Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,591 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working a long closing today, but it's supposed to be rainy and icky which may slow down business. Sunday closing usually isn't too busy anyway, but that varies depending on what (if anything) is going on in the nearby river park and/or with the nearby churches and schools. We usually get a little bit of a rush when afternoon/evening services get out, regardless. I'll be bringing "dinner" with me to work since I'm working 3:30 to 11:30 closing, so dinner will be a sandwich, with another one for snack. I may finish off the stew for lunch, having already had a bowl for breakfast. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Busy, busy, but had to wish Don a fun and uneventful ride into NH., Ed, you are working a long shift! I'm still debating what I want for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is fixed, just needs a reheat. (yeah, leftovers :) )
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    capsnut wrote: »
    Happy Sunday All,
    I'm stiff from working in the yard yesterday, I did the first lawn mow of the year and cleaned up the yard and the driveway. I'm looking at a really nice day here, planning to have breakfast, give the Jeep a quick wash and vacuum and then head out on the motorcycle for a little saddle time and put a some wear on those new tires. You can definitely tell the difference with the new tires, the bike rides really nice. You're right Val $500 is a lot, that covers the tires, the labor and I had them do an inspection too so that I won't have to deal with that later. I have to be somewhat careful on curves with the new tires until the sidewalls get a little scuffed because with new tires they are a little slick until you scuff them up a little and you can go down if you lean too far into a curve. At this time of the year the roads have sand on them from the winter and you need to watch out for that in the curves too. I think I'll go over to NH today, not sure if I'll go into the White Mountains. I'll put a chicken in the smoker for a couple of hours after I get home. Have a good day all!

    See that, I learned Something new. I would have just guessed that new tire being somewhat softer than older tires would have a better grip from being softer.

    My Brother and I have been working in the yard for days shifting the two yards of Topsoil and Mulch that was delivered earlier in the week. Still some Topsoil to finish off in the new raised planting bed that was created today. Then Finish spreading the last of the mulch, I am now officially worn out.

    Have a Good Day and Enjoy the ride.
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working a long closing today, but it's supposed to be rainy and icky which may slow down business. Sunday closing usually isn't too busy anyway, but that varies depending on what (if anything) is going on in the nearby river park and/or with the nearby churches and schools. We usually get a little bit of a rush when afternoon/evening services get out, regardless. I'll be bringing "dinner" with me to work since I'm working 3:30 to 11:30 closing, so dinner will be a sandwich, with another one for snack. I may finish off the stew for lunch, having already had a bowl for breakfast. :)
    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Beef Stew sounds good, Now I'm getting hungry reading about it :)

    Hopefully a easy Sunday for You
    Busy, busy, but had to wish Don a fun and uneventful ride into NH., Ed, you are working a long shift! I'm still debating what I want for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is fixed, just needs a reheat. (yeah, leftovers :) )

    Hi Valerie
    I had a Small Banana, a NS Strawberry Protein Shake, and a Packet of NS Pancake Mix with a little Sweetener and 1/4 of a packet of water flavoring. Delicious too. :)

    Lunch is going to be a lazy meal as I'm tired from the Yard Work this morning. Probably a NS Trail Mix Bar, Greek Yogurt, a Gala Apple and 1/2 bag of whatever frozen vegetables are on top in the freezer.

