Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi All,
    I know...late (left for work around 6:30 this AM, so finally able to get here n ow). Tomorrow I am working from home (okay...the local library), so I get to relax for a few minutes in the AM. Just had the Santa Fe chicken tonight. I can't recall if I ever had it before. Was fine. Probably not spicy for others, but a bit much for me.
    Okay...time to get moving (to bed soon!).
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    I roasted my whole chicken tonight, and it will definitely be on the table for quite a few more meals...I'm home alone for a while, so shouldn't have to cook much of anything as I have tons of leftovers to eat now!

    I just rubbed it inside and out with a mixture of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme and paprika, then roasted it until golden, tender and juicy. It came out delicious! I made a small pan of home made cornbread stuffing (a rare treat for me, and I only ate a small serving of it) and served it all with steamed green peas in a light butter sauce and made gravy from the drippings, to drizzle on the chicken and the stuffing. One glass of sauvignon blanc to wash it all down and then put all the leftovers away (no seconds!) for future meals. Frankly, I couldn't have handled seconds anyway, as I just don't EAT large meals like I used to. By the time I had some chicken, a small serving of stuffing, a decent serving of peas, and the gravy I felt quite stuffed myself.

    It was all good and the leftovers should be very nice too.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Busy last several days. And today was MY day to go hog wild! Okay, no hog was eaten, but lots of sushi (and no matter how "light" soy sauce is called lower sodium, it is NOT low sodium!), followed by a couple of English muffins with peanut butter and Light Laughing Cow cheese (separately, not together) after I got home. Oh yeah, a skinny cow, too. Can't remember what else. Sushi must drive me crazy!

    Sushi can drive anyone crazy. I think the problem may be that it tends to be very high in simple carbs from all that rice, so your blood glucose spikes, but this doesn't last too long and when it crashes you want some more carbs to keep feeling that carbohydrate "high" that you got from the sushi.
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Looks to be a sunny day here thankfully, I'm taking my motorcycle into the shop after work for a new set of tires and picking it up again tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will hold. I'm planning on a trip to Vermont in the next couple of weeks for a memorial service for my daughter and was thinking the motorcycle would be the cheapest/fun way to travel if the weather is cooperative, otherwise I think I'll take the Jeep and pay the extra gas for comfort. My Washington Capitals got beat in game 7 in their Stanley Cup Playoff series against the Rangers, this happens every year........I think "The curse of the Bambino" left the Red Sox and baseball and is now living with the Caps. Great series though, really excellent play off hockey. Off to the salt mines, have a good day all!
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Looks to be a sunny day here thankfully, I'm taking my motorcycle into the shop after work for a new set of tires and picking it up again tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will hold. I'm planning on a trip to Vermont in the next couple of weeks for a memorial service for my daughter and was thinking the motorcycle would be the cheapest/fun way to travel if the weather is cooperative, otherwise I think I'll take the Jeep and pay the extra gas for comfort. My Washington Capitals got beat in game 7 in their Stanley Cup Playoff series against the Rangers, this happens every year........I think "The curse of the Bambino" left the Red Sox and baseball and is now living with the Caps. Great series though, really excellent play off hockey. Off to the salt mines, have a good day all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Busy, fun day today. Chiro appt, then lunch with Marietta, followed by Mani/Pedi's. Then home to get the trash to the curb, and feed me and cats…early bed time, working last Friday tomorrow.

    Don, your Caps are sorta like my Fliers…only my Fliers didn't quite make the playoffs!!! Oh, well, always next year!

    Ed your dinner sounded terrific! Save some of that chicken for some yum chicken salad, and if carbs are an issue that day, roll the salad up in a leaf of either butter lettuce or red leaf lettuce…both work great, and its a fun way to eat your lunch!

    LeeAnn, enjoy your day at the library. Must be a research day? Should be a rather relaxing day, no drive time, etc.
    Hey, when you get that Doctorate, do we call you Dr. LeeAnn??? :)

    So, Ed and Don, and Roger will now have headaches from laughing, or wondering how I find my way home….I've had this computer, and my gmail account for YEARS…..many many years. Ted (DS2) always sets my computers up for me…and yesterday I discovered that all these emails are also on google web site, duplicating what I see on my gmail account thru Apple…only all this time they have been PUBLIC!?!?!? OMG. Not that there's anything there thats an issue, just the thought is creepy. So, right now I have over 15,000 emails sitting on this computer,not put away in their little files!!! As of discovery time, I became the 'Mad Hatter of the Email Delete" squad..At 500 a day, most days, it will still take quite a long time….ARGGGGGGG!

