Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Goodness I'm still reeling from the pit bull dogs incident! I've never shot a living thing before, but didn't hesitate! Those dogs were frenzied (sp?)! You could see the crazy in their eyes, like a person wacked out on drugs! You hear of these things happening but never dream it will be you!

    @Christine, a new puppy is going to be fun too! I know they are lots of work but the joy and unconditional love they bring is wonderful! :-) Enjoy! This woe is slowly changing my body. I feel like I am glowing, like Janice does!

    @canadjineh!! Hello dear! Hope work is good! :-)

    @Janice! How exciting you were able to get that close to the man who is now Canada's Prime Minister! Politics can be very exciting! I hope he leads Canada in a positive direction!

    @Ellen, my cat and dog are both suffering from multiple puncture wounds, none requiring stitches, just have to watch for infection. I think the cat has a little more internal damage around his hips since he is having trouble walking. I've moved him into the house, for good. He wouldn't be able to run in defense right now anyway, so he is now an indoor kitty. I love the fall change to the leaves on the trees! The colors are breath taking. I consider myself fortunate to have seen them many times since my grandmother lives in northeast Tennessee (U.S.).

    @Jane, having thoughts about you and hoping all is going well so far! Please update us as you can!

    Did spend part of today with my mom and dad. They invited me to lunch and I make sure to take every chance I can to show them how deliciously I can eat. We went to a little, local, country type buffet. My parents are friends with the owners and like to go there. Of the choices I had meatloaf, baked chicken leg and a salad. I try to show them that I don't go hungry, and get to eat the good foods with this woe too. I think I get to them a little bit each time.

    I have chicken in the oven for our supper too. But, mine will be better than hers!

    Hugs everybody!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Oh I am so excited ! I watched all of the election coverage last night. I am so happy Justin got in ! Yes, it was great to be that close to him. I almost reached out to him to touch him...but I am a polite and reserved Canadian. I just clapped and cheered and laughed. It was so joyous. He was so happy to see us. It did not look like an act. He seemed so genuine and sincere, like a real person, not a god, or someone made up to look like he was made out of plastic. I believe he will bring a bright future to Canada. Such a nice boy, a beautiful family, and I loved his Mom and Dad. His dad was an icon. This is the first father and then son to become Prime Minister. I think I cried for 8 days straight when Pierre Trudeau died. He had such vision for Canada, and I think Justin will bring the heart back to Canada, where the last robotic leader ( shudder) ripped it out. Sigh. A happy day.

    And I had a long talk with the Member of Parliament in my political riding. It was such a pleasure to meet him...he's a real person too ! Now I wish I'd joined their team, but I already feel like part of their team ! It was my meeting with my new MP that brought me the invitation via Justin's recorded voice on my telephone to come meet him. I love them both and I love my country and the fact that I can play an active part in contributing to my society and the way I want my country to be run ! I am full of joy !

    I'm sorry, I'm just too excited to even comment on everyone's news ! I love you, have a great day !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. The weather is still holding on, a bit chilly, but nice enough to finish up some yardwork, ugh. Started a new project yesterday. Am slowly putting basement back together after kids moved out and decided to paint some mismatched furniture (not as easy as it looks on Internet). I love painting but am very, very bad at it. Have first colour on one dresser and hope to get second on today, so I can "distress" it. Finding chalk paint in the back of beyond here was a bit of a challenge. And blisters on my middle fingers must mean I was holding brush wrong. My mother is horrified that I'm "ruining" furniture. In her mind I'm decreasing the value of it. I have no intentions of ever selling it and have a look in my mind that I want the room to have. Too bad my mind and my capabilities don't match up, lol. Can't wait to see finished project, tho. Pain has subsided to dull roar, hopefully will get over this soon. Am back LCHF more consistently and still waiting for those stubborn pounds to disappear.
    Have a great rest of the week!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    Too bad my mind and my capabilities don't match up, lol. /quote]

    Ha! I'm definitely with you on that one! Pinterest is full of so many good ideas, but my trying to duplicate them is often an abysmal failure. I bet your painted furniture turns out far better than you think--good luck! And I hope your pain subsides even more. Good for you, getting back to LCHF more consistently. I'm struggling to do that, too.

    Enjoy your painting, and give us a peek at the beautiful finished product. :)
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! Something weird going on with me. I did a fast last week on Thursday - all was well, but didn't lose much weight. This week, I am keeping to my normal LCHF eating, not over on my calories, but gaining weight. Ugh. Feel like I am going to have a period, but am sure that I won't...

