Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Working today, Saturday and Sunday, but I'm OFF Monday and going (hopefully) to a pool party with friends. I never did get back on here last night, just came home, took a long nap, made dinner and went to bed fairly early. But I needed to get ahead on sleep as I open tomorrow.

    But I'll try to post pictures NOW. Here's hoping I can remember how to do that on this site...

    First one, can't remember just exactly WHAT this is, but it's pretty...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    OK. Now that I tried 4 different ways of trying to include the image directly, and found the right one....

    Here's more:

    Gardenia (a little bit blurry, but I wish I could include SCENT with it!):


    I can only claim this lily as MINE because we bought it and paid for it, but I put it in the ground just after buying it (in bloom) and hope that the three stalks will prosper and multiply. It was the only pot with that striking color combination at the hardware store. We've had mixed luck with lilies, particularly with J's tiger lilies, which seem to do well for a year or three and then die, but so far the Easter lilies I planted last year seem to be doing well. If they make it to bloom, there will be pics. One of them divided itself into two already. :)


    Dianthus. Always lovely.


    And one animated GIF just to mess with your heads! No, your computer has NOT been taken over by aliens. :pensive:



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, you are a stinker! Yes, the floating pointer DID mess with my head! It was like what the heck????
    The first flower is a dahlia. Which specific dahlia I know not. All of your flowers are gorgeous, as I knew they would be!! I especially like the dianthus! I need to remember to get a few of them for one of my sunny areas.

    Today was the last Friday!…check!! Only Monday to go. Will be glad when I can put a check by that one too. Met the new girl, she's only a Junior in High School….they are getting younger and younger…….and I'm getting OLDER and older…and there's nothing in the middle. Its time for the 'grandma' to rest!!! (or find a new job?)

    Lilies….some of them do only hang out with us for a couple years, others flourish and make many new plants, and then you have to separate them…and that takes a big really strong person with 2 garden forks…my Mom had the big tall white Easter Lilies, and they bloomed like gangbusters every year….around June as I recall. But what I really wish I could grow is: 1….lilac bushes like hers, and 2…her huge big clumps of double white peonies. She also could make coreopsis grow like no body's business. I've killed off more starts of coreopsis than I care to tell about. So for the sake of the species, I've given up on them!!!

    LeeAnn, it sure looks like I see a spring getaway in your future! Hope if all comes to fruition, and that you two have a great adventure!

    Don,….Jeep or Bike??? Inquiring minds need to know! LOL!! Hope your weather is nice and that you have a good trip, even though the reason for the trip is not.

    Roger, have we lost you to the gardens??? or did I miss a post? Hope your plants take off and thrive.

    I am not heading for a 'coffee nap'… from what I read I should sleep for about 30-60 minutes and wake up caffeinated, full of energy, and clear headed. Will let you know how That goes!!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I finally made it here, I kept my Brother company out to Walmart, I ended up buying a new laundry basket, The old one is going bad. A Small 17" Gas Grill. I want to have a nice BBQ RibEye for the Holiday, I can not decide if i want to open the Sweet Baby rays BBQ Sauce and use it on the Steak or maybe do a couple of Chicken Breasts for later on with it. Decisions, Decisions!
    Maybe do some vegetables on the grill with it. Any Suggestions? I thought Maybe Carrot or Yellow Summer Squash.

    Kat beat me to it on calling those Dahlias :)

    For You Campers:


    Have a Good Holiday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Coffee Nap could be a hoax! 5 hours, hardly a nap makes! LOL
    I'm headed for the kitchen to get something to eat. Cats have already finished their dinner. :)

    Roger…corn on the grill? Squash is good, and quick, Sweet Baby Ray's….MMMMMMM! Also keeps well in the refrigerator, so you probably have enough for steak, and something for later! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Been up for an hour already, but heading to work soon. I have my snacks prepared and ready to bag, and the dishwasher is running.

    Vegetables for the grill...as Val mentioned, grilled corn on the cob is FANTASTIC, but it is high carb so you'd only want to eat one. Grilled zucchini, tomato, carrots, all good. Eggplant if you have time to properly brine it to get the bitter out. Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms! Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower! Oh, heck, just toss the whole vegetable garden on the grill!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Good Morning!

