Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Sam-good job! Kutgw!
    Kim-ooh, you'll have a fun time! It's funny to think of Europeans being excited to visit the US. I'd switch with you :). Are you goi to visit Walt Disney World? Love it there!
    Beeps-nice. Love WHTs!
    Mme-I agree with beeps. Not a big warm up fan either. I do a warm up set on compound lifts of just the bar and save my extra time for stretching afterwards.
    Welcome eaweide! Glad you're enjoying NR! Happy to have you here lifitng with us :).
    Dawn-35 minutes of rowing? How can you stand it? I get so bored! I'm up to 10 minutes and proud of that. If there were a TV on there maybe? ;) you're doing so well, consistent and I'm sure looking fabulous!!
    Pudding-yay for loving your workout! That's huge!
    Stephie-hope the dr can figure it out. I have a friend with pros and after going LC and losing 90 lbs, she's feeling fantastic with no symptoms now.
    Jo-hang in there, hope things quiet down a bit soon.
    Pudding-glad you're doing well too!

    I've been a bit sick (sore throat and chest cold) and running around taking care of my mom (assisted living is a bit of a misnomer, still falls to me too much) which has taken several days and countless hours to straighten out, and running my girls to their volleyball tournaments. But, my older dd just got her driver's permit so in 6 months she'll be able to do some of this running, theoretically. A tad stressful teaching her to drive though.
    Workouts are good, 6 solid weeks lifting 4x, and a month 3x/week before that. My back and neck feel good and I'm getting stronger. So yay! The scale seems to have found a number it likes but I don't. Hope time and consistency in my deficit will help eventually. I'm down 2 lbs this month, but was hoping for more. Still up 10 from pre-vacation last May. :( pressing on!

    Take care ladies! And keep lifting!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    samntha14 wrote: »

    Very nice Kim. Are you coming in the summer or other season? There is so much to do in Florida. You are all going to have a great time.

    September! And yes, Julie, we are doing a week of the theme parks including Disney - my daughter may be 22 but she still fancies herself as a bit of a Disney princess! Then heading to Naples for a week. Really really looking forward to it as it is all so unlike anything we've done before.

    So.....today, I am tired. I set my alarm for 5.45am and had put my gym kit out next to the bed as usual....but I just couldn't do it today. I've worked out most days recently, and only took Monday off last week, so I think I just needed that rest day today. We're off skiing on Friday after work, so I don't want to be stupid at this stage and risk pushing myself too hard.

    That really sounds like an excuse and I pledged "no excuses" this year, but I am proper tired to the point I might cry if someone says the wrong thing to me today. How girlie am I being....hmm....need to man up!

    Yesterday I didn't eat properly - that doesn't help really does it! After a superb spin and shoulders workout at the gym, hubby and I went for coffee and cake.....

    Then we had a surprise birthday tea party for a friend who turned 40 this weekend. Buffet food and more cake mid afternoon.

    I had made a slow cooked beef casserole in the slow cooker, but when we got home about 8pm, we were too meh to eat so we had another bit of the cake we had been encouraged to bring home from said party.

    So....I'm fairly sure that has contributed to my lack of oomph this morning. Strange really, my diet used to be like that all the time, but since I learned to eat properly, even just one day of rubbish sets me back! Sometimes I wonder how I managed to complete my days when I look at what and how I used to eat!

    Anyway, onwards and upwards. Just had porridge with chia seeds for breakfast. I'm in control.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I've been a bit sick (sore throat and chest cold) and running around taking care of my mom (assisted living is a bit of a misnomer, still falls to me too much) which has taken several days and countless hours to straighten out, and running my girls to their volleyball tournaments. But, my older dd just got her driver's permit so in 6 months she'll be able to do some of this running, theoretically. A tad stressful teaching her to drive though.
    Take care ladies! And keep lifting!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    My children both ski, and do races and training camps all over. My weekends used to consist of 4am starts to get them to the other end of the UK for a race etc. My investment in their driving lessons etc was the best ever! Both now get themselves where they need to go and we only need to attend a race if we want to.