    Anyway, must just be one of those things that we don't have control over. I always log my weights and there are many, many stair steps on my chart! Trying to get below 170 by the end of October and am getting so close. Was down to 172, but now back up to 174... Patience, I know! I think I am low on water this week - like Ditto Dan's saying, if you ain't peeing you ain't losing. :smile:

    I'll check back later this weekend with puppy pictures!!!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone, just a quick check in with you all . The op went very well and the Consultant was very happy that he achieved exactly what he wanted. I have been pretty pain free....just dull aches really and controlled by paracetamol and a hot water bottle. Still feeling nauseated at times but apparently that is common with gynae ops. Came back to the cottage yesterday so can relax and sleep well...never happens in hospital does it!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Argghhhh. The mobile cut my post in half!
    Now facing waiting for my bowels to work...I didn't have stitches after giving birth but now feel for those of you who did! Have taken Natural Calm magnesium but don't want anything to violent...need to heal well before flying.
    Thanks so much for all your messages. Lots of love to you all.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    I didn't have stitches after giving birth but now feel for those of you who did!

    Stiches are no fun! I had a couple of stitches after delivery 12.5 lbs worth of twin girls. :smile: Then no stitches with my 10 lb boy...things were fairly stretched out from the year before!

    So glad you are not feeling too much discomfort. Healing thoughts, so you can go home on time!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been sick from eating a bunless cheeseburger at the fair on Wednesday! I don't know what it was that hit me but I can say it cleaned me out! Ugh! Even through today! Another lesson learned! Scale is down to 196, but I certainly don't trust it after the bathroom issues the past two days! Is nice to see though!

    @Janice, your excitement over the win for your candidate is fun to see! I'm so glad your choice won!

    @Kathie, the painting of the dressers sounds so unique! Will look forward to a picture soon! Glad your pain is somewhat better!

    @Christine, try not to allow the scale to dictate your choices, go with how you feel always. That said, I had a total gain of 22 pounds, over a two week period in June, after I began adding a sugar free coffee syrup to my coffee (was the only dietary change) and am still fighting to get it off! I don't know if you are using splenda or not, but it may deserve a look if you are. It makes no sense, but it happened! I've had to learn to go with how I feel and it's kept me here!

    @Jane!! So great to hear the surgery went well! Sorry about the stitches! My son is almost 19 and I remember it well! Witch Hazel works wonders in a sitz bath too! I hope the bowels get to moving soon. You will feel better once they get going again too! I pray your recovery continues to go well!

    So good to see you all here! Hugs! We are doing this!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello ladies! It's been crazy weekend here with teenagers, and young adults, everywhere! This new social life of my son's is definitely an adjustment for me and hubby. I want them to feel welcome, but I don't know them (or their parents) and it makes me nervous wondering who I have in my home. Is that irrational? Landon always resisted anything social, especially at home, so this is a whole new thing here at 18 years old. I like that they like being here and knowing that Landon is in a safe place makes me happy too!

    I'm still upset over the dog attack last week! The fact that the owners haven't ever made any attempt to contact me hasn't made me very happy either! Is beginning to not be dominating my thoughts now, so that's a good thing.

    @Christine, waiting for a picture of the new puppy!

    @Janice, i almost have enough bones to make my first batch of bone broth!! I'm seeing a bit of a healthy glow, but I want to glow like you do!

    @Jane, I hope your recovery is proceeding without problems!!

    @Rebecca!!! More flooding from hurricane Patricia in your area!!! I'm praying you weren't affected!!! My thoughts have been with you!!! Let me know how you are when you can!!

    @Ellen, Kathie, canadjineh.......hello! I hope all is well!!

    Had a paperwork glitch in my license renewal, mailing it off tomorrow after getting it notarized. Should be able to officially apply for the job I want (and will very likely get!! :blush: ) before the end of this coming week!! I'm so excited to be returning to work! I've loved being a nurse, and being able to affect the lives of my patients, even with just a smile. Yes, there are many frustrations that go along with it, but the rewards are greater. Plus, to feel productive again, I'm so ready!!! :smiley:

    Keep on truckin everyone! Have an amazing Sunday!!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I was heavier in my teens and twenties than I've been since I was 30. Nothing changed in my forties, although I had a hysterectomy. I'm gradually cutting back on carbs because of research that shows that ketone metabolism may help minimize pain. I don't want to take pain medication.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello and Happy Sunday to my beautiful Ladies ! @Kathie, I hope you post a picture of the dresser, sound lovely. @Ellen, so good to hear from you, and thanks for the compliments, you too @Karla...yikes your story of the dogs scared me so much ! We just don't use guns here that much, please be careful. @Christine, it's nice to have a fasting buddy. Glad to hear you're feeling better @Jane !