    Right now I have to head for the shower and get ready to get to ATL

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Leftover chicken and fixings for breakfast. DELICIOUS! Nothing major on the agenda for today, except that Lilo will be wanting a nap with me, of course. I may find SOMETHING else to do. I've been pondering finding a relatively local winery to check out as I would like to send some local wine to a friend in Minnesota who sent me a couple of fairly expensive ones from California. I haven't tried either of them yet, but he, like me, is no wine snob at all, drinking wine for the TASTE and not for the PRICE. While he does indulge in some expensive ones, he also likes Three Buck Chuck and Bay Bridge, both of which are about the cheapest decent wines you'll find out there. At any rate, I thought some nice, local wines that he might not be able to get where he is (or in California when he goes on a wine buying trip) would be a pleasant surprise, assuming I can find any nice, local wines.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ed your dinner sounded terrific! Save some of that chicken for some yum chicken salad, and if carbs are an issue that day, roll the salad up in a leaf of either butter lettuce or red leaf lettuce…both work great, and its a fun way to eat your lunch!

    So, Ed and Don, and Roger will now have headaches from laughing, or wondering how I find my way home….I've had this computer, and my gmail account for YEARS…..many many years. Ted (DS2) always sets my computers up for me…and yesterday I discovered that all these emails are also on google web site, duplicating what I see on my gmail account thru Apple…only all this time they have been PUBLIC!?!?!? OMG. Not that there's anything there thats an issue, just the thought is creepy. So, right now I have over 15,000 emails sitting on this computer,not put away in their little files!!! As of discovery time, I became the 'Mad Hatter of the Email Delete" squad..At 500 a day, most days, it will still take quite a long time….ARGGGGGGG!

    The bread I buy is the Healthy Life bread that is high fiber, very low carb. I can go with the "regular" or the 100% whole wheat, depending on what taste I feel like eating, though I usually go with the 100% whole wheat. Sometimes they are out of that so I'll get the "regular" just for that reason, and sometimes I just want the milder flavor of the regular or I plan to make sandwiches for J, who doesn't care so much for whole wheat, though he'll eat it if I put it in front of him.

    Either way, the bread only has 35 calories per slice and, while the slices are somewhat smaller than a "normal" sandwich loaf, there is only one carb serving in TWO SLICES of the bread. Most "normal" breads have one (or more) carb servings in a single slice. Cutting that down to one carb in two slices lets me have a REAL sandwich, with two slices of bread, but without blowing all my carbs for the meal in just the sandwich bread.

    As for the GOOGLE mail...surely there is a way to retroactively mark your backup that is on the web as PRIVATE or password encrypted so others (besides the NSA, who has already read, filtered, and analyzed them all anyway and is probably reading this post as I type it) can't easily get to your stuff. I don't, personally, use GMAIL for a lot of mail but my mail is not public there. I don't remember how, exactly, I set it up because that was ages ago. Yours may not be as public as you think it is anyway.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,
    I know...late (left for work around 6:30 this AM, so finally able to get here n ow). Tomorrow I am working from home (okay...the local library), so I get to relax for a few minutes in the AM. Just had the Santa Fe chicken tonight. I can't recall if I ever had it before. Was fine. Probably not spicy for others, but a bit much for me.
    Okay...time to get moving (to bed soon!).

    I did a review of the Santa Fe Chicken in the
    http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105887-nutrisystem-food-reviews section. I put my thought of how to improve it there. Why not add Your review of it to the one I left?
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Busy last several days. And today was MY day to go hog wild! Okay, no hog was eaten, but lots of sushi (and no matter how "light" soy sauce is called lower sodium, it is NOT low sodium!), followed by a couple of English muffins with peanut butter and Light Laughing Cow cheese (separately, not together) after I got home. Oh yeah, a skinny cow, too. Can't remember what else. Sushi must drive me crazy!

