Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ok, ROGER!!!!
    long ago you posted,
    "Hi Kat
    Now all You need is to change the generic icon And You will be easily recognizable.
    FWIW I saved my old one as a image file from the NS forums and then browsed to it here to add it." HUH??

    Can you rewrite that in english? I thought I had it done, but the image only shows on my home page, and I can't seem to make it show up here to safe my life, or my frustration….
    And what the heck is FWIW? Future Women In Warsaw???? LOL!!! I need help!

    Hi Kat
    OK, Let me try it this way. I right clicked on my Avatar on the NutriSystem forums and saved it in a easy to locate location on the computer.

    Then I went to My Home Page here on MFP and clicked on Profile and used the Edit Photo button and browsed to where I had it stored on my computer and selected it. And Voila I had my old Avatar back.

    FWIW is "For What it's worth" You might find this message thread interesting
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  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Good Morning Folks,
    Wow, I opened up this thread today and it is ALIVE with folks. Great! For a couple of days there I felt very lonely...
    Roger, thanks for the info about the shelf stable Tuscan dinner. That looks really good. I probably will wait about 3 more months to order, but hopefully they will have it still. I also just took notice of your counter...158 pounds lost. Wonderful. You must feel so good both physically and mentally.
    Val, nice icon.
    Ed, good morning to you.
    So...what do you think happened to Don? Did he have trouble moving to MFP? He was here, wasn't he?
    Moving on. Going for a walk before the rest of the day gets me too distracted.
    Happy mother's day to anyone who celebrates.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi LeeAnn and all who follow..
    Happy Mothers Day to you too LeeAnn, and Darlene if she should change her mind and join us here. Also Amanda if she is still lurking around here! :)
    Its a beautiful sunny day here in N. GA. Going to get nicely warm, and I can't wait. I can't wait to get this week over, it will be both my last Friday, and my last Early Morning get bagels for the gym as well. And after Friday my count will be down to 4 days! :)

    About to head for the shower, and a late lunch with my kids and grands…

    Meanwhile, cats fed, couple chores done, and I've finished my breakfast as well.

    Will check in later…
    Oh, and thanks Roger for the avatar help, and the link to online/text abbreviations.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    Working that long closing tonight, but at least Lilo let me sleep in for a change this morning. She was MORE than ready for her food though when I did get up, and got quite excited when I was preparing it for her.

    And happy Mother's Day! Lilo, incidentally, is a mother, or, for the proper feline term, a queen.

    To Nutrisystem boards, I guess we say:



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    edited May 2015
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Good Morning Folks,
    Wow, I opened up this thread today and it is ALIVE with folks. Great! For a couple of days there I felt very lonely...
    Roger, thanks for the info about the shelf stable Tuscan dinner. That looks really good. I probably will wait about 3 more months to order, but hopefully they will have it still. I also just took notice of your counter...158 pounds lost. Wonderful. You must feel so good both physically and mentally.
    Val, nice icon.
    Ed, good morning to you.
    So...what do you think happened to Don? Did he have trouble moving to MFP? He was here, wasn't he?
    Moving on. Going for a walk before the rest of the day gets me too distracted.
    Happy mother's day to anyone who celebrates.

    Don certainly found his way here once. Hopefully he'll return.

    So long NutriSystem boards!



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm here, I followed Kat's fine example and checked the NS boards this morning and left one last dig at them about what a stupid move this was......we both like to have the last word apparently. So it went from cold to 80 plus degrees with humidity here yesterday. Oddly enough didn't go out on the bike, but did fire up the smoker. It felt like late July, early August all day, I slept with no covers with the window open last night while a pretty severe lightning and thunder storm was going on. Fury wasn't amused at all, she hates lightning and thunder. Still raining this morning and will likely be continuing until mid week, I'd say mowing the grass is definitely going to be on the events calendar for next weekend. So it's off to work and another week of making the doughnuts. So welcome to our new home thanks to NS's short sightedness and poor judgement.
    Have a good day all!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday. Goodbye to the boards, today, supposedly...No work today, but orchid society meeting tonight.

    I set out several small loin steaks to thaw, and one fairly large whole, natural (as opposed to un-natural?) chicken to roast in a couple of days. The steaks will likely be breakfasts and lunches while waiting for the chicken to thaw.

