Daily check in



  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @germany03 congratulations on your graduation!!!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    It's day 5 and I'm finally managing to eat almost all my containers. 5 cups of veggies and 3 cups of fruit is a LOT of volume for me!

    I just checked my calendar, and this round ends the day after TOM is over. Hoping that doesn't mess up my results!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning Workout

    21DF: R4/W3/D2: Upper Body Fix
    Used my light and heavy weights. Didn't miss a rep and/or alternate. Did 20/10 modified push-ups.

    Slim in 6: Slim & 6-Pack and Slim & Limber
    After yesterday's workout, I expected the ab workout to be easier than it was. I think it's fair to say that any workout that includes a side plank and side plank with rotation is officially not easy.

    I think I made a good call in alternating these two with the main workout.

    Temptation of T25

    My T25 DVDs finally arrived. Not sure what happened. Lost somewhere between point A and B and had to make calls and blah blah blah they finally arrived. I watched the first Alpha DVD and I am trying to resist the urge to just jump in. But I'm trying to be gentle with my body right now. That's why I decided not to start doing 21DFX after I finish this round of 21DF.

    @doodlebug32 I am sure you'll get a variety of opinions but my thought is no, do not change your bracket. Please understand that when beachbody creates a program they test market it with people of all ages and sizes. As a result, they know what is best. They have licensed nutritionists who have worked to develop the healthiest way to lose the weight. Slow and steady is better than fast results.

    And here is where I blabber more about trusting beachbody because Chalene Johnson in one of her podcasts talked about calories burned during a workout. She described how when she developed a new workout program, she was excited to see how many calories she was burning. Much to her surprised, her HR wasn't nearly as impressive as those of others. Why? Well, her body is strong and her heart works more efficiently. So while a novice to the program may burn a lot of calories, her body was working like an athlete.

    Now for me, I never expect to have a high HR during a workout. Why? Two reasons:
    1. I have a low resting heart rate so my target rate is lower than someone who has a higher RHR.
    2. I have a very fast recovery rate so when I do HIIT type workouts those intervals may drive my rate high but the moment I start resting my HR drops to an "average" rate which is actually a little high for me.

    It is not unusual for me to be dripping sweat to the point where I have to take a shower and still only have an AHR of under 110. Seriously. I'm breathing heavy and everything but my HR is like that of an athlete. My doctors all comment on it. I've tried to donate blood but my pressure is so naturally low that they worry about letting me.

    My point is that beachbody doesn't just test these programs with healthy individuals or young people. They test them with men and women of all ages and sizes, of all fitness levels. Okay, yes, I doubt they would ask me, a 53 year old grandmother with a balance disorder and severe osteoarthritis to test a program like P90X or Insanity:Asylum if I weren't exercising at all. No way! They might ask me to test a program like PiYo or Tai Cheng or some other new low impact program.

    Because think about it, where do you think all those before and after testimonials in the infomercials come from? After all, we know that Kat was a hired participant and wasn't actually on the 21 Day Fix program. (That's why there's no before/after pics of Kat anywhere. Yes, I'm pouting along with you.)

    So trust the experts. If after the first three weeks you haven't lost weight and inches, then yes, you may want to tweak a few things but never ever drop below the lowest bracket and, more often than not, a lower caloric intake is NOT the solution to building muscle. And more muscle means more calories burned throughout your day. So you never ever want to undo the great you are working to achieve tomorrow so you can maybe hopefully see something good on the scale today.

    And this from the woman who is gaining weight and inches. Yeah. I know. You'd think at this point I'd be grumbling about beachbody not working but nope. Not feeling it. I trust the 21 Day Fix program. I just know that our bodies are amazingly efficient and if my body has already figured out what I've been doing then I need to mix things up and decreasing my calories is not an option.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @germany03 That's a brilliant reason to treat yourself. I merely graduated Magna Cum Laude so you put me to shame. ;)
  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone, I had a hard time getting out of bed to do Upper Fix this morning but hauled myself out and got it done. Hope you all have a great day!!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with everything that @SatiaRenee has to say! Trust the system!

