Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! Working that long middle today. School is out so no telling just yet how busy it will be but we've been pretty busy on weekends so I expect it will be so.

    Had some leftover ribs and baked beans for breakfast. Just a drizzle of my face melting barbecue sauce on the meat.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    LeeAnn, whew, didn't have to send out the search dogs after all!! :smiley: Glad you had a good time… Now, I could probably survive in a 'full service' campsite!
    I am 'semi-fully retired' Meaning, they know I"ve taken the summer off, so that one of our former staffers could have a summer job! Yeah, that was nice of me…but it is selfish of me as well…I needed a big change! This leaves the door open for me to fully retire about mid July….or go back in Sept if I find I either need to financially, or want to????

    Ed…I love your breakfasts! Mine is leftover lentils, seasoned with a Catalina type red dressing, and then about a cup of mixed, raw, salad type veggies on top of that. And my daily addiction…. a nice slice of avocado toast!
    Not everybody's idea of breakfast, but I'm enjoying it….and it will probably see me pretty much thru till dinner. If I decide I need a bit more fuel, I can always have some grapes, cherries, apple, etc….for a mid-afternoon snack. :)

    Shopping to do today…someday I'm going to just run myself into the ground with all my shopping around. I need cat food and sugarless gum and LifeWater from Walmart, cuz its all considerably cheaper there….and the wonderful tomatoes and avocado's (gotta feed my addiction:)) from the Mexican market next to the gym. (cheaper and so much BETTER than any where else, including Whole Foods)…and the large white beans and some Almond Milk 'Ice cream' from close by Publix…so my treat doesn't get all melty! :) This will take me quite a bit of the day!

    I 'shoulda' done part of this yesterday, but have given up on 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' for life! So, I'm doing it all today!

    Roger, did you also get rain yesterday? I surely sent some your way.
    It was kinda spotty here. I def. got more 'noise' than rain, but still managed to get just under a quarter inch.
    Worse coming next week, so say the oft wrong weather folk!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Glad I came back this evening!
    Roger you have a 'treasure' with that sewing machine. If you ever have time, I'd love to see a picture or two of it!
    My Grandma had and old Singer it was a treadle powered one…and my Grandfather being the nice guy decided to help Grandma out, and he attached a little motor to the belt drive….and Grandma nearly immediately, lost control of the speed, and stitched up one of her fingers..to the first knuckle. You know that Had To Hurt!!! Mom also had an old Singer, and I have no idea what happened to it…it was in a nice cabinet, and had a fold out lid, so you had a lot of 'flat' surface to get your fabric or whatever all laid out. What I really remember about the old Singers was the beautiful stitches they made.

    And ED…I understand about smelling your dinner long before you can eat it! Sometimes that drives me crazy….and other times, after I've smelled it for a long bit I really then don't want to eat it. I know, weird!
    I've not been 'food/meal' specific for a very many years. I think it was because I worked at night. In TN when I'd get off work, there wasn't anything open that I wanted to eat….ATL is quite different :) Most any kind of food, most any time of the day or night!!! LOL!!

    Ok, enough food talk, now I'm hungry! Talked to DS1 and he was in quite a bit of rain and traffic…lots of thunder here, from a distance…no rain..yet. They, WSB weather, just said rain again Daily all next week….so much for yard work!

    Hi Valerie
    I did not take any pictures yet, however these are the machine in opened for use and closed up. It is a 5 drawer model and has the wooden box of attachments and another soft case with attachments that are from White Sewing Machine Company.
    The manual is here direct from singer if Anyone is interested.

    The spare Bobbins should be here tomorrow and it says Thursday by 8PM for the leather belt. I bought from Amazon FWIW.

    A Little more work doing powering it with the treadle but more control. Sorry to hear about Your Mom's bad luck. I gather the motorizing kits were popular too.

    I am starting to build a small collection of manual power stuff. Hand crank Upright Acoustic record player, Treadle power sewing machine, A portable radio my brother gave a couple of Christmases ago that can run on battery, Solar or has a Hand crank to power it too. Plus the usual stuff such as a hand operated Can opener.