    A final(?) farewell to the boards there. :(


    And yes, I did check (and post) on the NS board this morning too...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi again..
    NS boards appear to be 'gone'. I tried just a minute ago…it will go all the way to 'discussions', and then nothing. You'd think they could have at least put up some sort of notice over there!
    Oh, Well….

    80 Degrees huh Don!!! Bet Fury wished she could have taken off her 'furry' coat!!!
    Ok, that was the best I could do….for no reason at all, I never came into the house after work, just picked up some stakes and ties, and staked my soon to be blooming lillies…which lead me to the Euonymus growing at the garage door…and out came the big shears, and now at least part of that bush is laying on the side walk…But had to come in for a cold drink…its about 88 degrees on my back porch….

    Thanks Ed and Don for helping me stand up to NS and letting them know we think they goofed!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I had to see and they came up for me just now. I don't know what is going on there.

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  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    It's been a LOOOOONG time since I actually ordered.

    Just browsing through the latest menu choices, the new Oatmeal Cranberry Bites look like a tasty breakfast option.

    For lunch, the Arroz con Pollo looks tasty and interesting, as does the Bean Bolognese, and the Multigrain Pilaf (not listed as *NEW but I never tried that one).

    For dinner, the Chicken & BBQ Beans looks interesting, and I never tried that one. The Meatballs in Marinara Sauce look great! Of course none of that stuff ever looks that good when actually prepared at home, but still it sounds tasty. I don't, of course, get to eat meatball sandwiches very often.The Sesame Ginger Chicken, Turkey Sausage & Bacon Rigatoni, and Tuscan Inspired Pasta all look worth trying.

    In desserts and snacks, the Chocolate Sandwich Cookies that came and went and came back again still look good, though I never got around to trying them either. The Chocolatey Pretzel Bar and the Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies both look great. The Lemon Herb Crisps sound interesting. Milk Chocolate Flavored Pretzels and Pizza Puffs both sound delicious.

    I'm actually pondering a small order just to try new (at least to me) things even though I don't actually NEED food from NS to maintain myself. There were always some favorites there too, and quite a few of them are STILL there, though I have to say that the original Zesty Herb Snack Mix was better than the one they changed to. Not a major change there, but it was not a change for the better. I always liked both of the popcorn snacks but the serving sizes were a bit disappointingly small, though they would at least last until the first commercial. :wink:
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Working that long middle today, but at least it is not supposed to be as hot. There is a decent chance of rain though. My outside plants will like that if it happens. My Lilium longiflorum (Easter Lily) plants are budding out so I'm looking forward to something really nice there.

    I went and looked at the NS forum this morning. It's still there, but I may no longer post to the forum so I guess it's on the way out. :(


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • Lisa_in_Arlington
    Lisa_in_Arlington Posts: 38 Member
    I'm PMS-ing and had a 620 calorie breakfast this morning! :( NS Double chocolate muffin. Than about 45 mins. later I had an iced caramel macchiatto and spinach/eggwhite wrap from Starbucks. :o
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Lisa, I think we've all had those 'moments', when we were vulnerable and were overtaken by opportunity. Just continue your day, on plan…no more cheats :)..and you should be fine. Maybe avoid sb for awhile, OR, not start the morning with a sweet breakfast. There's just 'something' about that double Chocolate Muffin that seems to be a trigger for a lot of folks.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi All Y'all!!
    I got off at noon, and promptly left! When I got home I traded my PF jacket and long sleeved Tshirt, for yard work clothes. Got the weed wack thingy going, and ran it till the battery gave up!
    Now I am ready for a good afternoon nap! (guilt free!)
    Did Day 6 today…and the count down continues! :) This morning was hectic, but we had bagels! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It's been a LOOOOONG time since I actually ordered.

    Just browsing through the latest menu choices, the new Oatmeal Cranberry Bites look like a tasty breakfast option.

    For lunch, the Arroz con Pollo looks tasty and interesting, as does the Bean Bolognese, and the Multigrain Pilaf (not listed as *NEW but I never tried that one).

    For dinner, the Chicken & BBQ Beans looks interesting, and I never tried that one. The Meatballs in Marinara Sauce look great! Of course none of that stuff ever looks that good when actually prepared at home, but still it sounds tasty. I don't, of course, get to eat meatball sandwiches very often.The Sesame Ginger Chicken, Turkey Sausage & Bacon Rigatoni, and Tuscan Inspired Pasta all look worth trying.