    Round 1 Day 2 of the Extreme for me.
    Day one was great, I felt great. Actually felt so good that I did a 21DF Cardio fix last night before bed :) Went to bed way too late so I didn't get up early for my upper body workout, but I will do that this afternoon. I am going to try to follow it up with a nice run - Its been raining here so I hope it lets up enough to enjoy a few miles.

    I am going to really dial in on my nutrition this round too - I did stray a little last round, which shouldn't be a reason for the horrible results as I wasn't THAT bad, but regardless, I will stay completely on point because I want amazing results in these 21 days! I still have about 14 pounds to get to my dream goal :)
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Hi everyone. Haven't "checked in" in a couple days. I finished round 2 on Sunday. Lost 4 lbs and 4 inches this time. I probably wouldn't have lost any if I didn't do the 3 dqf. I definitely feel and see more of a difference too so that's always good.
    I started insanity yesterday. Yeah, I am NOT liking it so far, lmao. It is hard!!! Not sure I'm a fan of interval training....I like the calories burned but...it's intense. I'm not going to give up yet though. Maybe give it a week and see. (Although I might feel differently when I press play tomorrow lol).
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    @SatiaRenee - I totally agree too! I am just the type of person who will justify any "overage" in calories or lapse in clean eating as "I'm going to work out like a dog later". But that's not going to compensate.

    As I lose weight, I'm definitely going to have to adjust the intake level - they even say it as part of the program instructions.

    At this point, I think I'm going to go with really working on my quality of calories, so that I'm eating as clean as possible. Yesterday, I ate 1700 calories, but 700 of those were a bagel and cake. I use the containers when I'm home, but I have to learn how to eat when I'm on the road and at restaurants. Being in hospitality, I eat at restaurants way more than the average person, and Very seldom am I in control of what is on the menu. I'm just trying to teach myself how to eat for fuel and health (and not anxiety and stress), and what my TDEE is - it's a lot easier to eat that way when I'm away from home every other week, six months out of the year. Understanding how much I burn during a workout and how that is balanced with what I'm taking in is important.

    I'm not doubting the program at all, but I'm just trying to figure out a system that works for my life right now (and in the foreseeable future). I was lucky to be able to stay close to home for the whole first round, but reality really set in, once my schedule went back to normal.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    R2/W1/D2, Upper Fix done!! So far, I like Fix more than Extreme. Although I'm only 2 workouts into Fix (I completed Extreme) I find the longer rep sessions more efficient. I'm not stopping, bending over (breaking form) to pick up different weights or change positions every 30 seconds. And because she dedicated more time to each move, Autumn explains them better. For example, in both series she demos the move first. Most of that time I'm collecting weights, placing a mat, etc. (not paying attention). In Extreme, when she does comment on someone, it's not helpful, "see he's keeping his knees behind his toes." Vs. Fix where she gives alternatives to the moves that make it harder/easier. Example, for the Lat Pullover, "you can press the weights together and make it easier, or keep them apart for a tougher workout."...I'm paraphrasing but overall, more modifications and tips in Fix, so far.

    Still not following the diet, battling some old binge eating habit demons. At this point, trying to avoid hunger and not binge. Some day I'll do her entire 21 day food plan, since it's the healthiest "diet" I've come across.

    Have a great day, Fixers!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks for your kind words everyone. I have to say when I got on the scale this morning I thought I was going to be disappointed ..but... to my amazement...I have not gained an oz. ( although I have not lost any either) due to the weekend splurge. I did notice that my metabolism actually kicked in high gear this weekend aa well...as to say...nope - don't want all that.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    30 Day Shred, Upper Fix and Total Body workouts
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    In spite of my raging headache, I managed to get through the workout today.

    21DF: R4/W3/D3: Lower Body Fix
    My knees are not happy today (or last night for that matter) so today was a challenge but I kept up.

    Slim in 6: Start It Up
    I did the full 10 push-ups although the last one was a real effort. My arms are still sore from yesterday's 21DF and, of course, during Lower Body Fix we're holding up those heavy weights because Autumn hates us so I had already worked the arms a bit.

