Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning, losers! Happy Saturday!

    Marie..it's been a lifelong struggle for me, too. I think I am more patient because I am no longer plagued with the stress of working. Plus, I know that if I don't get it off this time, I am only setting myself up for health issues with each passing year. So...if not now, when?

    Nancy...love grilled food and plan on doing it more since my screened porch adjoins the deck. My old house had a patio, and I had to go up/down stairs from house to grill...no fun! Love Lowes and their vet discount..got my porch furniture there!

    Shirley..the ball sounds such excitement! Enjoy!

    Hello to all other misfits!

    Going to the old house today. I decided that I would clean it rather than get a service. There is really not a lot to do other than cleaning the fridge and bathrooms. The oven is self cleaning so it just needs to be wiped out after the cycle. We should have the house ready to go on the market at the end of the month. No loss for me this week, but I am still holding steady. I hope this is not the beginning of a stall although I would not be surprised if my body decided to rebel against entering Onderland! :s

    Make it a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You have a great attitude Connie. Love you spunk ( probale misspelled ( for it does not look right. i stayed the same this morning. it was bound to happen but still a let down after such a great week. But you better believe i am sticking with it.

    Breakfast this morning.....Sweet potatoes, Kale, and peppers and onions sautee coffee
    Lunch.............................. Bake idaho topped with onions, peppers and mushroom , Kale with hot sauce.
    Dinner Hash browns baked, Cabbage

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    Another dreary looking day, it has been one rainy week. Ready to see the sun!!!!!

    Connie, I think you are going to see Onederland next week!!!! Looking forward to grilling
    on the screened porch. I have always used a charcoal grill but it is messy to clean up and takes a bit
    to get it started.

    Marie, Don't be too discourage as you have lost 6 pounds this week. That is awesome.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi. Everyone. Thank you for the congrats.

    Wow Marie congratulations on the loss. I would have never thought eating potato would be such an awesome of a plan. We all find what works for our bodies eventually.

    This 10 day smoothie cleanse is work in ng for me. I had gained some weight that I didn't put on my progress before starting the smoothies. So altogether I have lost about 4 lbs in 5 days.

    Good night ladies.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    The scale shows a .4 loss. I'm happy about that!
    We spent the day in Athens at a UGA football game. It was a beautiful day. We ate out for lunch and took the kids to eat ice cream but I behaved!

    Kids have a guitar lesson then a soccer match. I need to go to the grocery store after that and then rest!! It's a beautiful day.

    See you ladies later.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    The scale shows a .4 loss. I'm happy about that!
    We spent the day in Athens at a UGA football game. It was a beautiful day. We ate out for lunch and took the kids to eat ice cream but I behaved!

    Kids have a guitar lesson then a soccer match. I need to go to the grocery store after that and then rest!! It's a beautiful day.

    See you ladies later. <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    I think this is my 7 day on eating mostly potatoes. no lost again this morning. But feel a lot less bloated this morning so maybe just my congestive heart failure acting up which it does. My feet is also swollen. So will continue on for the next 3 days and start back on the starch solution this coming Thursday. Oh boy back to my beans. I miss them.

    Today i am cooking some cabbage, onions some carrots , garlic. potatoes in my IP
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Our weather is finally warm and I put on a jean skirt and short sleeve top today and it felt

    Yesterday was cleaning up the yard and getting ready for planting in the next few weeks.
    Our patio is all ready now and the furniture is all cleaned so we can sit out now. I hung up
    my chimes today but haven't put out all the garden decorations yet.

    Nancy - We have a gas grill and we use it in the winter too to grill steaks mostly.

    Marie - glad to hear your starch plan is working and you weigh less than me now. Way to go girl!! I am down to 184 but it has been slow and long but I will never give up!!

    Sunny - Good luck on the smoothie plan. I have a smoothie for breakfast occasionally and I
    really enjoy it.

    Connie - Good luck on selling the other house. May all go well for you and your hubby.

    Esther - I will not be able to comment on your posts. I can see your picture but your post
    is blank all the time now. I haven't a clue what is happening. I thought it was my tablet
    but I am on the Windows 10 computer and its the same thing.

