Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Actually that is A pic of her instructor Desire and Phillip. He is from Spokane Washington. He owns a dance supply store. He comes up here and fits the girls for their pointe shoes and tap and jazz shoes. He also has pants shorts leotards sweaters bags and whatever else is needed for dance. And yes I will be swamped. Shaundra is looking at 9 1/2 hours of dance this year. Iris has 1hour. Luckily her class I'd only 15 minutes before Shaundra's class on Tuesdays. So essentially they dance at he same times. I like that idea :)

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Esther - I remember my first pair of those! A cool trick my dance teacher shared with me was to wrap my toes in bubble wrap to protect them whilst I got used to the shoes, Worked a treat! Some experts say natural animal wool by I much preferred bubble wrap ;-)

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Thanks eatless83. I will pass that on to her. She does have the little toe pads but I will suggest the bubble wrap to her. That is ingenious.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Sunday!

    Just peeking in before heading to church. Hope all of you are well and having a great weekend.

    :'( We are missing quite a few of our misfits of late. Where are you guys? Please check in with us soon. Your voices have been missed!

    Stay strong!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Still here at the cottage. The weather the last two days has been awesome. My grandson is going home and I will miss
    him. :(

    We will be going home tomorrow and back to eating normal and cutting calories.

    Having trouble sending a picture of Isaac. I will try when I get home.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Sunday Morning.
    Yes I too been missing our dear friends

    Fine day here in Texas. Still no rain just what little we got the other night.

    I have found a way to cook brown rice in my small crock pot. Cook some yesterday plan om making Spanish rice out of some left overs for lunch. I love cooking in my small one for I do not have to worry about burning it.

    I am changing my plans up a little. I am going to include carbs for breakfast and lunch and very little for dinner. Which will be at least 1 piece of fruit and vegies I am still just bouncing around of 3 lbs. My feet are swollen this morning.

    There got to be a way to lose

    my menu for today

    Breakfast .....1 c brown rice,Cinnamon, stevia. 1 T. of coffee creamer coffee

    Lunch Spanish rice. with black beans ,salad tea

    Smoothie with Strawberries


  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    I have been reading along but the start of the school year has me exhausted. Shuttling kids here and there and extra play dates too. I need to work some each week as well. I don't want to rely on eating out so I have also been busy preparing school lunches and home cooked dinners. I think in another week or two we will have our schedule figured out but for now I feel scattered.

    Seems when my schedule is different I stop losing. I guess I should be happy to maintain but I am ready to consistently lose again.

    Happy rest of Sunday

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good evening losers!!

    sorry I have been MIA this week. Ruthie, I hear you, such a crazy time, I love having my kids home but I crave routine and this is not routine!!! my goal was to just maintain for this two week period, I have eaten out a ton and sometimes at places where there is very few healthy options. the sodium levels of restaurant food are so high! I am with in 1 or 2 lbs. no loss:(

    I have had amazing quality time with my kids the past two weeks, especially my son. he will be 13 in November but we went to the city the other day. did some shopping grabbed some lunch and decided to go to the zoo. we were walking there and he reached for my hand and said "just like it use to be", thought I might cry.

    Marie, thanks for the cookie recipes, always looking to mix it up:)
    Connie, how is it going? how is the reset? you feeling good?
    Ester, very impressive daughter! I always wanted to be a dancer, never passed out of beginners:(
    Shirley, hope you are enjoying that delicious child. sometimes, I do wish my guys were still little. there is just something about a baby...yummy!!
    Nancy, hope you are doing ok with your MIL, hope she is well!!

    kids go back to school Wednesday, not that I am counting or anything!!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone, I havent been up to much, we had a nice fire and we smoked a chicken and a boston butt yesterday, I laid out for awhile. Today we just laid around and relaxed, I was glad to see my husband resting, he stays so busy. I havent weighed for a few days, hopefully not up. I hope everyone is well, and has a great week. Janice
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm holding my own, hoping there is a loss on Tuesday.

    I've been absolutely off on exercise, but I'm still managing my food intake and choices. I dropped out of my size 20 jeans and I have size 18's now. I tried them on this morning and they are even a little loose. I can pull them up and down without unfastening them, but that's how I like them. I don't switch my jeans until a belt is mandatory.

    Lots of people around me are struggling emotionally, financially, physically. A dear internet friend had a thoracic Aneurysm and is in a medically induced coma, I met her on a different weight loss site, she was the mother figure for us all, such a lovely lady, a real strong personality, but she is still critical, with no change since August 9th. She is only 56. Another friend is homeless had his daughter taken away/stolen by his now ex-girlfriend and he is trying to find them both, a third has his daughter in inpatient from a failed suicide attempt, girl is only 14, her grandfather died a few months ago and the family is barely holding on to their house due to all the costs for his funeral and now her inpatient care, another has had surgeries to repair bones, but they are in constant pain, the surgery didn't work well and she lost her job due to all the sick time, and last but not least another friend has had 4 deaths this year, her grandfather, her husband, her brother and this weekend her only son died in a car crash. I truly have no idea how she even handles waking up in the morning. Sometimes it is all so overwhelming.

