

  • librarydogmom
    librarydogmom Posts: 102 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks for the comment, Phoebe. You mention weather--are you suffering through those rainstorms and tornadoes we hear about. Weather's always nice here in San Diego County,

    I've been enjoying Extreme Weight Loss, and glad it's on after Chris was in an accident a few months ago. The first episode was interesting, as he worked with twins. One injured his foot and could not exercise, so as an experiment Chris put him on a low carb/high fat food plan and his twin brother, who could exercise, on a high carb/low fat food plan. He was commenting on the various diet fads that come and go over the years,

    Both men lost weight, 13 and 14 lbs respectively. It seems low carb works for someone who's more sedentary. This seems to bear out my experience, as I eat way over the MFP carb suggestions and yet I've lost about 85 lbs. I do exercise 7 days a week, some days more than others but always something. Today was "just" housework (4 straight hours) and about an hour of gardening,
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I am in Northern CA, so we have lots of great weather here as well....though nothing tops San Diego!. Last weekend was particularly perfect for biking- cool for summer, light breeze :-).

    Very interesting on that twin comparison. When I lost 40 pounds, I was following WW, so a balanced diet that encouraged more fiber and less fat. I have lost that last 5 pounds and another 5 over and over again. Watching calorie intake is key, though I do tend to see faster weight loss with high protein low carb- not extreme as it is hard enough to get in protein cals on a vegetarian diet. So, about 100g protein (70-120) and 50 g carbs (some days more).

    I really think that exercise is key to weight loss as well. I have been really active for most of my life. I love to run and when I had to stop running last Fall after surgery on my leg, I about lost my mind. For one, because I love to run (the relaxation and meditation part of it is amazing). But the second reason was that I freaked that I was gonna gain a ton of weight back. I was seriously terrified. You don't go from running 5-10 miles multiple days a week to nothing and not have weight problems, right? Well, I had to do no cardio at all for 3 months, and then slowly added in bike. Still pretty limited. Did I gain a ton? No. I learned that I have to be even more careful with my eating though........ and that is where I am. I do get in some sort of exercise every day. One day a week can be pretty light, but gotta do something.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I am in Northern CA, so we have lots of great weather here as well....though nothing tops San Diego!. Last weekend was particularly perfect for biking- cool for summer, light breeze :-).

    Enjoy your trip.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Hey everyone! It looks like we have finished our last weigh in... I am down to 161 this week! I'll take it! I lost a total of 7 during this challenge and I am happy with my results. I still have a long way to go, but I keep telling myself I will make up.. just don't give up.

    I have realized that I am not the best at sticking to the "plan". I am not the best at getting my work outs in ... and I am not the best at counting calories and staying below my target. But. I keep trying and somewhere along these challenges I have lost a total of 13 pounds. Since joining MFP I have lost a grand total of 20 pounds. So. I may not be the best at this and I know I blow a lot of days with bad choices and maybe too much wine... I keep telling myself 20 pounds ain't too shabby. :) It's just going to take me longer than the average person to get to my goal weight of 125. I will get there. It's just gonna be next summer and I am okay with it. :)

    I am so glad we have this group! Thank you everyone!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    coopscoopc wrote: »
    Hey everyone! It looks like we have finished our last weigh in... I am down to 161 this week! I'll take it! I lost a total of 7 during this challenge and I am happy with my results. I still have a long way to go, but I keep telling myself I will make up.. just don't give up.

    I have realized that I am not the best at sticking to the "plan". I am not the best at getting my work outs in ... and I am not the best at counting calories and staying below my target. But. I keep trying and somewhere along these challenges I have lost a total of 13 pounds. Since joining MFP I have lost a grand total of 20 pounds. So. I may not be the best at this and I know I blow a lot of days with bad choices and maybe too much wine... I keep telling myself 20 pounds ain't too shabby. :) It's just going to take me longer than the average person to get to my goal weight of 125. I will get there. It's just gonna be next summer and I am okay with it. :)

    I am so glad we have this group! Thank you everyone!

    Actually, I think you have found a way to make this work that fits in with real life. For that reason, you are going to keep on losing. Way to go!!