    Ed...you got me! I misread your comment about the aliens and instead, thought someone had gotten control of my computer (someone doing it remotely). Glad it was your GIF! Thanks for posting the flower photos. Thye are lovely.

    Roger...Sweet Baby Rays, in a proper, measured amount! It is delicious. FYI...I have used Walden Frams BBQ sauce (calorie free, sugar and fat free). I found it too hot for my tastes, but my husband, who likes hot and dislikes fat/sugar/calorie free did like it. GO figure!

    Val, when you say squash, are you recommending winter or summer squash on the grill? I like various vegetables grilled, no oil or any kind. I do them in a veg grill basket. Red peppers and big chunks of onion are favorites!

    Don...you must be out Jeeping or MCing. Enjoy!

    Take care all!

    Forgot...did anyone else get the NS email that the 50 clicks program is stopping as of June...1 or 30 (can't remember)? I wish my lottery picking numbers were as good as predicting things like that (go back a few posts...I questioned it!).
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning,
    It's fall like cold here this morning. I'm up early and getting ready to go out in search of something for the BBQ smoker. I went to BJs Club last night and just about anything you could put in a smoker was gone. I'm going to go over to Walmart this morning and may even take a day pass to go into Sam's Club to see if I can find something. Last resort is the butcher store about a 1/2 mile away, the meat is great, but the prices are high. We'll see. Playing it by ear this holiday weekend. I got a message from NS yesterday telling me that 50 clicks is going away too and they gave me a $10 coupon, so now there really is no reason other than to manage my orders to go there anymore..............got to get going. Have a good day all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Saturday Morning Y'all!
    I'm working on getting it all together today. So far, I've fed cats, (but not me), listened to a Vegan podcast, checked out fb, emailed a friend, done a load of laundry, which is nearly dry now., and am on my second cup of coffee…. I gotta do better than this!!!

    Don, chilly morning the past 2 days here too…yesterday it was low 50's, its only 60 right now on my porch!! Good luck with your meat search. You understand its just me, but if I were looking for a chunk of meat, I'd start at the local shop and ask how their meat was raised?, was if fed growth hormone?, free range? corn fattened, etc. IF, it was 'real meat'…,ie, grass fed, hormone and GMO free, etc…its worth the extra money. IF NOT, then walmart, costco, sams, etc are all pretty much the same. Again…thats just me. And since I don't eat meat……..

    LeeAnn…I'm sorry, I should have clarified that…I only eat summer squash, I ate some bad/spoiled? spaghetti squash a few years ago, and since then I can't eat any of the hard squashes…they come right back up. And I hate that, cuz I love acorn squash baked, and fell in love with hubbard squash when I lived in NH. I'd never seen that squash before, …. So, zucchini, yellow crook neck, and patty pan are my 'friends' in the squash world!

    I"m sorry to hear the 50 clicks are going away. It sorta seems NS is killing itself one slice at a time. Really weird. If this is their idea of money savings….I think they will be in for a RUDE SHOCK. (I'm waiting, not too patiently, for the delivery system from Forks Over Knives. Not in my area yet….but no contract, choice of plans, and vegan!! Trust me I'm so into that!! )

    Ed wins the grilling tutorial! I loved his reply to Roger.."Vegetables for the grill...as Val mentioned, grilled corn on the cob is FANTASTIC, but it is high carb so you'd only want to eat one. Grilled zucchini, tomato, carrots, all good. Eggplant if you have time to properly brine it to get the bitter out. Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms! Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower! Oh, heck, just toss the whole vegetable garden on the grill!" Yep, that pretty much sums it up…just toss the whole garden on the grill!!!
    I don't have a grill, sometimes wish I did, have no 'safe' place to put a grill….AND, I am a lousy griller. I could burn water on a grill. :(

    Dryer just shut down, I'll get that load folded, and do the last load of cleaning rags for PF!!!!! That will make me happy!
    Later good folks…..
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I hope Everybody has a Wonderful Holiday Weekend
    Coffee Nap could be a hoax! 5 hours, hardly a nap makes! LOL
    I'm headed for the kitchen to get something to eat. Cats have already finished their dinner. :)

    Roger…corn on the grill? Squash is good, and quick, Sweet Baby Ray's….MMMMMMM! Also keeps well in the refrigerator, so you probably have enough for steak, and something for later! :)


    Hi Valerie
    I had picked up the Sweet Baby Rays when the old one ran out and have not had a use for since. I was using it on some of the NutriSystem frozen Lunch Sandwiches. Grilled Chicken, Hamburger and the Dinner Meatloaf Sandwich.

