New members - tell us about yourself



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    Hi name is Lulu and I turned 65 in April. I'm a moderator of a women's group of over 50 year olds but thought this group looked like a lot of fun as well.
    Welcome to the group. I enjoy your "Fifty, Female and Fun" group. :)

    Hi Marcella..............thanks.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to MFP although not new to weight loss. Some years ago I lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers but then gained it back over the years. This time around I have two kids in college (ack!) and really couldn't afford to pay WW every month. Someone mentioned MFP and at the same time I've just bought a step tracker (the Nike Fuelband). So here I am.

    Only difference this time is I have a bit more motivation, specifically from my doctor who told me my A1C is high. She called it pre-diabetes and said I need to lose weight. Her advice was to add exercise, just walking to start, and cut out a lot of processed "junk". So for me that means potato chips and chocolate chip cookies. I have no "off" button for either of those things so for now I'm cutting them out entirely. I do eat some Dove dark chocolate in the evening but I can eat just two of those without consuming the whole bag so they're okay.

    I'm also trying to add in more vegetables to my diet since I'm not a natural veggie lover. I'll eat them if I have something to dip them into, but I need to figure out how to cook them also. I did buy a big box of individual containers of hummos (from Costco of course... I mean, is there anything in a small box there? lol) and I take one of those and a bunch of cut up raw veggies in my lunch on days when I work. (substitute teacher)

    Oh and I'm 58, two kids (college age), one dog, one husband, I live in Northern Virginia, and I'm a real couch potato. If it wasn't for the dog I'd never willingly go walking. I know I need an attitude adjustment on that. sigh...

  • sdenesi
    sdenesi Posts: 6 Member
    Hello from Toronto, Ontario area! I am looking forward to joining you all. I am married, two adult boys, and work at a law firm!
  • lynnstacey2
    lynnstacey2 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello to both of you! I have a suggestion as far as veges are concerned. Try roasting them in garlic flavored olive oil. Just need a tiny bit! but roasting brings out any natural sweetness they have and makes everything taste amazing! I was never much of a vegetable lover either but this time around I've found myself trying quite a few new ones and actually looking forward to eating them! Stir frying is another good way. We blanch then stir fry fresh green beans all the time. I'm a garlic lover so again tiny bit of garlic oil, or I cut up a couple fresh garlic cloves and fry them in a non-stick frying pan NOT a wok, so you don't need special equipment! A little bit of a good balsamic vinegar can also add some great flavor without a bunch of added calories. Last night I used a ginger-honey balsamic to some stir fried asparagus YUM!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,226 Member
    Welcome to both of you! Eating lots of veg/fruit has really helped me. I started out just walking and have progressed to jogging, (no marathons, lol). We want this site to be fun and informative, feel free to jump in.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    I find it hard getting in veggies too. I have the palate of a 7 year old! LOL. But I force myself... still need to work on it.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    I find it hard getting in veggies too. I have the palate of a 7 year old! LOL. But I force myself... still need to work on it.

    Lol. Yep that would be me. Mac and cheese? yep. Cookies? yep. Chicken nuggets? yep. :blush:

    I have roasted a few vegetables in the past -- cauliflower is one that my whole family likes. I haven't tried many others though. I guess I should. Once they're roasted would they still taste good cold? I'm always trying to think of things to take in my lunch, so I could roast up a bunch of different veggies then have them in the refrigerator to make packing lunch easier.

