jilliancreates a journey of releasing weight and attracting health.



  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Is it weird that you just reminded me of the new Kung Fu Panda movie? At one point Po says to Master Shifu that he doesn't know how to be like him. Master Shifu says something like, "You don't need to be more like me. You need to be more like YOU." :wink:

    I just weighed into my Biggest Loser Challenge group, and I'm down 4.2 pounds this week! That puts me half-way back to my low weight on February 4th. I have not currently lost 27.4 pounds, which is 10.87% of my starting body weight.

    The gym is closed on Sundays, but the weather is beautiful, so I think I'll make time for a walk today.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    That's great news on weight loss. Your quote is a truth that so many people need to hear. We had pretty weather yesterday I think our whole neighborhood was out and about. It's raining today. Back to DVD again.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Today was a mess. PMS and food cravings, and after such a strong weekend I still just dove in. To top it off, I skipped strength training, C25K, and tabata rowing today. Gotta get back on the wagon tomorrow. I did not work so hard over the weekend to throw it all away for one day of junk food and no exercise.
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Wow....You are doing great!!!! I don't know if I could have the will power you did while eating out. As for the PMS...that kills me every time. Today is a new day...put he junk food behind you and press forward!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Miraculously, yesterday's debacle only cost me a half pound. I have no idea how that works, but I'll take it. In the past, I have seen the scale jump 2 pounds or more over night from such indulgence.

    Slept in a bit today, but got up and did bodyweight training. I've decided to switch up my days a bit. I was doing C25K on the same days as strength training, but I've decided to move them to opposite days. My "take it easy" cardio will now be paired with strength training. Still planning for tabata rowing every day that I'm at the gym, but I also want to keep in mind that if I get any activity in during PMS and my TOM, it's better than doing nothing.

    I'm heading to the gym as soon as my phone charges. I'm going to try watching netflix on my phone this time...probably on a treadmill, but maybe stationary bike. I'm hoping that it'll keep me from wanting to push too hard on the days that I intend to be more laid back. I kind of wish I had a treadmill or bike at home so I could watch on a bigger screen, but I'll make do.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    This whole walk vs. run thing is really messing with me. I keep changing my mind about which to do. I know that C25K works. I've used it before. But quite frankly, as much as I LOVE the endorphin rush of a great workout, I strongly dislike running. HA! I didn't even like it during all those years in the Army. I used to think that I didn't like it because I wasn't good at it, but now I'm starting to think that I may not be good at it because I don't like it. I feel zero drive to be a good runner. I do, however, have an extremely strong drive to be an amazing walker. Sounds silly when I say it, but I like being able to walk for 90 minutes and put in 5 miles like I did on the treadmill today while watching Criminal Minds on my phone. I like that I can walk faster than I can run when it comes to completing a mile. I like pushing myself to walk 4mph...who knows, maybe I can walk even faster. I like that I can get the endorphin rush without jarring my body. The thing that turned me onto C25K this time around is the interval training itself, which I do with high intensity with the tabata rowing. So, good bye to consistently forcing myself to run. Maybe I'll run on occasion still. Maybe someday I'll decide to try C25K again. For now, give me Netflix and 90 minute walks. When the snow is gone and the sun is shining, I'll have Nordic Poles in hands speeding around town. When I released so much weight before, I was Nordic Walking 4 miles a day; usually 7 days a week. I'm ready for that again...with the strength training and tabata rowing in there too.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    You know walking really is better on your body. The last time I lost weight I walked every day after work. I also did weights at gym but my cardio was walking. I'm like you I really like it better than running.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I was doing really well this week with food and the long walks. Then yesterday, I took my youngest daughter to an allergist and my abusive ex husband showed up without warning. The tension in that room was thick enough to cut, but I handled it with as much grace as I could muster...for my daughter's sake. Afterward, I bombed...horribly. Kids all wanted Taco John's. Usually, I'd either find the healthiest option on the menu or suggest a different place This time, I didn't have an ounce of will power. Hormonal food cravings combined with emotional binge eating is a recipe for disaster. Dang it. That was aweful. Scale is up 4 pounds overnight. Yes, high high high sodium and TTOM both lead to significant water weight, but even knowing that logically, an increase on the scale has psychological effects. Back on the treadmill today. Hoping for a fairly quick recovery.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Sorry about your ex. You will overcome this, drink lots of water today, it helps me.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    The water did help. Most of those pounds were gone this morning; all but about .6. I'm actually kind of surprised though because of hormonal factors at play. I weighed in for my Biggest Loser Challenge and I gained since last Sunday. Not a big surprise there.

    I'm feeling like I need to buckle down; for more than a few days only to bomb out with unhealthy food choices. In some ways, even though I've been doing fairly well with exercise, I've been losing steam with the food. It's not as easy to stay on track, and once I have a bad day, there becomes some sort of justification to have another even if it's in the same week. I've fallen short with food planning when my youngest kids are home. That makes a difference because we all end up eating less than healthy if I'm stumbling to figure out dinner at 4pm. I'm getting back to better planning already. We sat down yesterday and made a meal plan for the next few days. We(or I) will do that again by Tuesday, so I can grocery shop again.

    Today is my 100th consecutive day logging in to MFP. In some ways, I was doing better at day 10. Full of energy and excitement. January showed a huge loss, now February is only 4 pounds. I know this is still decent weight loss, and yet I feel disappointed in my progress.