    My upright hand operated looks like this one except for a different grill style.

    cc solar observer am/fm/weather windup emergency radio
    I suspect it could be handy in some situations

    Have a Great Day and Weekend
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Glug, glug...that's the sound of me resurfacing! So nice that I am noticed when not around!

    Val, you are correct: Marc and I were out and about camping. Wild yes...woolies, no. It has been quite warm and lovely here. We just got back yesterday afternoon and I am leaving this morning for the weekend again...for a ladies only camping gathering. Staying at a very "fancy" campground (full hook-ups, including cable). This isn't my usual place to "camp" (it is tough to call this camping), but I wanted to meet this group of camping ladies...I'll let you know if it was worth it...after the weekend!

    Going back to the NS decision, I have to wonder what the long-term plan is. As far as demographics and money, don't the younger (18-whatever) folks have less disposable income for unnecessaries/luxuries, like NS? I would think the older folks might be better to go after (but not yet on Social Security/fixed incomes). I guess I will never make it in predicting the future of businesses!

    Enjoy the day folks...and Val, are you now completely, officially retired, or did I read that wrong??

    Hi LeeMom3
    I have to wonder what Demographic they are targeting too. FWIW I do not think of NutriSystem as a unnecessary luxury. I consider getting healthier to be a priority. Or as My brother puts it, He wants to be around to collect his pension for at least as many years and more as it took to earn it.

    Camping, roughing it etc.
    And last but not least......

    Have a Great Weekend
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, now I'm going to try Rogers patience…..
    Do you know if your Singer makes what today we'd call a 'regular' stitch, or does it make a 'chain stitch'? Just curious, cuz I think I remember Grandma's made a chain stitch. It was my GrandMa that stitched up her finger, (Mom learned on and used an electric powered Singer)
    I think I'd feel 'at home' at your house Roger….we also had that 'Victrola'…and albums and albums of old 78's, lots of really old music from the 20's and later…
    Just for fun, my brother and I would crank it up, and set light weight things….picture little plastic cowboys or indians, small sized plastic farm animals, etc on the spinning turn table and watch them get flung across the room!
    And I have a crank style radio (small one for the glove compartment of my car) and a bit larger one I keep in the bathroom…it works on battery or can be plugged in if you don't want to crank it up…
    Also at my house we had the old hang on the wall beautiful oak cased, phone, with the crank ringer. We were on a country 'party line' for many years. Our 'ring' was 2 long cranks and a short crank…or two longs and a short. So, when the calls came on to the line, EVERYONE on our party line..ie neighbors also heard the ring. You surely NEVER said anything on that phone that wasn't public knowledge! Also it hung on the kitchen wall. So, imagine you're helping wash some dished for Mom, you hands are wet, and you hear your ring…instinct made you dash to answer it….which got you a nasty electric shock, and your caller heard all sorts of things!!!! LOL!!

    I'm really not going to say 'those were the days'….but they were not bad days either!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Roger..........love love love the cartoons!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Working a short close tonight, just 6:30 to 11:30. Hardly seems worth driving to work for, does it? Fortunately it's a short drive.

    Had some leftover barbecue and baked beans for breakfast. Yum!

    And I've set out some chicken breasts to make chicken marsala soon. Like maybe tomorrow night?


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning its Saturday!!! (bet you already knew that!)
    Beautiful sunny, cool morning here…and no rain in the weather forecast today. Its gonna be an outside day!
    Other than that not much on my agenda for the day.
    So, time to eat breakfast, and theres an hour long interview with Dr. McDougal that I want to listen to. After that its 'Out I Go'!!!
    Hope everyone has a great day, and that Don and LeeAnn are enjoying their camping weekends!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, 5 hour shifts are kinda nice! Gets you up and moving, and you get to leave before you're tired and cranky. (not that I think you'd be cranky…I do get cranky when I'm tired.)