    Guess I'll google "roasted vegetables" and sort through the billion hits. lol
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    welcome to our group.. we look forward to getting to know you both :)
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,226 Member
    Yes, roasted veggies are quite good even cold. I make a veggie burger for my lunches as a way to get in vegetables. lots of recipes out there.
  • lynnstacey2
    lynnstacey2 Posts: 34 Member
    Either America's Test Kitchen or Cooks Country did a show on grilling several types of veges on the grill and then cutting them up and mixing them with middle eastern type spices that looked wonderful although I haven't tried it yet. I think you can check it out for free since it's from this year's series of shows. I've also done broccoli on the stove top by using just a teaspoon or so of olive oil and quick frying it then using chicken stock to finish cooking it. Again,you could easily splash some balsamic vinegar on it and completely change the taste. I do that to brussel sprouts as well, (I know kind of an acquired taste!) I use two strips of bacon, one shallot and a pound of fresh sprouts it's about 90 calories a serving but the bacon and shallot really makes those sprouts taste good! But yes, they still ARE brussel sprouts! LOL!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I eat a lot of vegetables, mostly stir fried and roasted. I like the leftovers in my egg whites in the morning with a little shredded parmesan cheese. Tasty, lots of protein, and a nice serving of veggies all at the same time. It might be an acquired taste though............I also eat tuna for breakfast sometimes.....LOL
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I have become very good at eating my fruits and veggies everyday, which I never had done in the past. I do the grocery shopping on Saturday and the past few months I make sure to process all of the fresh veggies right away. I usually have a ready supply of lettuces, carrots, celery, radishes, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and then at least 2 or 3 others ready to go. I eat at least 5-6 salads/week, roast some and have snack ready choices. They fill me up and now that I've been doing it for a while, often that is what I start to crave when the hunger pains hit. Having them already processed makes them a much easier choice.
  • gonettie2015
    gonettie2015 Posts: 52 Member
    My name is Annette. I'm from Massachusetts and 53 years old. I joined MFP in March with a goal to lose (or *release* as I heard Tamara put it, which I like) 25 pounds. That was my initial goal, but now I'd like to release 10 more and be at the weight I was in college, a weight where I was comfortable and in the middle of normal BMI for my height. I have lost/released 16 pounds so far, doing it slowly at about a pound per week.
    I feel I've always eaten pretty well - I love whole foods, but portion size and extras got a bit out of control during pregnancies and raising a family. In the past, I've not followed any particular diet or program, just kind of floundered aimlessly trying to eat less and move more. Each pregnancy (4 children) left me holding onto 5 stubborn pounds. < So, 20 pounds there and about 15 more that collected slowly over the years. When I found myself at 10 pounds above a weight I never thought I would surpass, I knew I needed to do something about it and that was when I learned about MFP. Since my phone is always with me, I gave the app a try and one day led to the next. Initial success kept me motivated to stick with it. Since then, I am amazed that weight loss usually just comes down to numbers. I expect to get frustrated if I ever reach a plateau where the numbers seem to betray me but so far, so good.
    I love reading success stories and people motivating each other.
    Thank you, Bill, for pointing to the welcome mat for me with your message! I might be able to do more than just read in the Community!
    I haven't incorporated any real exercise into the equation yet, just making an effort to walk a bit more in my daily life so far.

    Best wishes to all. We can do this.
    Take care, see ya 'round!
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Greetings from VA! I joined the group for motivation and support. I'm just working on being my best! Looking forward to the journey - new friends, new food, & lots of laughter! B)
  • Hello everyone, I am Angela, I am a married lady living in the sleepy Norfolk in the UK. I have struggled with my weight for many years and like a lot of us have yo yo dieted for most of my life. The tipping point for me was last last year when my dear sister In law posted a picture of Facebook, we were at a family BBQ,and I was absolutely devastated. I could not believe that was actually me. I think what added to my embarrassment was the fact that she never takes photographs of me and in 22 years this is the first time she had done something like this. However whatever the reason it was the kick up the back side I needed.
    Since then I have floated between diet programmes SW and WW. A while ago my son introduced me to MFP and I have been following the programme and it is working. I am proud to say since I started my "journey" I am 5 stone lighter, and comfortably in a UK size 16. That to some may still seem big but taking into account I started at a size 24, I think I am doing ok. I am totally back on track now and committed to MFP and it is my goal to lose another 28lb and then see how I feel. So I am pleased to be here and happy to be part of your group. I look forward to talking to you and following your journeys. Here is to the summer and wearing those daisy duke shorts again
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    So happy to have you in our group Angela, you have achieved a great deal. 5 stone Wow! just goes to show that MFP Really works.. we look forward to getting to know you :)
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    mom216 wrote: »
    Greetings from VA! I joined the group for motivation and support. I'm just working on being my best! Looking forward to the journey - new friends, new food, & lots of laughter! B)

    Welcome aboard! happy to have you with us :smile:

  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! It's nice to see our group growing!
  • laphibbs
    laphibbs Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I'm Linda. I turn 50 in December, so I thought this would be a great group for me to join! I am trying to lose the same 40 pounds that I have lost and regained numerous times during my adult life, but this time it is being very stubborn and it doesn't want to budge! Something has changed!! So I am anxious to get tips from others about how to get the scale moving down once you reach "a certain age"!
  • trail69az
    trail69az Posts: 7 Member
    Hello my name is Kasey I just moved to Scottsdale AZ from Seattle WA last year
    I love it down here....there is a park close to my house that has a very nice walking trail