    Mini goals
    Be consistent with calorie intake by planning meals again
    Continue doing long walks(60-90 minutes) at least 4x a week (daily would be ideal)
    Continue with bodyweight training progressions 3x a week
    Finally get under 220 instead of losing the same few pounds
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I went out to help a friend of mine harvest willow on his organic flower farm today. I worked for him for about 2 years, so it was fairly easy to get back into it. Basically, I walked around selectively pruning willow bushes for 3 hours. MapMyFitness tried to tell me that I burned around 2500 calories. I think I actually laughed at that. I looked it up on the HealthStatus website as yard work and found that it was probably closer to 1200. The activity got lost in translation between MMF and MFP (both UA apps), so it looks like I did 3 hours of gymnastics today. Funny, but also fairly annoying for tracking purposes. I'm still thinking about going for a brief walk tonight because I managed to eat back a fair share of those calories; partially from true hunger and partially because my dinner plan was foiled by a chicken that didn't want to thaw out. It's hard to make chicken soup when the bag of organs is frozen inside the cavity. Soup tomorrow night if the bird cooperates. Tonight ended up being Subway because my kids have gymnastics on Mondays and there was no time to plan a different home cooked meal.

    My left achilles tendon has been bothering me today. I've tried stretching it, but I have great range of motion in my ankles and getting any kind of stretch is nearly impossible without the rockers that they have at the gym. I'll use those tomorrow before and after my walk and see if that helps. I've already asked Jeff to make me one of those gadgets, but it might be more urgent than I originally let on.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow that sounds like hard work. I thought Subway was a good place to eat. I haven't checked here yet cause I haven't ate out much. Always feel weird eating by myself. I think every one is looking at me.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    It's not a bad place to eat, but I aim for low carbs. I love their flatbread, and their salads kind of suck in my opinion. Needless to say, I'm over my carbs for the day.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I woke up a little sore today with achy thighs and low back. I figure it's probably from harvesting yesterday. Unfortunately, at lunch time I bent to get something out of the fridge and I ended up on my knees with the door open for a few minutes trying to find the right back position for standing up without hurting myself. At the time, it felt like I tweeked it, but now I think it was more of a muscle issue than a spine issue. It's still sore, but getting up and walking around really helps loosen it up.

    After several 40 degree days over the last week and a half or so, we're back to winter. School was cancelled for the day due to the weather, so we had a day mostly just being home. I wanted to get to the gym for my walk, hoping that would help ease my back pain, but I wasn't able to make it there. I have managed a fairly decent calorie deficit though, considering this is one of the rare days where I have zero exercise.

    The chicken cooperated, and we had what turned out more like chicken stew than soup. I added lentils, kale, and bok choy this time and make curried coconut milk on the side so we could add it if we wanted. Only half the family really likes curry. I think I'll continue to make it that way because I actually prefer the curry over the usual chicken soup.

    Tomorrow will be a fairly busy day, but I'm planning to get up early again for strength training before I get the kids off to school. Then, I'll head to the gym before going to the support group I'm in. IF I have the time and energy, I may head out to harvest again for an hour or two before the kids get out of school. The friend who owns the farm asked me to help keep the harvesting going while he's in California for 2 weeks. I kind of feel like I got suckered into it because I'm his most experienced friend when it comes to taking care of the farm, but it will be nice to spend some solitary time out in the country. Plus, the work is fairly meditative, and I often see eagles and hawks circling overhead.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I grew up in the country not on a farm though. The quiet and nature is very peaceful. Your soup/stew sounds good, I've never tried curry. It sounds spicy. You might have had a muscle spasm they hurt like the devil and then you have residual pain after. I hate them, I had one once when I picked up a shirt off the floor.

    Hope you feel better.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    FINALLY, I'm back on track. 28 days from lowest weight of 221.2, and I'm back to that exact weight. What a rough month it's been with the wierd significant gain, and bit of yoyo, and a plateau inspite of working my *kitten* off and doing all the right things...ok, MOSTLY the right things. Getting under 220 is my first mini weight goal, so I'm quite excited to be so close and moving in the right direction!

    My back is still bothering me, but it is healing. Figured out it's muscle related, which I'm thankful for. Pinched nerves and bulging discs are horrific to deal with. I also did some research about Achilles tendon injuries, symptoms, and treatment. Also thankfully, it's not my actual tendon that sustained injury but the paratenon that encases the tendon. Just some swelling which could have been caused by overuse, new shoes, the fact that I have almost no arches in my feet, or any combination of those factors. I've been icing it and doing static stretches for a couple days, and it's recovering quite nicely.

    I'm hoping to be back to my walks (even if at a much slower pace) tomorrow or Saturday. I'm not sure about strength training yet. It feels early to be putting stress on my back, so I may just hold off until Monday. I'll just to do what feels best depending on how my back is doing.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Hope you meet your mini goal soon you're so close.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thanks, Lottie! Just 1 more pound to go! Although now, 0.1 pound would "technically" get me there.

    And here are my images so far. I want to keep putting them all in a post together, so it's easier to see the month-to-month progress. There isn't much different from February to March because I am only down about 2 pounds from those pics. BUT, I've lost some inches....

    Waist -0.5"
    Hips -0.5"
    L Bicep -0.5"
    R Bicep -1"
    L Thigh -0.25"
    R Thigh -0.5




  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Great job Jillian. Very nice update, go for a nice long walk today, eat responsibly and by tomorrow morning you can post that you hit your goal and can set another one!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    ;) Doing Great