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Daily Chat Thread



  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Had another great one today.

    Romanian DL: 2x10 @ 50kg 1x10 @ 55kg
    Push ups on low bench: 3x10
    Reverse lunge: 3x10/10 @ 25kg preloaded barbell (these nearly killed me)
    Inverted row: 11 on smith, 3x8. Rubbish.

    Plank with pulldown 2x12

    Finished off with sled pushes up and down the gym until I could do no more!

    Have to go tomorrow too as can't go Friday and I can never get to the gym at the weekend. 3 days in a row for me.

    Weight has stalled temporarily but I SQUEEZED into some size 14 skirts that haven't fit since before I was pregnant - nearly 2 years ago. Hopefully they will be wearable soon (my whole wardrobe is essentially UK 14). At the start of this year I was kidding myself in a 16, was definitely an 18, maybe even more.

    Ultimately I would love to be a size 10. I have never purchased an item of clothing in a 10. I don't really believe it will ever happen for me.

    Low carb is making me feel like MAYBE it will
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Having real estate agents visit this morning. Hoping they don't take too long so I can get squat day done before work ;)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Not sure why so much female stuff is pink. Never been a color I wanted lots of in my wardrobe or any items in general.

    Did manage to get squats done last night after working freight. It went okay but squats take me the longest to get through. Very heavy too even though it's not at the top numbers yet. Belt went okay for the few sets I used it on. Felt better on high bar than the first attempt on low bar, since it didn't shift during the lift.

    Chapter 5: Squats

    warmup squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 155
    Squats 2x4 @ 170 (one without belt) 2x3 @ 180 - rest with belt and slow

    overload 240 for 15 count - Freakin' heavy

    pause squats 1x4 @ 120 and 1x3 @ 130 all with 8 count

    sumo deadlift 1x6 @ 135 and 3x5 @ 190

    That is all.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey ladies! Guess what??? I went to the gym today and began Strong!

    I was able to do a plank for 45 seconds! The bird dog was easy until I got tired then I could not hold my balance.

    Goblet squats 15 pounds
    3 point row 15 pounds
    Step ups HOW I HATE THEM. No weight due to the hip surgery and just getting back into the "groove."
    Pushups I did not attempt from the ground. I used a 3 ft platform to begin.

    Before I began the workout, I thought "hey, I will be able to do all 6 intervals. this is nothing." UMMMM NO! I was wanting to quit after the 2nd interval but pushed through. Maybe I'll add another interval next week.

    My numbers look and seem so low , but months of zero lifting and surgery have to be accounted for. I must not compare myself to yall. :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    Manic-woohoo!! Go girl! So glad you're back at it!! Hope you're feeling good :).
    Jo-moving?!? With your overly full plate? Eek! Hope things go smoothly!!
    Beeps-good job. I really hope something good comes through for you soon! Come move to AZ, we don't do the clock change thing ;).
    Dawn-killing it as usual. Boys from work? Do tell :)
    Stephe-great job! Wait and see how LC treats you! You're doing great!

    I'm doing well. Finally got the scale to move some, the right direction for a change ;). I've walked 4 days this week, it's been so beautiful here, and I need to get my mileage up so I don't fall apart in Europe walking 12 miles a day. ;)
    I tried my first yoga class today! Finally. It was fun, hard but good. I hope to keep one in each week :)
    Lifted today too. Upper body. Doing just 3x/ week now, all good. Added weight too :smiley: gonna keep on keeping on. Would love to be down another 5 lbs before I leave. Rather ambitious, but worth a shot. ;)

    Keep it up ladies! You're doing great!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo-moving?!? With your overly full plate? Eek! Hope things go smoothly!!

    I think I need two plates..... new job will be nearly double my current hours, hubby will have no job to start, meaning I'll be financially responsible for two houses. Gotta find new schools for the kids. Pack and move our stuff. Fly our animals. Find somewhere else to live. Find tenants for this house. Sell a car. Rearrange scheduled holiday later in the year. Sort out how we are getting to new location as nothing booked. And still studying.......

    Of course, I have sussed out the 2 gyms which will be available to me and have contacted both re: membership options. Workouts getting done. Squat day done today. Combat tomorrow before having open inspection in house. Then late shift :/

    I've lost 4lbs in a fortnight - stress

    But whatever, it's an adventure. You only live once right?

    Congrats on your weigh in this week Julie.
    Manic - good to see you back
    Dawn - epic leg day!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Manic - nice work.
    Julie - not much to tell. Just happen to have two guys who are cashiers and learning photo (my department). One is in school and think he's going to try and get in pharmacy. Other studied graphic design and videography type stuff. It's just fun to do something outside of work on occasion. The video one also is trying to lose a little weight so I can always talk calories deficits and how delicious lenny&larry cookies are with him.

    Jo - Thanks. Wow you have a lot going on. Good luck with that. And yeah, yolo and such... eh, that still sounds weird. I'll stick to the whole phrase too, we only live once. :wink:

    And for the not so great Saturday but I got it done.