    NeNe1125 Hi! You're so right, Roger's cartoons are great! Its good to see you here, hope you can hop right into our little discussions more often! How old are your grands? Mine are growing up so fast…the 'babies' are now 11 and 9 years old…time does fly!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi All
    Have a Great Weekend
    Ok, now I'm going to try Rogers patience…..
    Do you know if your Singer makes what today we'd call a 'regular' stitch, or does it make a 'chain stitch'? Just curious, cuz I think I remember Grandma's made a chain stitch. It was my GrandMa that stitched up her finger, (Mom learned on and used an electric powered Singer)
    I think I'd feel 'at home' at your house Roger….we also had that 'Victrola'…and albums and albums of old 78's, lots of really old music from the 20's and later…
    Just for fun, my brother and I would crank it up, and set light weight things….picture little plastic cowboys or indians, small sized plastic farm animals, etc on the spinning turn table and watch them get flung across the room!
    And I have a crank style radio (small one for the glove compartment of my car) and a bit larger one I keep in the bathroom…it works on battery or can be plugged in if you don't want to crank it up…
    Also at my house we had the old hang on the wall beautiful oak cased, phone, with the crank ringer. We were on a country 'party line' for many years. Our 'ring' was 2 long cranks and a short crank…or two longs and a short. So, when the calls came on to the line, EVERYONE on our party line..ie neighbors also heard the ring. You surely NEVER said anything on that phone that wasn't public knowledge! Also it hung on the kitchen wall. So, imagine you're helping wash some dished for Mom, you hands are wet, and you hear your ring…instinct made you dash to answer it….which got you a nasty electric shock, and your caller heard all sorts of things!!!! LOL!!

    I'm really not going to say 'those were the days'….but they were not bad days either!

    I'm still waiting on the belt to be delivered by Amazon, Then I can fill the Bobbin :)
    So what I know about the stitches comes from here, which says:
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Singer VS-1, VS-2, VS-3, 27, 28, 127, 128 type home
    manufacturer Singer Manufacturing Company

    material fabric
    stitch lockstitch
    power treadle, handcrank, add-on electric feed drop
    needle(s) one 15x1 (except VS1, which uses 20x1[1])

    The Singer Model 27 and later model 127 were a series of lockstitch sewing machines produced by the Singer Manufacturing Company from the 1880s to the 1960s. (The 27 and the 127 were full-size versions of the Singer 28 and later model 128 which were three-quarter size). They were Singer's first sewing machines to make use of "vibrating shuttle" technology. Millions were produced.[2] They are all steel and were built before the advent of planned obsolescence, and so they were designed to be repaired rather than replaced.[3]

    Style' boxes
    "Style No. 14" puzzle boxq53ndq7ctn6a.jpg

    Singer accessory kits were sold in fold-out 'Style' boxes, numbered consecutively as newer versions evolved from older ones. The numbers begin at 1 ("Style No. 1") and culminate at 14 during the era of the 27 model series. The boxes included accessory attachments for hemming, braiding, underbraiding, tucking, shirring, binding, quilting, and ruffling, plus spare needles, bobbins, screws, and screwdrivers.

    Today such a box is called a "puzzle box", but this is a recent term: it is not mentioned in the original Style manuals.
    Main article: Singer puzzle box

    Singer separately sold a hemstitching attachment that is compatible with 27-series machines. The original version is a passive device, Singer part number 28915.[43] Later, a more sophisticated needle-clamp-powered attachment was offered—Singer part number 121387.
    Main article: Buttonholer § Singer buttonholers
    Singer model 489510 buttonholer (complete kit)

    Because 27-series machines cannot natively sew a zigzag stitch, they cannot feasibly sew a buttonhole. To rectify this, Singer produced an evolving line of buttonholer attachments that mount on the machine's shank and provide the missing functionality.
    Singer model 160985 zigzagger (complete kit)

    Singer made an attachment similar to its buttonholer, and using a similar needle-clamp-powered locomotion, in order to confer some zigzagging ability on its straight-stitch machines.
    Main article: Zigzag stitch § Singer zigzaggers

    Of the variety of "Singer Automatic Zigzagger" attachments produced over the years, two are compatible with 27-series machines: Singer part numbers 160985 and 161102.
    Blind stitcher

    The blind stitcher is yet another needle-clamp-powered attachment designed to ease a specific sewing task. Singer part number 160616 is compatible with 27-series machines.