    I remain a strong support to them, but I need to reserve a bit for myself, as my own daughter is struggling. 17 can suck when you can't see any future. My daughter was venting online about her anxieties and depression and we ended up with police at our house doing a well check. They feel she was just overwhelmed. So I'm trying to keep her hopes alive as she just started Senior Year of High School and she does have a future, of course, even if she can't figure it out yet.

    Anyway, holding my own and blessed to have all I do, really very grateful.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang. Ok. I'm here again finally. Haven't even looked at the phone today except to answer two calls. Been really busy with frosting an Olaf cake for Iris. Cleaned one of our apartments. It just needed a good mopping. Went to the Rec Center for Iris's birthday party. We had a private room for the cake and presents and then we went to the open swim for an hour and a half. Then we went to dinner with my brother and his son who are visiting for a few days. Tomorrow we are going on a float plane ride!!!! My favorite form of transportation!!!!!! My girls' favorite too. My nephew has never been on one. I will post a pic tomorrow of the float plane ride.

    Eninad......just give your daughter lots of hugs love and support. And don't forget to tell her how proud of her you are. We as parents sometimes forget that part. Shaundra (the one in pointe shoes) asked me why I show off her pictures and I told her it is because I am so very proud of her. She is very pretty, polite, sweet, friendly, and amazing. She started to get teary-eyed when I said that. Give your daughter a hug from me and tell her I said she is an amazing person because she has you for a mother.

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    @Eninad - stay strong for yourself and your daughter and keep up the positive thinking!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,035 Member
    :) Esther, great photo of your daughter in her new toe shoes......I took ballet for about eight years and the picture made me nostalgic.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday. I am back at it and committed to tracking, exercising, and chatting with my misfit friends. Why is it so easy to fall off course??
    It will be another hot day in Georgia but beginning tomorrow the heat and humidity are expected to break. Yay!

    Soccer starts up this week for both of mine and their practice schedules make it impossible for me to get both where they need to be. Not sure how this will work when hubs is traveling. Oh well, the things we do for those we love.

    Hoping everyone has a fabulous Monday!!


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Monday!

    Eninad..I agree with Esther..lots of encouragement. Parenting is a hard job and being adolescent is a hard job. Hang in there. We are here for you.

    Ruthie, Steph, Janice, Faye, Barbie...glad to see you guys back! Missed you.

    I've exercised and walked the dog. So sick of the humidity..soaked with sweat by the time I got back in the house. Not too much planned today. I am down .04 which puts me exactly where I was before the diet break. Still not doing a happy dance, but will take it.

    Stay strong, losers...it's a hard road to travel, but we can do it!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Misfits,
    Hope you had a good weekend.
    -Connie, Happy to see that you had a loss today!
    Have done my exercise for today. My new exercise regimen is a bit strenuous for me
    but I want to give it a try.
    Gotta make a Walmart run today.
    Have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So Happy to hear from you all.

    Eninad So sorry to hear your daughter is going thru some bad time/. Just give her all the love you ca

    Janice I was wondering about you , glad both you And your husband got some much needed rest

    Ruthie how old are your children?

    Stephanie You was very definite missed. You will be back in the groove soon.

    Shirley Glad to see you are coming home to get back in your routeen

    Connie where are you this morning?

    Nancy Hope things are working out for your MIL.

    I got my order of miracle noodles this morning Its not what I tried before but will make the thai coconut soup for lunch For 18 calories carbs 8 Banana

    Breakfast I had Spanish rice and grapes

    Dinner Probable Spanish rice and a big veggies salad.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I did weigh today and was happy to see that I am still in the 170's, It was beautiful here today, and I opened the house up and had my new air freshener going. Tonight I made us a big salad and a pasta salad to have with our barbecued smoked pork. I had alittle pasta salad and barbecue without a bun plus a salad, very satisfying. I have been putting grapes in my salad all summer, it really adds to it, plus my homemade pico de gio, from my tomatoes. I am so glad we planted them again. Next year maybe some zuchinni , too. Tonight the low is around 50 here, crazy but I like it. I'm getting tired, talk to you all soon. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    I'm right here, Marie! I posted yesterday morning right above Nancy's..you must have just missed me!

    Nancy..good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone! You are bound to feel some aches and pains the next day, but it should not be extreme pain or last very long.

    Looks like many of you have checked in (Becky? Ray?), and despite some glitches we call life, we are all doing as well as we can be. Sometimes it's just a matter of maintaining until we can get it together. Planning is key and that takes concentration so hang in until it settles for you.

    It's still hot and humid, and although I have just finished a walking DVD, I need to walk the dog. Other than that, I have a hair appointment today, grocery shopping, and need to start cleaning closets.

    Make it a great day, losers!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi there,

    hope everyone is great!!

    connie, good loss!! like I have said so many times over the last 9 months, the game is not linear. it is so weird. I think I have stayed in my calories and am up 2lbs? I am excited to get back in routine!!

    marie, make sure you wash the noodles well!! that is part of their preparation!

    nancy, good to see you!!

    ester, I get exhausted just reading about your life, you deserve a medal!!

    have a great day and will check in tomorrow once my rugrats get back to school!!!!
