Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I know I've kind of already said something like this in another thread in the past but I feel the need to say it again here...

    I started this thread many months ago because I wanted a place for people to be able to come to regularly to get to know and support each other throughout our weight loss journeys. So far it has been great and I am loving getting to know people and reading so many success stories.

    What I don't want is for this to turn into that place where people come to unite to trash other people for choices that are different from ours.

    For as much as I may shake my head and disagree with someone else's food choices, I also make my own share of bad choices... not to mention the fact that I have many "friends" who think consuming butter and fatty meat as a weight loss method is ludicrous and I would be absolutely humiliated if I found out that one of them who had access to my food journal copied and pasted it publicly for others to judge. I don't think it's constructive and it's certainly not going to help your friend.

    If you really want to help your friend, may I suggest that you blow her away with your success and then educate her on how you did it?

    I would like to see this thread remain positive and encouraging.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hoping to continue with another day of smooth sailing food wise..my sleep pattern is insane at the moment - I probably got 8 hours total in a whirlwind of short naps over 15 hours. Don't feel rested, but this pattern has been going on for several days now..another good reason to pull my routines back to normal.
    "Normal" makes me feel safe, but I secretly crave "wild." I plan to have a good dose of wild in my future daily routine, if I ever figure this all out. And ixnay the self sabotage. Have an awesome day, pals!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I know I've kind of already said something like this in another thread in the past but I feel the need to say it again here...

    I started this thread many months ago because I wanted a place for people to be able to come to regularly to get to know and support each other throughout our weight loss journeys. So far it has been great and I am loving getting to know people and reading so many success stories.

    What I don't want is for this to turn into that place where people come to unite to trash other people for choices that are different from ours.

    For as much as I may shake my head and disagree with someone else's food choices, I also make my own share of bad choices... not to mention the fact that I have many "friends" who think consuming butter and fatty meat as a weight loss method is ludicrous and I would be absolutely humiliated if I found out that one of them who had access to my food journal copied and pasted it publicly for others to judge. I don't think it's constructive and it's certainly not going to help your friend.

    If you really want to help your friend, may I suggest that you blow her away with your success and then educate her on how you did it?

    I would like to see this thread remain positive and encouraging.

    I don't think that's what she meant to do. She didn't post her name or info, so that's a plus.
    It really is baffling when we care about someone, and they don't see how their own actions are hurting themselves. Or they do realize but either don't want to stop the behavior or are having trouble controlling the binge monster. IIFYM can work, but it isn't healthy when you eat the bulk of your calories in Cheetos even though it's within cal goal, right?

    I have a BFF who was skinny and ate nothing but candy pretty much. She drank every night. She always felt anxious and like crap.
    I tried to tell her, nicely, that maybe it was the sugar. She knew it, but kept doing it. It caught up with her, and she started gaining weight. She saw how I was still losing weight and was finally ready to listen to what I had been saying. She's cut down on it, as her hubby has to eat low-carb now due to health. But she still cheats some. But she has improved.

    Unfortunately about all you can do is be a subtle good influence. It's sad sometimes, but you don't want to damage the relationship.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    On the downhill slide to Easter Sunday. Hope everyone is able to survive without drowning in carbs. I feel fortunate that I am going to my nephews who is also on a low carb regime. If only I can resist my sisters Pineapple Upside down cake...

    I was going to post a pic but then thought better of it...
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    When it comes to other people's food choices, I try really hard not to judge. Want to see what I ate exactly 4 years ago on this date?


    It was an "off" day, surrounded by 1400-1500 days (usually high-carb 177g, low fat 50g, and moderate protein although I had no macro goals) through the rest of the weeks; because, I was determined to starve myself thin. Apparently, this was a day where I broke and just ate. I quick added calories, so I don't even know what the actual macros looked like on this day. It was likely not good. LOL Other days, I can see I had 900 calories and a third of it came from chocolate! Another day, it was under 1500 calories and over 600 came from chocolate. Here is that day:


    I lost weight doing that, too! I thought it was alright. I mean, it was working so how bad could it be?

    There were my own attempts. This is what I was eating with CICO (and my weight was dropping). Of course, it was not a fun time. So, I refuse to pass judgement or laugh at someone else. I remember that I went through a phase like that myself. I wonder what people would be saying about my diary back then. It was a mess. (March 23, 2012 and 29, 2012 are represented above).