    Also, my daughter doesn't drink. She is a very useful taxi.....haha!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - I row slowly, listen to music and close my eyes for part of it. I probably look a bit odd rowing with my eyes closed but eh. I don't get bored much between music and the novels I watch in my head plus any other random thing I think about.

    kim - mmm cake. The beef sounded good too though but mmm cake. ;-)

    Alright, so update time. Saturday was good despite being super tired, at least the morning stuff. I drove out to a gym in an industrial area to watch a powerlifting meet. It took a long time to get through everyone and I had work that afternoon, so only got to see squats and some of the first group benching. Still fun to see. Also, found it interesting that everyone had lifting belts and 90%+ had knee wraps or sleeves. I am considering competing but have a few things to figure out first, like if I might move this year or not. Still, considering competition and extra motivation to get that bench, squat and deadlift up.

    I was super tired and ended up eating mostly protein bars (well a muffin thing that was more like a pancake in a cup) and some gummy worms. Went over in calories a little bit yet had it stretched over longer day than normal and down on sleep led to a not great upper power session at new gym. Already, I don't like benching in the cage. It's still too high so I lose some of the form by unracking but there is no one there to help give a lift of either.

    66 - Upper Power

    bench press 1x2 @ 110 - terrible and failed. Tried using the cage for the first time and it's either have it set too tall so I lose the set up some in order to unrack (common problem of mine) or two close to body which is harder to get the bar up from. Safeties were okay at least. Also, their plates are rounded and have holes that make grabbing them easier but didn't work so well for using to attempt some leg drive.
    2x3 @ 105 - barely, gave up after second set cause just was a struggle.

    paused bench 3x8 @ 75 - did this instead of dumbbell incline because I don't have much of a pause when I bench so couldn't hurt to work on that some.

    bicep curls with ez curl bar for fun in between paused bench sets, cause I usually skip curls but hadn't used the preacher curl spot before

    OHP 1x1 @ 85 and 1x4, 1x3 @ 80 - blah. Tried increase as I'd done 80 for a few weeks but no go.

    lat pulldown 1x6 @ 90 and 2x8 @ 80 - I have to stand on the seat to reach the bar and at 90 it kept trying to pull me off the seat...

    overhead tricep extension with rope 3x8 @ 50 - awkward with the rope attachment they have, the ends kept hitting my head

    Considered doing rows with smith machine, too awkward and gave up instead of trying to figure out if the one attachment handle for seated row would work in trying tbar rows.

    Cardio - 5 minute walk, 30 minute jog, 5 minute walk on treadmill

    Sunday was a little better even though I had less food before lifting. I worked afternoon so slept in until like noon cause why not. Only thing to bother that was getting up when the cat wanted something, which was 6 am. He had food just wanted me to wake up so he could eat some of it. I also ate regular foods at work instead of microwave protein snack, which probably helped. Went to big gym as have about 2 weeks left of that membership and going to enjoy the things they have that the other doesn't while I can. Last night was sauna, I might try steam room next time.

    67 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 185 - it did go better. Last rep on last set was a super grind but it's because I dipped a little lower than planned and paused more too so it was questionable if I'd get back up but I managed.
    deadlift 3x4 @ 205 and 1x3 @ 230 with straps - first time trying above 225, with straps but still. Working my way up towards my year goal of 2xBW.
    leg press 3x8 @ 230
    leg curl 3x10 @ 80
    calves 3x10 @ 105 - bothered my right foot a little doing these
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 115 - getting better and still feel it. Takes time for set up and finding what I need. Small gym is nice cause no people but they don't have a bar padding. Need to ask them about getting a few items, or bring some in myself.

    10 minutes or so in the sauna afterwards.

