Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    Not much new here. I've jumped back into this WOE and all seems to be going well so far.

    We are leaving early tomorrow to travel for a family reunion this weekend. While I love most of my family there are always those... well, you ladies know, we all have a few. It's going to be the first large gathering after loosing Russel so I am expecting the tears. Hopefully there will be lots of laughter to soothe also. Should be an interesting trip with my Moma and two toddlers - not sure who has to stop more often, my potty training 3 year old Grandflower or my 73 year old Moma!! Gotta love em.

    Wishing everyone continued successes and much peace.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi everyone! :smiley:

    @ Janice, being the stronger person during all of this must be hard! Emotions can be terribly difficult to control when you know you are being wronged! Changing communication to email is brilliant. At least they will know there's a record too and hopefully help you in the long run. Your weight loss is fantastic ! Is a testament to your new healthy body, and state of mind! I'm so glad that fasting is working so well for you!!!

    @canadjineh, having a family member with dementia can be challenging, but when it's a parent the challenge is multiplied greatly, throughout every aspect of our lives. I must ask, does she take any cholesterol lowering medication? I ask because one of the long term side effects they are now seeing is dementia. Hope you feel better quick!

    @Ellen!!! So good to see you!!! Happy you feel up to updating us on your status! Life turmoil can draw us away at times. I'm so happy yours seem to be less stressful right now, and hope they continue to improve!

    Jane!! No, hubby still isn't dealing with reality where Landon is concerned. He apparently wants to keep his head in the sand about it. I'm complete opposite and am up in Landons business, bluntly if need be. I sure hope the request for saline only IV fluids is adhered to by all. I'm sure they will since there's not really any need for the dextrose. I hope the surgery goes well and you're travels are safe! It's awesome that your husband is going to get you some domestic help for a month! Look forward to seeing your progress!

    @Rebecca, safe travels to your family reunion! I understand, completely, the type of family you mentioned, lol! I have my own reunion in a few weeks. It's nice that this woe is so easy to jump back into when ready!

    Keep on keepin on everybody! A op in when you can! Hugs!!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Checking in to see how everyone is doing today?

    I am attempting my first fasting day. Will be fine until I get home and hubby says - what do you want for dinner? Not sure he will be on board with a fast as he is barely on board with LCHF. Luckily, I am feeling good, my nails are stronger and healthy looking (good indicator of health!) and I am happier with this WOE. Nothing for him to complain about.

    My main reason for trying the fast was as a pre-emptive strike for a couple of work trips that I have coming up. Will be traveling to Europe the week of Nov. 2nd, then a trip to a trade show in Las Vegas the week of Nov. 15th. Then my birthday on the 21st, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years - yikes the year is getting away from me already!!! I need to have a go to strategy for getting control back if I have the inevitable detour from the plan.

    Last year, I let everything go the h*** in a hand basket during the holidays and beyond, which is why I reached my highest non-pregnant weight this August, SO, I am determined to NOT do that this year. I hope everyone here plans on staying close and checking in over the upcoming holidays?

    Good luck to all!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, ladies, I don't pop in this thread very often because it is too much for me to keep up on. But I have a question just for ladies of a certain age. I am still in perimenopause..... though I only had three periods this year, April, September, October. Between the Sept-Oct, I got very very very very sore boobs. A lot more sore than normal, and for almost the whole time between, like 3 weeks, instead of just the week leading up to period which is what I used to experience. My period ended the other day and my boobs are still a bit tender, where normally there should be no pain now. So.... I'm reading some stuff and I see that lack of magnesium can be the culprit. Since I have been eating normally 50-100g of carbs, I haven't noticed muscle cramps or things that required me to take magnesium. So, I'm trying that. Just wondered if anyone else ever experienced that?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello! :smiley:
    @ Christine, my hubby doesn't understand fasting. The idea that someone would choose to not eat would not make sense to him. He is happy with the results he is seeing, but doesn't support me either. Onward! Remembering the pain I suffered with is enough motivation to keep me away from carbs. The holidays will have challenges. I just figure on making the best choice possible and leaving the rest! I will be here! Not going anywhere!

    @deksgrl, the soreness is a symptom I've not experienced (thankfully). I would increase the magnesium and see if it helps.