    Try not to be too hard on others. We never know where they are at.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    My DH made his 5th try at the ultimate keto cheesecake and the results are in: it's a-maze-ing. All his tweaking and re-buying of ingredients has definitely paid off! I'll post the recipe as soon as I get him to write it down. He's rightfully proud. It's super-rich, and tastes like anything you'd get at a restaurant. I'm so glad he took one of my recipes and made it his own. My son tasted it and decided that he likes "getting" to eat like mom and dad. He asked me to teach him how I cook so he can eat like us when he's all grown up. ;)
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    @carsonheim I know you are worried about your friend. Until she hits that point where she HAS to change or else, she won't change how she's eating. When she gets there- that's the time to swoop in and help her change her habits. I'd probably leave her diary off this forum unless she has asked you to share it and get our advice. My two cents- take 'em or leave 'em. :smiley:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Moving offices today, and the weekend, and next week will be chaotic unpacking, so I'll be scarce a while. Hit up @baykay1010 if you need me urgently for anything.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Moving offices today, and the weekend, and next week will be chaotic unpacking, so I'll be scarce a while. Hit up @baykay1010 if you need me urgently for anything.

    Happy moving!
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    For some reason, I find the MFP Community portion of the app to be slightly annoying, but I thought I'd push through it today to check in.
    I'm always so happy to see others' progress! I'm 2 weeks in today and it's going great. I've lost 7 pounds (water weight, so nothing to jump up and down about) and am finding myself full on 1400-1500 calories. I haven't been able to say that before, so that's the biggest plus on my journey thus far (being full and not hangry). Once I make the decision to do something, I am generally pretty strict, so I'm not struggling with temptation. My husband still thinks I'm crazy though. He cannot imagine life without breads and potatoes, but he carries a lot of visceral fat, so I really wish he'd try it.
    In Easter news, I'm making ham, green beans with bacon, cauliflower mash and a keto cheesecake (Cooking with Kristie <----I adore her!). Wish me luck! I may even try a fat head pizza tonight!
    Wishing you all continued success this weekend in spite of all the temptation!
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    edited March 2016
    Howdy friends! Got the message, no more carb-bashing my friend in this thread.

    So this week I decided to make the psyllium husk tortilla recipe I've seen floating around. Was kind of a fail. I ended up using 12 egg whites and the batter was still super thick and globby. I thinned the batter with the melted butter, but never was quite able to get it thin enough. And I wasn't about to use another six or eight or even a dozen egg whites to get them right. So I just went with it, and spread the batter around and I guess they tasted OK.

    Side bonus, 12 egg yolks just begging to be made into a recipe. So, what do you do when you have 12 egg yolks? You make sugar-free ice cream! So far, I've made chocolate, mocha chip, and I think I'm going to make peanut butter for my last batch.

    The ice cream is so, so rich I can barely eat one serving of it. I did make ice cream once before and it lasted a week and a half for one quart. Before this WOE, hubby and I would have pounded that quart in one or two days.

    Hope everybody has a wonderful Easter!!

  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I was here on my old profile "persistentsoul" back in 2014 and doing great but bipolar got out of control again and fell off wagon. I am back on it now though because it works and is only way of life that does not leave me with constant hunger and cravings. I love keto.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Feel pretty good. Made it thru Easter with only a handful of Jellybeans. They made my belly ache and my teeth hurt... Why did I want to do that?

    Should have stuck with the Easter Eggs!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Moving offices today, and the weekend, and next week will be chaotic unpacking, so I'll be scarce a while. Hit up @baykay1010 if you need me urgently for anything.

    Happy moving!

    I have taken so many steps and burned so many calories, but now I'm in pain! Well, aches and pains types. Now to just smack my ADD self into place and get at least one section unpacked! LOL
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    8 days Keto and counting
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited March 2016
    8 days Keto and counting

    Keep going!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    8 days Keto and counting

    Over the hump now! Keto on!
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    I have taken so many steps and burned so many calories, but now I'm in pain! Well, aches and pains types. Now to just smack my ADD self into place and get at least one section unpacked! LOL

    Sounds like a good excuse for a massage!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok Keto friends... I need help. I made a wonderful cream of veggie soup (smoothly blended with almond milk and coconut oil) topped with crumbled bacon. Then for dinner I made bone-in skin-on roasted chicken thighs and a garden salad with balsamic dressing.

    Then, right before bed, I devoured half a pound of chocolate and one and a half cinnamon rolls.

    My eating habits are clearly more related to my head than my stomach or tastebuds. A while back, a friend of mine told me about an over eaters anonymous group that follows the 12 step program used in AA. I'm kind of embarrassed about it but I'm running out of ideas...

    Any thoughts on how I can get things under control and make Keto work for me?