


  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Good idea, tossing all those trigger foods, Chris! If I did that, my husband would probably blow a gasket 'cause most of his treat foods are what I like to sneak when I'm feeling tempted. But he's the type that can eat half a pizza one night and lose two pounds the next morning. He has the metabolism of a 15-year-old boy. Ugh. I don't get it.

    Paula, most grocery stores are set up with the healthy stuff around the perimeter and the goodies/not-so-healthy stuff in the middle. The grocery store we shop at has all its breads and cookies and made-fresh pastries right smack between the produce department and the meat department, though. :persevere: I think you might be onto something. And my goodness, get better, please! So good you have a boss who sends you home when you're not feeling well!

    Shelley - Intriguing ideas, especially the almond extract! Yum. I would even try the raisins. I don't particularly like raisins, but I like things with raisins in them. I'm an oddball!

    Well, I was back up to 142 this morning, but honestly, I'm not discouraged even a little. I'm sore this morning after all those PRs yesterday, and I had a sodium-heavy dinner last night - sore muscles retain water, and we all know how sodium affects us. Honestly, I'm surprised I wasn't higher! Hitting the water hard today to flush it all out.

    My favorite coworkers bought me some cookies for my last day here - the thick kind with lots of frosting. Saving one for Easter and giving the rest to my husband!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Paula you get back into bed! We need you well again. <3<3

    Michelle I love raisins. And nuts. And almond extract just makes cooking better. :p And those thick sugar cookies with frosting are great even after freezing. I hope they are the small type. Love them. But they really do not have lots of flavor. I love the idea of eating one more than actually eating it. Hmmm, maybe next time I will have a bite and toss the rest. Now I am ranting. Have hubby put a lock on his goodies. B) Hope you flushed all that sodium out and are down tomorrow.

    I was down a tiny bit more today. Not sure how I will be after tomorrow!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Michelle I love raisins. And nuts. And almond extract just makes cooking better. :p And those thick sugar cookies with frosting are great even after freezing.
    Oh dear, drooling....

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    Paula...both my favorite stores have the produce on the outside...Raley's has it right in the middle...just down from the ice cream and frozen pizza! But I know where everything is, so I can avoid the shelves that talk to me. We have a Lucky's nearby, and I love their produce. The biggest oranges and avocados around!! But I don't know the store that well so have to go up and down all the isles when I shop there...dangerous!

    Not a frosting fan...I can pass up cookies but not the salty stuff. Love nuts, golden raisins and original gold fish all mixed up.

    Okay, I'm up today, and it's not pretty. **sigh** Got to go to the plant place now...

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    edited March 2016
    How are you today, Paula? Any better?

    Shelley, the cookie they gave me is a monster. I'm probably gonna chop it in half and give one half to my husband. At least the doughnut is tiny. Still might chop it in half and give one half to my husband, haha! And a nice big soft sugar cookie is one of my favorite things - I'm actually a big fan of the mild flavor. All that frosting, though . . . not sure how it's going to get on with my tummy. I'll probably scrape most of it off.

    Mmmm, big avocados . . . I love avocado.

    I was back down to 141 today! Didn't have much chance to be super active today, though - got in a workout and went grocery shopping, but then I had to make the broccoli salad and get ready for a play my husband and I are going to tonight (stage production of The Little Mermaid! I wonder how they're going to do it). Hoping I'm still down in the morning, or at least even.

    I was able to squat 195 for 3 sets of 5 this morning! That was my starting bodyweight before I lost 60 pounds. I was so happy I almost cried.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    Options and I were at just about the same weight before we lost 60 pounds...I was 192.2. I am struggling with those 10 pounds I put on recently, though. I cried, too!

    Made a killer chicken chili for lunches this week. Whew! need a fan while I'm eating it! Good stuff!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I'm back in the 160's (162) need to claw back into the 150's. My brain knows its as simple as eating a few less calories every day. Easy-peasy! So why is that so hard? Just not put things in my mouth. If a life depended on a choice between doing a pull-up (never been able) or skipping a meal, it would be so simple! When it's quality of life on the line, not so much pressure.

    I requested an avocado tree as a wedding gift. My dad always planted them when we moved to each of the homes we lived in. So it felt right that he gift us with the same. Unfortunately, we're too high in the mountains. They thrive 25miles away, but here there be frost monsters. :disappointed:

    Chris, congrats on the chili! And Michelle, congratulations on your mathematical expertise - Divide by two is a great formula.

    I'm not a frosting person either, but cookies will turn me into a raving craving cookie monster. :noway:

    Best y'all,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    Walked w/DH early this morning for 5.10 miles in 96 mins (7.80 total miles for 16,564 steps) then hit the gym w/DDD and SIL for a 40 min workout then went out looking for roadside produce stands...not open just yet, so we went to the garden place and got some tomato plants. No bike today.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris I am not crazy about the golden raisins. But I love their color! :) I love our Smith's store. Produce is also on the outside. I do not go down the cookie aisle! Nopey nope nope! But I love them little cuties. Yum!

