Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    bf seems supportive about the race. I'm going to do the route tomorrow i think. If it seems doable by thanksgiving in a reasonable time, I'll sign up when i get back.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Sufferfest video this evening, A Very Dark Place. Warm up, a couple of anaerobic sprints and then five lactate threshold intervals of four minutes each, with three minute rest periods.

    30km in 55 minutes, although clearly on a turbo there's less wind resistance effect.

    Good session to keep things going
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    I am really, really bad at the daily part of the daily check in thread! Since my last post i have managed to complete a few more 10k training runs. Some were non-stop, others were 10:1's with the running group. My runner's math/logic failed me the weekend before last. It went something like: It's a beautiful day for a 10k... Let's see, about 3 km from home to lake, about 7 km around if I take the trail. Perfect. (Anyone catch the flaw yet?) It didn't hit me until somewhere just before km 9... I forgot to account for the 3 km that would get me home. I tossed around the idea of calling for a ride but pride & stubbornness got in the way. So I suffered and struggled through the last brutal 3k. It was not pretty, it took me nearly as long to complete that 3 as I typically do a 5, with walk breaks that were too frequent and too long in duration. I made it home though and my last interval was a run. A new PR - longest distance and time running to date. After that I hit a bit of a snag with my training, my husband had a week long business trip so my running took a back seat to family obligations and responsibilities. I did get out a couple times a week, but I missed my last planned long run before my race. This week I opted to keep the runs to 5k & my water running class.

    This is "Race Weekend" - my son's first ever kid's fun run is Saturday afternoon (800 meters for his age group) and my first ever 10k race is Sunday morning. :) At this point I'm more nervous about Little Man's race than my own... He just turned 5 last month so he will be among the youngest in his age group. I'm doing my best to manage his expectations and keep things light and fun. In typical running tradition, he's pretty much only in it for the t-shirt and finisher's medal. LOL For mine it's all about the little details: how early we have to leave, where to park, what to wear, what Little Man will do while he waits at the finish line with his dad. This is also Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so once the races are done we head home for turkey, stuffing and pie.

    The updates have been fantastic to read. Congrats & happy running to everyone!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Signed up for my first race. 8k on thanksgiving. Should be fun. And scary. But I get a hoodie and a cinnamon roll. Did a test run this morning and it went well. Garmin is off but runkeeper shows me on pace to finish within the time allowed already.

    Maybe I'll do a 10k for my birthday in January
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @samra338 just be careful not to overdo it. Hard sessions should be limited, hill repeats, tempo sessions one after the other is a recipe for over training. You know your limits and body, just be careful not to over do it.
    MM nice to see you recovering with an easy session !!
    @moyer566 good to see that you have family support for your event and that test run went well. YOu only get one first race, so try not to stress about it and really try to absorb the atmosphere and just enjoy it.
    @Skye_NS hope your weekend went well and the little man enjoyed himself.

    Well two bike rides this weekend, the first over a lot of grassland and down green lanes, the last green lane so bad that I got a puncture, first time I've had to do a roadside inner tube replacement. Repaired the inner tube when I got home and found that I had got 3 pinch puncture on that last downhill section. Truly awful. This morning a gentle ride out to the National Watersports Centre and did a recce on the duathlon course that I may do at the end of next month.

    Back to running tomorrow, not fancying commuting by bike with overnight temps dropping below freezing point.

    Have fun

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Crosstraining today. I took my carbon frame out for a nice comfortable 60km ride out into Salisbury Plain. Pretty good time, it took 2:20, so I was happy enough. I stopped and had a gel at about 35km but felt my legs start to give out in the last 5km, so if I'm doing longer sessions I'll need to sort out my feeding strategy.

    Riding is a bit more suitable for flapjacks and the like that can settle in the stomach more comfortably than when running, but they do need more water at the same time.

    The main risk is idiot cage dwellers who seem to think that a close pass is safe.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm reading and cheering everyone on mentally, just struggling to find time to compose a response for everyone, so I'll go with the "good running everyone!" ;)

    My runs have been a bit mixed lately, with odd mojo and life interfering. Todays run was both great and horrible. Great for a few new trails, although some I won't use by myself again, because technically we shouldn't have been running there. Horrendous as the accumulated fatigue in my legs had me walking nearly all the uphills, and with the group I was running with, this meant I was left in the dust as they powered along. I even struggled to make ground on the downhills where I normally excel. Hope I can head out with that group again soon, they're on the next level above me, so will push me towards where I need to be. As for the accumulated fatigue, I worked out I've done just over 880km in the last 11 weeks.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I always feel do encouraged when I see everyone just keep moving forward with their training
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    I ran the Space City 10 Miler today. Despite my 8 mile run last weekend, I was still a bit nervous that I would gas out (or worse) on this one. Thankfully, it went much better than I expected!! Official times aren't posted but my Runkeeper says I ran 10.13 miles in 1:46:39 with an average pace of 10:32 min/mi. Looking at the splits, I kept my 10 min (and change) pace throughout...no going out too fast and then paying for it later. I teared up a little at the end...getting closer to that half marathon goal every day!!!

    Here's me kissing the bling :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ran 5k with my coworker on Friday afternoon. She is getting faster! Before long, she will be slowing down to stay with me!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Just got caught up on all the posts. Everyone's doing an amazing job. The doctor released my from my boot last week. Achilles' tendon is much better. He said to ease into increasing my activity. Last week was just normal activity and wearing regular shoes. This week I'm going to speed walk. I'm nervous about running again. I've been away from it so long that I feel like I should start over with c25k.

