100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Friends
    On June 26 my father passed away. It was sudden and quick so he did not suffer a long time. On June 27 drove up to Va because my oldest daughter gave birth to a healthy 10.5 pound baby boy and on Sunday June 28 my other son In law (1 hour away) was admitted to the hospital for cellulitis. Luckily he is a healthy 34 year old and got out of the hospital Thursday July 2, the belief is that something got his leg 10 days earlier at the beach. Yes we were on the nc coast but it was not a shark. On Monday June 29 we had my fathers funeral and on Wednesday we cleaned out his house. He had a life time right to the property but the family of wife #2 inherited the house so I was anxious to remove personal things. Brought my 86 year old mother in law up to see the new baby(4hour drive) on Friday. We leave to go home this morning.
    With the exception of funeral day I have successfully maintained the program. Will be taking care of son in law that is just out of the hospital and the 5 month and 4 year old grands as daughter goes back to work for a week. Blessed that daughter with new baby and 2 year old are well taken care of by that son in law until the 17th and we will see what is needed at that time.
    Things I have learned this past week......celebrate each precious life........husband of 40 years is still my rock to lean on.........aunts, uncles, cousins and former love interest of my father are just crazy(bless their hearts).... Nothing gets done without a death certificate.....funerals are ridiculously expensive........grateful for written wills.......food is only a fuel source.......lemon pound cake does not fix emotions and after the second bite it just tastes ok.....blessed beyond what I deserve by my mother in law, 2 beautiful daughters their husbands and children.
    I will write more as I get my mind pulled together. Hugs

    What a lot to deal with, but it sounds like you have great support and perspective! Hang in there! I love the line 'food is only a fuel source!'
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking again today, I took a new route that took me past the Produce store since I was out of Bananas. I looked at the Lettuce, Small and Light weight and said, Nope, Not worth the money. I also picked up two Wheat Rolls for my brother, He weighed them and 3 3/4 ounces for the two of them and @ 5 for a $1 not to pricey :) My Preplanned route was 2.72 miles, however With having to loop in to the shopping center and walk in the produce store I figure easily 2.75 or higher. The planned stop meant I got out the door slightly later than usual and despite that I had to sit for 5 minutes until the 8AM open time. Then Home.

    Then as I was walking up the street I was thinking the lawn looks like it can go a few more days, Then I got closer and realized my brother had mowed it, So after breakfast I weed whacked. I got a few beans off of the plants the critters didn't kill off, My Brother got his first Zucchini and there are tons of Green Tomatoes.

    Have a Good Week
    Today is my colonoscopy-preparation day (oh, joy!). I've had salt-free chicken broth, lime jello, green tea, and white grape juice...plus the first dose of "that stuff." Mercy! I get take my second does of 'that stuff' at 2:30am...and then have my procedure at 7am. (So...tomorrow...if I say anything odd...it was the anesthesia!!!)

    And, our fish, Mr. hungry, died today. He's not been well for a few weeks, so it did not come as a surprise.

    Hi Val
    Sorry to hear about the Fish and the Goop You have to drink. It is enough to make You postpone :)

    Hopefully They find Nothing
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Thanks Roger. I got a clean report...and I don't gave to go back for ten years!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    Welcome MsDiva...glad you are here. Congrats on your progress so far, and wish you much success in accomplishing all your goals...including a healthier happier you!!! ~Val
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    Welcome :), I am glad that you are here. It took a long time until I saw a difference. However, I think the most rewarding thing was when I started to feel better, I was able to do more..then people started noticing that I am loosing weight....you see yourself every day :)....I am glad that you know you are on the right track..I still have long ways to go myself but I know I will get there :) and so are you!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All
    Still out Walking despite the Humidity, I took a Different 2.75 mile route today, Picked up a Quick Chek Coffee on the way out and a Diet beverage there on the way back as I was sweating up a storm. My Walk was a sort of Figure 8 when mapped.

    Have a Good Day
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    It will take time to see the difference :)
    The Best Way is to keep a couple of Before Photos from the front and the side pasted by the mirror for reference. That way You will see the change better.

    The way Your clothes fit is a really good indicator of Your Progress. I have changed clothes several times already and each time I go down two sizes. I wait until the clothes start to look like clown clothes due to being Frugal :)

    Drop in here and in The Challenge forum. Some find that the 100% Challenge helps keep them on the straight and Narrow, Others find that support such as in this Thread works better. Many paths to the same result.

