Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hello ladies, hope you are all enjoying the summer weather and getting out and about or.......enjoying the winter weather and staying snug indoors!

    @Janice thanks so much for the cooking methods for the chard. I have never tried it. Dont know if my mother grows it but I will probably find it in Uk when we go....only 3 weeks! Yaaay.
    You sound as though you are having another lovely trip out of the city! Enjoy! So glad you have joined us in the onsies! Happy dance!

    I use my phone or laptop(funny how they have different features of MFP depending which you are on!

    @Donna. Wow! You sound as though you are really hitting the right notes with food and the new guy! Great!

    @ Marney great if you can balance your fats but dont forget we need the saturated fats for many things in our bodies at cell level!

    @ May, sorry you have had to start the week with lunch with your mother! I think you forgot to mention that all her friends will also be telling HER how lucky she is that YOU organised all that for her!! She will have a hard time having a 'downer' on you to them with all that evidence in front of them!! YES! I sincerely hope your brother coughs up! Dont wait for him to offer...just tell him his share is.......she is his mother too! I am tremendously impressed that you have done this....just shows that when all is said and done that your heart and generosity is bigger than anything she can do to you!!! And in the evening for Georgia's birthday disco......you can show off your Granny moves! Lololol. I'm sure David has some too! Do you have a special song you always get up and boogie to together? The bump or YMCA?? Hehehehe.

    Funny old week here....soooo hot that I have been hibernating under the AC. Cant wait to get to UK. Seriously considering asking hubs if we can move back.....but then again in winter here it is glorious.....trouble is the summer here seems to be getting longer and longer and each year I seem to moan more and deal with it less well. Age or just my northern, temperate climate genes exerting themselves.
    From my happy low of 89.4 last tuesday it has been up in the 90's again until today when it edged down to 89.8. Cant see me making under 88 in 3 weeks but.....we live in hope!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Can I just say that I find it really awesome that this thread is now 1200+ posts strong? I just :heart: that. :)

    Would you ladies be interested in a sub-group of your own? We've got a couple sub-groups linked to this one for the sub-groups of people that grow large enough that seem to warrant it. That way, you can talk about stuff at the convergence of 50+ and low carb, without either feeling relegated to a single thread or feeling like you're inundating us young whippersnappers ( :wink: ) with not-really-applicable topics. If you think you'll use it, just let me know and I'll get one up for you (also, if someone wants to be a mod for it, let me know so I can promote you, as I'm rather hands-off when I can be and would just be a "mod" by virtue of creating it and being a mod of the main group).
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hey ladies, how is everyone. Yes, I am stalled out at 175. But I must perceiver. Going to get up a 4am to work 1st shift at my life extra job tomorrow, but will be home by 3pm. My man Gibbs is still in obedience classes and still learning. But Lord that puppy side to him wears me out. Gonna go to the farmers market Wensday and stock up. See ya soon and take care.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone is well. Finally back on track after last week (& weekend) binge. Will take a few more days I'm sure to be as settled in a as I was, but definitely easier to get back on track. Any other diet I would have thrown in the towel by now & just given up. Didn't notice bloating or swelling from the carbs, but boy did my knees start to hurt again & general lethargy.
    Have a good day.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Hello all my beautiful friends ! I haven't been on here much lately and feel bad that I have been out of touch !! Things are going very well in all aspects right now. The stall finally released me and the numbers started going down again which is always a wonderful mental boost for me. The icing on the cake so to speak is that I have found a man, a long distance relationship right now but not something I have had in my life since I lost my hubby. Very stange and exciting to feel emotions that I have had buried for so long. Very happy right now. He is about 3000miles away LOL but we are getting together in a month and we will see where it goes from there. Wishing you all a great day and a wonderful weekend xo
  • aquaticbliss
    aquaticbliss Posts: 6 Member
    I too have difficulties losing weight. I have to count calories as well as net carbs. To lose anything at all and keep cravings at bay, I find I have to keep calories under 1600 and net carbs around 25-30. I have over 100 to lose. So it will take a long time. But low carb has defineatly got rid of low blood sugar attacks, inflammation and that horrible insatiable desire to eat even when full! I have a day or every two months where I will only count calories and eat as much fruit, veggies, whole wheat and potatoes as allowed within 1600 cal. It helps me to keep from getting bored!
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I'm not quite 50, but am close enough to figure I can chime in. I've really struggled the past 9 months and like the OP, I'll see the scale drop 2 - 3 pounds and then jump right back to where I started with no understanding of why. I can tell I'm getting near menopause and wish I could expedite the process.
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi all, I haven't posted before but I do read the posts of others. I am in the process of taking control after months of going to hell with myself. I spent a month in Italy and followed that up with an Alaskan adventure. I've been ruminating on the fact that dieting is impossible if your life is unpredictable. I started a keto plan on Monday and will follow it carefully until Sept 1. At that point we're going away again. What I really need is a strategy while away from home. Has anyone come up with anything?

