Workout check-in - May-king big changes this month



  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    MalineVD wrote: »
    I have this feeling everything is harder for me, considering I'm really tiny. Barely 5' and 120lbs.. Don't know if it has something to do with it :)

    Don't count yourself out :) I am the same size as you (5'0", 122 lbs) and I have made huge gains. I like to look at everything as a percentage of my BW though, instead of just numbers. Most strength standards are based on weight anyway. I am now working on getting 1.5x BW deadlifts :).

    IMO - if your form was good, increase. Even if you don't get 5x5 next time, you will be making gains. And you may surprise yourself with the higher weight. If you don't think your form was good, repeat until it is.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited May 2015
    Frustrated about my weight gain. it seems my weight always goes up and never goes down for me. I know, I know...I have to measure myself but first I have to get my food intake under control.

    SQUATS: 5x5@ 115 lbs. Did pretty well on these although the last rep was tough.
    BENCH PRESS: 5x5 @ 80 lbs. I finished pretty well, but still think I should stay at this weight until next week.
    BARBELL ROW: 5x5@ 85 lbs. I finished fine but I never feel like I did them right.

    I miss being sore sometimes because that was the only time I knew I was working hard.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    I miss being sore sometimes because that was the only time I knew I was working hard.

    I totally know what you mean! I took a week off last week, though, and my first day lifting was yesterday. Today: DOMS. I was starting to think something was wrong with me before because I never really feel sore - this has reminded me that my body was just getting stronger and keeping up with the demand. Now it's been resting and the demand is greater so I feel it. I was happy when I could barely walk to the bathroom this morning haha.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio day for me. Jogged 30 minutes. It was cooler than last time even though I did it after noon cause I fell back asleep after alarm went off this morning. Friday, my goal is to start the jog before 10 am since I may lift weights earlier in the day, tomorrow, so won't be up past 1 am that day.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    Hi All --

    It was great to be back at the gym. :) I deloaded significantly, since it's been awhile.

    Stronglifts 5x5 / Workout B

    Squats -- 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - Felt easy. Really tried to concentrate on engaging my core and getting low.

    OHP - 5/5/5/4/5 @ 40 lbs.
    - These were a bit easier than I expected. I was surprised to get that last set since I failed on set 4, but I'll take it! I'll stay here, working up to 5x8 and then try the 45 lb. bar. If it's still too much, I'll go up to 5x10 and try again. Long, slow progress here. As always. :P

    Deadlifts - 3x5 @ 100 lbs.
    - The app wanted me to deload to 70 lbs, but I knew that would be way too light. I opted for 100 lbs. instead. First set felt a little awkward, but by the third set, I was feeling locked in. I freaking love deadlifts! :)

    Good Mornings - 5x5 @ 45 lbs.

    Supersets w/ Skull Crushers and Bicep Curls
    - Skull Crushers - 3x12 @ 17.5 lbs. -- will move up to 20 lbs. next time
    - Bicep Curls - 3x12 @ 12.5; 3x10 @ 12.5; 3x12 @ 10 lbs.


    Not a massive workout, but still very, very good. Looking forward to getting back to my regular 3x / week!

  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Workout b
    Squat 85 5x5( felt fine)
    Ohp 40x4, 45x1, (checked to see if I could do the 45# bar so that I can return the 30# bar)
    DL 85 5x5 (felt fine)
    No time for anything extra but did take a several mile hike with the kiddos and a kazillion errands. My legs feel pretty tired tonight and ache behind the knee so I soaked in the tub with epson salt. I'm almost never sore so this is a rarity for me.
    Going to to bed to pass out now. :-)

    Congrats crabada on finishing up school and your chapter! Did you say you graduated??!! Huge high five for you!!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited May 2015
    dcresider wrote: »
    Frustrated about my weight gain. it seems my weight always goes up and never goes down for me. I know, I know...I have to measure myself but first I have to get my food intake under control.

    qft. room for another person in the sulk/mope department on that?

    i went to the gym at the end of today, but forget about it. miles and miles of people everywhere, lineups for even the dowel that people use for dislocations/back management during lifts . . . and BOTH the squat king and the pec prince in residence . . . with their little sisters/girlfriends. i fafffed around for a while foam rolling my quads, did some shoulder drills with tiny dumbbells and some pulldown sets (stronger there than i thought i was, yay) and came home.

    got a chicken to roast. ain't got time to spend the whole night at the gym.

