December Workout Check-IN: The Kettlebells Rock Edition!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    55 Hero's: Check. I'm mentally beat up, and physically exhausted, but I'll keep trudging along. Only 5 days left!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    edited December 2015
    Go go Krok! You can do five days.

    Tonight lower hypertrophy: 3x10-12
    Front squats
    Deficit reverse lunges
    SL deadlifts
    Bottom pause goblet squats
    Weighted step ups
    SL hip thrusts
    Calf raises

    A nice little circuit of abs and banded glute work: 3x10
    Prone hamstring curls
    Nasty plank variations
    Straight leg kick backs
    Hip raises
    Hip abductions
    Side crunches

    Also got some cute micro plates for xmas. Now I can inch my weights up one sheet of aluminum at a time! :)
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Go, krok! Do them for me. I've failed for the past two days - staying in a small house packed with family, I'd have to do them in the living room and would inevitably have an audience, so I just haven't...
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I will get back on the breathe/brace thing after squats tomorrow. :wink:

    Not a bad night at the gym though I wasn't sure how it would go when I was heading over. However, I didn't jog after lifting because I forgot my headphones. Not having music is reason enough to skip cardio but means I'll have to do it after lower power tomorrow. Oh well. Didn't increase weights much but did feel decent in the end with the lifting.

    46 - Upper Power

    bench 3x5 @ 100 - 95 felt a tad heavy so I didn't do 105 this time. 100 was okay but the last rep each set was really slow. Hope to try 105 again next time.
    incline db bench 3x9 @ 35 - it's heavy and hard to get into position but managed well enough.
    bent row 3x4 # 105 - not bad here, might try 110 next then do 115 pendlay, we'll see.
    lat pull down 3x9 @ 80 - okay, it's odd how it depends on which one I'm on as to the resistance struggles
    OHP 2x5 and 2x4 @ 75 - didn't try 80 this time, first sets were okay but tough last reps, couldn't quite get 5 on the other two.
    pull up negative using smith machine 2x5 - did these instead of bicep curls, not good at them but need to work on that pull up thing in case skill comes in handy in obstacle 10k.
    overhead cable tricep 3x10 @ 30 - getting easier.

    That is all for today. Need to figure out any end of the year goals to work out then get ready cause it's almost 2016.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    HHopefully will be able to get to the gym tomorrow..... Will report back! You lot are v. inspiring, as always!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I had the best intentions to amp up my gym workout during the second half of my 16 Days of Sweatpants vacation this year... but... My gym is closed until Jan 2. :( Also we were hit by Winter Storm Goliath and all roads & highways around here are closed, and it's still snowing. Yesterday I did my C25K workout in the very beginning phase of the storm (flurries and no wind). My BF, my daughter, and I all got each other snowshoes for Christmas, so we will be playing with those today. Bummed I can't do my 5x5 workout until Jan 2 though!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    BAM! Back at it and the "deload" week paid off! (Or the holiday sweets? Who cares? ;))

    Today I tested my 1RM squat. Putting things in perspective, last year's 1RM was 192.5 I believe. I thought I could ramp it up to 225 this year but alas I had a few setbacks and squats hate me... lol. I did hit 200 a few months back.

    Anywhoozles, I started out with an EMOTM of Barbell Snatches. 5 sets of 2, 65lbs on the bar. Easy peasy. This was the "power amp up" part. Light weight and explosiveness. Also, my shoulder wasn't hurting so yay! :)

    Then squats.
    aaaand the last set, 205.... *drum roll*
    I GOT IT!!! =D

    And decided to not try for more. It was a pretty good grinder, as in it went up slow, but I did not fold over. So i,m happy with it. 225 will come in 2016. Just watch me go!