    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Been up for an hour already, but heading to work soon. I have my snacks prepared and ready to bag, and the dishwasher is running.

    Vegetables for the grill...as Val mentioned, grilled corn on the cob is FANTASTIC, but it is high carb so you'd only want to eat one. Grilled zucchini, tomato, carrots, all good. Eggplant if you have time to properly brine it to get the bitter out. Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms! Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower! Oh, heck, just toss the whole vegetable garden on the grill!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    I was thinking a smallish Corn on the Cob for that reason, but thanks for the reminder.

    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Ed...you got me! I misread your comment about the aliens and instead, thought someone had gotten control of my computer (someone doing it remotely). Glad it was your GIF! Thanks for posting the flower photos. Thye are lovely.

    Roger...Sweet Baby Rays, in a proper, measured amount! It is delicious. FYI...I have used Walden Frams BBQ sauce (calorie free, sugar and fat free). I found it too hot for my tastes, but my husband, who likes hot and dislikes fat/sugar/calorie free did like it. GO figure!

    Val, when you say squash, are you recommending winter or summer squash on the grill? I like various vegetables grilled, no oil or any kind. I do them in a veg grill basket. Red peppers and big chunks of onion are favorites!

    Don...you must be out Jeeping or MCing. Enjoy!

    Take care all!

    Forgot...did anyone else get the NS email that the 50 clicks program is stopping as of June...1 or 30 (can't remember)? I wish my lottery picking numbers were as good as predicting things like that (go back a few posts...I questioned it!).

    The Sweet Baby Rays is flavorful enough that a little goes a long way.
    I got that email that said "On Friday, May 29th, the 50 Clicks program will close for good" however it did also enclose a coupon for $10 as a last Hurrah for the 50 clicks.
    So I had 419 clicks as of this morning. No last 50 clicks for me I guess. I will use the $10 coupon however as a consolation prize.

    I was thinking the yellow Summer Squash.

    capsnut wrote: »
    Happy Saturday Morning,
    It's fall like cold here this morning. I'm up early and getting ready to go out in search of something for the BBQ smoker. I went to BJs Club last night and just about anything you could put in a smoker was gone. I'm going to go over to Walmart this morning and may even take a day pass to go into Sam's Club to see if I can find something. Last resort is the butcher store about a 1/2 mile away, the meat is great, but the prices are high. We'll see. Playing it by ear this holiday weekend. I got a message from NS yesterday telling me that 50 clicks is going away too and they gave me a $10 coupon, so now there really is no reason other than to manage my orders to go there anymore..............got to get going. Have a good day all!

    I have to agree, for now I am still logging weight on the NS Forum, until that is gone too.
    Then Order customization will be all that is left. If I were thinking about joining today and all they had for user interaction was FaceBook, I would keep looking.

    I am not surprised that their is not a lot of meats for the smoker left TBH.

    Have a Good Day
    Good Saturday Morning Y'all!
    I'm working on getting it all together today. So far, I've fed cats, (but not me), listened to a Vegan podcast, checked out fb, emailed a friend, done a load of laundry, which is nearly dry now., and am on my second cup of coffee…. I gotta do better than this!!!

    Don, chilly morning the past 2 days here too…yesterday it was low 50's, its only 60 right now on my porch!! Good luck with your meat search. You understand its just me, but if I were looking for a chunk of meat, I'd start at the local shop and ask how their meat was raised?, was if fed growth hormone?, free range? corn fattened, etc. IF, it was 'real meat'…,ie, grass fed, hormone and GMO free, etc…its worth the extra money. IF NOT, then walmart, costco, sams, etc are all pretty much the same. Again…thats just me. And since I don't eat meat……..