    Here's to a good week :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @LLduds Great work on your race, and nice bling! :)
    @Just_Ceci Keep with your speed work, and your coworker and you may surprise yourself :)
    @fit4life_73 Starting over with C25K as a recovery plan actually isn't a bad idea. Just make sure you don't treat it like interval training :)
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Well done @LLduds
    Thanks @ftrobbie You are right, of course. It was a one off as I was feeling very energetic that day.
    @taelisyn That's some serious mileage!
    Good to know you got your foot sorted out, @fit4life_73
    Im back to easy runs, aiming for 8 miles this week.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    ugh such an ugly run this morning. it was warm and humid and i got lost so i ended up doing extra mileage. and walking. there was walking. 4.3 miles in 56 min :frowning:
    but saturday was such a good run, i try to hold on to that but now I'm thinking about my abilities with the 8k.
    i know bad runs happen. i just don't like it when they do
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @samra338 Although the legs are getting tired with the mileage, mentally I'm a lot better. I seem to self medicate with running. I have built up to it, but still not exactly the plan I would recommend for anyone else lol.

    @moyer566 Humidty can totally screw you over! Don't worry about the walking either, especially with getting lost. You'll be fine for your 8k
    Yeah bad runs happen, and yes they totally suck when they do, but they need to be accepted as part of running and you will get past them!

    This week starts my decent into taper; and the madness that I know will accompany it. So in true taper style I'm dropping the distance and upping the intensity. 10k with a few minute pause in the middle as I had to change seasons etc on my Zombies, Run! app, and then 3.8k with the dog.
    I've come to the realisation that a full 'conversational' pace is never going to happen, as I actually struggle to keep a conversation up and walk at the same time. However, a conversational pace that may take a few breaths between, seems no harder for me at 4:45 pace, than 6:00 pace, thus I think once my taper is over, it's time to start pushing. If I push through the summer, I should be able to smash my runs in winter.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    today i did another run per my HM plan 45 min. The distance was crud and at first glance so was my pace, but if i look at it minus the walking in the beginning and end it improves. a lot.
    i was having a hard time breathing today. it feels congested but not when i am not running. oh well.
    tomorrow is a rest day and then i have 55 or 65 min. don't have the plan in front of me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    3 mile run after work in 29:30 followed by a leisurely 9 mile bike ride. It was hot. I've done a good enough job of motivating people that I have someone wanting to run or ride with me almost daily! I hope that keeps up! <3
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @moyer566 excellent, today made up for yesterday's run :) can't wait to hear how you HM training and race go. very exciting.
    @Just_ceci nice run--where is it hot?

    I have to get caught up on all posts, will do tonight.

    Did W12D3 -- ran a bit more and did not walk, 6.52 miles.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @snha looking good

    rest day which is yoga day. so that's nice. I'm hoping to get my mileage up. I think I'll switch to mileage over time in the next couple of weeks.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @snha It is hot in Northwest Arkansas, supposed to get colder on Saturday, but record high temps this week!

    Left work early to ride with the girls yesterday- 21 miles.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    2 miles.
    first mile was 12:30, second 10:00ish so that's pretty awesome.
    i was supposed to do 4.5mi but I overslept.
    long run-6.5-on saturday
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I was supposed to run yesterday, but one of my friends asked me to ride with her, so we got in 16 miles before dark! Hopefully will get some running in during my Girls on the Run class today.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    i'm back long enough to say i ran a quick 5 km this morning in 28:56 - not too shabby for a girl coming out of a turkey hangover and a 10-day vacation from her running shoes!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Still running! Dropped from 13 min miles to 11! Next 5k thanksgiving weekend,
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Still running! Dropped from 13 min miles to 11! Next 5k thanksgiving weekend,
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    rest day. hoping to get 2 hours of aerial yoga in
    also wearing my "winter" trail shoes. hoping to break in the ankle area. i might need inserts to bring up my ankle bone a tad. I have some charcoal ones that are thin. maybe
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    I ran the 2nd of 3 races in the Texas Bridge Series today - The Toughest 10K Galveston (http://www.toughest10kgalveston.org). It went soooo well!! I actually PR'd at 1:01:28!!! So I'm getting closer to a sub-60 min 10K. The weather was cool (for our part of Texas), the bridge wasn't as horribly steep, and the wind wasn't terrible. Next run in the TBS will be my first half marathon...11/15/15!

    Here's a pic of me with the bling...that's my friend Linda in the pink (she's a nurse in my department who started running after she beat breast cancer).

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Great job.
    I ran about 5.5 miles today. It was not a smooth run including a fall in front of a full restaurant but I did it. Pace was just under 12 min.

    I was Hoping for more but I ran yesterday at probably a1030 or 11 flat pace with my stepdaughter to be. Tired legs
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @maggiekat7 Great job on the 5k!

    Good to see you still running and getting better, @DianaLovesCoffee

    @LLduds I'd so be running with you in these races if I still lived in Texas!

    I ran 5 miles on Friday, 53:37- stomach started giving me fits about 2 miles in, but all I could do was keep running!

    Saturday, I rode my bike over a mountain- almost 42 miles with just over 3,300 feet in elevation change.