Workout check-in - May-king big changes this month



  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    First barbell workout done!! Happy dance!!! It was so fun, like starting over but in a good way.
    Did some general warmup, treadmill, body weight stuff then 5x5:
    Squats 70 (these felt the same as Dumbbells)
    BP 60 (felt different than db but still good)
    Rows 45 (these felt much easier than with the db)
    Hangs from pull-up bar
    Good mornings
    I'm excited to be able to finally be able to progress.
    Everyone else, love reading your posts...keep on being awesome! You all motivate me!!!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm eating an apple. don't really want it, but carbs. because deadlift.

    workout b. i just did it more or less by the book this time round.

    squats 85lb. surprised me. captain selfish breathing down the back of my neck once again so i got it done and got out. form still not coming naturally, but at the same time i'm strangely strong considering i'm supposed to be having trouble with form. all the pre-lift stretching and planking and chris-duffin-ing might have helped me this time, but his form of the valsalva thing is a schmuck.

    i'll say this though. holding that inflation through the whole rep is hard - i'm not coordinated enough for it yet. but there's this: doing it once i've got my grip and my shoulder settled is about the best way of picking the bar up that i've ever found. looking forward to incorporating it into that phase at least.

    ohp yeah, not so much. left the rack to captain selfish and did it solo, so i stayed more with a weight that let me like my form. 2x10@30, 3x5@40, 1x3@45, 1x5@40. i did like my form; i just didn't think i was doing a 'challenging' weight.

    deadlift: 5x1@120lb. 3-rep warmups at 10lb increments from 50lb up. 120 was greedy and i'm unimpressed with myself for not staying where i should have been, at 110. so 120 again, next time.

    i did a lot-a lot of shoulder and rear rotator stuff with the cables as well. basically external rotation in a couple of planes.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I was supposed to lift today but I'm still feeling busted up from the last session, mostly in the right hip. I'm thinking my fatigued form that was leaning to the right on squats pulled something.

    With that said, I did yoga instead and feeling a little better and loose. In weird, I got more flexible than last time I did yoga. Not sure how hauling weights around can do that, but it did.
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    ScientificExplorerGirl Posts: 535 Member
    Posting this am--I keep forgetting to post here. I am down to lifting 2x per week due to other Summer activities.

    Squats 5x6 100 lbs
    Bench 5x5 67.5 (up!)
    Row 5x6 80

    Also did Krok's EMOTM. I'm still shaking!
    6+2 ladder plus BW Squats
    48 OHPs plus 67 squats-- I was on round 5 before I couldn't go on. Used 30 lbs for the OHPs.
    I think I am going to feel this one later!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    UBB 2.0 Conquer W3D2 -- Back at it after 2 days of full upper body rest (barring some ball/foam/band work). I did do 8x200m sprints yesterday to get my legs moving. Shoulder is about 95% - still a bit uncomfortable up in the top position but no more pinching. However I seem to have developped some forearm tendonitis on the same side. It doesn't flare up much unless I do chin-ups or barbell curls so I'll tough it out until my next deload - it's going to be somehwat lengthy because my 2 OCRs are only a week apart now and I can't imagine myself testing maxes in-between with how sore I know I'm going to be.

    1A) Power Cleans EMOTM x4 - 2 reps at 105lbs, then 4x2 at 110lbs
    90% was closer to 112.5 and I have the fractional plates to make that happen, but I didn't wanna overdo it on the left arm either

    2A) Strict Press 67.5x10, 70x8, 72.5x8, 75x6
    2B) Light assist pull-ups 3x3, heavier assist (but lighter than last week) x8

    3A) EMOTM x12
    - ODD: 3 recline row transitions into triceps extension (MU sub) + 3 burpee broad jumps (still not confident enough with box jumps)
    - EVEN: TRX assisted pistol squats - 35 total per leg (I made sure I was barely using my arms on these, so the rep count is lower)

    I then took that 60s cold shower for the 6th day in a row (1/5th of the way in! Brr!) and I don't know if it's cuz the temp dropped near freezing last night, but this one was effin painful.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I was so close to skipping today, but I told myself (sternly, of course-lol) to get up and go. I did allow myself to deload my squats a bit because I was just not feeling it this morning.