    By the Way drop into the Recipes Group and Let me know if there is anything You need s recipe for. There are even recipes for a Ersatz Ice Cream, Many different tasty baked goods etc. I am just waiting to a Request to add many of them. All recipes that fit the NutriSystem Plan.
    For example the recipe for Pauls Bundt Cake

    Then Go to the Link below for Details on how to save $40.01 off of each $100 NutriSystem Gift Card, Sale ends on July 19th, usable on items ordered through NutriSystems Website including the Auto Delivery monthly shipments. Foods ordered A La Carte with Your regular order end up less than 1/2 price due to the 20% discount, then take that discounted price and take another 40% off. So a $2 item ends up at $1.60 after the 20% discount and then take another 40% off and end up paying $0.96 (96 Cents) withe free shipping when added to Your Auto Delivery order.

    That link above also has links to the Recipes, Food Reviews and Challenge groups.

    Good Luck

    suegen1 wrote: »
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    Welcome :), I am glad that you are here. It took a long time until I saw a difference. However, I think the most rewarding thing was when I started to feel better, I was able to do more..then people started noticing that I am loosing weight....you see yourself every day :)....I am glad that you know you are on the right track..I still have long ways to go myself but I know I will get there :) and so are you!!!

    Hi Sue
    I'm with You, Big Plus for me is being able to buy inexpensively at Walmart for example and Much better Mobility!

    The Tape measure is Your friend :) it will show the improvement way before You see it in the mirror :)
    As You say, You see Yourself every day so the incremental changes slide by unnoticed. But the are there!

  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    Welcome, OhMsDiva! I've lost twenty lbs so far and don't see it on myself yet, but others have noticed, so that's very encouraging! And I have to remind myself, too, to just look at making the next step the goal instead of moving the whole mountain! :) It just boils down to the fact that we're on our way; we're doing something about it; we're closer than we were! Yay! :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi friends! I'm tuckered from my killer schedule. Wired the weekend, Monday colonoscopy, then two 16-hour workdays in a row...expecting same for tomorrow n Fri. Coughing (feels like beginning bronchitis).
    On a good note, all the blood tests n health screening tests I've had recently have come back favorably! Still waiting on the mammogram n bone density results (I have osteopenia...hoping it hasn't gotten worse.)
    Em's doctor checkup went well too!
    Wishing you all well in making good choices to benefit your health and life! ~Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It's Thursday
    I looked at the TV and saw it was cooler and a little less humid so I figured I'll walk in comfort compared to Yesterday, Nope, didn't happen. Shortly after leaving the house and thinking what a nice cool breeze it started drizzling. It drizzled enough to make the roads wet and despite my judicious use of trees to stay dry I got damp too. It stopped right after I left McDonalds with my coffee. Then the breeze went away and the humidity went up. About three blocks from home the breeze returned, a little late :) 2.75 miles done for today despite Mother Nature.

    Have a Really Nice Day
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I don't think I have posted on this thread before, but I often read many of your posts. I am pleasantly surprised with my weight loss so far, although I have a long way to go. When I look at myself I don't see a difference but i know my clothes are longer and my blouses fall off my shoulders. It feels good to be on the right track and I stay positive, not by looking how far I have to go but focusing on how far I have come.

    Welcome, OhMsDiva! I've lost twenty lbs so far and don't see it on myself yet, but others have noticed, so that's very encouraging! And I have to remind myself, too, to just look at making the next step the goal instead of moving the whole mountain! :) It just boils down to the fact that we're on our way; we're doing something about it; we're closer than we were! Yay! :)

    Others commented on the weight loss long before I could see it too. The difference is I see me every day and others less often. The Tape measure often shows the loss well before I can see it in my case :)

    Hi friends! I'm tuckered from my killer schedule. Wired the weekend, Monday colonoscopy, then two 16-hour workdays in a row...expecting same for tomorrow n Fri. Coughing (feels like beginning bronchitis).
    On a good note, all the blood tests n health screening tests I've had recently have come back favorably! Still waiting on the mammogram n bone density results (I have osteopenia...hoping it hasn't gotten worse.)
    Em's doctor checkup went well too!
    Wishing you all well in making good choices to benefit your health and life! ~Val

    Hi Val
    It sounds as if You are having a really tough week at work. Good news on the health testing front. I will keep positive thoughts for You that the rest are good too.

    I got my Blood test results in the Follow Up Doctor visit yesterday. FSB and A1C both better. Blood Pressure and the rest of the results are all better, Normal, according to the doctor too. Next Visit in January, 6 months away.

    Good Luck
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    This is my favorite thread! But there are fewer and fewer posts here.