    Going to try and get the courage to go to a yoga class tonight. I've only tried yoga by watching a tv show. Never gone to an actual class. Coworker was supposed to go with me but has family and bf stuff going on so can't make it yet and I don't wanna wait around for a convenient time, so will go by myself. Maybe some other time she'll go with me. Should be interesting, either way. Too bad I can't film just me somehow attempting this class. Might make for some good clips for instagram. hehe
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dawn-still envious, fail or not. I managed 70lbs for my bench!! 3x5! Big for me, haven't been able to get that high yet! My OHP is stinky too! 55 :(. I'm such an upper body wimp! Sorry the cage isn't working. Can't you adjust the racks? Bummer. Hope you can find a solution. I think you'd do great in a competition!! Where's pmag? She did that event and could give you advice. I say go for it!

    Kim-you'll have a great time! Naples is beautiful, the water will be lovely in September. And I love WDW! Every girl is a princess, I have an impressive Disney wardrobe and I'm 46!! ;) and a rest day is a good thing! We need that too!

    I did upper body today! Added weight to my bench, finally, but it's still pretty lame. But, considering it's all about getting better, I'm happy to be making some progress! Scale stuck, but not giving up! Hitting my deficit, plenty of protein, practicing patience.:)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - any number is still good. Just got to keep pushing. That upper body can be a pita to increase on. My working sets haven't changed much in months actually as I was doing 105 back in November. Slow and even slower, but just keep doing it anyways. The cage has set spots for the pegs where I would need one that is inbetween since I have short arms, so unfortunately it doesn't work. I have a problem getting unset from my set up with the regular one too, it's just easier since I've done it more with the regular flat bench.

    Went to yoga. Think it will take more than one session to assess whether it's something I want to pursue or not. Will have to check out the schedule and see about trying it for a month. Also not sure about doing it after lower power as my legs were feeling it. Probably shouldn't have coffee right before either...
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I definitely needed that rest day yesterday - I was almost tearful when I got home from work. Bizarre, as I am not normally like that. Anyway, had a good dinner and a good night's sleep and went to the gym before work as planned today. Managed to get all 5x5 squats at my heaviest of 67.5kgs so that pleased me no end.

    Re OHP, I was shown how to do negatives at the weekend and tried these on Sunday - I have to say my shoulders can still feel the effort that they went through! One day I will be able to increase the weight from 25kgs - at least I know I am not the only one who has this problem.

    Dawn, I used to do yoga for 2 hours a night many years ago - boy was I flexible back then as a result. I'd quite like to do it again, but just don't seem to have enough hours in the day. I stick now to using elements of it for my cool down etc.

    Hopped on the scales today - still dissapointed to see no weight lost since I started lifting in October. I'm almost always within my calories and have been consistent in working out, so not quite sure what's going on. I'm 5ft 4 and still 75kgs (165lbs) so its not as though I can't afford to lose a few. Frustrating. I know the scales arent' the only measure. I know, I know. But.....
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited February 2016
    Kim, nice job with the squats! And I understand your scale frustration, but I can tell you that we are the same height and almost identical weight, but you look way more fit than me! So there's something!

    Any tips on improving DB bench press? I'm working with 25# DBs right now and the next set up are 30#s. For sets of ten, those are going to be too heavy, but the 25#s I feel almost done with. I wish my gym had 27.5# ones.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    ugh, OHP is totally the hardest to increase!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi ladies - I realised I hadn't checked in since Friday, oops.

    I am here, working hard, busy at work + baby + home life, but did my last Strong 1A today.

    Tried out a front squat afterwards as they are included next week - HA! WTAF? I simply could not bend my arms in the way I needed to! I am going to try the cross over grip thing next time because I genuinely laughed out loud at my attempt to bend my wrists!

    Doctor's tomorrow, hopefully he listens to me and either refers me to an endo or sends me for appropriate tests
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Pudding - for improving presses, I have been directed to one of the machines (shock horror!). It is the shoulder press machine and I am doing negatives. I need someone to help me do the lift in the first place to get my arms straight above me, but then It is up to me to lower the weight as slowly as possible before starting again. If you have someone with you who could put the heavier dumbells in your hands while they are already extended above you, could you then lower them down slowly in negative fashion and build it up that way?