    Have a Good Day
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  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Its Monday already. Today and 2 more = no more alarm clocks in the middle of the night! :)
    I think rain, and strawberries are on my list today.
    That should about do it for this early bird.
    Waiting to hear from Don, about his ride into NH…I hope it was a good one.
    Roger what going into your garden this year? Flowers or vegetables? or both?
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Monday, Monday....
    Yesterday was a good day, had a really nice ride over to NH and back. It was in the mid 70's. I ended up going to the motorcycle warehouse store in East Conway and took the scenic route to get there. There were a lot of car and many, many motorcycles on the road yesterday. I saw a pack of younger guys on these super bikes who were not wearing any safety gear at all pulled over by the Deputy Sheriff, I'm sure for speeding, these guys go down the roads like it is a race track. Motorcycle tires are more expensive because they are made with different compounds than regular auto tires, they have to be somewhat pliant/gripping and flexible for cornering and yet be able to offer some stiffness for stability/wear. When you get a new set of tires the edge of the tire that would be face down when you lean is smooth and slippery because it's a new tire, after some miles that changes and you're fine. I would imagine mine will be fine with another ride or two and I'm willing to do my part for safety! In looking at the calendar I just realized that this is the last full week I'll be working for few weeks as I have time off scheduled at the end of each week, with Memorial Day off and Thursday and Friday of next week off as well, I'm looking at a two day week.......I like it! Have a good Monday everyone!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,591 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Apparently I still have the day off (crossing fingers) as no one has called asking me to adjust the schedule, so I guess they've worked it out. As mentioned earlier, I already had 35 hours scheduled this week so there's not a lot of room there for adjustment anyway, unless they want to change some shifts to entirely different shifts. Not sure how much time off the boss will need for her brother's funeral and all, but I guess I will find out tomorrow. Today is supposed to be pretty rainy in the afternoon which sounds like an excellent time for a nap with Lilo. Lilo heartily approves of naps. In fact, she's having one in my lap right now.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Its Monday already. Today and 2 more = no more alarm clocks in the middle of the night! :)
    I think rain, and strawberries are on my list today.
    That should about do it for this early bird.
    Waiting to hear from Don, about his ride into NH…I hope it was a good one.
    Roger what going into your garden this year? Flowers or vegetables? or both?

    Hi Valerie
    We put in some Petunias, Marigolds and Roses in the front bed.
    Some Tomatoes, Onions and Peppers up front too, It is the Southern exposure.
    In Back so far Some Tomatoes, and Basil plants and seeds for Bush Beans, Both green & yellow. Some Lettuce, Basil, Zucchini & Yellow Squash Seeds. I started some Sunflower seeds in small pots til they get tall enough to be above the mulch in the front yard, Still waiting for all the seeds to sprout. They just got planted in the last few days. :)

    capsnut wrote: »
    Monday, Monday....
    Yesterday was a good day, had a really nice ride over to NH and back. It was in the mid 70's. I ended up going to the motorcycle warehouse store in East Conway and took the scenic route to get there. There were a lot of car and many, many motorcycles on the road yesterday. I saw a pack of younger guys on these super bikes who were not wearing any safety gear at all pulled over by the Deputy Sheriff, I'm sure for speeding, these guys go down the roads like it is a race track. Motorcycle tires are more expensive because they are made with different compounds than regular auto tires, they have to be somewhat pliant/gripping and flexible for cornering and yet be able to offer some stiffness for stability/wear. When you get a new set of tires the edge of the tire that would be face down when you lean is smooth and slippery because it's a new tire, after some miles that changes and you're fine. I would imagine mine will be fine with another ride or two and I'm willing to do my part for safety! In looking at the calendar I just realized that this is the last full week I'll be working for few weeks as I have time off scheduled at the end of each week, with Memorial Day off and Thursday and Friday of next week off as well, I'm looking at a two day week.......I like it! Have a good Monday everyone!

    Hard to believe it is Memorial Day next Monday! I know I would have been jumping for joy with a two day week! :)
    I think I may need to get out and get a small BBQ grill and the necessary to use it and maybe a nice rib eye or Burgers for memorial day.