    LeeAnn…I'm sorry, I should have clarified that…I only eat summer squash, I ate some bad/spoiled? spaghetti squash a few years ago, and since then I can't eat any of the hard squashes…they come right back up. And I hate that, cuz I love acorn squash baked, and fell in love with hubbard squash when I lived in NH. I'd never seen that squash before, …. So, zucchini, yellow crook neck, and patty pan are my 'friends' in the squash world!

    I"m sorry to hear the 50 clicks are going away. It sorta seems NS is killing itself one slice at a time. Really weird. If this is their idea of money savings….I think they will be in for a RUDE SHOCK. (I'm waiting, not too patiently, for the delivery system from Forks Over Knives. Not in my area yet….but no contract, choice of plans, and vegan!! Trust me I'm so into that!! )

    Ed wins the grilling tutorial! I loved his reply to Roger.."Vegetables for the grill...as Val mentioned, grilled corn on the cob is FANTASTIC, but it is high carb so you'd only want to eat one. Grilled zucchini, tomato, carrots, all good. Eggplant if you have time to properly brine it to get the bitter out. Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms! Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower! Oh, heck, just toss the whole vegetable garden on the grill!" Yep, that pretty much sums it up…just toss the whole garden on the grill!!!
    I don't have a grill, sometimes wish I did, have no 'safe' place to put a grill….AND, I am a lousy griller. I could burn water on a grill. :(

    Dryer just shut down, I'll get that load folded, and do the last load of cleaning rags for PF!!!!! That will make me happy!
    Later good folks…..

    Hi Again
    I love the Winter squashes, it is my waistline that does not love them :)
    It does seem a little weird what NutriSystem is doing. I have a suspicion that they are focused on the long term and attracting customers that live in a social media world already and as so many other companies do, they are advertising to a younger crowd and have not a lot of interest in us older folks.

    Just look at the TV networks they have been known to kill of one of the highest rated shows in a time slot because it was not attracting the Younger demographic, the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers or to put it another way the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers.

    The forums are just one more victim of that kind of thinking.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    "Hi Again
    I love the Winter squashes, it is my waistline that does not love them :)
    It does seem a little weird what NutriSystem is doing. I have a suspicion that they are focused on the long term and attracting customers that live in a social media world already and as so many other companies do, they are advertising to a younger crowd and have not a lot of interest in us older folks.

    Just look at the TV networks they have been known to kill of one of the highest rated shows in a time slot because it was not attracting the Younger demographic, the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers or to put it another way the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers.

    The forums are just one more victim of that kind of thinking."

    Have a Good Day

    Roger I don't know if that's what they're up to or not. Seems kinda silly, as demographics show there's more of us older folk than younger….also, LOOK at the younger set…many are slender as a reed. Its us oldsters who have sorta spread out!!!! And we have the monetary means to buy/support NS. I could be wrong as all get out, but I think they are just trying to pare their bottom line, and not thinking about the hands who feed them. I keep remembering Circuit City. (Fire all the old higher paid employee's, hire a bunch of kids cheaply,….go broke and lose your business.)
    Only time will tell.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    I ended up working 12 1/2 hours today. Then we went out for Thai food at a favorite restaurant.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Another Pleasant Valley Sunday.......
    I'm up and getting ready to go walking with Fury. I looks like it's going to warm up here today and I'm looking forward to it. I essentially goofed off most of yesterday, drove around town picking up things I forget to get when I made my first shopping trip on Friday night. I got a day pass for Sam's Club and walked around a bit, but was not impressed to the point I where I bought anything or decided to pony up for a membership. I wish we had Costco in Maine, I have heard it's much better than both Sam's Club and BJ's Wholesale Club. It was fun buzzing around in the Jeep though.......one of the most bizarre things about owning this new model is that other than a woman at my workplace, I have not seen another one of these on the road in the month that I've owned it. Lots to do today, need to walk Fury, mow the grass, wash/vacuum the Jeep and make pulled pork in the smoker. Maybe a bike ride if I can get all this done and have any energy left. Have a great day all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning,
    Don, glad to know its going to be a good day in Pleasant Valley! Sounds like you're list of 'to dos' is lengthy today. Just get Fury walked!!!
    I agree about Sam's vs Costco. We have both, my money goes to Costco every year. There are BJ's here, just not nearby me, and makes no sense to drive any distance.
    Pulled pork in the smoker sounds fantastic!
    I made a Lentil Salad yesterday. Haven't had that in quite awhile. Basic cooked lentils, chopped celery, cuke, radish, peppers and either a spicy (not hot, spicy :) ) french dressing…or a cheat…I bought a bottle of Catalina Dressing. I did not read the ingredient list. I would have not bought it if I had :neutral: .