    I have the same frustration with the barbells - moving up from 25kg to 30kg on OHP is madness. I did think about buying some ankle weights that are only 0.5kg to wrap around the bar to get a bit more of a gradual increase, but didn't want to spend the money!!

    Re weight, I know that it is not the be all and end all, and I DO keep seeing small physical changes in myself, but when I go on the "before and after" success story threads, there are no end of people with start weights close to mine and showing very lovely lb losses, and I want to share!!!!

    **stamps feet**
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Stephe-hope the dr goes well! My wrists hurt after front squats, I'm gonna try the cross arm thing too.
    Jo-glad it's not just me with my OHP!
    Kim-I'm in a similar boat. I'm 5'6" and got up to 174lbs after vacation and the holidays. :( I'm finally down 4 this year so far. But I was stuck forever!! Added some cardio and dropped cals a bit more, and patience. Not my forte! But I'm encouraged to keep trying. You're recomping I'm sure!
    Dawn-thanks. Bummer the bench won't work. The lower setting is too low I imagine? I've considered adding yoga, but it's at odd time at my gym. I like the idea of it, but it was hard the one time I tried it. Hope you enjoy it!

    Doing well, finally lost 1lb! Lower body today and I added WHTs again too. Up to 145lbs on them and feels good. Added some weight to my DL and my back feels ok. Good day at the gym! :)

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    I spent the whole weekend helping a friend moving. Totally exhausted by the time we were finished washing walls and moving furniture. Monday was my scheduled gym day but a migraine put a stop to that. I am tempted to go to the gym tonight but I figure I had better stick to my schedule and go in the morning :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Kim - I could never handle 2 full hours of yoga. One was long enough though the coffee right beforehand probably didn't help with the attempts at calming the mind. Slow weightloss is a struggle. It's hard not to compare too even though we know the problems it causes. Like doing this 12 week challenge on bb.com. Fun but some can start out looking fluffy and by 4 weeks in, oh look abs showing... x.x

    Pudding - Another option might be trying to do a set or two with the 35, even if it's just 6 reps or so. Then do the rest with the 25. Keep working it up until you can do them all with the 35. Took me a while to make the jump between those two and I'm not looking forward to the jump from 35 to 40. eek

    Julie - nice WHT. I'm still finding 115 to be hefty.

    mme - hope you're feeling better cause migraines suck.

    Today went okay. I did a mid afternoon lifting/cardio session since the small gym is not busy at those times. One guy was there in the beginning, then a woman took a gym tour but it wasn't until the end of my cardio that we got up to 5 people at one time in there. Good news is the cage works okay for incline bench. I did fail one rep and it's been enough that I am wondering if the bar weighs a little more at this one. Cause squats were a little more challenging there than at 24 hour too, but the seated row is easier in the small one. Weird. I wasn't up for the cardio so just did 30 minutes instead of the hour long run that I'd like to be doing. Going to switch long runs to Friday soon so I can start doing it outside and increase the time with hopes of being at 1.5 hours before starting to train for half-marathon.

    68 - Upper Hypertrophy

    10 minutes on elliptical warm up
    incline bench 2x7, 1x6, 1x7 @ 80 - slight fail on the third set but not bad otherwise. Practicing using the safety bars and all...
    db fly 4x10 @ 25
    one db row 4x8 @ 40 - increased finally
    seated row 4x8 @ 90 - easier at this gym though I have to stand to reach the handles then maneuver back as it's super heavy then but becomes manageable when doing the lift.
    lat rai3 4x10 @ 12.5 - I found the smaller fractional dumbbells, woot. They are in the small classroom.
    preacher bicep curls 4x8 @ ez curl bar + 10 - I can't sit cause the seat doesn't go high enough but giving this a try as we don't have a small bar cable attachement
    face pull 4x10 @ 60
    tri ext 4x10 @ 80

    30 minute run plus warm up and cool down walks

    Working mid-shift tomorrow so lower hypertrophy will be around 7 pm at the small gym and coworker might come too as she's a member at the one closer to where we live. Which has a flat bench so I'll be doing power upper body days there once I can go in on my own (have to be a member for a month then can use any of their gyms.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ugh. DEXA results are in. Weight up 0.5kg - ok. Fat up 1.5kg - no good. Lean muscle down 1kg. NOT FREAKING OK. Now 22% body fat (was 19%). Grump.

