Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am 48 and it has been hard to lose the weight and keep it off. I started off on 1500 calorie but now I am trying 1200. I am so addicted to the carbs. each day I try to reduce the carbs but it is so hard. I am thinking about going cold turkey on all carbs maybe I will see the results I am looking for. I want to be 150 pounds again and I know it is going to take a lot of work. Plus I have limitation after a spinal infusion surgery in 2012. But I just keep pushing on thus far post surgery I weighed 256lbs but got back up to 276, last week I was up to 280 for not exercising and not really paying attention to calories. But, now I am at 278 and I boy do I pay attention. I am sticking to my 1200 calories diet and that is that. I will not eat calories back and I will drink 64 ounces of water a day. As a diabete I was told to eat 1/4 carbs with each meal but I know carbs love me like I love them. So, no carbs for a week and let me see how this goes or at least try no starchy carbs for a week.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Welcome @FaithMathias I hope we can all help you through this. I think that going cold turkey is a good idea. Or at least to have around 20 grams or less of carbs per day. I went cold turkey, carbs below 15g per day and no sweet foods at all for 3 months. I had no cravings at all, and I used to be totally addicted to sugar.

    I eat around 1300 calories per day. I'm 5' 5" / 165cm, and 58 years old.

    If you feel that you want sweets, perhaps a small square of cheese or some butter might help you?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Right. Having a moan. And then a sleep LOL

    Whilst I *totally and 100%* understand what my Father-in-Law must be going through, I am also really fed up that he's expecting us to drop everything to go and visit my MIL in hospital so often. Unfortunately (from one way of looking at it) David's sister goes to visit about 5 times a week on her way to or from work. We can't do that. We have to make a special trip, further than she does. David worked the weekend including a 1am finish Saturday night followed by a 10.30am start Sunday, which was through until 8pm Sunday. How are we supposed to fit visiting into that schedule? Albert doesn't understand any of that. His world is small and limited. I completely get it.

    When we got there to visit today, after walking around the hospital for 15 minutes even trying to find the right building, he knew we were there because Enid spoke and so did we. He sat there with his back to us, ignoring us, quite literally giving us the cold shoulder. We could have visited on Friday but he *told us not to!!!* Now he's angry because we haven't been sooner. He's truly 'losing it' himself and we know that his head is full. He can't take any more, but it doesn't make it any easier about having him angry with us for things either beyond our control, or of his own making! Obviously we will ignore him in the future if he says not to come, but... well, aarrrggghhhh!

    Even while visiting there is absolutely nothing to talk about and it's agonising. David's sister is bright and chirpy, loud, and can have fun in any situation, laughing about things nobody else would get away with laughing at - she's adorable. But she wasn't there, so we all sit there in virtual silence between inspired sentences that fizzle away into lack of conversation once more.

    How are we supposed to 'win' in this situation? I just don't know. Looks like she could be in there for up to 3 weeks more, meaning she'll come home a day or two before we go away and will be out of phone contact. We don't even think she should be going home at all. She can either lay in bed, or sit in the chair. The hospital have banned her from moving without a staff member there because she's so weak muscled, and she's getting dizzy spells as well. How's Albert (86) supposed to manage her physically if she goes home again?

    I'm so tired. Didn't sleep well any night last week because of having to get up for commitments of one kind or another, and David having 1am finishes so we weren't getting to bed until 2am or later. He had to wake me today so we could fit in a visit to Enid because this week he's on 'early starts' (3pm) but we have to fit a meal in there as well as his prep for work.

    End of rant. Going for a nanna nap ;)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    I should add. David has rung once or twice each day when we can't visit so it's not like we've ignored them.

    On happier news, I was down a sudden 300 grams this morning (6½ lbs). That's the last thing I expected, but after a week of 'short nights' (not enough sleep) I did have a bit more last night. Good sleep often seems to help the scale results.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May Wow---6 1/2 lbs in one fell swoop? How exciting and wonderful!! That's a WHOOSH! I hope it's gone for good.