    In desserts and snacks, the Chocolate Sandwich Cookies that came and went and came back again still look good, though I never got around to trying them either. The Chocolatey Pretzel Bar and the Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies both look great. The Lemon Herb Crisps sound interesting. Milk Chocolate Flavored Pretzels and Pizza Puffs both sound delicious.

    I'm actually pondering a small order just to try new (at least to me) things even though I don't actually NEED food from NS to maintain myself. There were always some favorites there too, and quite a few of them are STILL there, though I have to say that the original Zesty Herb Snack Mix was better than the one they changed to. Not a major change there, but it was not a change for the better. I always liked both of the popcorn snacks but the serving sizes were a bit disappointingly small, though they would at least last until the first commercial. :wink:

    I read a review on the some of those over on the NutriSystem Forums.
    This one I tried and did not like Reformulated Meat Loaf and Mashed Potatoes
    Most of the others are OK.
    The Chicken & BBQ Beans is a high calorie dinner at 300 calories.

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  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Busy last several days. And today was MY day to go hog wild! Okay, no hog was eaten, but lots of sushi (and no matter how "light" soy sauce is called lower sodium, it is NOT low sodium!), followed by a couple of English muffins with peanut butter and Light Laughing Cow cheese (separately, not together) after I got home. Oh yeah, a skinny cow, too. Can't remember what else. Sushi must drive me crazy!
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Ed, the bbq beans and chicken are ok, I agree with Roger on the meatloaf. The shelf ready Santa Fe Chicken is not bad at all. On the frozen food the new version of steak tataglia is good. I tried to get on the regualar NS boards this morning with no luck. Getting ready to go to work, have a good day all!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,692 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Need to do watering today, but that's about all. Oh, and nap with Lilo of course, and roast a whole, natural (as opposed to unnatural) chicken for dinner...and breakfast...and lunch...and dinner...and who knows how much more?

    I went to see and the boards are still there on NS and I found that I could still EDIT a post but could not create a new one, so I edited my last post, just because.

    I've been up for quite a while but distracted by breakfast for Lilo, breakfast for me, and reading things on FaceBook.

    I never tried the NS meatloaf with the brown gravy, but then I got disenchanted with the meatloaf when they changed from having it side by side with the potatoes to slamming it on top of the potatoes with the tomato sauced meatloaf. I know that's the vogue now, to serve the meat on top of the starch, but packaging it in a separate compartment NEXT to the starch allowed the diner to make that decision (or not) themselves. It still tasted good then, and at least the sauce and meat being on top of the potatoes did mask the odd grayish color of the potatoes, but that color never bothered me as long as they tasted good, and they did so it wasn't an issue for me.

    I don't mind meatloaf with a brown or mushroom gravy, but never make it that way myself as I grew up with tomato based gravy and to me meatloaf has tomato gravy. Salisbury steak has brown/mushroom/onion gravy. That's just the natural order of the universe! ;)

    My biggest issue with many of the NS meals was in portion size. They tend to pack the nutrients rather more densely than (in my opinion) necessary. While many of the meals were quite delicious, a good number of them are dishes that I can make myself, with a larger (but nutritionally similar) serving, and my versions are even more delicious, as well as being fresher and containing a lot less chemical additives. I often wondered if other people who had been cooking for 45 years or so had been finding the same thing and suspect so, as many of us, even while officially ON PLAN did do a lot of "on your own" dinners and had lots of leftover dinners to share with others.

    Dinner was the meal I was most likely to do "on my own" as breakfast and lunch were often at work, and there just wasn't time to prepare my own food, and I'm pleased to see that NS now offers a plan that incorporates that idea of dinner "on your own" for those of us who would likely do that regardless. Kudos to NS for THAT but BOOS for dropping the discussion threads where people could share ideas and recipes for doing that.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good MidMorning Y'all!
    OK, so I've been awake since 5:30, out of bed since 6…cats are fed, I just now started a load of laundry, put some dishes in the dishwasher…and mostly have been answering emails, and reading recipe's! Found an Avocado Creamy dressing that looks good….it was originally made with low fat Greek Yogurt, so when I do make it, it will be with cashew cream. :)
    Also read quite awhile on a McCormick web site the 'new and upcoming' spice mixes….several sound worth trying, and read and watched a video on making 'smoked black pepper', stove top….(unless of course you live close to Don, and if you do I'm sure he'd smoke some for you!!! LOL)
    Today's agenda is longer than my arm, so a lot will not get done until Saturday! Hmmmmmm
    Hope everyone is having a great day…
    Beautiful here…will be a wonderful day to be outside, AFTER I get the rest of my chores done… :(
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Need to do watering today, but that's about all. Oh, and nap with Lilo of course, and roast a whole, natural (as opposed to unnatural) chicken for dinner...and breakfast...and lunch...and dinner...and who knows how much more?