    Workout A

    Squats, 5x5@105 lbs. I was supposed to do 115 lbs, but just wasn't feeling it. Even 105 lbs felt tough today :neutral:

    Bench, 5x5@60 lbs. Deload on this from my two week break. Felt pretty easy, so 65 lbs is on deck.

    Rows, 5x5@65 lbs. Also a deload. I had been up to 80 lbs, which were tough. These felt easy to start, and then rough near the end, but am planning to go up to 70 lbs.

    Accessory: RDLs, 3x10@65 lbs since the bar was already set here from the rows.
    Cardio: 45 minutes on the elliptical.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    I then took that 60s cold shower for the 6th day in a row (1/5th of the way in! Brr!) and I don't know if it's cuz the temp dropped near freezing last night, but this one was effin painful.

    Why the cold showers? And tendinitis is awful. Hope it heals quickly.
  • niknakmac123
    niknakmac123 Posts: 24 Member
    Yesterday workout B

    squats 5x5 @ 65# These were pretty good.

    Deadlift 5x1 @ 105# I was amazed I could lift it!

    OHP 5x5 @ 35# I see that I am going to have a love hate relationship with this exercise. I got it done but it wasn't pretty near the end.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    I then took that 60s cold shower for the 6th day in a row (1/5th of the way in! Brr!) and I don't know if it's cuz the temp dropped near freezing last night, but this one was effin painful.

    Why the cold showers? And tendinitis is awful. Hope it heals quickly.

    "Toughness" Challenge I'm doing, trying to get myself to suck it up and do the little things that made me succesful in the past, figured doing something "harder" would make it all easier. Plus, lots of health benefits to cold showers! Skin and hair, muscle soreness, blood pressure, that kind of stuff :)
  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Still struggling with my form on the OP

    Squat 5 x 5 @135

    Overhead press 1 x 5; 2 x 4; 2 x 3 @ 50

    Sumo Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 145
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    krokador wrote: »

    "Toughness" Challenge I'm doing, trying to get myself to suck it up and do the little things that made me succesful in the past, figured doing something "harder" would make it all easier. Plus, lots of health benefits to cold showers! Skin and hair, muscle soreness, blood pressure, that kind of stuff :)

    I'll definitely check it out! I've been doing a dry brushing routine before showering and it alternates between a few minutes of as hot as you can take it to as cold as you can take it. I love it! Good for lymphatic..
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Yeah. MFP ate my post again. I was saying that I do a dry brushing routine before showering where you alternate a few minutes each of as hot a you can take it with as cold as you can take it. I love it! Good for lymphatic.... I'll check out the cold water website!! Thx!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    derpderp, the bad form on my squats buggered my hip and my knee, but mostly in my hip. I think it was the fact I was leaning to the side as I was going up. I'm glad I didn't push to do all the reps!

    I skipped yesterday's lifting session and did yoga. Then today I still felt off and did more yoga. It is annoying on how much one uses their hips. Hopefully I can lift soon, until then I'm taking it easy!
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    Squats hurt today; I wasn't expecting that because I don't feel sore anymore. The soreness seemed to suddenly come back. Funnily enough, I usually have issues with OHP and today they felt great. That's rare for me, so I was happy even though I hurt too much to finish squats and was initially disappointed.

    Squats: 3 sets of 5 @ 60#
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50#
    Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 105#
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Not a bad day overall since I didn't have work. Packed a couple things, wrote some in a story and then went to the gym late. It went okay though I did sweat a lot tonight, my right knee and elbow acted up on occasion (knee during lunge and elbow during prone snatch thing). I warmed up on the treadmill for a little while first too because I'd spent a few hours on the computer before going since I ended up writing over 3,000 words on a story today.