    And this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singer_puzzle_box
    Singer puzzle box
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Style No. 14" puzzle box

    A Singer puzzle box is a collection of accessories for a sewing machine. Produced by the Singer Manufacturing Company during the 19th and 20th centuries, these neat and compact kits provide supplies and attachments for easing many common sewing tasks. At the time they were called 'Style' boxes, and were numbered consecutively from 1 ("Style No. 1") to 14 as newer versions evolved from older ones. They are now 'vintage', in museums and collections, although many extant sets are still in service.

    The boxes include accessory attachments for hemming, braiding, underbraiding, tucking, shirring, binding, quilting, and ruffling, plus spare needles, bobbins, screws, and screwdrivers.

    Binder foot

    Braider foot

    Fabric guide

    Hemmer foot (number 4)


    Shirring plate



    The accessories fit into a fold-out rectangular wooden box elegantly lined with velvet. Each accessory has its own particular niche in the box, such that they will all fit together into the small space of the folded-up box. The box was invented in 1888[1] by John M. Griest, a Singer employee[2] who won a US patent for the design.

    Probably more than You wanted to know too :)
    I do have the Puzzle Box with it.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    No Roger I found this interesting. 1, my grandmother's machine was probably made before 1880's…which leads me to believe it 'could' have been my Gramdma Birdie's mothers machine, OR is was bought used.
    I don't recall ever seeing the 'puzzle box', I do recall seeing many of the attachments. I think many may have been with my Mom's machine, and the same as, or very similar. The button hole attachment made decent button holes, much better and easier than my sewing machine, which DOES zigzag. The best button holes were made by my Mom….by hand. She did beautiful hand work. wish she'd lived in an area where she could have learned the art of tailoring. She's have been a 'natural'!!

    I once again got the blackberry shoots and weeds out of the front bed…I started the lawn mower, it ran for maybe 10 seconds, died, and then I flooded it….so I began pulling weeds, and never got back to the mower. Plan is, I just finished my lunch sandwich, am going to have watermelon for dessert, and then a NAP!! Hopefully I'll wake up alert and not foggy, and can go out and get the grass cut. Its a tad warm out there now. My mailman is so funny, he for one, calls me "Vallie"…I know not why. And when he sees me out doing yard work he calls to me that its hot, and I should take a break and be sure to drink WATER!!! :) So, while he brings me bills to be paid, he does offer good advice! :smile:

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Its gonna be a 50/50 kinda day? Got flea stuff on one cat…can't get anywhere close to the other. Maybe tonight with the wet food? Nice, cool, sunshine this morning…rain and storms later today… see? 50/50 :smiley:
    Chores to do today. Other than that, not much happening. Oh, yeah, I've got a wild cat to catch…
  • cenandra
    cenandra Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning fellow NSer's!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! And I'm off today. J want to (maybe) go to the RenFaire as it's the next to last weekend for it, but I don't know...if he really wants to go, I guess I will. I was looking forward to being really lazy and doing nothing but cat boxes...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,616 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ed, 5 hour shifts are kinda nice! Gets you up and moving, and you get to leave before you're tired and cranky. (not that I think you'd be cranky…I do get cranky when I'm tired.)

    NeNe1125 Hi! You're so right, Roger's cartoons are great! Its good to see you here, hope you can hop right into our little discussions more often! How old are your grands? Mine are growing up so fast…the 'babies' are now 11 and 9 years old…time does fly!

    Moi? Cranky? Je ne sais rien...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I'm back from walking to the produce store. It was a lot harder walking back carrying the few things I bought too. The Humidity is atrocious! All I bought was 2 lettuce, 5 Green Bananas and a Red onion. By the time I am ready to use those bananas they will be ripe.