    I'm so sorry about the hard times with your in-laws. Family relationships can be so uncomfortable and difficult to make better. With your MIL in this physical/mental state, your FIL's world is collapsing and it seems he's taking it out on you and David. It's hard to do anything right and pleasing in that situation no matter how hard you try. I dread getting older. I don't want to be an unreasonable and demanding old lady.

    @FaithMathias Welcome! What May says is right--cut those carbs! After a few days you'll be surprised at how the cravings have gone and you feel so much better. Sweet stuff is so addictive and keeps the desire for more sweet going. Don't be afraid of substituting with fat which is far more satiating.

    I wish we could confer with a doctor or someone who understands post-menopausal body function who could steer us in the right direction for successful weight loss. Most of us are having such ongoing difficulty and I don't understand WHY!

    I hope you all have a great day and week ahead!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    I'm doubting my maths now. That might be only .66 of a pound. Translating (and maths in general) are not my forte LOL But either way it's a new low weight and that will do me.

    Thank you dear Ellen for your understanding. It's so hard to understand completely what's going on for Albert and the suffering he's enduring, and to distance ourselves from the emotional fallout. His childhood was pretty much the worst that you could imagine so his life has been the 63 year marriage to Enid.

    I think if you're aware of not being unreasonable or demanding then you won't be. Albert has never been in the situation that we are. His mother died when he was 2 years old, and his estranged father a couple of years after Albert married, so he's not in the least understanding of what he's expecting of us. Even his in-laws lived with them, and one died relatively young, the other died suddenly at home so these repeat hospital visits and subsequent expectations are all new territory.

    I wrote to a web podcast of Prof Tim Noakes asking for help with our situation, but it seems they had 823 questions in response to their request about all things LCHF so I guess we may never in our lifetimes see an answer tee hee! They do 3 podcasts a week and are choosing the 'most asked questions' to answer :(
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Just thought I would pop this in quickly....sorry I havent time to do a full post....

    YES May!!! Lolol. No socks! The badge of an Englishman.....trainers AND socks...usually grey! Uuuggghhh.

    Made this yesterday...OMG its to die for and only 3gm carb a slice and soooo easy! Raspberry cheesecake slice.


    At Ellen and Kathie...really hope you get some sleep soon! I am right there with you!

    Love and hugs to all of you. <3<3<3

    This looks spectacular. Bookmarking for another day. Thanks!
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone !
    @May , I hope things get easier for you with the family. I find that when someone is not well it is the expectation that everyone else stop their lives to be there. I understand it but it's not realistic. Hope you get a little more sleep. Congrats on the loss !!
    I suffer from insomnia so I know the sleepless nights can be taxing on you.
    @FaithMathias and @ Welcome to the group :)
    It was so hot here the past few (Upper 90'sF, 37C) which is unseasonable for me. To hot to work outside and I have so many projects on the go LOL!!
    Had a dear friend come over yesterday and we set up my pool. Gonna take a couple days to fill it, I am on a well and am only filling it an hour at a time so's I don't burn out my well pump. Can't wait!! I can add swimming to my daily exercise. This is the first time I've had a pool, bought it at an end of season sale last year :)
    @Jane, that cheesecake looks so good !!! Thanks for sharing !!
    Wishing you all a wonderful day xo

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thank you Cindy. I think our 'lack of interest in regular visiting' is because she's been in and out of hospital so frequently over the past 3 years that it's just not that unusual any more. Though we have to admit she seems very weak this time, she's been quite literally at death's door so many times and bounced back that we're now completely immune to finding her situation anything out of the ordinary. It's going to be a shock when we're wrong. I understand what you mean about expectations of being there, and we certainly were the first half a dozen times. Sigh. There's no perfect answer, I do know.

    I hope your LCHF lifestyle will lead to better sleep for you! We get those temps here in summer and that's definitely too hot for working outside, but your pool sounds exciting. And cool. I hope you love using it.