    Here is a picture of Isaac in Mexico on vacation with his mom and dad. b23dt4uaikf3.jpg

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Shirley he looks like he is loving the sand. So cute
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    my dinner tonight Fat free hash browns with taco sauce and onions.
    Very good.

    ash brown wit taco sauce and onions
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, This weekend it was beautiful and sunny. Yesterday I laid out for awhile and last night we made a chicken pizza and pork loin pizza. My husband worked on the car. Today we washed both vehicles and I got rid of more clothes and took them to the goodwill. I also moved all my summer tops to our closet. We cooked out hamburgers on the grill and corn also. I ended up with 11,700 steps today. My daughter got back safely tonight from Michigan, they had went there so her new husband could attend the father daughter dance with his 9 yr old daughter. It was a success, they had a good visit. Good night. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    Janice..sounds like you had a busy, wonderful day!

    It will be in the 80's today so I got up early to walk the dog. He loves it out here because there are so many new smells. I thought about going to the pool this morning, but will opt for grocery shopping and housework. My trainer was promoted to fitness manager so i will have new trainer this week. Change is good, but I will miss the one I have worked with for over a year.

    Make it a great day, misfits!
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Ladies- I have a question. Do you ever see a slight increase in weight after exercise? I ate on plan but woke up this morning with a .8 increase??

    I usually get discouraged and lose my resolve but not this time! I'm just wondering if there is fluctuation caused by activity?

    Thanks everyone!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    JLoRuthie wrote: »
    Ladies- I have a question. Do you ever see a slight increase in weight after exercise? I ate on plan but woke up this morning with a .8 increase??

    I usually get discouraged and lose my resolve but not this time! I'm just wondering if there is fluctuation caused by activity?

    Thanks everyone!

    Yes! Your muscles retain water especially after strength training. Too much activity and too little food gives your body a double whammy of stress!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    Ready for a good week, hope everyone will see happy scales this week.

    We have a busy week ahead. I will help Ben with taking his bass boat out of the water and bringing it
    to the house for a spring cleaning. Then take the trailer back to storage.

    Have a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Nancy. look likes Be will keep you busy today
    when do you get your lab work done? I was thinking it is coming up soon

    Connie you are a wise Woman. I stay the same this morning on the scales but keep thinking of you and how you have stuff with your plan. So I am not getting stressed out over it.From Connie post "Yes! Your muscles retain water especially after strength training. Too much activity and too little food gives your body a double whammy of stress!" my strength training is just getting out bed of the many trip to the bathrooms and the computer room. And cooking all of these potatoes and greens I am on my Third day of remaining the same weight. But taking it in the stride. At least no gain so far

    Ruthie don't get discourage hang in there Stick to your plans. It will come off.

    Shirley you are really getting back into the hang of it. remain strong for all of your many fun times this summer.

    Janice glad your daughter visit to Michigan turn out nice.

    Esther We have not being cooking much lately or just not posting it.

    Stay healthy and wise Do the best you can

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, I will get my lab done on Wednesday and see the doctor next Wednesday.

    Guess I got elected to do some grass cutting later this afternoon. I will wait until the sun
    is not to bright. I don't do well in the sun.

    Nancy :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having hot weather, not hot here but very pleasant and great for walking.
    I had Yoga today and made some Slimming soup and doing laundry. Looking forward to get my bike
    on the road soon and burn some more calories.

    I got a Barrier Reef badge from Fitbit today, 1,600 miles. B)

    Marie - Yes...another loss this week, cutting back on calories, watching the added sugar and just plain
    being accountable. Also looking forward to boating season. The tarp and frame are off now. :)
    The boat is still on the cradle but in due time.

    Janice - Congrats on the 11,000 steps. Is this with Fitbit or pedometer? Glad all worked out for your
    daughter and her trip.

    Ruthie - I agree with the ladies, exercise and retaining water may have made the scales go up. The scale
    fluctuates everyday so maybe let a few days go by and then get on the scale again, maybe that will help.

    Nancy - How is the the battle going? Have you found a plan that works yet? Have you given up the starch diet?

    Connie - A new trainer could be good or not so. I hope it balances out for you and it goes well again.
    Change is good.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Shirley, The battle is on!!! I am giving up on the Starch Solution and kinda in limbo right now before starting to go lower carb. It is a bit frustrating for me right now!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy I think we are all in the battle zone. Its a struggle any way you go. Its just going to take time. I am still enjoying this high starch WOE. Don't know how long it will last But enjoy it now.
    For my dinner tonight it will be some of those Little Potatoes that you just microwave for 5 minutes and a serving or two of asparagus and ice tea. I just have 2 more days for this 10 day period. . i really ate to get off of it for it is becoming a way of life for me

    Shirley you are doing great but you always do when you make up your mind. Keep it up

    Got to go and prepare my evening meal