    Sushi can drive anyone crazy. I think the problem may be that it tends to be very high in simple carbs from all that rice, so your blood glucose spikes, but this doesn't last too long and when it crashes you want some more carbs to keep feeling that carbohydrate "high" that you got from the sushi.

    That makes sense that there could be a blood sugar spike and crash. I wouldn't eat it for another reason. I am not a fish eater and the idea of eating raw fish? No Thanks
    capsnut wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Looks to be a sunny day here thankfully, I'm taking my motorcycle into the shop after work for a new set of tires and picking it up again tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will hold. I'm planning on a trip to Vermont in the next couple of weeks for a memorial service for my daughter and was thinking the motorcycle would be the cheapest/fun way to travel if the weather is cooperative, otherwise I think I'll take the Jeep and pay the extra gas for comfort. My Washington Capitals got beat in game 7 in their Stanley Cup Playoff series against the Rangers, this happens every year........I think "The curse of the Bambino" left the Red Sox and baseball and is now living with the Caps. Great series though, really excellent play off hockey. Off to the salt mines, have a good day all!

    That sounds like 2 or 3 hundred dollars going, going, gone.
    Good Morning All,
    Busy, fun day today. Chiro appt, then lunch with Marietta, followed by Mani/Pedi's. Then home to get the trash to the curb, and feed me and cats…early bed time, working last Friday tomorrow.

    Don, your Caps are sorta like my Fliers…only my Fliers didn't quite make the playoffs!!! Oh, well, always next year!

    Ed your dinner sounded terrific! Save some of that chicken for some yum chicken salad, and if carbs are an issue that day, roll the salad up in a leaf of either butter lettuce or red leaf lettuce…both work great, and its a fun way to eat your lunch!

    LeeAnn, enjoy your day at the library. Must be a research day? Should be a rather relaxing day, no drive time, etc.
    Hey, when you get that Doctorate, do we call you Dr. LeeAnn??? :)

    So, Ed and Don, and Roger will now have headaches from laughing, or wondering how I find my way home….I've had this computer, and my gmail account for YEARS…..many many years. Ted (DS2) always sets my computers up for me…and yesterday I discovered that all these emails are also on google web site, duplicating what I see on my gmail account thru Apple…only all this time they have been PUBLIC!?!?!? OMG. Not that there's anything there thats an issue, just the thought is creepy. So, right now I have over 15,000 emails sitting on this computer,not put away in their little files!!! As of discovery time, I became the 'Mad Hatter of the Email Delete" squad..At 500 a day, most days, it will still take quite a long time….ARGGGGGGG!

    Right now I have to head for the shower and get ready to get to ATL

    Hi Valerie
    Emails or Posts on the forums? Eds advice sounds like something You should do.
    I never put anything on the Web in any form that I would be worried if someone saw it.

    Privacy is dead :) Between the Internet, Surveillance Cameras, & Cell Phones with cameras privacy is now pushing Daisies! Add to that the tracking that happens if You use Easy Pass and the fact that Your cell phones movements can be tracked......

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning! TGIF Y'ALL!!!

    Ed, I did figure out how to make my gmail account private. There is really nothing there more harmful than these threads, so that said..no real biggie….with one exception. For every Amazon or other merchants email confirming what I ordered, and what I paid for it….that kinda is too much info for any Tom, Dick, Harry, and the NSA to know. Just mostly creepy feeling.

    WhoHoooo! this morning a big ole Wolf Spider climbed out of his hidey hole, and into my bathroom floor!!! LOL, he did startle me for a second. Big ole bully!!! I got a house slipper to scare him, and he went back under the sink like a good boy!!! :)

    Had a fun day yesterday…and today is 'last Friday' for the soon to be retired. Reason to celebrate, no????? :)
    Will check in later...
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    TGIF All,
    Glad we are at the end of the week, it looks to be a busy Friday for me. Motorcycle should be ready when I get out of work with new "shoes".....actually more like $500 gone, gone, gone Roger. The idea that all of my e-mails were going "public" is quite scary, hope you get all your stuff deleted soon and the problem solved so that you don't have to do it again, the thought that everyone has access to information related to my purchases online is creepy. Sad news today as one of my favorite blues artists B.B. King has passed away, he was one of the greats. My wife and I saw him perform on our honeymoon many, many years ago and through a purely chance encounter My wife ran into him in the hallway of the venue we saw him in as she was looking for a restroom in the hotel. He was a master of his craft and will be missed. Have a good day all!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! My boss's brother passed away this morning so I'm going in a bit early. May have to cover some for her next week as well, though it's pretty full already...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Friday Morning! TGIF Y'ALL!!!