    Paula an avocado tree sounds awesome. How big do they get? Can you grow it in a pot? Maybe Hegel it inside during winter? I so get what you mean about losing for health. We often need more encouragement than that. Silly I know.

    Michelle give hubby the larger half! Congratulations on that squat! You go girl. Crossing my toes for you on the weight staying down. :)

    Family was here today. Crazy I tell you! 9 children and 7 adults. But my son's live in girlfriend brought her grandmother. They live with her. She has Alzheimer. Sad. So she can be a full time job. I spent some time reintroducing her to her family. I feel truly blessed my parents never lost their mental capabilities. The kids were great. The dinner was yummy. We all had a great visit. Walked the boys this morning. Cleaned the house. Cleaned again after everyone left. Then spent almost an hour in the hot tub. Life is good.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Shelley,

    Avocado trees are awesome. They can become great big shade trees but do grow in pots. They can start from pits balanced in a glass of water by toothpicks.

    A friend can't throw anything away that might grow and has several glasses of avocado "trees" in her stairwell. :smiley:

    Have a wonderful weekend, all!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,262 Member
    Happy Easter everyone. I weighed in at 201.6 this morning...wake up call. I'm letting all issues go and refocusing on me. My BFF and I went to the park and walked for 90 minutes. Now I need to get my eating back under control... logging starts immediately.

    Please forgive my lapse... I hope everyone is doing well.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    I'm up this morning. ugh!

    Michelle - how was the play? Congrats on the 141 and the exercise!

    Shelley - sounds like you had a blast yesterday! Life is good!

    Paula - I remember doing the avocado pit thing when I was younger! Never got a tree out of it though.

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Miss you when you're called elsewhere, Kathy!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    Miss you when you're called elsewhere, Kathy!


    What Paula said Kathy. I miss hearing your adventures with the tennis games. I also have had a lapse this weekend. Was up this morning. Tomorrow will be better. And yes, I logged today! Missed the last few.

    Paula I love the tree in the pot. Wish I had room. <3

    I must log, I must log, I must log,,,,,,,everything.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    Kathy - you and I are in the same boat! I'm up too! Egads! I have to pull it together...and step away form the salt!

    Paula - how are you feeling? Better I hope.

    Spent the afternoon w/DDD shopping and on car stuff. She is so fun to be around!

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Chris - The play was a lot of fun! I was absolutely amazed at the talent displayed by those kids. I've been humming Little Mermaid songs ever since we left. :smile:

    I'm in the "up in weight" boat with all of you, too! I was up to 144.5 yesterday morning. I'm already starting to drift back down, though - was 143.5 this morning. My more active job is probably helping with that!

    I've been a library employee for 2 days now! Love it so far. Other than shelving children's items. There are a million different ways of filing them, and their children's section is a brand new renovation, so nobody - NOBODY - not even the children's librarians, know how it's all supposed to be filed yet. Everything else seems to make pretty decent sense, though. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. :smile:

    How was everyone's Easter?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Michelle my Easter was great, hence the upward weight swing. :p Glad yours is coming down quickly. I love libraries. Sadly the one here seems to get lots of people just coming to use the internet. And those folks are usually street people. Not where most people want to take their children. I took my kids there a lot when they were young. Before the internet moved into the library. And my daughter still takes her kids. I love libraries. "Kiss the Girl" Mermaid song. o:)

    Weight was back down a little this morning. It needs to spiral down a little more by Friday!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    There are a fair amount of Internet users at this library, too. One guy was sitting at the same computer for almost my entire shift, playing some sort of real-time strategy game. He looked like he was building quite an impressive kingdom. I wanted to stand behind him and watch. :D But this library is extremely popular with families with small children. They have lots of programs for kids - there are currently many of their art projects on display in the kids' section. There are lots of toys and sensory play experiences available for them, too, and of course plenty of books and movies. The summer reading program involves winning prizes for how many books they read, so that's a busy season for shelvers!

    Ah, yes, "Kiss the Girl." :smiley: My husband dances me around the living room whenever that part of the movie comes on. That, and the "Tale as Old as Time" song in Beauty and the Beast. :heart:

    Best of luck with getting you weight down by Friday!! :flowerforyou:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,404 Member
    edited March 2016
    Michelle we are getting a new library soon. Our current one is attached to the high school. You have to go on campus to get to it. I hope it's soon.

    I'm looking for a 'down' by Friday, too. I'm looking for a down tomorrow... :D

    We have the greatest clouds today! they look like you could just pluck them out of the blue sky. Or someone airbrushed them up there!! So great! We had some wind today but not as bad as yesterday's icy wind that chilled you all the way to your bones and could knock a smaller person over. Even tho it wasn't as cold, I couldn't get warm this afternoon. Finally, after I went to the store, I started stripping off my clothes! Back to normal!!

    DDD might be presenting her dissertation at an Action Research Conference in May. Last year 28 districts participated/attended the conference. It's a K-12 Education Research Conference. She was invited to submit a 'request to present' this week and then talk with the new Ed D cohort. I'm so excited for her!!

    Okay, that's all!
