my fail weight. What would you guys do?

    I bought 0.5kg plates to up my bench and OHP. They were cheap - worth a shot!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    edited May 2015
    You guys Are all inspiring me! I'm not feeling lie hitting the gym, but alwsys feel better afterwards. I come here and read all your commitment and I'm psyching myself up to go lift. Sore back or not, just going will be worthwhile. I am feeling blah lately, don't feel like going getting sweaty and having to shower and get dressed again!! Lol! How's that for lazy? Only liftedd once this week, so I know I need it!

    Great job green and Dharma! Overcoming that gym intimidation is huge!! Eventually it'll feel like "home"!!
    Sam-((hugs)) hope a dr can help, praying for you, :).
    Great job dawn, Ali, love, beeps, Jo, DNA, bbc, Dou ! You're all keeping it going!
    Where's Jamaica? Pudding?hope you're doing well too!

    Dh got my car fixed!! Yay!
    Regional volleyball tournament all day tomorrow for dd(11) an hour away. Busy day!
    Hope you all have a happy Mother's Day this weekend!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Step-ups? LOL Those were the bane of my existence really. Good job on your lifting!

    Nope. Those aren't even in stage 3 and I kind of like them but I just use the shortest step the gym has cause I have short legs, lol. I don't like the crunches, flexions, planks or prone cobra, which are all in some way part of the middle stages. I can only hold a 25 plate for crunches on SB and even that's too easy. But I might switch some of them out for deadlfits cause I want to increase my weight on that for summer.

    Cardio Day

    I should not jog on a hot day at 1 pm with no sunscreen. I had a hat but still. So hot and tired. Plus, I think I need to move glute/hamstring accessories to Saturday night so that I'm not trying to jog the next day. After the heavy leg press and such last night, it was a rough attempt. I almost didn't make it the 28 minutes as I nearly stopped jogging a few times, but in the end I powered through.

    Now to get a bunch of stuff done and shower before work.