Workout check-in - May-king big changes this month



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jogged today for 33 minutes. Glad I made it before 10 am as it's starting to get warm. Now to get stuff done before I have to go into work.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    95# squat today. 100# here I come! May take it in 2.5# increments will see...
    65# bench press. Took a deload bc the 70# repeat from last week seemed awkward since I've been trying to correct my form (bringing bar all the way to chest rather than upper arms just parallel to floor)
    60# row felt fine. Progress to 65 next time.

    You are all killing it ladies - whoop!!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lifted last night - feels so good to be back at it, though took a major deload after two weeks off

    squat 5x5x125lbs
    ohp 5x5x60lbs
    deadlift 1x5x180lbs

    Arms/back superset 5x5
    lat pull down x90lbs
    single arm row x30lb dumbbells
    single arm overhead thrust thing x30lb dumbbells
    single arm dumbbell press x30lb dumbbells
    seated Arnold press x30lb dumbbells
    Prone Jackknife on ball
    pushups from ball
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Ran a 5k at lunch yesterday.

    Did Workout B after work yesterday.
    Squats 5x5 at 165#. These felt pretty heavy, but I'm thinking it's because my body was tired yesterday.
    Bench 5x5 at 115#.
    Rows 5x5 at 85#.

    Upright rows 10/8/8/8/8 at 65#
    Pushups 5/5/5/5/5
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Squat day 5
    115 lbs x 5, 135 lbs x 5, 145 lbs x 5. I have been having troubles with form/strength/general sucking with squats. Even with a deload getting 145 lbs x 5 was tough. Definitely did not have another rep in me. I think it might be because wendlers only has squats one day a week and it really isn't that much squatting. So I am hoping doing big but boring accessories will help that.
    So big but boring was 95 lbs 5 x 8. It was deceptive. I rack and it feels so light, my first 4 reps good form, feel great and then by the time I got to 8 it was grindy and ugh.
    I wanted to get some db snatches in there as well but I just didn't have anything left. I just managed to pull myself up stairs from the basement and get ready for work as it was.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Whew, yesterday left me a lot more sore than I expected to be. I went in today as basic as I could go, and as similar to yesterday as barbell moves can be, too (that wasn't intended though). My lats are ANGREH

    Back squats
    135x8, 140x8, 145x6 (I had 8 in me, but I decided to stop anyway. This is a deload workout and I don't wanna get hurt before Saturday's race)

    Bench press
    95x8, 100x8, 102.5x8 -- my left forearm/elbow is acting up again. I tried playing with my grip to see if anything helped, and while suicide grip seemed to help, I found that keeping my shoulder blades actively retracted (which I sometimes fall out of when I press up) was even more effective. So this whole thing seems to really be a shoulder issue :|

    Pendlay Rows
    95x8, 100x8, 105x8

    Because why not?

    From today until Monday June 8th, I will only do bodyweight work and mostly focus on mobility. I need to give that shoulder/elbow/forearm a chance to heal, and I've been neglecting my movement patterns and stuff a good bit lately (so lazy). So yoga and bodyweight work. NO WEIGHTS! NONE! Hold me to it! Danke! Haha
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Walked a short 1.25 miles yesterday at lunch - through the woods. It was lovely :)
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x110
    Bench: 5x5x85
    Row: 5x5x75

    So stupid, but funny. I was groggy because it was early and I was pretty tired for the lifts this morning because I was up too late last night. Made it through my squats, put the weight on the bar for the bench press, lifted the bar and nearly dropped it off the left side. That'll happen when you put 5 extra pounds on only one side of the bar. Duh.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Wow, it felt weird to actually make it to the gym twice in one week! haha.

    Workout A today:

    Squats, 5x5@85 lbs. Deloaded even farther because I wanted to lift today but not get my legs too tired before Sunday's HM.

    Bench, 5x5@55 lbs. Apparently an automatic deload when I deloaded squats? I just went with it since I know after Sunday I will want to slowly work back up anyway.

    Rows, 5x5@60 lbs. Easy peasy, so will up to 65 next time.

    Accessory: RDLs, 3x10@60 lbs.

    Cardio: 20 minute run, 30 minute elliptical.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    A good friend of my husband's that he doesn't get to see much invited him out to see a movie tonight, so I didn't get to the gym until after 10. It was a meh workout, some good, some not so good. I did like the general quietness at the gym that late.

    Squats - 3x5 at 145 lbs. These are feeling good, but form got a little lazy in set 2.
    OHP - 3x5 at 55 lbs. Not bad, hard, and I think my back arched on rep 4, set 3. But this is my high, so it wasn't too bad.
    DL - 5x1 at 170. Not calling this 1x5 since I had to wait a bit between each rep. Form felt crappy. I really need to work on my descent.

    Bent over rows - 3x8 at 60. Easy.
    Close grip BP - 3x8 at 40 lbs. Good, might try 45 next time.
    Barbell curls - 7,8,6 at 40 lbs. First time trying 40. I was at the co-ed gym tonight, and their fixed bars only go up my 10s, while the women's gym's go up by 5's, so I couldn't do my regular 35. I might stick with the 40. It was hard, but I was so close!
    Cable curls - 3x10 at 45 lbs. I like this weight. Too bad my regular gym only has 40 and 50 :/

    10x Negative pull ups. Several seconds rest between each.
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    I've had a really weird week.. It's the first time in years I don't have a job and it feels sooo weird to have all this free time.. I'm used to working 50hrs/week and now it's almost 10am and I'm home. Still feels like some kind of unexpected holiday. But I needed some time off so I might as well just enjoy it :)

    Squats: 5x5 77lbs. I had to deload according to the app, so these felt good.

