Workout check-in - May-king big changes this month



  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    @krokador, :o all I can say is - WOW!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Anniel88 wrote: »
    @MissHolidayGolightly At least you had a great time playing golf! Good luck on your bench press.

    Thanks!! I benched 90 5x3. I probably could have done more reps since it felt easier than last time but I didn't go balls to the wall since I didn't have a spotter. I'll get it next time.

    Squat 125 5x5 repeat. Another lifter said my form was great at it was really cool I was getting low. It was so nice to get a compliment :blush:

    Row 85 5x5. This wasn't bad. I might stay here again and then go for 90. I wasn't relying on my legs as much.

    SISM OHP workout EMOTM for 5 rounds at 45 lbs with 82 BW squats.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day - C25k Week 9 Day 3.

    I'm officially done with the 9 week program. I jogged 30 minutes three days this week. It's nice to have made it but at the same time I have to push further because 30 minutes isn't 5k in distance for me. Now to work on getting up to 3 miles by June 15th.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    My order was all screwed up because some was in the cage for a long time. I was a little annoyed because she was rotating like 5 or 6 exercises, all in the cage, but only actually using it for one, but at least she was done by the time I did everything I could out of the cage.

    Pull up attempt - pulled up to eye level, then did 5 negatives.
    Cable crunches - 2x10 at 30 lbs. These felt better this time. I think I am starting to understand the movement.
    Close grip BP - 2x8 at 30 lbs - These felt strange, but I think I started getting it by the end.
    Barbell curl - 2x8 at 30 lbs - good.
    OHP - 3x5 at 50 lbs (fixed barbell)
    Row - 3x5 at 65 lbs
    Squat - 3x5 at 135 lbs - Good, I will go up to 140 next time.
    DL - 1x5 at 165 lbs - Felt great. And I think I may have impressed/intimidated the teenaged-ish girls next to me who were leg pressing 50 lbs :P

    I think I may up the accessories to 3 sets. I don't think 2 is enough.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    My last 5 x 5 workout (at least for now, can't say I wouldn't do it again sometime, never know). 5 x 3 starts on Sunday, 1 week of that and going to give Wendler a shot after that and see how it is, just wanted a different focus for a while since I have been doing StrongLifts 1 year this month (started 1st week of May 2014) and Madcow is we will see how it goes. Kicking butt and taking no prisoners to finish up my squats.

    Workout A (Fri)

    Squats 2 x 5 - 175

    Squats 1 x 5 - 195

    Squats 5 x 5 - 210

    Pendlay Row - 5 x 5 - 120

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 2 x 5 - 70

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 80

    Reverse Curl 5 x 5 - 110

    Overhand Biceps Curl - 5 x 5 - 120
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Krok hope you feel better soon, great work everybody!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    starting to think my mood has a massive effect on my lifts. i never really consider it because no matter what that mood is, i tend to forget all about it after a certain number of reps. at least consciously . . . but, well. i couldn't ride to work so i looked forward to my workout all day long today instead. but in the end i went in feeling sort of sad and demoralized. even though the magic did work in the gym, it wasn't a specially shiny workout. on the other hand, could be something as simple as 'eat something some time after noon next time, you fool.' either way, a bit disappointed with it but it was a workout and workouts count.

    squats: warmup, 5x5@85. not awful, not great, probably a little more on the awful side of not-great than the other way round. 85 is the weight i did last time, which iirc was a 10lb jump all in one go thanks to the captain-selfish factor. so i guess this was the 85lb squat that i would be on anyway. either way, immaterial since i did set up and try a few reps at 90 and there just ain't-was no way.

    bench: warmup, 5x5@70. actually everything was not-awful-not-great-but-a-bit-closer-to-awful today. i tried 75 and got good form for 3 reps, and then i came back down and did 70 so as not to get hurt. they were'n't easy and i'm frustrated with bench tonight since they keep being hard. and hard is supposed to mean that i grow more muscle for next time, but nope.

    rows: same thing. mind you, i did a bazillion reps at medium weights on the cables while waiting to get my hands on a bar so perhaps that's my fault. i repeated 70 for my formal workout when i finally did get a bar, and they were not easy either.

    then i came home and made crepes with cinnamon sugar for dinner. protein and carbs and a long conversation with my son about existentialism and huis clos and the deficiencies of jean-paul satre. so some comfort in that anyway . . . and it's a long weekend as well. so there.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Long, tiring day for me. Had my usual shift so I ate lunch as my main meal but it's a good thing I didn't need a whole lot before lifting cause yeah. During work I had a starbucks doubleshot with protein, a 0 calorie rockstar and half a protein bar. Machine issues and such meant I didn't take a lunch break on an 8 hour shift. I was supposed to but I chose not to because as is, the manager actually covered most of the cashier's break as I was pulling papers out of chemicals. Fun times. But despite all of that, lifting went pretty well.