    So frustrated right now. The good news is that for the most part, my body has stayed the same (i.e. legs, abs, arms). The change is in my upper back (random) where I assume I have lost muscle as I have stopped doing lat pulldowns/ pull ups because of my shoulder. Also makes sense as to why my rows etc have felt *kitten* lately. But really, a 3% body fat increase due to 1 month of training with an injury??? Does it really change that quick??

    So now I have to put together a whole new plan just to get back to where I was, let along improve on it. Sulk. :(
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @jo_marnes - I feel your frustration! Stick with it and you will be back where you should be before you know it. At least you can put it down to the time out with injury/adjustment in workouts, which is better than sitting there scratching your head trying to work out why.

    Thank you everyone for your comments re weight loss, or lack of it, and comparing with others. Its just so darned frustrating at times but I guess our strength comes from persevering.

    mme hope your migraine has gone completely. I don't suffer, but my son does and it is horrid to see him going through it.

    3 more days to go then I hit the slopes - cannot wait to get my skis back on, It has been far too long!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I love all the lifting goin' on in here. BOOM!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    2.5 weeks in recovery and I am going stir crazy! I can't bear weight. Must use crutches. It will be 3 months before I can even begin thinking of light lifting!! Keep lifting , my sweets!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Manic-((hugs)) that would be rough!! Hang in there. You're healing and will be back to the gym soon enough.
    Jo-that stinks! I didn't realize changes happen that fast? Bummer! You're still lean and thin, though! I had setbacks last year combined with vacation eating and even without having a dexa scan, the scale and my clothes told me I was up! I amTurning it around Now, but feel like I'm still working to get back where I was before I hurt my back. Annoying! But a fight worth fighting! you can do it!
    Kim-have fun skiing!
    Mme-moving is a lot of work! Sorry for the migraine, hope it passes quickly.
    Dawn-thanks! I wonder about different bars? I thought all the OLY bars were all 45lbs? Maybe there is some variety in them.

    Im supposed to do cardio today, but am resting instead. Fighting this cold off and it's not full blown, but not gone either. Running a zillion errands too. All good.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Sucks with the injury affecting things. I can't imagine what a DEXA would show for me. I want to get one some day but right now even if calipers show under 30, it would be way different with the better technology. You're still doing awesome and look amazing.

    Kim - Have fun!

    manic - good luck with the stir craziness going on. Crutches look challenging to begin with so you'll work something. ;-)

    Mid-shift day so worked out at newer gym afterwards at about 7 pm. Actually had some people there this time. A few cardio off and on during the time I was there, older gentleman doing some upper body in the beginning and 2 guys at the very end who might have done some lifting but I was leaving at that time. Lower body went decent. For a second I thought my lunges might be catching up too fast to front squat then remembered how heavy it was and I won't be increasing on that one any time soon, so no worries. lol

    69 - Lower Hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 95 and 1x6 @ 115 - decided to try 115 since I'd been doing 110 for a while. Little better balance as used the clips to keep the weight in place.
    curtsy lunge 4x8 @ 90 - still challenging
    good morning 4x10 @ 90
    rdl 3x8 @ 140 - calluses were grumpy today in this and sumo
    sumo 3x5 @ 180 - heavy but hoping to get 185 next time
    leg ext 4x9 @ 90

    Not much else going on. Need to get my February goals and get some writing stuffs done. And sleep... mmm sleep.