    Bench: 5x5 50lbs. Good. I've been really trying to pay attention to form, cause my buddies said I didn't go straight up last time.

    Rows: 5x5 66lbs. I actually really like these :)

    15 minutes of running and 10 minutes of biking afterwards.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    @MalineVD enjoy the break! Take the time for yourself - you've more than earned it!!

    Lifted tonight, hit the preworkout a little too hard and ended up smashing everything haha

    Squat 5x5x130lbs
    Bench 5x5x70lbs
    Row 5x5x85lbs

    Still working back up from my deload

    Some random superset of abs and tris lol basically 5x5 of some of my favorite moves which aren't the biggies.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Bench day 5
    75 lbs x 5, 85 lbs x 5 95 lbs x 4 IDK what happened but I just couldn't get the last rep up. Had to roll of shame it and be sad :disappointed:
    5x8 at 65 lbs.
    5x8 power cleans @65 lbs.

    I have some pretty intense quad DOMS today. Not sure when I will get the WOW done, I was supposed to do that today but... woops.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm back!
    I have been keeping up with my workouts but I had some setbacks this month in life....I got laid off at work and am trying to figure things out.

    Yesterday's Workout - I finally made it back to my full gym so back onto barbells, finally!
    All 5x5s
    Squat 105#
    Bench 80#
    Rows 80#

    Bench had a few shaking reps but rows felt great so I'll definitely be moving up in Squat and Rows for sure, will try bumping up bench as well as I did lift 85# a few weeks ago (but with a spotter).

    Glad to be back, hope to catch up on most of the chatter here within the next few days :)
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    MalineVD wrote: »
    I've had a really weird week.. It's the first time in years I don't have a job and it feels sooo weird to have all this free time.. I'm used to working 50hrs/week and now it's almost 10am and I'm home. Still feels like some kind of unexpected holiday. But I needed some time off so I might as well just enjoy it :)
    I was wondering how you've been enjoying your time! I bet it is weird for you though! I made a list of projects/things I want to do over the Summer now that school is done. I spent the first few days aimlessly but now I've got a plan. Good to see you back!

  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Stronglifts A

    Squats 5 x 5 @ 155

    BP  5 × 5 @ 62.5 lbs.

    Row    5 x @ 75 lbs.

    Planks 3 @ 50 seconds

    Twenty-five minutes of sparring / kickboxing at this bizarre gym in Memphis
  • cherisseb96
    cherisseb96 Posts: 13 Member
    Did workout B last night.....when great but I squeezed my finger putting on the plates to do my deadlifts and ended up with a blood filled blister by the last set
    Squat - 5x5 80#
    OHP - 5x5 60# ....felt a slight tweet in my right shoulder when unracking....thinking about narrowing my grip
    Deadlift - 5x5 125# ...the blister kinda affected me cuz I didn't want to grip the bar too hard and end up with an open wound....I got the weight up with good for but not
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Ok pretty excited here! I made my 100# squat today and broke 100# on my deadlift! I think the next milestone will be lifting equal to my body weight. This is fun!
    Warmup on treadmill, a few warmup sets then all 5x5 squat @ 100#
    OHP 45
    Deadlift 105#

    I almost psyched myself out of the squat...I kept thinking "that's a lot of weight" Etc. the OHP I repeated from last time to try to improve form-felt much better. Deadlift still has room to increase. No accessories/walking/wow because had to bring kids to ball games. Daughter's softball team ended season undefeated! Whoop! They/she were/was awesome! So proud.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    LaarainNYC wrote: »
    Twenty-five minutes of sparring / kickboxing at this bizarre gym in Memphis

    you can't leave us just hanging like that. bizarre how?

    ^^ insert memphis joke here ^^

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    For some reason this month's shark week is just killing me, even days before I was feeling beat up despite taking my vitamins and eating for it. I've been doing daily yoga and missed yesterday due to shark week of horrible, so I did a long session today when I sort of felt better.

    I was getting light headed when I attempted work weight, similar to last month when I was squatting/benching and I feel like I'm going to pass out, so I dropped down for this session which worked out better.

    Squats 5x5 200lbs
    Bench 5x5 90lbs
    Rows 5x5 95lbs (dropped too low here, these were easy)

    Though for NSV I noticed I have traps!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    okay, people, big deal today. B)B)i did the fifty-pound ohp. RAWRRRR B)B) read on for more . . . workout b.

    squat: i did 85 as my 5x5 weight, but i wasn't especially happy with form. so much later on in between sets with the >>> OHP <<< i put tens back on the bar and did three or four slow extra sets at 70 too. somehow a dim forgotten lightbulb might have turned on and i was experimenting with sitting much further back and giving my hamstrings a chance to work too. those ones were slow and definitely not easy, but they were the kind of hard you feel you can live with, you know?

    ohp: i gave up the rack after my squats, so initially i did 5x5 or something with the 40-pound fixed bar. next jump would have had to be 50 and without a rack i didn't feel much like trying for that. but later when the rack did free up again, i went in to do my 'real' sets at 45 with extra reps. . . and after i think 2x6@45 i tried 50. and it went okay for a set of five, so i did a second set. then i went back down to 45 and did a set with that, then back to 50 again. and i ended up doing all 5x5 with good form at 50lbs, on top of all the 40 and 45 sets. and you know what? i feel fine. i don't even feel like i'll be sore tomorrow.

    deadlift: kinda skipped deadlift tonight. i don't like to do it in this gym where i can't see myself and check my back is level because the mirrors don't go all teh way to the floor. and also, much squat. and also too, FIFTY POUND OVERHEAD PRESS. anyway, i did do 2x3@100 which put the bar lower than it normally is, and i think maybe 2, maybe 3 at 120. but i do feel like i skipped the deadlifts today.