    @Karla, I'm happy to hear of your bone broth making plans ! This something I've always done, but I didn't start calling it "bone broth" until I went paleo and learned that this is a "thing". I do boil it for a lot longer now. I'm making a pot of chicken broth right now. It's been a long time since I've made any. I need to get some of my bags of bones out of the freezer, and do something with them. It was just too hot in the summer, so I kept collecting them. @Karla, if you're in a pinch for bones, I'm sure you could pick up some cheap, boney cuts like chicken backs and necks to make chicken broth. I find soup bones are pretty expensive here, but the bonier cuts are often a good value. And now that I am in the habit of saving most bones, I accumulate them so quickly that I don't often need the free soup bones from my farmers.

    I will roast a huge farm chicken today, and with some of the fresh broth, I will make myself a small pot, maybe two bowlfuls of fresh cream of mushroom soup ( one of my favorites) with butter, mushrooms and HWC, so simple and so yummy ! And I'll eat chicken of course, lots of it !

    I'm fasting this weekend naturally. It always amazes me how I can fast and still go grocery shopping, talk about food excessively with friends, even watch cooking shows and not be tempted to eat. I bought some delectable foods yesterday and did not eat....half a ham, a whole sockeye salmon, pepperoni, 3 kinds of cheeses including double cream brie, a few token veggies, HWC and butter...and can safely plan my meal for today and meals throughout the week, and just rest inside myself, comfortable in knowing that I don't need to eat these foods now, they are waiting for me, and I will enjoy them so thoroughly and completely when I do eat them, that I feel such comfort and joy in my ability to wait and have control. It's amazing ! I feel like I have the best of all worlds and it's all related to food...something that was used in the past to harm me....and now it is such a positive experience, healthy, nourishing, yet completely pleasurable and tasty. And I am steadily losing weight while eating foods I love ! I just wish that others here in this group could enjoy the weightloss factor again. I really think that it was the fasting that has brought me over the hump of my previous stalls.

    I feel a surge of confidence growing within me again, so I'm glad for that. I attended a meeting/educational event with the management team at work last week, and was initially nervous, but was able to drum up some courage through my new/old smaller dress clothes that gave me strength. I was able to be professional in close proximity with people who have given me grief and I was emotionally strong...something new for me ! I am holding my head up high, especially gratifying for me to be able to do this directly in front of the one who hurt me the most. It feel like I have turned a corner. I don't need their false support when I can support myself. :)

    Well, I'd better get my chores done. Have a lovely day everyone !
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Another Monday.......... Work has not been fun and I fight the urge to call in pretty much every day now. Working really hard on just keeping my head down until the change comes. I can do this!! lol

    @Karlottap we are wet but fine. I believe most of the flooding is further north this time. A few roads closed but not much else in our area (we are south of Austin). Building on our homes came to a halt for a few days but they are going to try to work today. I feel for them as I'm sure it's nothing more than a mud pit... Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I'm sure praying for those affected by this one both in Mexico and here in Texas. The fires in Smithville affected a few friends so it seems to be all around us.

    Weight isn't moving and I'm glad of it. No movement means it isn't going up!!!

    I've got to go at least pretend to work. Hope all is well for all of you.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member

    Here she is, the new baby in the house! Say hello to Tessa, the 8 week old black Labrador. We are smitten and have had not enough sleep the last two nights! My weight is down this morning, but could be from not eating enough - was way under calories Sat/Sun, also not enough water. I will probably have a bump tomorrow when I get back on track.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    @Kitnthecat : Justin is the only politician that I like (that's only because he's cute enough to jump his bones - politicians gag me generally). I'm glad they are only allowed 70 days to politick here as opposed to 3.5 yrs in the US lol. Yes, I am being facetious. ;)
    Cute closet shopping BTW!
    Hi to all the other gals, I'm off to work in a short bit so I won't get carried away here.

    I wish they only had 2 months here in the US!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    To us Candians, it looks like the American politicians are always campaigning! I can't imagine the vast amounts of money that are spent! Yikes!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello you beautiful ladies! Awesome to see you all here!!

    @Janice, I grew up around guns, and feel comfortable with them, but am always very careful. Guns only do harm when the person holding them is stupid! I'm excited about the bone broth, as I've said! Can only be beneficial! When you say you boil yours longer now, how much longer? I was figuring twelve, should Ingo longer? American politicians suck! They are always campaigning, and fundraising! Makes misfortune population not really care when it's time to actually vote because they get so tired of hearing about it all and tune it out. Our governments in a terrible mess, and I dont know if there's a fix!