    Also should be outdoors, its cool in the mornings, mid 80's afternoons….so perfect for yard work, and I still have a TON to do. Today I just need to trim up, tidy up, etc. as its supposed to rain all week??? We'll see. Sometimes out weather folk get a bit over jealous with this summer time rain business…while we actually get little to none!

    12.5 hours Ed??? Good grief. I'm glad you ate out. After a long stretch like that nobody should be cooking!

    I guess its breakfast time….cats have had theirs, and are grooming…so they look pretty while they sleep? Cuz I am positive nap will be their next big adventure!

    I need to find out who won the hockey game last night. I was worn out, and only made it thru 2 periods. I really don't care who wins…not a Ducks fan, nor a Blackhawk follower, but for reasons he can't explain, NATE loves the Blackhawks?!?!?! Some families fight over politics….mine seems to spar words over Hockey teams. We each have our own teams…mostly like Nate, who know why :)

    Oh, I wish you could see…. Tom E cat came back for a second breakfast, and a SQUIRREL is up on top of 'his' hen house sniffing around. Squirrel had better keep his guard up….Tom E just Loves squirrel!!!! This could get interesting!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Long close tonight (8 hours) and then off tomorrow. We are supposed to be going to a pool party tomorrow, with the hosts providing burgers and kosher hot dogs, and guest bringing sides and desserts. I'm planning Southwestern Suffering Succotash, which is easy and tasty. It's just two cans of jalapeño and bell pepper spiced corn, drained, and then mixed with two cans of spicy hot chili beans (not drained), warmed up and served. Additional spicy heat can be added if desired, but I do want the other guest to be able to eat this so I guess not this time...oh, and you can use plain, whole kernel corn if desired, or Mexicorn. It's one of my "whatever" dishes. The first time I made it used plain corn but then it evolved. :)

    I figure at the party I can eat a burger and/or a hot dog without bun, and then browse the sides for something appropriate and I should be able to do OK. J will be eating pretty much only sides and maybe dessert, but at least I'm bringing something that he knows he can eat. There will probably be potato salad, chips, maybe slaw or macaroni salad that he can eat. Baked beans, but only if I bring them as he otherwise can't trust that they aren't made with pork, unless they are marked as vegetarian or vegan.

    Well, I need to get these cheap chicken legs going in the toaster oven so I can have some for lunch later. $1.79 for 5 decent sized legs. Not my favorite part of the chicken but when it's marked down that low, I can eat it and enjoy it just fine. Saving money can taste quite good!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Memorial Day Monday,
    Last day!!! Giggle giggle!!
    Ed enjoy your party, and the food, and pool, and fun!! Hope J gets enough sides to also enjoy his dinner.
    Don, I'm guessing the Jeep goes to Vermont? Safe trip.
    Nothing from LeeAnn, they must be in the wild and woolies having fun with their camper.

    Need to gather a lunch, and then I'm off!!!!!

  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Memorial Day All,
    Taking it easy today, yesterday was a working day to be sure, property looks good, cars are washed, Fury walked, BBQ made. I'm thinking this will be a good day to start getting prepared for my club rally next week and maybe go for a motorcycle ride. I'm working Tuesday and Wednesday, then off the the rally Thursday through Sunday. The week after is Vermont, we'll see what the weather looks like, although it wouldn't take a lot to convince me to take the Jeep. We'll see. Enjoy your last day Val, have a great party Ed. Everyone have a good day!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Happy Memorial Day!