    I then did my 56 hero manmaker's in a record time of 14:36 despite having people walking all over my space at the gym. That'll teach me to settle down near the bumper plates... It was a crappy decision from gym management to put them there, tho :|

    Finished the session with the donkey leg press machine 90x15, 135x12, 160x10, 160x12
    superset with calf raises 4x15

    and back extensions bwx15, 25x15, 35x15
    superset with cable standing crunch 65x15, 85x10, 95x12

    I futzed around with my new atlas tracker to record this, had to cut it up into 3 sections cuz I was a little silly. The recorded cals were 319 (snatch & squats), 117 (hero's), 148 (leg press and core)

    Missed a few minutes in there too. Bracelet was slipping off during the hero's so it wasn't quite recording my HR right I think. Anyway you look at it, that's close 600 cals for about 90 minutes of work. This explains how I manage to lose weight eating 2k cals a day! lol
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    This explains how I manage to lose weight eating 2k cals a day! lol

    i would say so. 205 is terrific - especially when i think you were struggling with 175 just a few weeks ago. dk what you're doing now but you're obviously doing it right.

    i've still got the Rib Thing, and it gets worse every time i work out. so. frus.tra.ted. i think the deadlifts or rows are what made this one unusually bad. but i did try.

    squats 75. i swear. goes much much better when i can't see myself. from now on 'im ALWAYS going to block out the mirror with one of the warmup/stretch mats.

    there was some rowing and some light deadlifting (couldn't get near the bench). but the only other thing i 'really' did was 5x5 front squats with the 45 bar. i've been slopping off on this after all my excitement last month, so i've decided to get back on it and treat them like another 5x5 lift. i believe it was the right call, as my lower abs were throwing a fit by the time i got through the very last rep. idek why front squats are such a hit to the abs, but i'll take it.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Krok - Woot! Great job.

    As for bracing... I dunno. I guess together. I get set up after stepping back, make sure I'm ready physical and mental, breathe and go. I don't want to wait too long after breathing to figure things out cause need air again at some point... I guess it depends on what counts as bracing. I should watch those youtube videos. *adds to list*

    Today was okay. I didn't do much in morning then had to go to work. On the previous schedule, I would have Monday (tomorrow) off, but the schedules are off a bit with some issues and such, so I'm working tomorrow with just Tuesday off this week. At least, things aren't as crazy busy as they were before the holidays. I wasn't sure how lifting would go tonight though because my back bothered me a little earlier in the day. I have arthritis in my lower back so it gets achy from time to time. Just ached a bit during first part of work shift but didn't bother me by the time I was at the gym. I also did things a bit out of order (two guys were doing bicep curls in the deadlift area) and for fun I filmed my deadlifts, so didn't end up doing a couple of things I want to do, plus had to get in some cardio. Overall, a decent night. Oh, and I tried squat and deadlift without shoes. Not bad, except where I'm even shorter without shoes so the power cage pins don't go quite low enough so I struggled a tad re-racking after each set. Still kind of liked it without the shoes though.

    47 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 175 - tad slow but not bad
    leg press 3x10 @ 230 - feel heavy but manageable
    standing calf 3x10 @ 105 - I think that was the weight, it wasn't the same as last time, up a bit higher.
    deadlift 2x3 @ 190, 1x3 @ 210 and for fun 1x1 @ 225 - Filmed most of it, made about 3 videos overall, but probably won't share much. I did the 225 just to make sure the max test wasn't a fluke and to show family the video one of these days.
    sumo deadlift 2x5 @ 160 - okay but hands/calluses ache at this point

    Then did about 20 minutes of jogging with 5 minute warm up and cool down sets of walking on the treadmill. Skipped leg curls today. Wanted to add hip thrusts and maybe try rack pulls but will do it when I'm not taking forever filming deadlifts and when I don't do cardio on lower body day. Plan is jog on upper body days, so need to get back to that in the future.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Oh my god, I have had enough and want to get home and go to the gym. I finally tried to do some manmakers in the living room, only to have someone decide it would be funny to pretend to sit on my back ... Jesus. Home tomorrow, gym on Wednesday!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I had a successful visit to the gym. Deloaded about 10% which seemed fine....worked hard and had good form. I was very conscious of my back but no pain until I stretched in my cool down!!

    SL 5x5: SQ worked up to 5x5@50kgs.
    BP worked up to 5x5@32.5kgs
    Row 5X5 @30kgs

    Then did Nrol4w...less weight where needed but keeping form good. Actually managed to increase weight for lat pull downs. By accident, though... Didn't realise someone had added the fractional plates to the stack. But I managed without a problem so will keep it there for next time!