    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Apparently I still have the day off (crossing fingers) as no one has called asking me to adjust the schedule, so I guess they've worked it out. As mentioned earlier, I already had 35 hours scheduled this week so there's not a lot of room there for adjustment anyway, unless they want to change some shifts to entirely different shifts. Not sure how much time off the boss will need for her brother's funeral and all, but I guess I will find out tomorrow. Today is supposed to be pretty rainy in the afternoon which sounds like an excellent time for a nap with Lilo. Lilo heartily approves of naps. In fact, she's having one in my lap right now.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    That sort of thing is why I always had Caller ID and work only had a land line number. Call me on my day off all You want. I'm not home :)

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  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Lilo must be cousin to my two felines! Sleep and Eat!! If I didn't have to catch rats and snakes I'd wish to be a cat!! LOL!! Hope your day was still 'off' all day, and that you and Lilo are sleeping thru the thunder storms!

    Don, glad you had a good ride into NH. Very interesting about bike tires…. I had no idea!! (glad you're doing your part for safety) That line cracked me up!

    Ok, I'm heading for a nap with the sounds of rain to accompany my dreams…………..ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Tuesday…one week til I'm officially retired. (can you tell I'm loving this)

    Nice here this morning, big storms, loud storms last night…bright & sunny this morning, though I think with the threat of more storminess later today.

    Roger your gardens sound Delightful!!! I'm jealous. Tomatoes grown with basil taste amazing. mmmmmm!
    Are your raised gardens just raised above the surrounding soil, or did you build some kind of frame and fill it with the dirt your bought? Just curious. My little beds have 2X6 borders, and I've been looking at some alternative ways to 'contain' dirt.

    My moving next door neighbor spent the day waking me from my nap needy. She needed to borrow my vacuum, and then later a shovel, (she already has my new anvil style hand clippers)…I think I'd best start a list, lest my stuff move to Detroit. (Shaking head….I just have to hang tight til Friday)

    So, whats for dinner? I thought I'd take a poll…you may need a guest!!! LOL!!
    I'm pretty sure my dinner will be the left overs from Taco Mac's. I have some frozen Gardein fake chicken that I think that with a bit of spice would round out the fajita veggies.
    Today I think I may make a pot of lentil stew as well…I love lentils!!! Will make enough for a meal or two, and that much more to freeze for later.

    Can't wait to get outside…but will have to wait a bit, as everything is wet from last nights Boomer Rains.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Tuesday…one week til I'm officially retired. (can you tell I'm loving this)

    Nice here this morning, big storms, loud storms last night…bright & sunny this morning, though I think with the threat of more storminess later today.

    Roger your gardens sound Delightful!!! I'm jealous. Tomatoes grown with basil taste amazing. mmmmmm!
    Are your raised gardens just raised above the surrounding soil, or did you build some kind of frame and fill it with the dirt your bought? Just curious. My little beds have 2X6 borders, and I've been looking at some alternative ways to 'contain' dirt.

    My moving next door neighbor spent the day waking me from my nap needy. She needed to borrow my vacuum, and then later a shovel, (she already has my new anvil style hand clippers)…I think I'd best start a list, lest my stuff move to Detroit. (Shaking head….I just have to hang tight til Friday)

    So, whats for dinner? I thought I'd take a poll…you may need a guest!!! LOL!!
    I'm pretty sure my dinner will be the left overs from Taco Mac's. I have some frozen Gardein fake chicken that I think that with a bit of spice would round out the fajita veggies.
    Today I think I may make a pot of lentil stew as well…I love lentils!!! Will make enough for a meal or two, and that much more to freeze for later.

    Can't wait to get outside…but will have to wait a bit, as everything is wet from last nights Boomer Rains.


    Hi Kat
    My Brother two different styles from Lehmans When they had a free shipping special. One is about 6" filed to the top and Rectangular and the Other is Square and 10 or 12 inches deep.