    I've been up for a while but busy with getting Lilo fed, then getting my breakfast prepared, then talking with the boss about scheduling for this week and next. A guy who worked with us last summer is coming back for this summer, and boy, are we glad! All of us liked him, and he was very reliable and dependable. I may get to help with his refresher training as half of my long close tomorrow night, if he can come in.

    Breakfast this morning was a bit long in preparation but worth it. I peeled and cleaned a little over 3/4 pound of white shrimp, then broiled it with a light butter, lemon and garlic sauce. While it was cooking I prepared a small swordfish steak with canola oil spray, salt, pepper, dill weed and paprika. I cooked the fish while I was eating the shrimp, and then talked to the boss while the fish finished cooking, and talked to her some more while I was eating the fish,and keeping Lilo out of my chair. A little bit of high fiber, low carb toast finished off the breakfast.

    I did establish this morning that Lilo likes swordfish. She kept insisting that she liked it and that she would have some, even though she had never eaten it before, so eventually I forked off a small tidbit and put it on the floor for her. She DID like it, but since I don't spoil my cat...(right?)...she didn't get any more, despite asking for more!

    Can you tell I browsed through the WooHoo! (Manager Special) section of fish/seafood the last couple of work nights? :wink: I've got quite a bit of additional fish, mostly salmon but with a few bits of other things, in the deep freeze now for other fishy meals.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    Southwestern Suffering Succotash is ready and we're heading out to the party shortly. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015

    Have a Great Memorial Day

    "Hi Again
    I love the Winter squashes, it is my waistline that does not love them :)
    It does seem a little weird what NutriSystem is doing. I have a suspicion that they are focused on the long term and attracting customers that live in a social media world already and as so many other companies do, they are advertising to a younger crowd and have not a lot of interest in us older folks.

    Just look at the TV networks they have been known to kill of one of the highest rated shows in a time slot because it was not attracting the Younger demographic, the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers or to put it another way the number of viewers within the 18–49 age range is more important than the total number of viewers.

    The forums are just one more victim of that kind of thinking."

    Have a Good Day

    Roger I don't know if that's what they're up to or not. Seems kinda silly, as demographics show there's more of us older folk than younger….also, LOOK at the younger set…many are slender as a reed. Its us oldsters who have sorta spread out!!!! And we have the monetary means to buy/support NS. I could be wrong as all get out, but I think they are just trying to pare their bottom line, and not thinking about the hands who feed them. I keep remembering Circuit City. (Fire all the old higher paid employee's, hire a bunch of kids cheaply,….go broke and lose your business.)
    Only time will tell.

    Hi Kat
    When I look at the Kids walking by on the way home from school there are some pudgy ones there. Maybe NS is looking ahead?

    I remember Circuit City shooting themselves in the foot that way too.
    I hope NS does not do that until I hit goal or at least use up my Gift Card Stash!



    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Long close tonight (8 hours) and then off tomorrow. We are supposed to be going to a pool party tomorrow, with the hosts providing burgers and kosher hot dogs, and guest bringing sides and desserts. I'm planning Southwestern Suffering Succotash, which is easy and tasty. It's just two cans of jalapeño and bell pepper spiced corn, drained, and then mixed with two cans of spicy hot chili beans (not drained), warmed up and served. Additional spicy heat can be added if desired, but I do want the other guest to be able to eat this so I guess not this time...oh, and you can use plain, whole kernel corn if desired, or Mexicorn. It's one of my "whatever" dishes. The first time I made it used plain corn but then it evolved. :)

    I figure at the party I can eat a burger and/or a hot dog without bun, and then browse the sides for something appropriate and I should be able to do OK. J will be eating pretty much only sides and maybe dessert, but at least I'm bringing something that he knows he can eat. There will probably be potato salad, chips, maybe slaw or macaroni salad that he can eat. Baked beans, but only if I bring them as he otherwise can't trust that they aren't made with pork, unless they are marked as vegetarian or vegan.

    Well, I need to get these cheap chicken legs going in the toaster oven so I can have some for lunch later. $1.79 for 5 decent sized legs. Not my favorite part of the chicken but when it's marked down that low, I can eat it and enjoy it just fine. Saving money can taste quite good!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Nothing wrong with saving money, My brother always checks for marked down meats.