    Chapter 5: Bench... aka the first fail of the prep

    Yep, today was bench and I failed on my last set. It wasn't so bad as I've failed before at 115 and once on incline bench, which was far more awkward and at a lighter weight. Had to roll of shame it but got it handled well enough. There was one guy there, in the squat rack, and he did actually ask if I was okay. Though he also made a comment about how I should get someone to spot me and such. He later failed on squats and ended up having the safeties a little low (not the best time to discover that factor) but didn't respond when I just asked if he was okay. Do hope he didn't hurt anything cause that would suck. He left after squatting and I finished up my accessories in the empty gym.

    band pulls warm up 3x10

    Bench warm up 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 70, 1x6 @ 95
    working set 2x4 @ 105, 1x3 and 1x2 @ 110 (last rep failed)

    pull ups 3x1.5 and chin ups 1x3
    db bench press 4x5 @ 40

    db fly 1x8 @ 30 and 2x10 @ 25 - 30 felt a tad heavy
    one db row 3x8 @ 45

    face pull 3x10 @ 60
    pallof press 3x10 @ 35

    Overall, okay but tad rough with the fail on 110 as I've done it many times before. Oh well. Onward and carry on with tomorrow being deadlifts.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Hellooooo! Am home from an amazing week skiing. Did my 2 mile run every day too. Will catch up on all the posts I have missed now....hope everyone is keeping well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Congrats manic!!! I am 3-months into "strong" a really like it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I only lifted twice this week...it has been awhile since I have missed a 3- or 4- per week lifting.


    I feel lazy and unfulfilled.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Congrats manic!!! I am 3-months into "strong" a really like it.

    What stage are you on? Lifting 3 times a week?

    I have a question about the intervals. I am confused. I understand it as 60 seconds of hard work and 2 minutes of "easy" up to six times, correct? But then at another spot in the book, didn't I read intervals are only 10 minutes? Three intervals took me 9 minutes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I am stage 3, phase 1.

    I choose to do zero intervals, though.....just the lifting. Cardio is for saturdays. :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Stage 1 phase1 workout B done. I am so exhausted.The intervals after lifting are the cause. What have I gotten myself into?

    Side planks were not a problem .
    Single leg Romanian deadlifts I can not keep my balance so I place a table in front of me. If I needed to place my fingertips on it to steady my balance which was more often than not.
    Inverted row I began at chest level. It was pretty easy. I'll have to go lower next time.
    Split squats no weights. Will need to add weights next time.
    Pushups I did from the 3ft platform again. I am pretty sure I can lower that in the next few weeks.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted after work as usual last night, which went better. Also, it now seems that Sunday night is one guy's upper body night because he was there again. He did foam roll, put on wraps on his knees, some treadmill then upper body lifting. No one else, just the one guy there, so didn't bother my lifting at all as we both had headphones. Got my lifts done but switched hip thrusts for cable kickbacks this time but gym did order a pad for the bar and that should be in soon. (side note - no idea if related but discovered Saturday was lower than usual on carbs for the whole day and 1/3rd of that was after lifting. Wonder if had any connection at all to the struggles lifting. hmmm)

    Chapter 5: Deadlifts

    low bar squat - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x6 @ 135, 3x5 @ 155

    Deadlift - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, 2x4 @ 200 and 2x3 @ 210

    cable kickbacks 3x10 @ 40
    good mornings with fixed barbell 3x10 @ 60

    30 minutes on elliptical watching Food Network. Was going to do 20 but had a week goal on the machines that I was near plus wanted to see who would win on the tv show. Fun times. Now only issue is that my right sinus is acting up. Had some aches the last few days and awoke to it being swollen today. It's not a lot, just enough for me to notice but doubt anyone else will. Just awkward and minor nuisance since still have to work today. I get days off soon but have to handle adult stuff (taxes, student loans, etc). Gonna be a long week.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    Dawn-I've done the roll of shame too. I don't have a regular spot so I haven't pushed progress on the bench. I should try to though, it'd improve my range of motion (I stay more shallow when I'm alone too). I also noticed when I upped my carbs I did better lifting. Could be why that day was rough. I thought the guys were romantic...oops! Living vicariously :).

    Beeps- 2 is better than none! Rest weeks are good too ;).

    Jo-that's craziness! Exciting and stressful. But insane too! Hope things fall into place (glad to heat the gym is in the works ;)) it'll all get done, and you'll look back with joy (eventually). :)

    Manic-how are you feeling now that you're back into it? Hope all continues to go well!!

    Welcome back Kim! We missed you!

    Hi everyone else!!

    I'm doing well. Scale stalled but feel smaller. Lifting is good, down to 3x/week (which gives me more time to fit other things in) walked 4x last week and tried yoga. I liked it! Gonna try to keep 3 walks and a yoga class in my routine with the lifting. :smiley: nothing else exciting going on with me. Keep up the good work ladies!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Yo!! I've pulled something in my hip...feels like it is right in the socket. Either that or its old age creeping up on me, wearing out my joints.....I hope not!! I suspect I tweaked it skiing, although I didn't fall. I was quite aggressive going down the slopes though and wonder if the rigidity of my knee braces forced too much on my hips?

    I'm still managing to run my 2 miles a day, carefully, but I've not yet returned to the gym since skiing. I have decided to start Nrol4w at stage 1 again to ease my way into it without risking more damage.

    I've lost a bit more weight too...slowly but steadily, and am more confident in my clothes again. So that's a result!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I have some actual career-work to do! Found one company to do some work for and, if i find two more companies, that is "full strength" and .i am back in my happy place.....long eight months of "no work"....please be at an end!

    I revised my lifting to coordinate with my new working schedule: split workouts M/Tu/W and a fullbody on F. Cardio on Saturday.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't wanna lift today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I am TOO STIFF to lift, today, lol!!

    So, my "split" workouts MUST be good-uns, since I basically cannot walk.

    Today was supposed to be shoulders/bis/tris, but my lower body is literally immovable. I will either just do a full-body workout tomorrow (including shoulders/bis/tris) or else I will do a lighter shoulder/bi/tri workout Thursday, to be followed on Friday with a full-body workout.

    My fear is the dumb Friday holiday will have me wanting to sleep-in, more than go to the gym....so, best bet would be do full-body Thursday, skip Friday, and try and squeeze in some Saturday cardio.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I lifted but I was SORE! The single leg dead lifts have my hamstrings tight!

    I can do the stinkin bird dog the first time around but the next I can't. I actually fell over on my side ❗️