  • cherisseb96
    cherisseb96 Posts: 13 Member
    Sooooo workout A today.....things went great.
    Squat-5x5 @65# (really happy the weight is going up....It felt pretty easy, I'm thinking around 90# I may start struggling)
    Bench press-5x5 @55# (also felt good..I'm doing pause reps just for the heck of it)
    Bent over rows-5x5 @70# ( so lat times I did the bend over but this time I did pendlay rows...idk which one I like more .....I'll stick with pendlay for the mean time)
    Overall I'm happy with my progression but I'm excited for when I start failing so I'll finally know my strength threshold
    I'm almost never sore so this is a rarity for me.
    I totally understand not being sore...after the first week I've been sailing through pain free
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Workout B yesterday. I've noticed the population of the gym has picked up since last week, mostly college students that are now going to be home for the summer, le sigh. And of course, they all wanna squat. Setting up a home gym in my garage is looking better and better each day.

    Squats 5x5 at 160#. These felt good. My form is still sticking, so I'm happy with that!
    OHP 5/5/5/5/3 at 80#. I didn't think I'd get as far as I did with these. Man, 80# is heavy!
    Deads 1x5 at 210#. Felt good and heavy. I got all of the reps in, so I'll consider it a win!

    Was going to do accessories, but I had an appointment with a tree trimmer and needed to get home, so I didn't have time.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Yesterday - walked 4 miles at work :)
    Today - Workout B
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x110 --- I think I'll stay here on Saturday for form
    OHP: 2x5x45, 5x5x70
    Deads: 1x5x95

    This was my first workout B since my week off. Tuesday I did workout A and it was tough, I felt sloppy and wobbly - today my squats felt pretty solid, so I guess my muscle remembered what to do. I went ahead and added the 5 lbs for squats today and I think it was ok. I want to stay there on Saturday for my form and I won't bump it up until I feel like I can nail the form at 110. The OHP was fine, I think I can bump it up the 5 lbs next time, but may need the 3 minute breaks in between instead of the 1.5 min. The deadlift was pretty easy - I was at 130 before my week off so I was sort of confused why the app dropped me all the way to 95 (that's quite a bit more than 10%). It's fine though, I'll just move it up quickly I guess.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Deena_Bean!!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't know what's going on. My best guess is that my 200 km for the SISM was just too lofty of a goal. I might still be able to pull it off but it is causing everything else to suck. Or it could just be today started off poorly.
    Woke up an hour late but figured I could at least blast through wendlers without any accessories (it is deload week so very short rests). Well even my ultra deload weights seemed really effing heavy this morning.
    65 lbs x 5, 85 lbs x 5, 100 lbs x 5 I wanted to quickly sprint .5k but my muscles are just so weak and sad. I even rested yesterday. Blah. I have a 6k planned for lunch to keep on track but blah and bleck just don't know if I can.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Deena_Bean!!

    Thanks! I'm feeling much better, less tired :)
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    Starting week 3. I feel good. today's workout:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 70#
    BP: 5x5 @ 60#
    Rows: 5x5 @ 60#
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Today's workout:
    Squats: 90 lbs. Starting to feel pretty heavy, but still managed 5 x 5
    Bench Press: Did 60 lbs. Whaat? Going to stay here again next time.
    Rows: 70 lbs. Form is clicking now. Staying here again and I'll move up next time. Switched the order of BP and Rows so I could grab the bumper plates before there was a class. I told the instructor, "soon I won't need these" and he responded very encouraging, "you'll just need more of them." Maybe I'll think about getting a training session with him to check on my form.

    Did a couple accessories before I left.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Squat - 3x5 at 140 lbs. These were meh. They felt really heavy to start and I struggled a bit. But I realized I was lowering myself too slowly, I guess being hesitant because it felt heavier. All that did though was kill my momentum and tire my quads. I descended better starting on set 2, and that helped.

    BP - 3x5 at 70 lbs. These felt pretty good. Will go up to 72.5 next time.

    Row - 3x5 at 70 lbs. Fine.

