3. Daily nutrition accountability



  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Went over by 200 today. Had a late night drink and slice of pizza. My day was perfectly planned out before I went to hang out. Kinda worth it but also not
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I seem to have completely lost it. Had a brilliant first 5 weeks but really struggled to regain focus since being ill. ...

    Similar story for me. I'm taking today to prepare some food, and prepare myself mentally, and I'm starting afresh tomorrow too. Lets do this together :smile:

  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Friday & Saturday were "ok". I didnt over indulge, I managed to come in under calories Saturday, but was over by 30 on Friday (which was much better than Thursday!).
    But, like Jenni & Claire & others have noted this week, its been a struggle. Even though I got back on track yesterday, because b/f just had surgery & needs extra calories, I've been indulging his dinner requests for the things that I have difficulty controlling myself around (i.e., rice & pasta). It seems SO difficult to not just say "screw it, I'm gonna eat 2 (or 3 or more) portions of everything, I'll get back on track tomorrow". I'm holding on, but it feels like just barely!
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I seem to have completely lost it. Had a brilliant first 5 weeks but really struggled to regain focus since being ill. ...

    Similar story for me. I'm taking today to prepare some food, and prepare myself mentally, and I'm starting afresh tomorrow too. Lets do this together :smile:

    I shopped today, all healthy stuff. Healthy lunch made for tomorrow, I have 3 portions of fruit to take to work. I have to get back on it :-)
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    I did really well today. Wasn't feeling particularly well, so I didn't crave much. Was well under my goal.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    @ClarissaCLD , I understand what you are going through... Also about 5-6 weeks in and the last three days have been painful & ended in me way overeating tonight. I logged it all though & tomorrow is a new day. Well just have to wait & see what the scale does this week.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Still right on target!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Finally back on track after a few bumpy days
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Last few days have not been great. I am still doing well nutritionally, lots of fruit and veg and protein. But I am snacking on crisps and chocolate again and going way over on my calories. I can't just buy a normal bar of chocolate it has to be whatever 100g one is on offer. If I could stick to just a bar of chocolate I would be fine in my calories. I am better just not having it, but its tastes sooooooooooo good.

    Today I am determined to get back on track. I have pre filled in my diary with what I am planning on eating and its all healthy food.
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    I went to a birthday party on Saturday and a retirement party on Sunday. Had cake at both, so I ended up eating back my exercise calories plus 100 more. I resolve to do better this week, because hubby and I celebrate our 10th anniversary next weekend and are going away without kids. We will have one cheat meal and drinks, so I don't want to go completely off the rails with too many bad days before then.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Sunday was a new day! I got myself into a better frame of mind & ate well! Yay!
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    edited April 2016
    Today I feel fantastic. Ratings been right on point & more importantly, I feel happy :)
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    After thinking I was going to fail at dinner last night I managed to pull it back and stay within calories :)
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Needed a pick me up so I spent all day baking and gardening. Ended up 50 calories over but I'm giving away all the baked goods tomorrow.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I did great the last few days due to work keeping me very busy--I needed to set an alarm to remind me to eat something (snack or meal) every 5 hours so my appetite doesn't get to the point of being ravenous. I expect to have a good weigh-in # tomorrow (Wednesday).
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    Pretty decent day today... Went to a speaker with my co-workers today, & there was a lunch buffet of very fatty, high calorie foods... I opted to just have a spring mix salad there with just a tiny drizzle of vinaigrette, & ate my healthy lunch I'd packed when we got back to the office :)
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Feel like I'm losing my self control .. Started out good then I splurged and had a cookie .. Down hill spiral out of my mind every since
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Yesterday & today were good. Stayed @ count & had a lovely sweet potato w/cinnamon & nutmeg when the urge for something sweet hit me this afternoon!
    katdanash wrote: »
    Feel like I'm losing my self control .. Started out good then I splurged and had a cookie .. Down hill spiral out of my mind every since

    Don't let a cookie (or even 2 or 3 or whatever) drive you mad! Tomorrow is a new day and you'll get back on track!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    On track today
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    been doing better with my food... not perfect but it's getting better... working hard at building up my willpower..
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    T'was a good day, am under target & headed for bed!
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Under budget and on task!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    I ate back some of my exercise calories today. So I'm under but I kinda feel like I cheated. Pretty much felt like crud and wanted to binge and drink but didn't. Not sure if I feel better now or worse.
    Plus feeling really alone with this whole thing lately and it makes me wonder if it's worth it. I just feel horrible most of the time
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    I have been so bad since returning from my trip. Even four days away got me out of the habit of logging everything. I've also had a lot of strong cravings for sweet things, which I don't usually get, and that has really messed me up this week. :(

    Made a birthday cake for my boyfriend and his brother, so I'm hoping to log everything tomorrow, even if that sends me over. I feel like I'm in such a rut, from only a few days.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Still working my plan.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Stayed on plan
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I'm getting back on the 'good eating' wagon, slowly but surely.

    I've pre-prepped food for today. I had porridge for breakfast (187 cals), a 80 calorie salad for lunch, and have some yummy snacks of celery, red pepper slices, and an apple. For my 'treat', I have a 2-finger Kitkat (107 cals).

    I've sent my partner out shopping for some extra provisions, and am planning on a healthy dinner too.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    On plan & under calorie limit yesterday.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Under budget, though just barely.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    over budget yesterday--made lasagna...sigh! Expect to be slightly over today, but not by much...