    I can tell You are not counting down to retirement :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,591 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Posting late today, but yes my day off Monday stayed off all day. And my Wednesday closing turned into another off day, but my Thursday day off turned into an opening, as did my Saturday middle. Boss will be out of town for the funeral Thursday through Saturday so I'm filling in where needed.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    So this is very frustrating...I haven't gotten into the regular...and I hate the word "habit" for this, because it really is more than just a habit...coming to THIS site to see you folks. I still make a quick stop at NS when I remember for the 50 clicks, but then I forget to come over here! With the NS site (when we had the boards there), it was a quick click to greet you folks and read your hellos back! Now I have to remember, and I apparently am not good at that!
    I will try to remember better. Perhaps now that my grades are all submitted for the semester (actually, I just have some reports to finish ASAP), I may have more memory in this old head for seeing you folks!
    Enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend (and today sonly Tuesday...see my my head is?).
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday!
    LeeAnn, that's why I try to remember to always start my post with the day of the week…otherwise??? :)

    Going to be beautiful here today. Groceries to buy, and the yard stuff I didn't get done yesterday. I did however manage a nap, (like that was a difficult task..LOL!!), and I went to Olivia's gymnastics class. She and Nate are taking the summer off to enjoy swimming and other activities.

    Roger your garden beds sound great. Just remember they will dry out more quickly than an in-ground garden, so keep an eye on the soil moisture. But you will have great really nice fresh veggies!!

    Ed, you're gonna be one tired puppy with your schedule, but it is really nice of you to fill in for your boss. And you should have good weather…spotty showers is all I'm hearing on the weather today.

    Ok, gotta get my spoon busy, and then I can go grocery-ing!! :grin:
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,591 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Since it's an unexpected day off, I don't have much scheduled. I've been up for a while, but distracted by Lilo's breakfast, my breakfast (which distracted Lilo), catching up on FaceBook posts, reminding myself that I CAN'T mention on FaceBook that the only reason J and I went to M's house last night was NOT to watch the Dancing With The Stars finale, but rather because we figured she invited us because she was bored and lonely, so we went, enjoyed some wine and cheese, and the show wasn't BAD, just not really to my interests. Some of the dancing was quite well executed. M seemed delighted to have the company and I feel it was an evening well spent, as, in addition to providing company for M, it helped to push me to socialize more, as I tend to be rather antisocial, given half a chance. Definitely a win win.

    Got my "big water" done for the in house plants and the only other thing is that J mentioned possibly going to the hardware store for some stuff. As I love browsing at the hardware store (is that just a man thing?) I won't mind going there at all.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    So this is very frustrating...I haven't gotten into the regular...and I hate the word "habit" for this, because it really is more than just a habit...coming to THIS site to see you folks. I still make a quick stop at NS when I remember for the 50 clicks, but then I forget to come over here! With the NS site (when we had the boards there), it was a quick click to greet you folks and read your hellos back! Now I have to remember, and I apparently am not good at that!
    I will try to remember better. Perhaps now that my grades are all submitted for the semester (actually, I just have some reports to finish ASAP), I may have more memory in this old head for seeing you folks!
    Enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend (and today sonly Tuesday...see my my head is?).

    I come here and then I remember to go to NutriSystem for the 50 clicks and I have both open in two tabs.
    I have my home page set as www.google.com | www.nutrisystem.com in FireFox and that opens both as separate tabs.
    You can also do the same thing in Internet Explorer and I suspect in Chrome too. That reminds me to do both sites.

    Good Wednesday!
    LeeAnn, that's why I try to remember to always start my post with the day of the week…otherwise??? :)

    Going to be beautiful here today. Groceries to buy, and the yard stuff I didn't get done yesterday. I did however manage a nap, (like that was a difficult task..LOL!!), and I went to Olivia's gymnastics class. She and Nate are taking the summer off to enjoy swimming and other activities.

    Roger your garden beds sound great. Just remember they will dry out more quickly than an in-ground garden, so keep an eye on the soil moisture. But you will have great really nice fresh veggies!!

    Ed, you're gonna be one tired puppy with your schedule, but it is really nice of you to fill in for your boss. And you should have good weather…spotty showers is all I'm hearing on the weather today.

    Ok, gotta get my spoon busy, and then I can go grocery-ing!! :grin:

    Hi Kat, I am keeping an eye on them. I like to fry the Yellow Summer Squash crispy and my Brother is putting Zucchini in his salads.