    NROLFW Stage 4 - A2

    warmup with low bar squats 3x5 @ 80 - shoulder was grumpy at first but made it through

    front squat 3x8 @ 60 - Did these using hands crossed grip, so my arms have little sore spots now.
    push press 3x8 @ 60 - Harder weight for these but I did bend my knees as it helped since this is a push press and not OHP

    step-up 3x8 @ 25 - okay, right elbow was a little cranky holding the db
    db one point row 3x8 @ 25 - same as above

    push-up 3x6 on floor sort of, I used the 25 dumbbells and tried to not have my elbows flaring out
    static lunge 3x8 @ 50 - used short step again, not bad

    horizontal wood chop 3x8 @ 40 - used the other one this time cause 40 sounds better than 15, lol

    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - fine as usual
    leg press 3x8 @ 160 - didn't do the two sets of 45's this time, wasn't bad though
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 40 - hard to keep it from moving but overall okay

    Now I'm sleepy and hope I don't get called tomorrow before scheduled. I may need to kick a machine if they do need me early.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    UBB 2.0 Conquer W3D4

    1A) 1 Full Clean + 2 Hang Cleans, EMOTM x6
    Thought I could handle 105 but the 2nd hang clean turned into a high pull, so I dropped back down to 95 for 2 mins, 100 for 2 mins and tried 102.5 on the last minute and missed the 2nd hang clean again... The full cleans were flying up, but I'm terrible at starting from a hang, apparently. Added 2 hang cleans at 95lbs afterwards to compensate in my head.

    2A) Push Jerk 4x3 95, 105, 107.5, 110
    2B) Good morning 4x8 95x10 (didn't check the DBP right!), 100, 102.5, 105

    3A) For time:
    3000m row (13:18 - actually faster than 2 weeks ago)
    60 burpees (finished in 22:29. 4 seconds MORE than 2 weeks ago.)

    Wasn't a very good workout. I'm dealing with TOM again which is never easy - I do get a little weaker during the first few days and tend to forget to account for that. Still disappointed I couldn't push a little more on those burpees. I hate this set-up so bad, I'm calling it Arch-Nemesis from now on.

    Was hoping to get the SISM WOW in today but it just wasn't happening with how crampy I felt after this. Headed home to a cold shower + hot bath + food + a nap. I can probably hit it tomorrow with my 20lbs DBs, ha.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Squats: 80 lbs
    Bench Press: 55 lbs - My first time doing 55 and for some reason these felt easy??
    Rows: 70 lbs - I need to stay here and work on my form. Still not sure I'm doing these right.
    Some Assistance: Dips ( -58 lbs) and Planks then played around on the rowing machine for a bit before calling it quits
  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Stronglifts A

    Squats  5 x 5 @ 140 lbs.

    BP 1 x 4; 4 × 5 @ 62 lbs. Decided to de - load to 62.

    Row    5 x 5. @ 72 lbs.

    Planks 3 @ 40 lbs.

    Plus 45 minutes of Zumba.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Got to the weight room and to the cage at the same time as another woman. She told me I could go ahead, which was super nice of her. She was stretching, but technically got there first. I tried to be quick for her :)

    Squat - 3x5 at 135 lbs. Didn't move up this week because shark week started, and I usually feel weak then.
    Bench - 3x5 at 70 lbs. These felt pretty hard. I almost did 75 lbs because of a math fail, but gladly I corrected it :P
    Row - 3x5 at 70 lbs. Still fairly easy.

    Shrugs - 3x8 at 45 lbs. Actually felt them this time :)
    Skullcrushers - 3x8 at 35 lbs
    Barbell curl - 3x8 at 35 lbs - pretty hard! Had to try hard not to use momentum.
    Hyperextension - 3x10 with 15 lbs
    Cable Crunch - 3x10 at 40 lbs
    Pull up attempt - got up to my eye level again, then did 5 negatives.

    Starting to get the hang of the accessories. Both the technique and the weights I need to do. I like doing 3 sets instead of 2.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i like 'shark week' as an expression. where was that when i needed it all my life?

    i'm skipping my workout today. little nerve flashes here and there throughout my sacroiliac zone that feel like nothing at all in themselves, but i'm somehow reading them as a warning of something i'd better respect for a while. and turns out my right wrist isn't completely better from the jamming it got when i had that bike skid either. le sigh.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Back from having achey hip/knee! I did yoga every day for 5 days and I think it helped a bunch on my shoulder flexibility. I was banging out shoulder dislocations more narrow than before and squat warm ups I had the bar lower than usual.

    Squats 5/5/2/2/2 - 225lbs 3rd attempt - and nope, these were not happening. At least the first two sets looked good, I was thinking I was gonna get it. 3rd set I was tired right away and started leaning/turning my knee and I bailed so I don't bugger my side/knee again - I do not want to take another 6 days off again. Deloading next session and looks like that will be 200lbs.

    Bench 5x5 - 95lbs - working back from my deload at 105lbs. Pretty good.