    I'm waiting for the nursing board to get the license renewed so I can apply for a position at an outpatient surgery center (the same place I've had procedures done) that I feel would be the right pace for me. I believe its renewal time for all RNs right now, so it will take longer than I anticipated to get the renewal I'm excited to be working again! :smiley:

    I'm still stuck. My carbs are still 20, or less each day. Bouncing between 198 and 204 now. I am wearing a comfortable size XL in my tops now. Some size L too! I'm happy with where I am. I would like to lose a bit more, but it's okay if I don't.
    My second full week of wearing the pedometer ended this morning and I passed last weeks total by right at 1500 steps. I'm proud of this since I had that day with a migraine. I am tolerating the increase in activity level so far.

    I think about things I want to talk about, all the time. Then, once I'm here I can't remember!

    Anyway, I hope everyone is well!!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi ladies. Just checking in. Had a rough couple weeks and fell off my <20 carb wagon. On the really bad days I still tried to stay <100. Fast food & hospital cafeterias between appointments made things tough. More checkups in 3 months. Plus meds. (Don't like taking anything, but got so bad I will til everything is straightened out). With no ovaries, tubes, or uterus Dr is stymied where/why/what pain is. Going back to bowel specialist is next. Thank goodness I was logging food so I could show that I haven't introduced anything new to trigger this. (Started well before Thanksgiving indulgence). At least my diagnostic mammograms & ultrasounds showed the lumps were fibrous tissue not what I had last year, yay! Sorry about the whining, starting over again today now I'm back home. Not weighing til Monday to see how much damage I did scale-wise.
    Have a good weekend everybody.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi Kathie! I sure hope they figure out your pain! I think I mentioned the endometriosis that I deal with monthly (even with a total hysterectomy). It lives off of estrogen, and my doctor says it would take about six months without any for them to die off. So, no, not happening. I will live with the monthly cramps. At least I know what they are. Btw: I was 36 years old when I was diagnosed with endo. It doesn't just show up in younger women. That's my thinkin on it anyway. Whine away lady! If we can whine here, we can't whine anywhere! That's another big part of this support! Glad your getting you new start too! Best of luck!

    I remembered one of the things I wanted to mention earlier, lol! Landons been haunted house crazy this year (even volunteering at one locally). Yesterday evening he dressed up in costume, with his new friends, to go to some other houses around the region. They look so good! I saw a serious face on Landon, and asking d him if he was okay. He said, "Mom, we're in character." Lol! So, I'm posting the picture I took of them. Landon is on the right. See y'all later! :smiley:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Stupid pictures didn't show up. Trying again!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Apparently it's not going to work right now, ugh! Technology can suck sometimes!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm trying on old clothes from my closet and I'm simply delighted that some of my old size 12 things fit! pj3psglnikrqv.jpg
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Where did my other picture go ?lrl0u5mrn8xa.jpg
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hi everyone. It's good to read up about you all. I'm happy for @Karla and new beginnings on the horizon. @Jane, hope all goes well with your surgery. Always good to hear from @Kathie, @Ellen and everyone else old and new !

    I hadn't planned on going through more clothes today, but I'm glad I did ! I thought I had a ways to go before I could find more clothes that fit. I'm so happy to find a couple dressier outfits and tops. The top right above has a sheer black over-blouse with a bit of pattern to it. I remember buying this outfit for our work Christmas party in 2004. I think it still looks OK to wear, not too out of date. The pants are a nice wide leg cut that I like, that you can't always find these days. I have two pairs of those dress pants all of a sudden ( size 12 OMG ), and found a couple of casual pants for work and a pair of size 13 jeans that fit, a whole bunch of blouses and shirts too. They are all in the washing machine right now. I now won't have to shop for clothes until these are too big. Bonus ! I thought that I needed new pants to tide me over, but I don't !

    I attended a political rally today and that was fun. @canajineh, I met Justin Trudeau today, not sure if anyone else here will know him. We have a federal election on Monday for a MP's and Prime Minister.