    Edited To Add... 11 more posts for our 1,000th post in this thread - wowww!!!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good afternoon/evening ladies. Had a marathon bouquet making session this weekend & we're done the 8 (seriously?) bridesmaids' bouquets. Now to start altering the dress this afternoon.
    @May. The trials of aging parents are tough. I feel for you. As my MIL steadily worsened, my FIL was same as yours it sounds. It seems that their world shrinks so much so fast (only have room for each other) they have no idea how to handle external stuff. Add to that we had 2 sisters who Google too much, but wouldn't be hands on & a brother who just didn't give a s***, & my poor hubby was swamped. Make sure you take time for yourselves & try not to let the guilt-trips get to you. (Easier said than done, I know). Hugs. (Also 1kg=2.2lbs).
    @Karla, Ellen, & Janice. I read somewhere that reintroducing certain carbs can cause an overnight gain of 15 or so lbs. don't know if this is true, just thought I'd share. Hope you're all doing well otherwise, tho.
    @Jane. Sleep has still been elusive, but figure wedding night I should have a good one. Just hoping a Hashimoto's crash doesn't develop with all the craziness going on. The cheesecake bars look awesome. You should go into mail order treat business & send us samples. I'd be your taste tester for sure.
    Well gotta run, have get started on this dress. Have no idea what I'm doing, so it could be very interesting, lol.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Yes, I think you are right @Kathie, about the carbs that is. I did increase the carbs and had a weight gain. I'm going to cycle back down again and will hopefully get back to where I was a couple of weeks ago. It sure has been interesting though, to see what happens when I change what I eat. Wy to go btw, with all the wedding preparations, you're doing so great !

    I had a craving for tomato and my tomatoes won't be ready for weeks with our short growing season. So I bought one organic, locally grown hothouse tomato and enjoyed it for supper tonight, with bacon and chicken and mayo. I sliced the chicken as the "bread" in my sandwich, messy but good. I love to eat with my hands.

    @May, much love and support to you ! My mother isn't ill like your MIL, but I can see her world getting smaller and smaller since my Dad died. It gets harder to spend time with her ( but as you know it has always been hard for me to spend time with her.) It helps me to cope with her dramatics if I remember that her aches and pains are huge for her. She does not get out into the real world and has no other challenges in her life, no busy schedule etc like the rest of us. I find myself limiting the amount of time I spend reacting to her complaints about everything. I listen, give practical advice, suggest that she get around moving more if her joints are stiff for example. She doesn't like that since she is mainly looking for sympathy when telling me all about how sore she is. But there is no wonder she finds it hard to get up and move around if she has been motionless in front of the TV or computer for hours on end. If she complains that she thinks she has arthritis, I suggest she cut sugar out of her diet to reduce her inflammation. Aren't I a bad daughter ?

    I know your MIL and FIL are in worse shape than my mother is and this may not be the best advice. It sounds like your MIL has health issues that may not be helped with the type of lifestyle changes that I like to suggest to my mother, and she is also older and more frail. All you can do is try to best manage the visits, according to your schedule. You are already doing your best ! That's all you can do. Just do what I do whenever I see my mother....get into the right frame of mind for your own peace of mind. These folks are not like you and I. I view my mother as handicapped in many ways. She does not live in the reality of the world as I know it. And so I don't (or try not to) allow myself to be offended by her selfish behaviour. I give her time according to my schedule, listen to her troubles, but put boundaries on how far I let her go. I tell her a few tales from out in the real world, do the gardening then leave, telling her when she can expect to see me again. I only see her 3 times max per week. So far it's working.

    I just had a wee taste of homemade rhubarb cordial that was made by one of the farmers who provided organic veggies along with our meat farm share last fall. I poured a bit into my glass with some ice then filled the glass with club soda. Yummy and summery and old fashioned tasting. The label on the jar says it was made with "Rhubarb, local honey, Thai basil blossoms and love." Tastes great.