    Rows 5x5 - 110lbs - Starting to get annoying heavy but form is still there, most likely from bench being not difficult. I'm sure rows will kick my butt soon.
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    Skipped friday and this morning due to being sick and extremely tired. Headaches so bad I could barely keep my eyes open. Sucks.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    One week off (plus one day) is done. I was supposed to lift yesterday, but the time and day got away from me. Nothing I can do now but move on! I'll lift tomorrow so this week will be 2 lifts instead of 3, but I prefer Tues/Thurs/Sun lifts so I'm ok with waiting. Will do something cardio-based tonight, though. It's time to shake out the cobwebs and get back on it. I'm feeling wimpy and I don't like it! I do feel quite rested, though, so hopefully that's what my body needed to do.
  • Annie81503
    Annie81503 Posts: 43 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    UBB 2.0 Conquer W3D3

    1A) Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance + OH Squat x3
    did 85, 90, 95 (PR) and 97.5 (So +7.5lbs from last week, not too shabby

    2A) Front Squats 117.5x8, 125x5, 132.5x2x5
    2B) Pike Press (on 12' box) submax: 6/6/5/6

    3A) 2 Rounds for time
    - Pull-ups x10
    - OH Squat x10 @90lbs (+5 from last time)
    - CTB Chin-ups x10
    - Front squat x10
    - Recline row "muscle-up transitions" x10
    - Back squat x10

    Got 17:05, which is 30 seconds slower than 2 weeks ago, but with 5lbs more on the bar. I also had to cut both OH squat sets into 2 because my shoulders and wrists were too beat up to go unbroken, and I dropped the bar pushing it back up on one of those sets, which means i had to power clean it back up, which probably accounts for most of the extra time. Had fun with this one, tho! Definitely needed to foam roll the quads after this and yesterday!

    The radio in the background made me wonder where you were from, turns out you live in my hometown!! I live in Colorado now, but can't wait to go eat une poutine Chez Louis!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Annie81503 wrote: »
    The radio in the background made me wonder where you were from, turns out you live in my hometown!! I live in Colorado now, but can't wait to go eat une poutine Chez Louis!

    Oh wow! A Sherby native! Hehe. The Louis Poutine isn't what it used to be, though :( Or maybe I just grew past it (fries are just TOO greasy to my liking). The new thing in town is called "Le Snack". They have the most amazing "Poutine du boss" which is a regular poutine with a mix of bacon, ground beef, smoked meat, onions and I think even some peperoni with a bit of their "Texan" sauce on top, which is kinda reminiscent of the Subway Southwest chipotle, only a bit sweeter. It is to. die. for. (No, literally, that much fat will kill you! ROFL!)

    Ugh, running. 6x400m (well, technically the track at the park here is 350m, and Runkeeper is terrible at catching distances so I went with that). Fastest lap was 1:37, slowest 1:46 (I kinda forgot to actually run on that one, lol). Mostly kept around the 1:40 mark (the last 2 laps were BOTH 1:41.35 exactly. How does that even happen?! lol). I'm faster than at the middle of last summer, but a bit slower than I was at the end of this program in september. I'm also like 5-8lbs heavier so that factors in a tad. I'll build it back up!

    Now let's do the SISM WOW so I can shower and get on with my day! 2x20lbs DBs and 5lbs wrist weights, which I will keep on for jump lunges in-between. Oh this is gonna suuuuck...

    OHP x6 + 2 per round - 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 -- I didn't have it in me to get the 14th rep in the last 3 seconds of that round...
    Jump lunges/BW Squats R.A.T. 9/6/6/3 per side
    50 + 49 + 48 total lunges = 147 O.o

    Perhaps I went a lil heavy. I was expecting a lil more, ha! Ok, foam rolling then cold shower! Oh, and some pull-up negatives, too. I'm insane. *nods*
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Last two workouts to report:
    Saturday morning with the hubs
    Squat 75 5x5
    Overhead 40 (5 sets one was of 4 reps so recorded as fail) repeat 40 again next time. Some of these felt great some not so great so I obviously need to work on form. So much to think about for this lift. Stay tight all the way to the floor, shrug at the top, no arch.
    Deadlift 75 5x5 felt great except my grip was getting tired.
    No time for accessories as it was a family work day at home. Finally had a whole weekend to get chores done!! Burned a few overgrown hills, gardening, blackberry picking, organizing the kids game room, wash and help my hairy shepherd to shed his massive winter coat. I could stuff pillows!! Hope everyone had a good weekend. You are all doing awesome!!!

  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Forgot today's workout: all 5x5
    This morning with my 14 yr old!
    Squat: 80
    Bp: 65
    Row: 50
    All felt great. I think my dumbbell training helped me a lot with stabilization. I'll spend some time today and tomorrow reviewing videos on form to make sure I'm doing things properly. It's nice having my son to watch for obvious problems. We're going to workout together MWF mornings together. I've already drank 60 ozs of water this morning!