    Today's weather was cold, but I was glad that I was feeling good enough despite fighting this cold, to go for a walk. I'm at hour 28 of my weekend 48 hour fast, a piece of cake compared to 72 hours. I sure love the fasting ! I've got a bear roast marinating now, going to braise and roast it tomorrow for supper to break my fast. Then I'lI really be strong to last the next work week. Thank you to all who have listened to my saga at work and offered support, as well as cheering me on with my fasting. I am proud of myself that I have been able to continue on with my weight loss mission in spite of all this stress. I'll see what the scale says tomorrow, but I'm expecting another loss. I have a ways to go before I am able to control my emotions and gain some self confidence with the work stuff, but the weight loss and smaller clothes help boost me up, that's for sure ! And all of you too. Best wishes to all !
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all....just a quick check in from nice and cool Bournemouth.....only 14C instead of 36C!!! Lovely!
    Karla and Janice you two are still awesome, not only in your results but in that you are wonderful examples of all the positive things you can achieve with this woe. Rock on!

    Kathy so sorry you are still having that pain, what a total bummer! Good that your breast lumps are just fibrous this time! Great.
    Keep on trying your IF Christine, it gets to be fun seeing how long you can go before husbands start 'tutting' at you and making 'thats ridiculous' comments! I'm happy to say mine has now given up! Hehehe.

    Sorry deksgrl, cant help you there except to say that breast pain and swelling is usually to higher estrogen so maybe your progeetogen has had a sudden drop. Hopefully that will go quickly.

    Gotmy pre-op check tomorrow....please send positive thoughts to the Nurse to agree to my requests regarding Dextrose IV etc etc. Hubby has asked me not to get 'stroppy' with them about it as they just may not understand and @you dont want to antagonise them'......actually I do!!! Lolol. I want them to know about it and why! We shall see.

    Got to see my mother tomorrow, she may turn up at the hospital but hopefully the drive will be too much for her! Saturday she is off on a cruise for a week-her first- thank God for small blessings! I dont think her coming to help look after me would be conducive to healing! Lol. More stress-creating.

    Have a good week all

    Lots of love.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    edited October 2015
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Hi all....just a quick check in from nice and cool Bournemouth.....only 14C instead of 36C!!! Lovely!
    Karla and Janice you two are still awesome, not only in your results but in that you are wonderful examples of all the positive things you can achieve with this woe. Rock on!

    Kathy so sorry you are still having that pain, what a total bummer! Good that your breast lumps are just fibrous this time! Great.
    Keep on trying your IF Christine, it gets to be fun seeing how long you can go before husbands start 'tutting' at you and making 'thats ridiculous' comments! I'm happy to say mine has now given up! Hehehe.

    Sorry deksgrl, cant help you there except to say that breast pain and swelling is usually to higher estrogen so maybe your progeetogen has had a sudden drop. Hopefully that will go quickly.

    Gotmy pre-op check tomorrow....please send positive thoughts to the Nurse to agree to my requests regarding Dextrose IV etc etc. Hubby has asked me not to get 'stroppy' with them about it as they just may not understand and @you dont want to antagonise them'......actually I do!!! Lolol. I want them to know about it and why! We shall see.

    Got to see my mother tomorrow, she may turn up at the hospital but hopefully the drive will be too much for her! Saturday she is off on a cruise for a week-her first- thank God for small blessings! I dont think her coming to help look after me would be conducive to healing! Lol. More stress-creating.

    Have a good week all

    Lots of love.

    Good wishes on your surgery. I had surgery last summer and asked about the glucose/dextrose and the nurses said they do not use it in regular IV. They use saline solution. I did check the bag to be sure. LOL They were very nice and understanding and one of them had also lost 20 pounds doing LC so she totally got it.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member

    @Janice, love the clothes! It's so nice to find new clothes in our closets, especially when we aren't expecting it! I love both tops and they look very flattering on you! :smiley: Am glad the political rally was successful for you! Hope your elections yield better results for Canada than what we've had here, in the U.S.! Our leaders have forgotten that they are leading the people, not themselves, imo! The strength you are gaining from the stress won't ever be able to be measured except through your success, and you're there! :smiley: I'm sure you will continue to grow stronger in spite of the stress!