    I went to see and the boards are still there on NS and I found that I could still EDIT a post but could not create a new one, so I edited my last post, just because.

    I've been up for quite a while but distracted by breakfast for Lilo, breakfast for me, and reading things on FaceBook.

    I never tried the NS meatloaf with the brown gravy, but then I got disenchanted with the meatloaf when they changed from having it side by side with the potatoes to slamming it on top of the potatoes with the tomato sauced meatloaf. I know that's the vogue now, to serve the meat on top of the starch, but packaging it in a separate compartment NEXT to the starch allowed the diner to make that decision (or not) themselves. It still tasted good then, and at least the sauce and meat being on top of the potatoes did mask the odd grayish color of the potatoes, but that color never bothered me as long as they tasted good, and they did so it wasn't an issue for me.

    I don't mind meatloaf with a brown or mushroom gravy, but never make it that way myself as I grew up with tomato based gravy and to me meatloaf has tomato gravy. Salisbury steak has brown/mushroom/onion gravy. That's just the natural order of the universe! ;)

    My biggest issue with many of the NS meals was in portion size. They tend to pack the nutrients rather more densely than (in my opinion) necessary. While many of the meals were quite delicious, a good number of them are dishes that I can make myself, with a larger (but nutritionally similar) serving, and my versions are even more delicious, as well as being fresher and containing a lot less chemical additives. I often wondered if other people who had been cooking for 45 years or so had been finding the same thing and suspect so, as many of us, even while officially ON PLAN did do a lot of "on your own" dinners and had lots of leftover dinners to share with others.

    Dinner was the meal I was most likely to do "on my own" as breakfast and lunch were often at work, and there just wasn't time to prepare my own food, and I'm pleased to see that NS now offers a plan that incorporates that idea of dinner "on your own" for those of us who would likely do that regardless. Kudos to NS for THAT but BOOS for dropping the discussion threads where people could share ideas and recipes for doing that.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    I think You must be right, why else would they have a dinners on Your plan or a weekends on Your own type of plan.

    They are still putting the meatloaf on the potatoes and that was one of the things I disliked. Not to men tion the gravy was Meh!

    For me meatloaf is just a baked Meatloaf in a plain pan with Ketchup and onions on top. Then I add more ketchup when I eat it. I hear that some people even put potatoes in their meatloaf.

    Yup read only forums now except as You mention You can edit You own posts. No replies or new messages possible. It appears that happened around 5:20AM EDT on the 12th as that is the latest post showing when You go to look at the discussion forums.

    Have a Great Day
    Good MidMorning Y'all!
    OK, so I've been awake since 5:30, out of bed since 6…cats are fed, I just now started a load of laundry, put some dishes in the dishwasher…and mostly have been answering emails, and reading recipe's! Found an Avocado Creamy dressing that looks good….it was originally made with low fat Greek Yogurt, so when I do make it, it will be with cashew cream. :)
    Also read quite awhile on a McCormick web site the 'new and upcoming' spice mixes….several sound worth trying, and read and watched a video on making 'smoked black pepper', stove top….(unless of course you live close to Don, and if you do I'm sure he'd smoke some for you!!! LOL)
    Today's agenda is longer than my arm, so a lot will not get done until Saturday! Hmmmmmm
    Hope everyone is having a great day…
    Beautiful here…will be a wonderful day to be outside, AFTER I get the rest of my chores done… :(

    Hi Kat
    I have been busy with Yard work and more, More yard work tomorrow too. We had 2 yards of topsoil and 2 yards of mulch delivered Tuesday morning and putting it where it needs to be is taking a while.
    Look at the time I am here posting.

    Have a Good Rest of the week
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