    Starting the 3 Day Quick Fix Today

    Dogs lucked out because my husband forgot to pick up egg whites from the supermarket so I had to use whole eggs and ended up giving my girls the yolks. I swear, Snowdoll and Holly are sooooo spoiled!

    Meanwhile, Rob . . .

    Rob increased his weights. I think I mentioned that he's doing P90 but since he's not doing it on days when he works and hadn't been doing the abs as scheduled, he's decided to do the first round of DVDs all over again. But he's decided to increase his weights as well. So now he's using my heavy weights. It's a good thing I like to share.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    For the first time in weeks, I didn't get up for my 6 am workout. I was up half the night with a sick dog (he will be fine, he just ate a whole chicken breast and decided the middle of the night was a great time to deal with it) so I just couldn't move when my alarm went off at 6 am. The surprising thing is - I miss it! My body is craving a workout now, even though I'm sitting here working and barely able to stay awake. I never used to like working out so this is a big change for me - and a welcome one. My new healthy lifestyle :)

    I'll do the Lower Fix tonight if I am up to it but if I crash later and miss a day, that's ok. It will give me an excuse to skip the dreaded Pilates tomorrow and I'll do the Lower Fix then instead :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    R2/W1/D3 Lower Fix done! Again, I'm loving these Fix workouts. I don't think I can do a workout that doesn't include a countdown clock from now on. Just when I feel like quitting I see there's 8 minutes left and keep going.

    Also, I said it before but cannot believe what a positive difference doing a move for a minute vs. 30 seconds makes. There's a mental thing where I'm able to push through the pain vs. just giving up because there's only a few seconds left. I can't wait to return to Extreme and see how I feel about it after doing Fix.

    Have a great day!
  • rscunu
    rscunu Posts: 37 Member
    R1/W1/D3 Lower Fix done! My legs are like jello, I can barely walk down the stairs. I'm actually dreading having to pee, because sitting on the toilet is a pain in the quads hahaah. My triceps are minimally sore from yesterday, and that is a nice feeling...but man alive my legs are killing me!

    Meal plan: this is so much food. I know I need it to fuel my body, but I was one short of Yellow and one of Red yesterday. Other than that, I'm finding it super easy to meal prep and have prepackaged snacks ready to grab and go. (Ziplock with cucumbers/red peppers, apple slices and cashews, etc.)
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Still fighting a cold. I can't breathe out of my nose and if I exert myself too much I start coughing. I miss exercising but I know it can't be done till I'm better. So for now I'm just following the food plan. And I'm definitely getting my water intake because I keep drinking to keep my throat from sticking together LOL! I'm keeping busy filling cake orders so all of the running around my kitchen is still giving me a good amount of steps on my fitbit so at least I'm getting in something. How come women don't get to rest like men when we're sick???
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    rscunu wrote: »
    R1/W1/D3 Lower Fix done! My legs are like jello, I can barely walk down the stairs. I'm actually dreading having to pee, because sitting on the toilet is a pain in the quads hahaah. My triceps are minimally sore from yesterday, and that is a nice feeling...but man alive my legs are killing me!

    Meal plan: this is so much food. I know I need it to fuel my body, but I was one short of Yellow and one of Red yesterday. Other than that, I'm finding it super easy to meal prep and have prepackaged snacks ready to grab and go. (Ziplock with cucumbers/red peppers, apple slices and cashews, etc.)

    R1/W1/D6--- I feel ya on that one. Volume wise this is a struggle. My only saving grace is having a full size grilled ceaser salad (from Wendy's ) daily. I measured, and it's 3 green, 1 blue, 1 red. Today is my best day and I think I'm only leaving 1 green.

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Everyone is doing great! I'm impressed.

    Today is day...3 I think. Pilates extreme. Was extreme. The calorie burn was nothing amazing and I'm disappointed in that. But man did my arms and legs shake quite a bit. I'll be doing another workout later because I only registered a 117 calorie burn
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    R1/W2/D10 Lower Fix Done and went to the gym with my son (15yo). I love working out with him. We challenged each other on planks. I haven't weighed myself but I think I will tomorrow. I know I feel so much better. I am still concerned that my calories are still too low so I did add a protein shake to my menu to see if I could get a little more calories.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Just floor hockey and barbells today