  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Found you all I think. Jane told me to see about joining. I am not here a lot. Very busy with work and yard. I am not 50 but I have gone through menopause. UGH. Weight loss is slow slow slow. About 5 pounds a month. It continues to go down so far. I am doing very low carb under 5 a day and usually keep calories in the 1100 or under range.It is a super hungry day when my calories get to 1100. I am not strict on counting calories. I just eat when I am hungry until I am no longer hungry. Very low carb seems to keep me from feeling hungry all the time like CICO always did. I do not log my foods here. I am already doing it at another site. I do not think that site has much for forum support for low carb people though.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies. Welcome to new ladies.

    It looks like I'm still liking my fasting regime and have gotten into a groove that feels normal to me now. The scale is going down slowly but steadily, so I am happy. I had a nice compliment from a staffmember this am. She works the night shift so I don't usually see her. She told me I look younger. She guessed that I am 38, but I am really 53! She must be pulling my leg somewhat but it's nice to hear people tell me I am looking good. I fit into smaller clothes this week, can't believe it really. I've still got a long way to go yet with my mission, but I can look in the mirror and like what I see for the first time in a long time. Got my hair cut this week too.....almost shaved on the sides and only about 1/2 inch or a little over a centimetre on top. I feel more confident this week, that's for sure.

    And I'm liking my work situation better as well. Good company with my men downstairs. It is so refreshing to be with real people, able to appreciate each other and work together. My boss upstairs is still a pain and has instituted a change in the way I do my work which I fear will backfire, but she's the boss and I'll have to deal with it. Hopefully my stress relief down in my haven will give me the strength to pull through. Kind people, and a bit of fun, just what I need.

    I had a lovely weekend last weekend. It was a very fun visit. I met a couple at my girlfriend's place who want me to go hang out with them at some sort of military motorcycle club. HHmmm. They're trying to encourage me to get out into the dating world. I chickened out this week, but we'll see if I gather up courage for next week.

    Nothing planned for this weekend, so I really should do some work around the house, and if it stops raining I'd like to get into the garden. I made one batch of dill pickles this week and I am sure that there will be more to pick. That's all for now. Hope everyone is keeping well.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    A quick poll - what device do you use to read and reply to this thread...

    Desktop or laptop computer
    iPad, Tablet or such
    Smart phone

    If it's more than one thing please specify.

    I use a laptop (strictly speaking, but it's) set up with an ergonomic keyboard and 3 monitors, so when I reply I have the thread on the centre monitor to read easily and Word on the right-hand monitor so I can type replies as I read. That's the easiest way I've found to read and reply to everyone since my last post.

    Cell phone, Samsung tablet, Kindle and desktop. ..

    My computer died and I only have my smartphone now. The screen is smaller so harder to see.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Just a quick little note to say that I am so pleased that I have grown enough cucumbers to make more pickles. Last year I had to purchase too many cucs from the farmers markets which made my pickles an expensive project when you factor in the cost of jars and supplies. This year will be better.

    I made a batch of bread and butter pickles last night with a bit of onion, red pepper and jalapeno pepper last night. The recipe called for 2.5 c of sugar but I used 1 c, which is what I think I use last year and they were plenty sweet, just to take the edge off the vinegar. I made 5 jars, so when you try to estimate how much of that sugar has stuck to each pickle, it must be negligible compared to the regular bread and butter pickle.

    I've got cucumbers for a batch of garlic dills soaking right now and will make a batch today, as well as make another batch of bread and butter pickles without peppers. The trouble is that my cucumbers are all different sizes, so I use the small uniform ones for dills and the bigger ones that get away from me for the others.

    Had a lovely walk to the park today too. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend !
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hello again, after being rather scarce around this neighborhood. I haven't had much to say, really; just the same old nothin' going on with me. I continue to lose/gain that same old 3 lbs. I did, however, drop a new .2 this morning, which I'm certain will be back tomorrow. That's ok. Sort of.

    Anyway, I went back to Dr. Fung's website today and read his series on fasting. I had listened to the youtubes, but learned so much reading his posts. He dispelled the idea that IF isn't helpful to women---I was so glad to read that! His practice has proven it to be as helpful to women as it is to men. So there! Also, there's no worry about losing muscle mass; it builds it! And it raises metabolism instead of lowering it! All very good news to me. Soooo, I'm back to fasting in hopes that it will shake up this massive plateau I've been on. I enjoyed the IF I did a couple of months ago, but got scared out of it by reading a post on a paleo site. Dr. Fung addresses that post, so now I feel much better about going ahead. He also wrote that the longer someone has struggled with obesity, the more they need to fast to interrupt the years of insulin resistance. The longer fasts are usually necessary to reset the weight the body wants to stay at. I think that would be me!

    It's been so exciting to watch @Kitn's response to fasting. After reading Dr. Fung today, I understand why you, @Kitn, have felt so well and had so much energy during your fasts. I realize that everyone will respond differently to fasting, and maybe it won't work for me, but I'm giving it another try. It's better than throwing in the towel.