    Ed, I did figure out how to make my gmail account private. There is really nothing there more harmful than these threads, so that said..no real biggie….with one exception. For every Amazon or other merchants email confirming what I ordered, and what I paid for it….that kinda is too much info for any Tom, Dick, Harry, and the NSA to know. Just mostly creepy feeling.

    WhoHoooo! this morning a big ole Wolf Spider climbed out of his hidey hole, and into my bathroom floor!!! LOL, he did startle me for a second. Big ole bully!!! I got a house slipper to scare him, and he went back under the sink like a good boy!!! :)

    Had a fun day yesterday…and today is 'last Friday' for the soon to be retired. Reason to celebrate, no????? :)
    Will check in later...

    Hi Kat
    Congratulations on making Your emails private.
    Spiders are OK as long as not poisonous. Flies are fair game
    I have a My Fly Rod not what it seems,
    The handle makes it really easy to grip even on those days when My Joints have some pain.
    My Brother got it for a Christmas present to me.

    It sounds as if You can not wait to be out of work :)
    capsnut wrote: »
    TGIF All,
    Glad we are at the end of the week, it looks to be a busy Friday for me. Motorcycle should be ready when I get out of work with new "shoes".....actually more like $500 gone, gone, gone Roger. The idea that all of my e-mails were going "public" is quite scary, hope you get all your stuff deleted soon and the problem solved so that you don't have to do it again, the thought that everyone has access to information related to my purchases online is creepy. Sad news today as one of my favorite blues artists B.B. King has passed away, he was one of the greats. My wife and I saw him perform on our honeymoon many, many years ago and through a purely chance encounter My wife ran into him in the hallway of the venue we saw him in as she was looking for a restroom in the hotel. He was a master of his craft and will be missed. Have a good day all!

    Wow, I am not sure I paid that much for four tires for my Buick Century. It is a 1999 and only had 14,000 miles on it when I did them in 2013. It really was the old used car dealer saying about only driven to church on Sunday and the grocery store. I knew its provinence.

    My Fitnesspal links
    Nutrisystem Group Users
    Roger's Useful Links
    Abbreviations commonly used
    NutriSystem Food Reviews Group

    Other Links
    I just visited a Ghost Town this morning
    NS Foods for sale Posts
    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Don, I about choked….$500 for TWO tires???? Holy Cow!!!! Are they white walls?, or do they clean themselves?, must me something more special than providing a place for the rubber to meet the pavement :)

    Emails are secured. For the Web. Now I need to look into the ones in "mail"….

    Going into the backyard in about 5 minutes, hopefully before the rain, and weed a bit. It will make my chore list look smaller for Saturday! :)

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Roger, I meant to comment on your 'fly rod'…I have a little more conventional one, in purple and white, and on the 'business end' it says SPLAT. I seldom have flies or other 'splat-ables' in the house, but it made me laugh when I saw it, and I still laugh anytime when I do need to use it!!!
    Sorry to know you have issues with hand joints. So far, knock on wood, no hand joint issues….

    Usual Saturday stuff, laundry is actually in the spin cycle already, and since I ran the dishwasher last night, I only had to unload it this morning while the coffee perked….Birthday Dinner for Olivia this evening at Taco Mac (her choice). Wish me luck there getting something vegan to eat!!! I think it could be a 'french fry' dinner. JK. But, it will be fun.
    Her Birthday will be next Friday, and I had it all set up to take her and her bestest little friend out to lunch….but plans changed once the parents decided to go to FL on Thursday after her 'graduation'.
    Graduation should be a big deal, it was a brand new school, Olivia's kindergarten class was the the first class, and now they will leave Elementary and go on to middle school. So, after awards, etc, they will march the kids to their new school…which is just next door about 0.2 of a mile. I expect there will be tears from kids, teachers, parents alike.