    Intervals done on the spin bike... No pain at all there.

    All in all, very encouraged. And pleased I listened to my body to give it time to recover.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    This explains how I manage to lose weight eating 2k cals a day! lol

    i would say so. 205 is terrific - especially when i think you were struggling with 175 just a few weeks ago. dk what you're doing now but you're obviously doing it right.

    The struggle was with 5 reps, though! This was only a single!

    Bench didn't go as well. Ramped up
    then tried 152.5... failed.
    dropped back to 150 cuz I'd done it in the past... failed again. Called it quits.

    Pendlay row
    and i got 1 at 140 but used so much momentum I was basically upright when the bar touched my chest, so I won't count it

    57 hero manmaker's in 15 minutes

    Then DB incline bench press 22.5x12, then a rest pause set with 37.5 x10/5/4 (I think? should've gone heavier)

    Face Pulls 60x15, 65x12, 70x12

    cable rope hammer curls 30x10, rest pause of 45x10/6/6 (again, should've used more weight)
    cable overhead triceps extensions 30x10, then RP 45x6/3/2 (more like it)

    not a bad workout overall. Just a little sad i "regressed" my bench. I will get it back, tho!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @krokador - You should have seen my attempt at the 200 squat. :wink: I have video on my phone but not posted online. Basics were, step back, get ready, sink down.... that was all. I considered trying again before 2016 on that and bench but with working so much and how my days are set up, might wait. Even 1 @ 205 is awesome. And pesky bench. Good luck there. I meander on the weights with that one. 105 great one day, then back to 100 cause it's heavy the next time. 2016 goal, get .5 lb things to add to bench and OHP. *decides*

    Oh and no workout for me today (since this is workout thread and not chat one, will add that in). Just going to work but tomorrow is my day off, finally. I'll do upper hypertrophy then.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    my squats at 127.5lbs felt better this time, but I think I may have shorted myself on depth today...5/5/4...really hoping to get it next time...

    OHP at 60lbs, wasn't as good as last time...5/5/5/3/4 I will get there, though!

    Deadlift 170lbs only got 3 reps, but they were good ones - really feel it in my hamstrings and butt instead of my butt and lower back....

    I'm thinking of testing my 1RM on a couple of the lifts next week, just to have a benchmark for the new year...I've never done it though, any tips?
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    For Beth's results question: I've done SL for more than a year but saw the most fat loss in the last 3 months. This is because I got serious about my deficit. Before I was probably eating at maintenance & weight went up and down the same few lbs. I saw some shoulder & arm definition within the first couple of months and that may have been partly muscle memory. I always had nicely muscled arms & shoulders when I worked (physical job). Now that I've lost fat, lbs and inches I look much more muscular but because I'm eating a deficit I haven't actually gained any muscle. Just got smaller & leaner. Ok with me
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Back in gum tonight after a few days off, not that I didn't do stuff. Mum had a list to be completed before I went home. Spent Christmas afternoon shifting 3m³ of firewood, then mowing lawns on the Saturday.
    DL 1x5 50,60,70,1x4 72.5,2x3 75,1x5 72.5,1x5 60kg
    Hammy curl 3x17.5kg
    Leg extensions 3x17.5kg
    Front squats 1x5 30kg,5x5 35,1x5 40kg
    Bench 1x5 32.5, 5x5 35,1x2 37.5kg
    Lat Pulldown 3x5 40kg
    Seated row 3x10 33+
    Db bench 3x15 10kg

    Didn't do other lifts had enough by then.
    Debating whether I should change to PHUL. Been working on hypertrophy for last 3 months but missing the strength gains.and starting to find doing all the lifts in one session getting a lot. Mind you I have always done all the SL lifts in one session not as an A B program.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate your input.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm doing PHUL. Here's today's upper power workout:
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    edited December 2015
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Well, crap. Can't seem to post the whole workout. Wish I could delete posts!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rest day for SL. Beginning of week 3 of 5 week Kettlebell program.

    Goblet squats 4x5x25
    Russian Kettlebell Swings 16x7x25

    This is easy but I couldn't find a heavier Kettlebell at the stores. Although the sets and reps will increase for the next three weeks.