What do you train in? What have you trained in?



  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate practitioner here. Currently a 3rd Degree Brown Belt, been training since July of 2008. My fiancé and I run a school in St. Joseph, MO.
  • mgmt06
    mgmt06 Posts: 2 Member
    I wrestled when I was younger. I've been doing BJJ as an adult. I've trained in boxing, Muay Thai and Krav Maga but it got too expensive. I just do BJJ now.
  • sbrosp
    sbrosp Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone...I'm 46 y/o, studied Soo Bahk Do for 4 years back in the 90s. Now I train in Krav Maga. I've been training for 8 months. I am currently a yellow belt and testing for my orange later this month. Krav is awesome! Great for weight loss and some practical stuff for the street although I hope I never have to use it. I used to train 2-3 days a week...now I've decided to go all in and I'm currently training 5 days a week.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Currently training once a week in Kemp striking and once a week in bjj this is changing in Jan when my schools set up is changing to an hour twice a week for full on mma with 45 min after focused on gi grappling. X_x that's gonna hurt.
  • ninkira1
    ninkira1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I've taken classes previously for Kyokushin karate and Kenpo karate, but this year I finally found a solid home to learn Kenpo! I'm only on purple right now, but I'm looking forward to study for life. :)
  • NickyHeath
    NickyHeath Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicky I've been doing karate off and on since I was 13 I've done 3 different styles first was full contact then I did Shotokan and graded to 1st kyu and now I'm doing GKR and so far I've graded to 3rd kyu. I also help teach (sempi) I train 3 times a week and sempi 1-2 times a week
  • mvmazz
    mvmazz Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, I'm yellow belt in TKD (tagb). I took it up in now in my mid thirties when my young son started. I have been training for six months, train three times a week and absolutely love it, my instructor is great and I'm really feeling the fitness benefits. My goal this year is to get more sparring experience and to get to blue stripe.
  • Superbuddhapunk
    Superbuddhapunk Posts: 5 Member
    I've been training Yang style TJQ on and off for 10 years now but recently been looking towards external MAs. I joined a local fighting gym that caters to everybody, from kids to active UFC fighters and started boxing, MT and MMA. I've been invited to join a MT fight team and I have been offered an amateur boxing fight, but a quick calculation shows my chance would be best around 145lbs. That means I need to drop over 70lbs, which is a lot but not impossible. I focus on that now and already lost 12 lbs in just two weeks.
  • 1shedev
    1shedev Posts: 144 Member
    4 years American Kenpo, just started Krav Maga
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Four years of kick boxing, traditional boxing, Krav Maga, Thai Bow and Muay Thai
  • commissioned2011
    commissioned2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey guys, another Australian woman here. I do Muay Thai and I'm trying to transfer it over to boxing for an up coming boxing fight I want to compete in (still raising my front leg from a push kick every time someone comes in on me though XP
  • sarahberhorst
    sarahberhorst Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    2 years this October in kuk sool won. Testing for brown belt in Sept. Love the martial arts family
  • sarahberhorst
    sarahberhorst Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello, I'm I new member from the UK. I trained in karate as a teenager but quit after a year. I recently went back to the start when my kids wanted to start training. I'm currently doing:
    Shukokai karate - 3.5 years, currently second kyu, hoping to make 1st dan by my 40th birthday in 18 months
    Okinawan kobudo - 6 months, not graded yet!
    I'm only 5ft and a heavy build, I would describe my fighting style as "slow but feisty" ;) . I really like to kick stuff but right now I'm enjoying concentrating on kata.