    Shrug - 3x8 at 50 lbs.
    Skullcrushers - 3x8 at 40 lbs. A bit too heavy. I don't know if I will repeat or back off. May give it one more shot.
    Barbell curl - 3x8 at 35 lbs.
    Hyperextensions - 3x10 holding 15 lbs.
    Cable crunches - 3x10 at 40 lbs
    5 x negative pull ups.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    discouraging day. i'm on a pretty universal deload, it looks like.

    squats 65 - my lower back still complaining so i just found a form that didn't cause any tweaks and kept it did my sets just for the sake of saying that i'd done my sets.

    bench: 70 - i did about 3 sets at 55 first and then got really sad about being so feeble at everything, so i tried of an increase here if nowhere else. actually did one set at 75 with what felt like good form but it was HEAVY, so i backed down again. frustrated that bench increases as slowly as overhead press, but maybe the extra heavier set will kickstart something. i sure as heck felt the pec stretch on that one for once.

    rows: 50. my back really really not happy with that posture, so i stayed light.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Ugh. Had an off night. Good news is I've packed a little and done a couple moving related things. But ended up going to gym in evening, cause coworker had family things so we didn't lift together. It was rather busy for late thursday night and I couldn't get to the squat racks until the very end. So, it was all out of order and more of a flustercluck(to rearrange for online posting purposes, lol). Had some rough patches and some okay ones. Hopefully I'll be able to jog before 11 am tomorrow. We'll see.

    After a 15 minute warmup walk on treadmill since I didn't spend 6-8 hours on my feet beforehand...

    NROLFW Stage 4 - A3

    step-up 3x8 @ 25 - kept same, elbow is tad cranky with dumbbells lately
    one point db row 3x8 @ 25 - little better

    static lunge rear foot elevated 3x8 @ 50 - same as before
    push up on db 3x6

    front squat/push press 1x8, 1x6, 1x8 @ 60 - no cage or safeties, used fixed bar over in db area and struggled a bit since had to clean off the floor at the beginning of each set

    finally the squat racks were free so for fun I did high bar squats - 1x5 @ 95 and 3x5 @ 115 and then decided to not do bench, wood chop or curl

    That's it for that one. Now I have a headache and will try to sleep soon.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Bench deload day
    45 lbs x 5, 55 lbs x 5, 65 lbs x 10
    Then wow for SISM my first 20 seconds were so awkward, I'm so glad I workout at home.
    Then 3x5 assisted pullups because I feel I've been neglecting my back.
    Finally I spent 10 solid minutes on mobility work. I've been neglecting that lately too and I feel it.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    UBB 2.0 Conquer W4D2
    I've been feeling under the weather this week and didn't hold much conviction going in today. I know it's all in my head, and the best way to get through it is to keep on forging ahead, so I went and got the work done anyway. Didn't go too bad, in retrospect.

    1A) Power Cleans EMOTM x4 - 110x2
    EMOTM x4 @95% - 115x2
    The first minute at 115lbs was awful. I had to muscle to weight up the last few inches on both reps and was wondering what was going on. Then I slowed down my first pull and got in a solid second pull and realized why my cleans are so hit and miss when the weight gets heavy. It's not that my form breaks down per say, but I get so focused on trying to get as much power from the ground as possible in fear of missing the rep, that I end up missing/skimping on the second pull in the process. Will definitely be working on that moving forward

    2A) Press 67.5x10, 72.5x8, 77.5x6, 82.5x4
    These felt pretty solid today.
    2B) Light assist pull-ups 3x2, + more assist submax x7
    Progressing in using less assist on these. I can do unassisted chin-ups from a standing position at home, so getting a rep from the bottom should come really soon. I'm excited!

    3A) 3x3 min AMRAP
    - clean & jerk @75lbs x2
    - trx recline row transition into triceps extension x3 (MU sub)
    - burpees x4

    This time around I managed 2 rounds + 3 MU, 2 rounds + 3 burpees and 2 rounds + 2 burpees. That's a few burpees and MUs more than last time every round. Was a little sad I couldn't complete the 3rd round, but progress is progress. I was still a little wary on the jerks, too, and would take an extra second to make sure I was set properly.

    Almost to the end of the phase!