Daily check in



  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    edited July 2015
    @germany03 you're right - lower Fix wasn't as bad as I expected this morning...although I could have gotten a little lower in my squats and lunges, but I will save that for next week, I suppose! It felt so good to stretch these legs out! And I know what you mean with the wobble LOL - I have to walk down about 40 steps to get to my office in the morning and it definitely took me longer than usual these past few days!!

    Day 4! I woke up and busted out Lower Fix this morning...packed my lunch and got my day started. I weighed myself today and was down 1 pound! I went to my grandmother's last night for her birthday and my mom and aunt were there. They all ordered pizza and ate cheesecake. I didn't give in...and I was so proud of myself - those are two of my favorite things! After I got home from that, I ate dinner (chicken wrapped in a WW tortilla) and then did the 10 Minute Ab Fix..WHEW! AUTUMN! What a burn. I have my first dress fitting for my wedding dress next week so I'm really trying to be strict about what I am eating. And I do have a wedding to go to this weekend so I know that will be my day that I might not do so well with the eating portion of this. I have a horseback riding lesson tonight so bonus calories burned :smile:
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @sarahrbraun . ..good for you to figgure out your metab. like that. Sorry to hear about your fall, hope you are not hurt too badly :(
    @jcraig10 you are doing awesome...wedding or not that cheesecake would half been mine..lol kudos to you for sticking to your guns :)

    @jpkrueger I'm already scared of what I will do to myself..lol..I'm going to try hard to show some restraint ;)

    So for today it's pretty much a done deal - my eye hurts so I know I have a migraine comming - blaah. Time to take some mess and try to get some shut eye for a while.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    @germany03- basically just a tender tailbone, and a few scratches on my palm
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Day 5! almost through the 1st week :) Started my day out with Cardio Fix. UGH. I can't even explain how much I hate cardio. I probably could have done better, but with my riding lesson last night - I was just TIRED. But I did it anyway. Fridays are usually our nights to go out to eat, but we are sticking to our guns here and eating dinner at home...planning on having some turkey meatballs and whole wheat pasta.

    wanted to share this recipe that I found online & tried last night. They are really good!

    Banana pancakes
    oatmeal (1Y)
    1/2 banana (1P)
    2 eggs (1R)
    Dash of cinnamon, vanilla extract
    1 tsp honey

    1. Blend oatmeal until flour-like (I put it in my nutribullet)
    2. Add eggs, banana, cinnamon & vanilla and blend until mixed (again, used my nutribullet)
    3. Heat skillet
    4. 4 pancakes per serving (I didn't quite get that many)
    5. Drizzle with honey
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    My first time doing pilates yesterday and let me tell it was hard. I'm not to sure how many workouts I screwed up. Today is day 5 of the fix and I do feel more energized..
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Day 6 here today. I started out my day with Dirty 30. I really liked this workout. Then my dog and I hit the trails and did a little walking/jogging...just about 2 miles on this hot day. Heading to a wedding tonight so I wont be the best with my dinner meal but I will try my best :)
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Day 7! I did well actually with dinner last night and only had a few drinks. Then I danced all night long to burn off those extra calories and didn't gain any weight :) yay! Yoga day today.
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    @jcraig10 y u r doing an awesome job. Today is day 7 for me to and that means yoga time.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hi everyone.. Resuming my training. Went through a horrible separation but now I'm back.

    Today's workout was L1 of 30 Day Shred followed by Dirty 30
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome back @dixiewhiskey . ...sorry to hear about your hard time ....but you know we are here ;) time to refocus on team @dixiewhiskey :)

    Everyone is doing so awesome...going to recommit tomorrow..weekend was not my best :/
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    edited July 2015
    Week 1 results are in....lost 2.8 pounds! Whooo! Way more than I expected. Sweating from push mowing the lawn in 100 degree heat yesterday may have contributed to some of that loss! And yes, I stayed very hydrated :)

    Yesterday was yoga and the first 5 minutes or so I reallllllllllly wasn't feeling it. I've never done yoga...but by the end I was loving it and omg it felt so good to stretch! I was so hungry yesterday, and I blame the beer from Saturday night...but I didn't give in to cravings and still only bought healthy at the grocery store. I made some tortilla chips with corn tortillas because I needed something crunchy!

