Team 2



  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    @cindalu1212 Happy Birthday!!! You enjoy yourself today! It's only your birthday 1 day a year girl!!
    @ashorey87 I can't even imagine how crazy it is there for tax season
  • ashorey87
    ashorey87 Posts: 173 Member
    @lupie777 it's nuts! I can't wait until it's over. I always ask myself why I chose this profession every year lol. But good news, today wasn't a total bust. Managed to get a half hour walk in with the pup!
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    Good morning Happy Feet! I wanted to first say great job everyone so far this week. Second is we have a new team member she is nailpro00. She is taking the spot of X3nicolette.
    So let's welcome her aboard and friend request her. I'll help her get started and show her the ropes.
    Keep up the great work everyone!
    Oh and I'm going to do the points for week 1 today.
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    lupie777 wrote: »
    Good morning Happy Feet! I wanted to first say great job everyone so far this week. Second is we have a new team member she is nailpro00. She is taking the spot of X3nicolette.
    So let's welcome her aboard and friend request her. I'll help her get started and show her the ropes.
    Keep up the great work everyone!
    Oh and I'm going to do the points for week 1 today.

    Welcome! G team Happy Feet!!
  • mpgundrum
    mpgundrum Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome @nailpro00
    @ashorey87 tax season sounds stressful! This is a really busy time at work for me as well and I just do my best and try not to feel guilty. Thankfully I see a personal trainer 2 times a week, so I at least have 2 workouts a week.
    The weather here has been so nice. I'm hoping I can fit an extra walk in with the dogs tonight when I get home. One of my pups is a senior with bad arthritis, so we don't always make it far but even a little bit is good.
  • vjcarrillo
    vjcarrillo Posts: 10 Member
    So i realized today why i keep on sabotaging myself with not eating healthy choices throughout the day, and why i over eat. I don't eat breakfast and by the time i get home from work at 11am i am starving! I eat whatever i can find, but I can never wake up early enough to eat breakfast. When i do wake up early I don't have enough energy to do anything but to drag myself out of bed 15 mins before work so making breakfast feels like a humongous chore, does anyone have any advice? Really would appreciate it.

    and welcome on board nailpro00
  • LizFitIt34
    LizFitIt34 Posts: 125 Member
    You could do yogurt, boiled eggs and fresh fruit which is always quick and healthy to grab for breakfast. Just grab it and go :-) @vjcarrillo
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    Pick a day of the week as your "cook day". Prepare meals and chop veggies and put meals into containers. I, too, do not like to get up early but I have to have breakfast. On Sundays, I use my muffin pan and make breadless muffins. I put an egg in each muffin tin and then I add what ever strikes my fancy. Could be bacon, sausage, veggies, cheese or a combo. Sometimes I break the yoke and mix everything together before putting into the muffin tins and sometimes I do not break the yoke and just add the ingredients into the muffin tin and push them into the egg whites. Then I bake them at 400 for 13 minutes. They are yummy and filling. I eat 2 every day for breakfast. They are fine either hot or cold.
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Rossergirl wrote: »
    Pick a day of the week as your "cook day". Prepare meals and chop veggies and put meals into containers. I, too, do not like to get up early but I have to have breakfast. On Sundays, I use my muffin pan and make breadless muffins. I put an egg in each muffin tin and then I add what ever strikes my fancy. Could be bacon, sausage, veggies, cheese or a combo. Sometimes I break the yoke and mix everything together before putting into the muffin tins and sometimes I do not break the yoke and just add the ingredients into the muffin tin and push them into the egg whites. Then I bake them at 400 for 13 minutes. They are yummy and filling. I eat 2 every day for breakfast. They are fine either hot or cold.

    I agree, food prep and pre-planning! I always have foods prepared and frozen to combine, some meala froze, meals in the fridge...and that's for all meals; breakfast, lunch, supper & snacks. I always have my lunch bag packed ahead of time and in the fridge to pull out for when I go out the door in the morning (all family members); contains all my food (including breakfast), water, supliments & whatever else. I always have meals ready in the fridge when I'm home too.
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    I tend to meal plan, too, and freeze the leftovers into single portions for quick lunches/dinners. I love slow mornings but for when that can't happen I tend to make one of these:
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    I am happy/thankful for the accountability/logging part of our AR challenge this week, because apparently I really need it! I love our team and all the wonderful support, thank-you!!
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    All great suggestion! Our team rocks!!!
  • vjcarrillo
    vjcarrillo Posts: 10 Member
    thank you so much guys for the wonderful support. I am going to try the bread-less muffins tomorrow for breakfast and start meal planning this weekend.
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    vjcarrillo wrote: »
    thank you so much guys for the wonderful support. I am going to try the bread-less muffins tomorrow for breakfast and start meal planning this weekend.

    Very nice, happy to help!
    Protein is the best way to start the day; solid, longer lasting energy.
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    Happy Friday Happy Feet! We only have 219 miles to go! Keep up the great work! B)
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    No worries at all; I have 417 that aren't even logged yet, and that's only up to end of day yesterday! (I have technical issues and our wonderful team leader lupie777 updates weekly for me....sorry for any inconvenience that causes!). Yeah Friday! !
  • ashorey87
    ashorey87 Posts: 173 Member
    I can't wait to finish the work week. 3pm Saturday, I'll be off work for a whole 41 hours and I'll be busting my butt at the gym as soon as I'm free! Great job team, you're all doing fantastic! Keep it up!
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    Whew.. what a Friday. It was a hungry day (do you ever have those?) and a sleepy day. But, I didn't go super far over in calories and got over 10,000 steps even though I didn't want to. Here's to a hopefully-not-so-hungry tomorrow. Happy Friday, Happy Feet!
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    No worries at all; I have 417 that aren't even logged yet, and that's only up to end of day yesterday! (I have technical issues and our wonderful team leader lupie777 updates weekly for me....sorry for any inconvenience that causes!). Yeah Friday! !

    Woah! Well done!
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Whew.. what a Friday. It was a hungry day (do you ever have those?) and a sleepy day. But, I didn't go super far over in calories and got over 10,000 steps even though I didn't want to. Here's to a hopefully-not-so-hungry tomorrow. Happy Friday, Happy Feet!

    Yes, TOTALLY get those days! ...hard!