  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Val, maybe it's summer craziness! I know things have been really busy for me and are going to be getting busier since August will be a month full of company!

    Staying on track will be a challenge to say the least, cooking for everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    I have noticed that things tend to slow down in the summer as people get away on vacation or family comes to visit. And of course weekends are slower too. I know I do not have as much free time as I expected to have this year.

    Have a Good Week
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Did y'all get an email saying that there was going to be a new feature on Numi? It said that they had listened to customers and the new site will begin July 22. Hope it is better than what they have now.
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there everyone!

    I did Nutrisystem back in 2005 and lost 60 pounds... Needless to say I got lazy and gained weight back. Reading the posts has me a little confused. Everything back in the day was done on the Nutrisystem site. Is that still where I order? What is the numi thing? I was thinking about buying Costco cards, but is there a concern Nutrisystem is going out of business if they shut down their website? I can still see the posts in the forums on there....
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Nene- I don't get NS email (I called them again, but they don't care), do thanks for letting us know.

    Hi Daisy, I don't think they ate going out of business. I just bought enough discounted gift cards to take me through February. It seems they are re-branding themselves as NuMi. We still order food on nutrisystem.com. If you want to earn bears, then you need to occasionally log your weight on NuMi (website or app). IMPORTANT: the first time you set up your NuMi profile, put your starting weight when they ask for current weight. Then next day, put your current weight. If you already put your current weight, you can call and ask that they fix it...a bit of a hassle. They say they are keeping the Nutrisystem site for food ordering only. Their NuMi site is useless (IMO).

    Thanks Roger. I'm still really sick, and felt alone out here.

    Thanks AdNil...hope you n your family are enjoying your summer!

    Take care, val
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all - been mia for a while - just like Pudge, who hopefully will pop back in.

    Finally got to go fishing and had a blast. Caught 75 - 100 bluegills - none of them keepers - by 3 pm DH was measuring to see if they were - long enuf, but each fillet would have been a skimpy inch - but oh what fun. Throw in, pull out a fish! Also watched a raccoon come out of his den, DH picked me a water lilly - they're even more beautiful close up, and have the most delightful faint fragrance - unfortunately, they close up tight as a drum and that's that! Only downside was DH hooked a "tree bass" - which meant he cast into the tree, and broke his rod. He's out again today - I'm feeling overwhelmed and just needed a decompression day to myself, so I'm not with him - glad he went tho.

    A few more medical problems with a working dx of asthma - i really didn't need another dx. Prescribed Advair - the spaceship type inhaler - which warns if allergic to milk protein, not to use. I tested as sensitive to casein - a milk protein - so had to find if it was safe for me - it is - will start tonight. The pharmacist calls it the tooth brush med as you must wash your mouth out after each dose - so she said take the dose, then brush your teeth. One of the side affects can be thrush in your mouth.

    Having weird spells occasionally - doc thought might be my BPPV - which is vertigo - but had another a few min ago and don't think so. Was heartily laughing at a FB video where the brides veil flew off her head and onto her grooms when this sensation grabbed me, left my body tingling and feeling like I'd pass out - along with dizziness. Very odd sensation.

    Bigger problem is my pancreas - it apparently produces some insulin, a bit too much for medicare to cover my insulin pump supplies. So I'm having a conversation with my organ to quit producing a bit while I get another test which hopefully will justify the pump. The silver lining on this is that supplies at full cost aren't prohibitive - will cost me a couple thousand dollars a year - so I don't have to go back to shots, but $13 a month beats $160. In the middle of that journey.

    Turns out you can take the girl out of the clinic, but not the clinic out of the girl. Decided to attempt to get the Clinic's Willoughby campus 2 buildings designated in some other way than by address, which doesn't appear on the bldgs - either north or south, one or two, pharmacy vs express care - something. Had a pleasant conversation with a radiologty supervisor who I used to work closely with - we went to the wrong location for ultrasounds - but she agreed, I need to take it higher. We'll see if they call me back.

    Scale still broken - have lost 7 pounds per weighing in at docs office - that's good news.

    Weather really odd. No AC Tuesday - 87 and really humid. AC is new, was checked in May, but had no fridge juice to make it go - hope that doesn't morph into further problems down the road. Then yesterday - cool 70s. Having breathing issues so blew off pool even tho I wanted to go. Got totally overwhelmed and had a panic attack yesterday too. Was offered zoloft, which I refused, but may rethink that. I now take 18 meds daily.

    Nene - your family post finally registered with me. So sorry about everything but you have a really great attitude - good for you!