    All for now wonderful ladies. Take care everyone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I had an increase in carbs for a total of three days in June. I had a half cup blueberries and woke the next day with runny nose and eyes and then my digestive system did not like them. Had some mushrooms and onions with a steak and hurt terribly the next day. One other day I had about a cup of cherries. These didn't cause any negative symptoms just have too many carbs. Otherwise I have remained ZC. It's amazing to think that could cause an 18 pound (over two weeks) increase. No, @May, I don't feel bigger and hubby says that he can't see it. Scale back to 207 today from the 212 increase. So sorry for your mil/fil frustrations. Hospitalization is tough for everyone and is a continuous compromise of time. I hope a resolution to the situation comes soon!
    I spent yesterday in the bed with a terrible migraine that included vomiting (yeah me!). So I wasn't on mfp more than just a log on. This thread had seventeen replies to read through today! I wanted to welcome the new ladies and say hello to everyone else! Have a great evening, morning, ladies!
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Okay, I went out today and got sugar free ice cream because it is hot and I love it. I forgot myself not to get mash potatoes because I love them so much. My breakfast was fill of only 249 calories and 0 carb. I totally crashed around lunch time and had to have something in my mouth. My fault I should have packed a snack to go so the crash would not happen to me. I find I am not really hungry during the day but just like putting something in my mouth that is crunchy. I lost 2lbs this week, I am at a happy 276lbs, so here goes trying again to have a day with reduce carbs, water, snack and a work out. So, I guess the big question for me is how do I get 1200 calories and stay below my carbs? I think for each meal I should consume at least 300 calories which leave room for more healthy snacks or at least three snacks each snack about 100 calories.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hi Faith. I'm Janice and I know this is scary and new so far and you have a ton of questions. Just ask away and everyone will help you. It may take you a while to get into your groove, so just experiment, see how you feel, and you will gain in experience and confidence, and it won't be so hard anymore. I found that reducing the carbs was critical to my success, in losing weight and controlling cravings.

    I have my calories set to 1200 too. But I like to eat 2 filling meals per day, and do not snack, except for my coffee mid morning at work. I eat enough fat and protein to fill me up at breakfast, so by the time I have my BPC at work, I am good for the rest of the day until supper. I almost always split my calories in two, approx 600 for breakfast and coffee and 600 for the rest of the day. If I don't eat 600 calories for supper, I might have a small evening snack of cheese or something. 300 calories is not enough for me for a meal. I think the key to have this work for me is that I eat filling meals which take away the cravings and thinking constantly about food.

    I don't think that 249 calories would be enough for me for breakfast and I am keto adapted and weigh less than you at 203-210 pounds depending on how the wind is blowing and how many carbs I have eaten the day before, lol. Have you tried adding more calories to the breakfast to keep you going ? You could skip the snack that way. For me, giving in to the snacking urge spells disaster if I do not stop snacking !

    I try to keep my carbs at below 20 g daily, but do have excursions of higher carb days of maybe up to 60 g, but that happens just occasionally. If I do go over, I make up for it afterwards by reducing my carbs again. I don't know what you are eating and can't remember the content of your other posts, but for me keeping my carb count low means: limiting fruit rather severely to maybe 1/4c berries, or giving fruit up completely; eliminating anything starchy like potatoes and beans; eliminating grains completely; eating small portions of leafy and low GI vegetables; severely restricting anything sweet tasting like sugar or sweeteners, and restricting nuts to allow only about 1/2 oz of macadamia nuts, oh and also limiting dairy. I choose butter, HWC and a bit of cheese, but once I start eating more cheese the carb count goes up. I can be quite happy eating at under 20 g carbs if I stick with it.

    For me eating enough protein is harder to achieve than eating under my carb limit. I am usually over in fat, but I am sure that my fat content of my meals keeps me feeling full and less likely to overeat. I do not crash and have even energy levels all day long.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Janice! Your advice is awesome! I love every word because it true! Faith, hello, I'm Karla. In the beginning of this woe I thought snacks would be missed. I had to make the choice every time I put something in my mouth. Now, after four months, it's a fading memory. Having power over food is amazing. It's something I've never experienced before and I know you can get there too. I eat two meals a day now too. Mine is a coffee with hwc in the morning, lunch between 11 & 12 that's usually around 700 calories then the rest of my calories for supper (I aim for 1300-1400). You will be hungry if you try to divide 1200 into three meals and won't be able to think about anything but food. Hang in there. Get some beef jerky or something lc to keep with you for the snacking needs in the beginning, but I can say that you won't miss it once you are fully adapted. :smiley: I <3 this new wol!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I so agree with Janice and Karla! Eating enough at meals really helps keep the snacking at bay.