    I just couldn't crawl out of bed to get my workout in this morning before work, but I do have all of my meals packed for the day and will get to Total Body Cardio tonight after work.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dixiewhiskey Sorry to hear about the horrible separation but glad you're back!

    So glad I check in here. I may not be doing 21DF and/or 21DFX but I do find everyone else's progress and success a motivation to keep doing what I'm doing.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Back from vacation. totally let loose and my body hates me. Gained about 8 pounds. Going to use this week to refocus and try to drop a few pounds. Then I am going back to the original 21DF for a solid 21 days of not cheating!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    So, today started week 2 of round 1 for me...and I weighed myself this morning to find a 2.6 loss. I'll take it!! Hoping I can be just as strict and on point this second week :)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Alright..re committed and back on the wagon :) ..walked 1.5 miles at lunch today and just finished total body cardio fix. Whoop whoop ..i feel so exited ..and tired..lol. I need to find something for post work out snack . ..have not eaten nearly enough today...was too busy to think about eating ;)
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    @mscote12 great work! I can already feel my 2nd week is going to be harder with the meals for me. Yesterday I couldn't help but eat way too many strawberries! Although, I think oversnacking on fruit isn't necessarily a bad thing for me at this point considering I used to oversnack on much much worse!

    @germany03 Good for you for hopping back on the wagon!

    I went home from work last night and got my workout in...Total Body Cardio Fix...and @germany03 just like you said last week, I didn't wake up nearly as sore this morning as I did last week. How awesome! I cooked tons of chicken last night to last me hopefully through a majority of the rest of the week. I got up this morning and did Upper Fix before work...I can't wait to get rid of these Bingo Wings!! Haha! My meals are packed and waiting for me in the fridge. Just ate 1/2 banana, 1 slice of Whole Wheat toast, and 2 slices of turkey bacon for breakfast (1P, 1Y, 1R). Chicken and brown rice is for lunch (1R 1Y). My snacks are grapes, sunflower seeds, almonds, and some homemade tortilla chips (1P 1O 1B 1Y). That puts me at 1Y over for the day, but yesterday I only had 1Y so it all evens out. The only tough thing for me is vegetables...I really don't like them!
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I checked in, life has been crazy.My 2nd round of 21DF was interrupted with a medical issue so I took two weeks off so I am feeling so much better and so I started my 3rd round of 21 DF and 1st round of T25 Alpha on Monday. Two days down.

    Welcome to all the new comers. Everyone sounds like they are doing well. @jcraig10 - Thank you for the recipe. I can't wait to try.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    @haleymiller0707 hope you like it!

    Week 2 Day 3 - tried on my wedding dress last night & it fits like a glove :) woke up and started my day with Lower Fix today and might do some 30DS when I get home. I definitely need to do 10 min abs.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jcraig10 Great results for your first week and even better that you're sticking with things. And especially thrilled to hear the dress fits like a glove.

    @dkwi04 I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for our trip. Slim in 6 was fine for visiting with my family but it didn't really give me the focused intensity with which I've become accustomed, thanks to Autumn. But I can't hop and jump around and such. I may decide to bring my PiYo DVDs with me but then I would need a mat and that takes up space in a suitcase. Ugh. I think I'll just to reconcile myself to some weight gain and hope that I walk off most of the damage.

    @mscote12 Another amazing result!

    @germany03 I want to know your secret to being too busy to eat. I am usually busy but rarely too busy that I forget to grab food.

    @haleymiller0707 Glad you're feeling better! I'm planning on starting T25 sometime in October. You'll have to tell me what you think of it!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • summerleigh76
    summerleigh76 Posts: 13 Member
    Just finished Upper Fix AND Lower Fix (I missed my workout yesterday but I wanted to stay as close to "on-track" as possible. Time to clean the house now :/