    Have A Good Sunday
    No Roger I found this interesting. 1, my grandmother's machine was probably made before 1880's…which leads me to believe it 'could' have been my Gramdma Birdie's mothers machine, OR is was bought used.
    I don't recall ever seeing the 'puzzle box', I do recall seeing many of the attachments. I think many may have been with my Mom's machine, and the same as, or very similar. The button hole attachment made decent button holes, much better and easier than my sewing machine, which DOES zigzag. The best button holes were made by my Mom….by hand. She did beautiful hand work. wish she'd lived in an area where she could have learned the art of tailoring. She's have been a 'natural'!!

    I once again got the blackberry shoots and weeds out of the front bed…I started the lawn mower, it ran for maybe 10 seconds, died, and then I flooded it….so I began pulling weeds, and never got back to the mower. Plan is, I just finished my lunch sandwich, am going to have watermelon for dessert, and then a NAP!! Hopefully I'll wake up alert and not foggy, and can go out and get the grass cut. Its a tad warm out there now. My mailman is so funny, he for one, calls me "Vallie"…I know not why. And when he sees me out doing yard work he calls to me that its hot, and I should take a break and be sure to drink WATER!!! :) So, while he brings me bills to be paid, he does offer good advice! :smile:

    Good Sunday Morning!
    Its gonna be a 50/50 kinda day? Got flea stuff on one cat…can't get anywhere close to the other. Maybe tonight with the wet food? Nice, cool, sunshine this morning…rain and storms later today… see? 50/50 :smiley:
    Chores to do today. Other than that, not much happening. Oh, yeah, I've got a wild cat to catch…

    Good Luck with the cat and the weather.
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member

    Speaking of camping...........I got back last night from my first camp out of the season on Hermit Island. The weather was great. This is my campsite with my Jeep and the body of water on the other side of the trees is
    the Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful weekend, lots of fun. Going out again next weekend to Vermont for two nights, likely in the Jeep too. Raining pretty hard right now, glad I'm not out there now. Have a good Sunday all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, to fall asleep to the sound of the ocean just outside your tent!!!
    How did the new tent work out? And the wonderful 'Q' from your smoker?
    Glad you had a good time, you deserved it.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Now we just need to connect with LeeAnn, hope her weekend camping trip was a great as Don's!!

    Rainy, and thundery here. Did get a little outdoor time around noon… Rain forecast at 60% thru Friday night.

    See you in the morning….
  • capsnut
    capsnut Posts: 22 Member
    Happy Rainy Monday,
    It's cold and wet here this morning, getting ready to go to work. It's going to be a rugged day there as I've all ready seen the preview. The BBQ at the Rally was a huge hit........the guy that won the smoker last year in a raffle brought his and we had small chicken dinner one night and then prepared ribs and chicken for lunch on Saturday. Everyone raved about how good it was, so my friend and I are BBQ Rock Stars of our club currently. I'm watching the weather in the Vemont/NH border area for my next trip at the end of the week. A more somber affair this time as I'm going to my Daughter's memorial service. Have a good Monday all!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Rainy Monday from the soggy south…
    Hearing aid 'tweek' today, and a trip to the bank, and the gym…in that order!
    Hoot the 'touch me not cat', was properly treated for fleas at dinner last night! I had hoped he'd be more interested in his wet food that me messing with rubbing flea stuff on his shoulders! Sweet Success!!

    Roger, you might want to think about getting a back pack to carry your few groceries home from the market? My 'in town' son does that on days he doesn't bike to the grocery. (And think about the weight you've lost, and used to carry around with you 24/7!! :) ) Wowza!!!

    Don I'm so glad you had a great weekend, and what fun…last years smoker winner and you both making BBQ!! I am sorry I missed that dinner!! You would have grilled a mushroom for me, right? LOL!!! I think we will all be thinking about you next weekend at your Daughters Memorial Service. That will be a tough day. Just know that you have an unseen group of friends there to lend you support.

    LeeAnn, are you home yet? :) Home and already busy with school I'm guessing!! Hope your weekend was fun.

    Ed…looks like we're gonna mildew down here! The weather forecast for the entire week is dismal. Oh well, at least we're not busy watering everything!

    Second cup of coffee and then its time to head to the shower, and breakfast! (cats have eaten and are already deep into their first nap of the morning!)