    @Jane, I'm sending prayers your way for an uneventful surgery and for the surgeons hand to be guided with the skill necessary to create the best outcome possible! I'm sure the medical community is beginning to see more requests like this too. It's true that saline is the routine IV solution used. Some IV medications (antibiotics, pain meds...) are mixed with dextrose solutions. That's something to consider when they are administering anything other than the primary fluids. It's okay to not prefer having your mom there after surgery. When our mothers tend to create stress for us it is best not to have them around during a time when the body needs to heal! :smiley:

    I've begun to keep notes, to remind me of topics I've wanted to mention. One thing is that I've been decreasing the caffeine I drink. I actually mix decaf coffee with half caf and am transitioning to decaf. I've never been caffeine crazy, but didn't prefer the taste of decaf. Now, it's tasting good to me. I switched to just using heavy whipping cream too. No sweeteners at all. The hwc seems to be just right!
    Another NSV for me is with my medications! I've been able to stop taking medicine for fibromyalgia and an antibiotic I've been on for years that was for my skin! Every time I would try to just cut back on the antibiotic I would begin to break out and then have to increase it again. I haven't taken it in over a week, after cutting the dose in half for a few weeks, and no problems! I did wean myself from the fibromyalgia medication since it has antidepressant properties to it, but have now been off of it for almost three weeks!
    Am still waiting for state board of nursing to update my license! Will let y'all know more about the job search once they do!
    Anyway, great to see y'all! Love yourselves! Hugs to all! See you soon! :smiley:
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Happy Monday, ladies!

    @Janice - great clothes - so happy for you to avoid shopping - I hate shopping!

    @Jane - Yes, hubby loves to tut and worry. I guess that means he loves me! Sending you healing thoughts and good wishes for your surgery! Check in when you can.

    @Karla - Keto is so good for your skin! Glad you could stop your antibiotics. My husband keeps commenting on how soft my skin is these days and I keep telling him it is because of my eating. :smile: ...also, my Epsom salt and coconut oil baths for relaxation and detox, but mostly because of the food!

    Had a great weekend with lots of company. Brother-in-law and his wife stayed 2 nights, plus our girls had a friend over one night. Niece and her boyfriend visited for dinner Saturday as well. Only bad thing was the wine I had Saturday night - feeling back on track today!

    Hubby is planning a hunting trip this weekend leaving Thursday, so maybe I will try the fasting again Thursday/Friday. We are getting a new puppy this weekend too - so excited!!! It will be busy having a new baby in the house (puppies seem to be more work than kids :wink: ).

    Have a good week, everyone!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Kitnthecat : Justin is the only politician that I like (that's only because he's cute enough to jump his bones - politicians gag me generally). I'm glad they are only allowed 70 days to politick here as opposed to 3.5 yrs in the US lol. Yes, I am being facetious. ;)
    Cute closet shopping BTW!
    Hi to all the other gals, I'm off to work in a short bit so I won't get carried away here.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    He is in the lead! Yeah Justin!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    My pictures are all blurry. It was so exciting. What a nice guy, it was such a pleasure to hear him speak about issues that matter to me. I felt like I was at a rock concert, and now he will be our new Prime Minister!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good Tuesday to all. I sure am glad for cooler weather. The beautifully colored leaves are now falling from the trees like snow and covering the ground.

    @Jane---you have been so much on my mind. I hope your surgery goes smoothly and the surgeon does his best work for you! Wish we could all pop into your hospital room with flowers and balloons and a big steak! <3 Feel better soon, dear friend! And let us know how you're doing as soon as you're up to it!

    @Janice---my goodness, you are so full of joy and energy and beauty! Really lovely to see. So exciting that you're able to fit into those smaller sizes; yay for you!

    @Karla---you gun-toting mama, you! What a hair-raising incident with the dogs attacking your pets! So glad you were able to protect them and yourself. Are your dog and cat doing ok now? So great that you're able to get off the fibro med and the antibiotic. I still need one for my skin, but hope to eventually get off it. My skin has been so bad since being on LCHF.

    @christineellis---good luck with the new puppy! Ours is 5 1/2 mos old now and sure keeps us on our toes. Be sure to post a picture for us!

    @canadjineh--you're right about our US politics; they go on faaarrrrr too long. So sick of hearing all the blather!

    Have a great day, everyone!