    Washer done, Grammy needs to get on with her day!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Working that long middle today, but need to remember to get some beef stew going in a crock pot before I head out. I have set out everything except the beef, to remind me to cut up the veggies and get it all going just before I walk out the door.

    My schedule for next week was already pretty full but my boss's brother died yesterday so that schedule may go into overtime with her needing to be gone for a few days. We'll see what it turns into. I'm sure she's busy today figuring out how long she'll need off and all. I went in early yesterday so she could get out of there and get started on necessary stuff.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!
    Roger, I meant to comment on your 'fly rod'…I have a little more conventional one, in purple and white, and on the 'business end' it says SPLAT. I seldom have flies or other 'splat-ables' in the house, but it made me laugh when I saw it, and I still laugh anytime when I do need to use it!!!
    Sorry to know you have issues with hand joints. So far, knock on wood, no hand joint issues….

    Usual Saturday stuff, laundry is actually in the spin cycle already, and since I ran the dishwasher last night, I only had to unload it this morning while the coffee perked….Birthday Dinner for Olivia this evening at Taco Mac (her choice). Wish me luck there getting something vegan to eat!!! I think it could be a 'french fry' dinner. JK. But, it will be fun.
    Her Birthday will be next Friday, and I had it all set up to take her and her bestest little friend out to lunch….but plans changed once the parents decided to go to FL on Thursday after her 'graduation'.
    Graduation should be a big deal, it was a brand new school, Olivia's kindergarten class was the the first class, and now they will leave Elementary and go on to middle school. So, after awards, etc, they will march the kids to their new school…which is just next door about 0.2 of a mile. I expect there will be tears from kids, teachers, parents alike.

    Washer done, Grammy needs to get on with her day!


    Hi Kat
    I like that, Splat !
    I wish I could say no splatables in the house. We have already had a couple of flies. They come in when the door to the porch and the front door are open bringing in the groceries.

    Running out of time and still have to move the laundry to the dryer first.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,502 Member
    edited May 2015
    I cleverly set up some beef stew to slowly cook all day in my largest crock pot while I was working, turning the device on just as I was heading out the door. I came home to find a delicious dinner all ready to eat. I finished eating my late dinner about an hour ago.

    D and his visiting friend are eating some now. J is out of town but he would not be eating any of this anyway.

    I'm finishing off my glass of cabernet sauvignon...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Promised myself I'd stop in here before I started on the 'chore list'. I don't even know what's on the list…but I'm sure there is one!!!

    Hope Lilo lets Ed sleep in this morning! He had a delicious, but late dinner! Good planning Ed!!

    Its a beautiful morning here…68 degrees, bright, door open, bird singing. (its my displaced friendly but dumb wren) Tom E's asleep atop the chicken house, and I'm sure Hoots in the back yard someplace also napping.

    Yesterday evening I joined DS1 and family to celebrate Missy O's upcoming 11th birthday. That is one wound up little girl… This week she graduates, will be in Tampa FL at the beach for her actual Birthday! I think one more happy occasion and she won't sleep in her bed, she'll levitate over it!!!

    Ok, time to hunt up that 'ToDo' list….everybody have a great day!
    We can all pretend to be 11….Olivia made it look like it was a lot of fun! LOL!!

  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Sunday All,
    I'm stiff from working in the yard yesterday, I did the first lawn mow of the year and cleaned up the yard and the driveway. I'm looking at a really nice day here, planning to have breakfast, give the Jeep a quick wash and vacuum and then head out on the motorcycle for a little saddle time and put a some wear on those new tires. You can definitely tell the difference with the new tires, the bike rides really nice. You're right Val $500 is a lot, that covers the tires, the labor and I had them do an inspection too so that I won't have to deal with that later. I have to be somewhat careful on curves with the new tires until the sidewalls get a little scuffed because with new tires they are a little slick until you scuff them up a little and you can go down if you lean too far into a curve. At this time of the year the roads have sand on them from the winter and you need to watch out for that in the curves too. I think I'll go over to NH today, not sure if I'll go into the White Mountains. I'll put a chicken in the smoker for a couple of hours after I get home. Have a good day all!