    Love you all and look forward to your successes with this journey. Interesting thought about NS rebranding themselves, that seems to be a definite possibility. I actually got excited about the gift card promotion, I read that far back, then realized how old Roger's post was - boy can I be a flake! Counting on being flakier next month as my cataracts are done - if I can't see, I don't think well.

    Take care all.
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much for the info. Bought cards at Costco to get me through two months. Excited to get this started... Again
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was a beautiful morning today, Humidity in the Comfortable range, maybe 48% and 66 degrees. You can be sure I walked today, Heck, I almost sweated too. Then I came home, Ate the 2nd half of My Morning Banana, Mowed the Lawn and then had Breakfast. 2.75 Miles + whatever exercise the mowing provided.

    Then as I was in the basement pulling frozen from the freezer to bring up to the kitchen for the rest of today and the next four days menus I heard someone knocking on the front Door. I had forgotten it was meter reading day. I now have today's and the next four days menus created. Tomorrow I will have to tackle changing the Fill assembly for one of the toilets. Oh Well :)

    Have a Great Day
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Did y'all get an email saying that there was going to be a new feature on Numi? It said that they had listened to customers and the new site will begin July 22. Hope it is better than what they have now.

    Hi Nene
    I just went a looked at it. Not much of any import to me as I see it. I got the feeling that the changes would be to NutriSystem.com and not to NuMi.

    I wonder if this will be when They Kill of the old forums even as read only mode currently?
    I also got a email pushing the Ice Cream Pack with no mention of any discount, Big Not Whoopee.

    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Hi there everyone!

    I did Nutrisystem back in 2005 and lost 60 pounds... Needless to say I got lazy and gained weight back. Reading the posts has me a little confused. Everything back in the day was done on the Nutrisystem site. Is that still where I order? What is the numi thing? I was thinking about buying Costco cards, but is there a concern Nutrisystem is going out of business if they shut down their website? I can still see the posts in the forums on there....

    Hi Daisy
    I do not expect them to go away. I have a bunch of the Gift cards and am thinking of picking up 5 more before the extra $20 off sale ends at CostCo on the 19th.
    I hope that helps.

    Val has provided more information
    Good Luck
    Hi Nene- I don't get NS email (I called them again, but they don't care), do thanks for letting us know.

    Hi Daisy, I don't think they ate going out of business. I just bought enough discounted gift cards to take me through February. It seems they are re-branding themselves as NuMi. We still order food on nutrisystem.com. If you want to earn bears, then you need to occasionally log your weight on NuMi (website or app). IMPORTANT: the first time you set up your NuMi profile, put your starting weight when they ask for current weight. Then next day, put your current weight. If you already put your current weight, you can call and ask that they fix it...a bit of a hassle. They say they are keeping the Nutrisystem site for food ordering only. Their NuMi site is useless (IMO).

    Thanks Roger. I'm still really sick, and felt alone out here.

    Thanks AdNil...hope you n your family are enjoying your summer!

    Take care, val

    Hi Val
    I am sorry that You are still ill. As You say, NuMi is next to useless IMO too.
    I log my Foods here, I lof my Weights here except when it is time to qualify for the next bear, Then I go to NuMi.

    I hope You feel better soon
    Hi all - been mia for a while - just like Pudge, who hopefully will pop back in.

    Finally got to go fishing and had a blast. Caught 75 - 100 bluegills - none of them keepers - by 3 pm DH was measuring to see if they were - long enuf, but each fillet would have been a skimpy inch - but oh what fun. Throw in, pull out a fish! Also watched a raccoon come out of his den, DH picked me a water lilly - they're even more beautiful close up, and have the most delightful faint fragrance - unfortunately, they close up tight as a drum and that's that! Only downside was DH hooked a "tree bass" - which meant he cast into the tree, and broke his rod. He's out again today - I'm feeling overwhelmed and just needed a decompression day to myself, so I'm not with him - glad he went tho.

    A few more medical problems with a working dx of asthma - i really didn't need another dx. Prescribed Advair - the spaceship type inhaler - which warns if allergic to milk protein, not to use. I tested as sensitive to casein - a milk protein - so had to find if it was safe for me - it is - will start tonight. The pharmacist calls it the tooth brush med as you must wash your mouth out after each dose - so she said take the dose, then brush your teeth. One of the side affects can be thrush in your mouth.

    Having weird spells occasionally - doc thought might be my BPPV - which is vertigo - but had another a few min ago and don't think so. Was heartily laughing at a FB video where the brides veil flew off her head and onto her grooms when this sensation grabbed me, left my body tingling and feeling like I'd pass out - along with dizziness. Very odd sensation.