    If anyone is interested, Dr. Fung's website is here: https://intensivedietarymanagement.com/women-and-fasting-part-10/
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thank you so much for finding this and sharing it Ellen ! I have been enjoying my fasting practice very much. It does not feel like deprivation to me, it is easy to do, especially while keto adapted.

    I don't feel any negative affects, feel great in fact. I especially like the part in the post where a feeling of well being and euphoria can be experienced, and that has definitely been my experience as well. I have lots of even energy throughout the day. That may be due to the fat content of my coffee however.

    I now eat once per day at supper. I am ready to eat then, but not starving. I usually feel like I could go longer without eating. When I do eat, I eat as well as possible, until I am full. This has resulted in lower caloric intake daily, and has eliminated evening snacking, which could sometimes be a problem for me. However, even if I do want a small bite of something later on, I likely haven't eaten that much anyway, and I'd still be under my goal with a snack.

    On the weekends, I tend to want to fast for about 48-66 hours, still wanting to reach 72 hours. But if a social situation comes up, I will end the fast and enjoy. If anything, this WOE feels like freedom to me.

    I know I won't suffer from a feeling of weakness or illness while fasting, and if I feel like I need to eat something, I have lots of food all around me and I can eat at any time ! It does give me a huge feeling of satisfaction that I have proven to myself that I can do this and I feel great !

    Don't throw in the towel, Ellen, why not give it a try. I figure that I got into this shape from having too many meals, so it will do me good to skip a few now. And my body seems to like it, because I feel good, alive.

    It's funny when people at work ask me what I am doing, and they warn me about potential dangers of fasting, yet have to admit that I look better and better as the weight comes off. My skin is clear and glows, and I can run circles around them...and I haven't even started really exercising yet !
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Thanks, Janice. I won't throw in the towel. I did my first 22 hr fast today, and am very pleased with myself! ;) It really wasn't hard. I plan to make it my daily routine as long as I feel well, but will see how it goes. I am so ready for this stall to be OVER and to see some results!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Janice & Ellen. Do you guys do the BPC in morning & then supper? Still trying to figure this IF out. I cut out the BPC for awhile cause I thought it was making me hungrier, but sure do miss it.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hello everyone. @Wheatlessgirl thank you for the Dr. Fungs website, I fast at times now I feel comfortable extending my time doing it. Stick with it, the weight will come off. Hope everyone is well and happy. Gotta go walk Gibbs now. See ya.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    I was doing BPC in my old office pre-flood, and had my blender and all ingredients at work. Then when my office changed I was making it at home and bringing it to work in a thermos. But this week, I've decided to use my Knight in shining armour's Tassimo machine in my new haven at work, so I'm not doing BPC this week, but just making fresh coffee to have with HWC. I'll see how I feel.

    Yesterday I was fine, but today I am hungry 3 hours before supper, which was not my experience when drinking the BPC. I may have to make a small BPC at home before work, just to get some calories and fat in, so I can last more comfortably until I plan to eat at supper.

    But generally if I have BPC in the am, I don't need to eat at all until supper.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I've never done BPC. I tried adding oil to my coffee, but it makes me feel a little ill. I'm used to drinking my coffee black, so that's probably why. I had broth with a pat of butter for "breakfast" since I need something with a morning med. Hopefully it won't throw off the fasting too much. I kind of wish I could do the BPC; so many people rave about how it sustains them for the day. Although, Dr. Fung doesn't recommend them during a fast.

    Yesterday I waited until dinner to eat; today I lasted 20 hours until I had a few slices of salami to tide me over until dinner. I hope to get to the point of lengthier fasts like Dr. Fung mentions on his blog. I'm so relieved that fasting is healthy rather than detrimental to health as long as it's properly done.

  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Just a quick little note to say that I am so pleased that I have grown enough cucumbers to make more pickles. Last year I had to purchase too many cucs from the farmers markets which made my pickles an expensive project when you factor in the cost of jars and supplies. This year will be better.

    I made a batch of bread and butter pickles last night with a bit of onion, red pepper and jalapeno pepper last night. The recipe called for 2.5 c of sugar but I used 1 c, which is what I think I use last year and they were plenty sweet, just to take the edge off the vinegar. I made 5 jars, so when you try to estimate how much of that sugar has stuck to each pickle, it must be negligible compared to the regular bread and butter pickle.

    I've got cucumbers for a batch of garlic dills soaking right now and will make a batch today, as well as make another batch of bread and butter pickles without peppers. The trouble is that my cucumbers are all different sizes, so I use the small uniform ones for dills and the bigger ones that get away from me for the others.

    Had a lovely walk to the park today too. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend !

    I love to can, dehydrate, and freeze. I have canned green beans, sourkraut, pickles, tomatoes. Dehydrate my herbs and freeze squash. It's a lot of work but so worth it.