Green Team



  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    52 degrees in Chicago is reason enough to get out there.


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  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    Yayyyy!!! It's Friday!!!! Have an amazing day everyone! :D the weekend is almost over!!!

    And way to go MissEESmith!!!! :)
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    @MissEESmith and @jessicakahn606 Definitely! I was getting really bored with the elliptical. It's always been my go to, but I was kind of dreading working out and I figured out it was because I was bored with it, so I switched. The backs of my knees kind of hurt from the treadmill I think though??? When I woke up this morning I was like "oh dear". Did I use it wrong?
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    I am not sure. I mainly do strength building workouts but I rarely wake up sore. To me if the body is hurting it needs a rest. Maybe you were going to fast or ran to long? Did you stretch or do some kind of warm up before starting? That always helps me.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    You know, it was probably the non-stretching that did me in. I didn't stretch because I never do with the elliptical. But maybe since the treadmill is more run-y, I should have stretched before and after it. I did interval walking and running, so I don't think it was from running too long
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    Well hopefully stretching next time helps with the soreness! If not then I'm clueless! Lol
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2016
    @Batgirl1994 I'm definitely thinking that warm up will help with the treadmill. I assume the pain is hamstring related.

    I know it sounds like I have stock in Sworkit, but some of the things that I like about it are:
    randomized workouts so each workout is different every day
    no equipment necessary
    visual and aural exercise instruction
    can be performed in an area of a yoga mat
    stretching, yoga, strength, and cardio categorized workouts
    calculates calories & syncs with myfitnesspal

    I have a full gym in my condo building with treadmills and ellipticals and weight benches that I pay for with my assessments.
    I'd rather watch Netflix standup comedy specials and cable serials while I Sworkit.
    This is my gym - along with 2 kettle bells.


  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    @MissEESmith it doesn't sound like you have stock in anything! Lol you are just sharing an idea that you like! :) it is something we could all do! So I have downloaded the app and will check it out latter today!
    Honestly it sounds a lot like an app I currently used called Fitstar! :) same thing! I just have a yoga mat as my gym! I just have the free app and program on there cause I'm a broke college girl! But it is an amazing app! Different workouts and it syncs with my fitness pal! I'm telling you even there smallest workouts have me sweating!
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Definitely. I stretched yesterday and today and nothing hurts :)

    Oh sweet! I'll have to look into both of those. Thanks for sharing!
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2016
    Fitstar isn't compatible with my tablet. :( Keep the suggestions coming, though. I'm always looking for ways to make exercise fun. My kettle bell workouts are on the free Daily Workouts app.
    This plank challenge is killing me. I'm up to 2.5 minutes and it's rough!
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sunday Funday includes Sworkit, weekly fruit & veg shopping, and hospital time. Mister is still snoozing and I'm up at 0600.

  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    edited February 2016
    @MissEESmith Wtg on the plank challenge! Also, if you want to try Fitstar, you can do it on a laptop or computer, on the web. I was looking into it last night. I think I'll try it that way so I can plug my laptop into my tv with HDMI and do it that way

    Also, I love the pic of the day. I was honestly feeling incredibly lazy until I saw it lol
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    Much better total than last week, but I can do better. Slow moving at the beginning and rocked it at the end. BRING ON WEEK 4! GO GREEN!

  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    Fruit prep!



  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    @MissEESmith I do need that! Lol and nice blueberries!!!!!!!!!!! I just had bananas as my fruit of the day! :D
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    Easy as 1-2-3! You've Got This!

  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    Hey green team!!! MissEESmith scored the highest number of points with 213! :) so amazing job!!!! The average was a little low this week because I didn't get someone's points in for the week! If we all submitted the numbers on time it would have been around 180 or 170! So we are still doing pretty good! Remember to eat all those veggies! :) of course if you can't participate for the week because of life just let me know and your always welcome to rejoin the group when your ready! :) however we all made it to the halfway mark to a better you!!! So keep up the great work everyone!
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2016
    40 in February in Chicago!