    Bigger problem is my pancreas - it apparently produces some insulin, a bit too much for medicare to cover my insulin pump supplies. So I'm having a conversation with my organ to quit producing a bit while I get another test which hopefully will justify the pump. The silver lining on this is that supplies at full cost aren't prohibitive - will cost me a couple thousand dollars a year - so I don't have to go back to shots, but $13 a month beats $160. In the middle of that journey.

    Turns out you can take the girl out of the clinic, but not the clinic out of the girl. Decided to attempt to get the Clinic's Willoughby campus 2 buildings designated in some other way than by address, which doesn't appear on the bldgs - either north or south, one or two, pharmacy vs express care - something. Had a pleasant conversation with a radiologty supervisor who I used to work closely with - we went to the wrong location for ultrasounds - but she agreed, I need to take it higher. We'll see if they call me back.

    Scale still broken - have lost 7 pounds per weighing in at docs office - that's good news.

    Weather really odd. No AC Tuesday - 87 and really humid. AC is new, was checked in May, but had no fridge juice to make it go - hope that doesn't morph into further problems down the road. Then yesterday - cool 70s. Having breathing issues so blew off pool even tho I wanted to go. Got totally overwhelmed and had a panic attack yesterday too. Was offered zoloft, which I refused, but may rethink that. I now take 18 meds daily.

    Nene - your family post finally registered with me. So sorry about everything but you have a really great attitude - good for you!

    Love you all and look forward to your successes with this journey. Interesting thought about NS rebranding themselves, that seems to be a definite possibility. I actually got excited about the gift card promotion, I read that far back, then realized how old Roger's post was - boy can I be a flake! Counting on being flakier next month as my cataracts are done - if I can't see, I don't think well.

    Take care all.

    Hi Shirl
    Welcome Back

    It sounds as if You had fun fishing. Those Gear Eating trees are way to common :)

    I hope they check the AC for leaks and not just recharge it. There has to be a Freon leak for it to run out this quick. Here it is 2015 and the AC in the car finally needed a recharge and they much more of a beating than Central Air or Windows units that just sit there and run.

    If I said that sounds like a medication interaction?
    I hope You get that sorted quickly, Not a fun way to be. I actually have a Blood Pressure Gizmo I can wear on the wrist and run when I walk for example.

    Good Luck with the Cataracts
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All!
    It has seemed like a crazy few weeks. It is kind of miserable here, though it could be worse, no fires or floods! It has been hovering in the upper 90's with humidity of 60% and dew points in the mid 70's. Next week is hotter with highs in the near 100 mark without the humidity and all factored in. The thunderstorms dump enough to grow my grass a little too much! I am outside a lot and I sure would rather not be! LOL!

    Nene- So sorry to hear about your Dad. Such a time is never easy. I am glad you had some good news though with your grandson born and son-in-law making good progress. You have sure had a lot going on! You always seem to have such a pleasant and upbeat outlook! I really admire that!

    Val-Glad your tests were coming back with good, normal results, your daughter's too! Sorry about Mr. Hungry, cute name. I was not very lucky with my fish care! I am sorry you have been under the weather lately. Those hours make it hard to recoup, sometimes it is hard to know if you are getting sick, or are tired. I hope you shake it pretty soon and start feeling much better!

    Ms Diva and Daisylee, glad you are excited about the program. As you get into the swing you will see it does work. We all have some slips, but most food is pretty good, and filling. I have lost around 34 lbs or so, and I have not done that good in a long time. I look at the NuMi site on occasion and log weight there, but I like this site for recording food. Recording is a good thing, no matter where! And I love this group!

    Shirl, Glad to know about the ancestry heads up, I need to back up my stuff! I hope you find out what is going on medically! Take care!!

    Sue, you are just an inspiration- you are on such a roll, and eat far more wisely than I do!! Keep it up!

    I have been swamped with my too big yard and my little, growing foster dog! She is a hound/ spaniel mix. She has some medical problems I have dealt with this month, but she is getting better. She is rather a needy little soul and energetic at the moment, though sweet and affectionate! She is only 10 months, and I may be a little old for puppyhood! LOL! We walk, and of course that 95 plus degree weather is so delightful! But at least we are both tired after! I can't let Roger have all the fun walking!! My 16 year old border collie is not really enthused with her, though occasionally he laughs and wags in spite of himself!

    Take care all!! We are doing pretty good I think! Sometimes it is hard to fit it all in, but the alternative is not such a pretty picture, so we must be persistent and constant and accountable MOST of the time! LOL! Jan <3