    Janice, one question about your 1200 cal goal. What about BMR? I've read that it's important to eat as much as your BMR rate so the body doesn't go into 'starvation mode.' Or, is it best to just eat according to hunger, following the macro goal? Does anyone have a definitive answer for this?
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Thanks @Karla ! You are so awesome with positive reinforcement.

    Most of the time I eat closer to 1300 calories and sometimes over, depending on the day.

    Yes Ellen, I have heard about the BMR. I have no idea what mine would be now. And in previous "diets" I did notice that if I was very low on my calorie intake, my body would slow down and weightloss would cease, since the body is so smart that it wants to conserve energy and protect us from starvation. I have a desk job and the only time I get up at work is because I am drinking 10 cups of water at work lol ! The only exercise I usually get is 20 minutes of walking 6 times per week. I have also found that when I am eating 1500-1700 calories daily, my weight goes up. So I am keeping my roughly 1300 calorie goal ( with exercise).

    @Faith, you will likely need to eat more than 1200 calories in the beginning, just to satisfy your hunger as you transition. So @Ellen, I agree that it is important to eat according to hunger to a point. Most of us got into this situation by eating too much. So I think it's really helpful to pay attention to that moment when your body recognizes that it is full. That happens for me when I eat a 500-600 calorie meal that is largely protein and fat. Then that magic moment comes when I suddenly realize that I can't eat another bite. And I feel satisfied for hours on the power of that meal. But it has to be a substantial meal, not just a snack of 100-300 calories. If I find I want a snack, I might as well just eat supper then quit eating for the rest of the day.

    Something that intrigued me greatly more than a month ago when I was contemplating zero carb was the notion of taking away the "entertainment" value of food and viewing it as fuel instead. @Faith, when you take away the carbs, your blood sugar does not rise after eating, then crash when you've processed the carbs. That crash makes people want to eat more carbs and more food. When you take away the carbs, you will find you have much more even energy throughout the day, and you will come to recognize true hunger. But I find that it is nowhere near the raging hunger of a carb eater who must have more and more carbs throughout the day.

    When I have hunger doing keto and eating 2 meals per day...I merely observe the hunger from a distance without reacting to it too much. I try drinking some water, and 95% of the time, my hunger goes away and along with it, the desire to snack. I actually forget that I thought I was hungry, and usually wait until after I've come home and cooked supper in order to eat, hours later.

    I used to practice Intermittent Fasting regularly pre-keto, and this teaches you to really observe your hunger and manage it. I actually feel less hunger when fasting. Once you get going it becomes easier. I will join the July challenge in order to get back into this. It is much easier to accomplish IF if you are already fat adapted, which many of us are.

    @Ellen, I don't know which approach is better, as I seem to flit around doing different approaches lately. But at least I don't have stress about it. The only conclusion I can come to is that for me, carbs are bad, and hinder weight loss. So the farther I stay away from them the better !
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you ladies for all the input . I must increase my calories at meal time and limit my snacking. Today for breakfast I only had 160 calories and no carbs. I have to keep trying this until I get my mind into it. I think some of the challenge is having to eat meat a lot, I was vegetarian for 8 years. Which most of my love for carbs came when I gave up the meat. But, I can do this , I can do this.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning !! Well the pool is almost full! I am so excited, another rather sleepless night but on the upside, I don't find that I am any more tired during the day. Since this is unusual heat for where I live, no AC, only fans. I found myself sitting on the patio at 2AM looking at the almost full moon It was so peaceful and beautiful. I may try to figure out a slow setting on my camera and set a tripod up to try for a picture tonight :smile: Had a few dizzy spells yesterday not sure if it's the heat or what. Ate some blueberries and yogurt to up my blood sugars and carbs. Feel great this morning down another LB so we will see if it made a difference or if it was just the heat.
    Hope to be having a few laps in the pool this afternoon, maybe it will tire me out more !! Have a wonderful day everyone !!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey all. Well fell into another pint of ice cream Sunday night and the scales were still down. Stress at work is a killer. Eating mostly meat for now, but it keeps me full. Hope all of you are doing well. Keep the faith. The dog wants to be walked so gotta run.