    Stage 4 - B1

    warm up low bar squats 3x5 @ 75

    wide grip deadlift from box 3x8 @ 115 - not bad, ending weight from stage 2

    bulgarian split suat 3x8 @ 25 - slipped a little on one side but okay
    underhand lat pull down 3x8 @ 80 - I swear I thought I moved it to 70 but must have read it wrong but it felt fine

    reverse lunge from box 3x8 @ 25 - not bad but right knee got cranky
    db prone cobra snatch 3x8 @ 7.5 - okay though don't like them

    and I skipped the rest so...

    bench press 2x8 and 1x7 @ 85 - will repeat next week
    deadlift 1x5 @ 135 and 1x5 @ 155 but struggled and had to change grip in middle of set
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I don't think I posted my Tuesday workout unless I have amnesia. So here we go:

    Squat 125 5x5 repeat. A little more challenging than last time. Form was a tad shaky but I was also drained from a busy day at work and not having eaten enough. Should be better today.

    Deadlift 165 2x5. I only did sumo style. I like it. First rep was a little hard but the rest were fine.

    OHP 60 5x5. I think I'm going to repeat. I did 65 accidently last time and it was really hard and this wasn't so smooth either.

    I didn't do accessories.. I elliptical'ed for about 20 minutes.

    Wednesday was even busier than Tuesday so I just got through it then had some wine with friends.

    Golfed all day yesterday at a tournament. Got last place. It was really fun, so much so that I undid any health benefits with alcohol.

    Will be lifting today. Got some nerves about benching 90 by myself but I'll just do what I can. Also my back and sides got DOMS from golf.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    After a few days of resting my neck/shoulder due to a strain (slept wrong), I managed a SL workout, biked to work for BIKE TO WORK DAY, and biked 5 miles on the stationary spin bike. Tomorrow, will do a long run

    Squat: 5x5@105 lbs. Went down 5 just because I didn't get my Wednesday workout in.
    Bench Press: 5x5@ 75 lbs. Did good although the last rep was hard.
    Barbell Row: 5x5@80. Went up 5 lbs. just because the last workout was easy.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Had a really long day at work yesterday so I had to work out in the morning. I felt like everything was hard today. Probably because I worked out fasted.

    Squat: Sloppy 80 lbs. Didn't get a full 5x5. I should be able to nail them next time. These weights are starting to feel hard!
    OHP: A VERY sloppy 45 lbs. These felt off today.
    Deadlift: 85 lbs. These actually felt good! It's so much easier to do these with bumper plates vs having to stack plates. Definitely can up my weight next time.

    Did some assisted chin ups with lots of assistance. I know he says not to do assisted chin-ups, but I feel like such a wimp at the gym doing anything else. Once I need less assistance I'll try some of his other suggestions.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    @MissHolidayGolightly At least you had a great time playing golf! Good luck on your bench press.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    UBB 2.0 Conquer W3D3

    1A) Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance + OH Squat x3
    did 85, 90, 95 (PR) and 97.5 (So +7.5lbs from last week, not too shabby

    2A) Front Squats 117.5x8, 125x5, 132.5x2x5
    2B) Pike Press (on 12' box) submax: 6/6/5/6

    3A) 2 Rounds for time
    - Pull-ups x10
    - OH Squat x10 @90lbs (+5 from last time)
    - CTB Chin-ups x10
    - Front squat x10
    - Recline row "muscle-up transitions" x10
    - Back squat x10

    Got 17:05, which is 30 seconds slower than 2 weeks ago, but with 5lbs more on the bar. I also had to cut both OH squat sets into 2 because my shoulders and wrists were too beat up to go unbroken, and I dropped the bar pushing it back up on one of those sets, which means i had to power clean it back up, which probably accounts for most of the extra time. Had fun with this one, tho! Definitely needed to foam roll the quads after this and yesterday!