    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Since it's an unexpected day off, I don't have much scheduled. I've been up for a while, but distracted by Lilo's breakfast, my breakfast (which distracted Lilo), catching up on FaceBook posts, reminding myself that I CAN'T mention on FaceBook that the only reason J and I went to M's house last night was NOT to watch the Dancing With The Stars finale, but rather because we figured she invited us because she was bored and lonely, so we went, enjoyed some wine and cheese, and the show wasn't BAD, just not really to my interests. Some of the dancing was quite well executed. M seemed delighted to have the company and I feel it was an evening well spent, as, in addition to providing company for M, it helped to push me to socialize more, as I tend to be rather antisocial, given half a chance. Definitely a win win.

    Got my "big water" done for the in house plants and the only other thing is that J mentioned possibly going to the hardware store for some stuff. As I love browsing at the hardware store (is that just a man thing?) I won't mind going there at all.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Nothing wrong with a day of rest. now and then.
    I was out walking around the blocks for 30 minutes today. That was an extra I threw into the days activities to replace the canceled trip to Costco.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,591 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Been up since 3:30, but busy getting Lilo's breakfast ready, my sandwiches to take to work, my morning (to take with breakfast sandwich) metformin and supplements, getting the dishwasher going, and catching up on FaceBook quickly. Gotta run to work now! I'll try to remember to post my latest bloomers later, after work.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Ah! I remembered to come here early in the day! I am very excited about that.

    Speaking of all things NS, when I did the DD and 50 clicks, I saw a link about the DD moving to a NS "News Feed," so I clicked it. And there was no 50 clicks button there. Maybe they are eliminating that feature too? If so, not a good thing...

    On the other hand, today's DD was right there with my name on it! Yesterday Marc and I did something we didn't do in years (literally): lunched on a bit, fat - and fattening - hoagie (submarine sandwich to some other folks). And I took that as an opportunity to completely go off path the rest of the day. I had no intention of staying off the path today, but the DD remind me to get back in line!

    We are really getting ourselves going with the truck camper. Spent yesterday getting a hitch extension made and installed so we can take our mountain bikes, Marc's sailboat (very tiny), and our kayaks when we go out camping. I am really getting into this fun now!

    Enjoy the holiday weekend folks! And stay safe.
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Thursday All,
    I know what you mean Lee-Ann about coming to this page, I forget too. Good luck with the camper sounds like great fun and I'm not jealous at all about you're real retirement Val......looking forward to the holiday weekend here, the weather is supposed to be reasonable, then next week I only work 2 days and go to my club's rally on an island north of here, then the weekend after I leave on Friday for Vermont for the weekend. The big decision is motorcycle or Jeep for that one.........we'll see. Have a good Thursday all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    My post is not here!?!??!
    Synopsis: Hi Y'all!
    Sent this morning about 7:30….and fell into the bottomless black hole of lost posts.
    Working tomorrow. Day 2 and Monday will be last day!!! Teeheehe!
    Finally got that grass cut. My 20 minute task took much longer. Lawnmower doesn't run very well without gasoline. Had to go buy some for the mower, and also the car. Then I flooded the mower…etc, etc. BUT, grass has been cut!
  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Good Morning,

    So I missed a big post from Val? Retiring for real after Monday? Well, congratulations! Very cool, exciting, and fun stuff for you! I guess you will be doing more gardening and other fun things. And right as the beautiful summer weather comes on...congratulations (but I already said that!).

    Roger, tough choice there for you: Jeep or MC (is it a BMW motorcycle?). You know...you could always tow the MC behind the Jeep and have both...whatever you decide, have a great time!

    Ed, howdy to you too! Anything special going on this weekend?

    For us, just doing stuff around the house today, family over on Sunday, office Tuesday, then maybe take a few days out in some state park. Not sure where...wherever the mood and weather lead!

    Enjoy it all folks...