    @Rebecca, so glad you missed the worst of the storm and glad the construction resumed without problems! :smiley: Maintenance on the scale is a great thing! Knowing it's not going up is comforting for me too! Sorry work is so bad! I hope there's a resolution to the negative situation that makes things better for you! :smiley:

    @Christine!!! Tessa is completely adorable! Here's to it sleeping through the night very soon! :smiley:

    I get Botox injections this Friday (I get them every three months for migraine). As usual, the headaches have ramped up, but not as soon, or severe, as they've been in the past! All of these minor improvements add up over time! No new scale movement, but no bought size large tops two days ago! After XL being the smallest that I've ever gotten to, I was stoked!!! I may not be losing pounds, but the NSVs are way too inspiring to ever give up!

    Keep on truckin ladies! Love yourself, you deserve it!! :smiley: a
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning/evening ladies. Can't sleep again, but at least have time to catch up on my MFP reading, lol. It's great to see how you all are. My furniture painting is coming along slowly (the whole brain-to-ability ratio) but by my 3rd dresser I should have it figured out. Finding vintage/antique dresser knobs has been a challenge also. Finding uninterrupted time has been hard too. Took grandbaby trick or treating. Last year I made him a lobster costume & this year they bought him a lion one (he was so cute roaring at people). Another round with specialists next week. I've decided if they can just remove from my navel to my thighs I'll be good. Pharmacy made a big oops on my thyroid meds (wrong dose) so had to get that corrected. This is 3rd time in 5 yrs, so maybe time to change. It's not a big chain one, so I felt good with the more personal service. Hope everyone had a good Hallowe'en. I miss seeing all the kids now that we live in the boonies.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies! I'm feeling a bit under the weather this weekend, having given in to chocolate, ice cream and potato chips.... Oh and vodka! Oh well, it's a new month and I'm just starting a big pot of turkey bone broth now, so will get back on track. It's so interesting how our bodies react when we fall off the wagon, isn't it ? It makes me reaffirm my vows! I am sure that November will see great losses for me.

    Well, we decided not to give out candy this Hallowe'en. That past 2 years we gave out organic raisins, but let's face it.... None of the kids want that ! And my kids were going out to a nightclub, so I figured we'd just skip it. I like the dress up aspect of Hallowe'en more than the crappy treats. We did roast pumpkin seeds though, but I think that eating those produced some tummy distress too!

    Here are some photos of me dressed as a black cat for our work Hallowe'en day and also for our 50's day, and I may send photos of my kids dressed up, I'll take a look and see if my pictures turned out.06scjip80xkz.jpeg
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    As you can see, we like to dress up in my house. My kids are great with the makeup. Sometimes my youngest one directly above, will create special effects makeup, last year she made horns, for instance, that she applied to her head. They looked real. The girls have many, many wigs....and I like to borrow them for Hallowe'en.

    Things at work have been a little better, yet I am still "camping" in that makeshift office, sharing with the managers. Nowhere yet to unpack my things and get organized. The weeklong special events made last week a bit more fun. There was a dress-up aspect and a food item daily. I skipped a lot of it, but did have a small bowl of taco meat with cheese, sour cream and salsa instead of the nacho bowls they offered. I dressed up 3 out of 5 days. Thursday was pajama day. Now this kind of thing would have normally made me feel quite self conscious, however, I actually enjoyed wearing pajamas. They were my daughter's size medium flannel pajamas ! That felt good !

    The weather here has been kind of crummy, warmer but rainy.....and I'm missing my walks. Also, I'm waiting for the rain to stop so that I can finish raking up my leaves. I'd better get it finished today, no matter what. I have a couple of trees that are late to lose their leaves, but sometimes by the time they fall, we have snow already. I think the weather will be getting colder this week, so I'd better hurry.

    I want to tell you Ladies, that I have had the good fortune of meeting a very good friend here on MFP, a gentleman with whom I share many commonalities with respect to many aspects of my life....upbringing with an abusive parent, and a child diagnosed with Asperger's disorder being major similarities, but also evident, are many commonalities regarding background, interests and especially intellectual and emotional compatibility, as well as possibly more mundane things that are a little surprising when we find out that we share these similarities as well ! It's very extraordinary, in my opinion, to find a kindred spirit. We share a love of achieving better health through nutrition....as do all of us here. But meeting this person online has made an already fulfilling supportive community feel even more special to me.

    He is here among us in the LCD group, but does not show his face, so I am not sure how we found each other. I am in a state of awe and wonder. I have all of you wonderful Ladies who have enriched my experience here by welcoming me, and this means so much to me, as well as all of my MFP Friends. And now I have found someone with whom to share specific details of experience. I have no doubt that our unique friendship will result in each of us being able to achieve greater growth. You know, I joined MFP as a way to commit to improving my health.....and I am doing that, but this whole experience has been so much more. Thank you everyone ! I can feel myself blossoming in so many ways and I have all of you to thank.

    Have a wonderful Sunday and rest of the week !